October IUI Buddies

jmHansen11 : Are you testing ur trigger out? How are you feeling..you must be 10dpiui? You are right, when money is a factor.. we tend to really want those symptoms :)

MrsT : I was thinking abt you all day long. Hang in there, its still early, 11dpiui is still early stages.. just remember every pregnancy is different..

ttcbaby117 : hope AF comes soon, so you can join us in the long lonnng tww :)

Vinesha : Welcome hun :) we are all here for support. Its great to be able to relate to other ladies. What size were your follicles?

Laura R : I think we are the same stage of TWW : I am 5 dpiui today. How are you feeling?

wannbeprego : How did your appointment go? Were you close to ur estimate on ur DH's swimmers?

FirstTry : How are you feeling. Are you having any symptims? Twinges? ur tww is not long now :)

Kaimaka : Wow thats great news. Fingers crossed for you. Now you can join the TWW with us :)

Zimmy : I am so sorry to hear of ur IUI being cancelled :( what medication are you on at the moment?

Hope1409 : Good luck with the IUI. Sounds like everyting is coming together nicely :) FX'd for u

Chris_25 : Welcome to the TWW.. i hope it goes quick with a positive result for us.. What DPIUI are you now? any symptoms?
Hello ladies :)

I am currently at 5dpiui... I feel niggles and twinges every now and then..and cramping..dull aches. I am putting this all on that evil Pregnyl shots that i am taking (1500iu for luteal support). This drug makes me so thirsty, so hungry, so crampy and so moody.

I dont like how i feel lately :( I take it every 3 days, and by the 3rd day, it wears off, i feel fine again..then i have to take another shot..and it starts over!

I wont be able to do a HPT at all this time, as i will be taking the Pregnyl right up until next week (6 days before AF due). I wont know if its trigger or real BFP.
Three of us are going in for our follicle checks today! Me, Wannabeprego, and Hope1409. Good luck, Ladies!! Here's hoping for mature follies!

Well, we tried the Soft Cup method. I was able to get it inserted with no trouble, but I couldn't get it back out. I was unable to "hook" my finger under the rim like in the video. My husband had to get it out. Man, I'm glad he's a good sport!!
jmHansen11 : Are you testing ur trigger out? How are you feeling..you must be 10dpiui? You are right, when money is a factor.. we tend to really want those symptoms :)

MrsT : I was thinking abt you all day long. Hang in there, its still early, 11dpiui is still early stages.. just remember every pregnancy is different..

ttcbaby117 : hope AF comes soon, so you can join us in the long lonnng tww :)

Vinesha : Welcome hun :) we are all here for support. Its great to be able to relate to other ladies. What size were your follicles?

Laura R : I think we are the same stage of TWW : I am 5 dpiui today. How are you feeling?

wannbeprego : How did your appointment go? Were you close to ur estimate on ur DH's swimmers?

FirstTry : How are you feeling. Are you having any symptims? Twinges? ur tww is not long now :)

Kaimaka : Wow thats great news. Fingers crossed for you. Now you can join the TWW with us :)

Zimmy : I am so sorry to hear of ur IUI being cancelled :( what medication are you on at the moment?

Hope1409 : Good luck with the IUI. Sounds like everyting is coming together nicely :) FX'd for u

Chris_25 : Welcome to the TWW.. i hope it goes quick with a positive result for us.. What DPIUI are you now? any symptoms?

I've been taking Gonal F. This cycle (before it was cancelled) I took 6 shots of 100 units. My last follicle check I had about 8 good looking ones so it is working, and they will keep me on the same meds next cycle. They will give me an additional med to take to eliminate the early ovulation problem. No idea what that one is - anyone have any idea?
jmHansen11 : Are you testing ur trigger out? How are you feeling..you must be 10dpiui? You are right, when money is a factor.. we tend to really want those symptoms :)

MrsT : I was thinking abt you all day long. Hang in there, its still early, 11dpiui is still early stages.. just remember every pregnancy is different..

ttcbaby117 : hope AF comes soon, so you can join us in the long lonnng tww :)

Vinesha : Welcome hun :) we are all here for support. Its great to be able to relate to other ladies. What size were your follicles?

Laura R : I think we are the same stage of TWW : I am 5 dpiui today. How are you feeling?

wannbeprego : How did your appointment go? Were you close to ur estimate on ur DH's swimmers?

FirstTry : How are you feeling. Are you having any symptims? Twinges? ur tww is not long now :)

Kaimaka : Wow thats great news. Fingers crossed for you. Now you can join the TWW with us :)

Zimmy : I am so sorry to hear of ur IUI being cancelled :( what medication are you on at the moment?

Hope1409 : Good luck with the IUI. Sounds like everyting is coming together nicely :) FX'd for u

Chris_25 : Welcome to the TWW.. i hope it goes quick with a positive result for us.. What DPIUI are you now? any symptoms?

Thank you! I am 2dpiui and I have light cramps which I guess is normal. Good luck to all of you!


Well, it looks like no IUI for October after all. During my follicle scan this morning, she saw one under developed follicle of 10mm in one ovary, and said about it, "Well, that one probably won't go anywhere" and moved on to check the other ovary. There was a 16mm "something" there, but she thinks it's the cyst from September still sitting there.

Just in case the 10mm follicle grows, I'm going back for another check on Saturday, but I have almost no hope. She tried to back pedal and say it could certainly grow, but that wasn't her sentiment when she first saw it. Anyway, I am pretty sure I will ovulate Friday, so what's the point of going in on Saturday? I cried so hard all the way home that I gave myself a headache.
Aww Kat I'm sorry :( I had my IUI cancelled in September so I know how frustrating his can be. Did she say what they would try for next month?
Aww Kat I'm sorry :( I had my IUI cancelled in September so I know how frustrating his can be. Did she say what they would try for next month?

Thank you. No, no discussion of next month yet. I guess we'll talk about that on Saturday after my last Oct. follicle check. They'll probably throw me back on Clomid.
How was your lining on the clomid? Mine was super thin so that's why they put me on Femera and that didn't work so we moved onto injectables. The clomid gave you cysts right? Maybe talk with then about injectables? I can't imagine you'd want to go through cysts again!
Glad we can all keep each other busy during our tww. How do injectables work? Do you do those in addition to clomid or is that something else altogether?

Nope injectibles are the medication. I was on 4 cycles of clomid but was only monitored for the last one (due to first IUI and at FS) and it really thinned my lining (August). Then in September he had me take Femera which improved my lining but the lead follicle was on the left, which is my non tube side so the IUI was cancelled. For October I was on injectible Follistem and was closely monitored with blood work and ultrasound. Once the FS saw that there was a nice big follie on my right side (Monday) he had me give myself the trigger shot that night and now I go for the IUI at 11am :) super excited and a little nervous!

Wishing you a BFP. Hope it went smooth
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!


Well, it looks like no IUI for October after all. During my follicle scan this morning, she saw one under developed follicle of 10mm in one ovary, and said about it, "Well, that one probably won't go anywhere" and moved on to check the other ovary. There was a 16mm "something" there, but she thinks it's the cyst from September still sitting there.

Just in case the 10mm follicle grows, I'm going back for another check on Saturday, but I have almost no hope. She tried to back pedal and say it could certainly grow, but that wasn't her sentiment when she first saw it. Anyway, I am pretty sure I will ovulate Friday, so what's the point of going in on Saturday? I cried so hard all the way home that I gave myself a headache.

So sorry to hear that but I still believe you should be hopeful. Sometimes these ovarybecome dominant and what the doc things is a cyst cold actually be an ovary. I am keeping me fingers crossed for you and also said a prayer. Friday would be a good day.
Try not to stress ur self about it.:hugs:
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

No i totally get freaking out- this is a stressful process! On the clomid and Femera I didn't ov until cd16. Our bodies react differently to different meds (I'm having my IUI on cd12 with a 21mm follie!). Do you temp or use opks? That might make you feel better
jmHansen11 : Are you testing ur trigger out? How are you feeling..you must be 10dpiui? You are right, when money is a factor.. we tend to really want those symptoms :)

MrsT : I was thinking abt you all day long. Hang in there, its still early, 11dpiui is still early stages.. just remember every pregnancy is different..

ttcbaby117 : hope AF comes soon, so you can join us in the long lonnng tww :)

Vinesha : Welcome hun :) we are all here for support. Its great to be able to relate to other ladies. What size were your follicles?

Laura R : I think we are the same stage of TWW : I am 5 dpiui today. How are you feeling?

wannbeprego : How did your appointment go? Were you close to ur estimate on ur DH's swimmers?

FirstTry : How are you feeling. Are you having any symptims? Twinges? ur tww is not long now :)

Kaimaka : Wow thats great news. Fingers crossed for you. Now you can join the TWW with us :)

Zimmy : I am so sorry to hear of ur IUI being cancelled :( what medication are you on at the moment?

Hope1409 : Good luck with the IUI. Sounds like everyting is coming together nicely :) FX'd for u

Chris_25 : Welcome to the TWW.. i hope it goes quick with a positive result for us.. What DPIUI are you now? any symptoms?

Hey there, yes I'm on my 5th day as well! How are you feeling? I feel actually pretty normal and haven't had many symptoms so not sure what to think. I'm trying my best to distract myself and hopefully the time will go fast but it never does!!
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

No i totally get freaking out- this is a stressful process! On the clomid and Femera I didn't ov until cd16. Our bodies react differently to different meds (I'm having my IUI on cd12 with a 21mm follie!). Do you temp or use opks? That might make you feel better

No, I haven't temp'd but I just bought opk test strips. Used my first one yesterday, and I'm not *quite* sure I'll know when the line color is right.

I'm 40, and I'm aware that each month I'm losing the last of my fertility time. So each month that I "fail" to conceive (whether due to cysts or because my follicles didn't mature) is a HUGE blow. It's a race against time that I'd like to win.
So....I'm currently CD10. Went in for u/s and bloods today and clinic just called back. IUI cancelled :( My hormones show that I am about to release an early immature egg. Very disappointed that I've done 6 injections, multiple early morning drives etc. Nurse said that this issue is fixable with drugs for next cycle, so part of me is looking at the bright side thinking this may be the reason we haven't been able to conceive or carry to term so far. Not looking forward to another round though :(

Oh, wow, I'm just seeing this post. That is SO disappointing, but I'm so glad they CAN fix it quickly. Now that you have this information, it's another piece of the puzzle in your pocket that can help solve the infertility mystery. I hope next month is the one for you! :flower:
Glad we can all keep each other busy during our tww. How do injectables work? Do you do those in addition to clomid or is that something else altogether?

Hi Hope - Yes, you can combine injectibles with clomid, it just depends on what your doc recommends for you. In my case, I combined Femara (a better version of Chlomid for many people) with injectibles. An easy way to explain it that tablets like Clomid and Femara act by fooling your body into producing more hormones (LH or FSH) while injectibles are straight hormones (LH/FSH) which you introduce into your body.
jmHansen11 : Are you testing ur trigger out? How are you feeling..you must be 10dpiui? You are right, when money is a factor.. we tend to really want those symptoms :)

MrsT : I was thinking abt you all day long. Hang in there, its still early, 11dpiui is still early stages.. just remember every pregnancy is different..

ttcbaby117 : hope AF comes soon, so you can join us in the long lonnng tww :)

Vinesha : Welcome hun :) we are all here for support. Its great to be able to relate to other ladies. What size were your follicles?

Laura R : I think we are the same stage of TWW : I am 5 dpiui today. How are you feeling?

wannbeprego : How did your appointment go? Were you close to ur estimate on ur DH's swimmers?

FirstTry : How are you feeling. Are you having any symptims? Twinges? ur tww is not long now :)

Kaimaka : Wow thats great news. Fingers crossed for you. Now you can join the TWW with us :)

Zimmy : I am so sorry to hear of ur IUI being cancelled :( what medication are you on at the moment?

Hope1409 : Good luck with the IUI. Sounds like everyting is coming together nicely :) FX'd for u

Chris_25 : Welcome to the TWW.. i hope it goes quick with a positive result for us.. What DPIUI are you now? any symptoms?

Hey there, yes I'm on my 5th day as well! How are you feeling? I feel actually pretty normal and haven't had many symptoms so not sure what to think. I'm trying my best to distract myself and hopefully the time will go fast but it never does!!

Hi Ladies - I'm still keeping up w/everyone on this board, even though technically I'm not on it anymore. Just wanted to say to everyone going through the TWW - hold on!!! The cycle that I got my BFP, my only symptom was actually the LACK of any symptoms. Every single previous cycle, I would get crampy, bloated, sore boobs, etc. My lucky cycle, I had nothing, not a damn thing! I called it my "calm, happy uterus" b/c I did not have a single cramp the entire TWW, and got my BFP on CD9, and did not believe it. So hang in there if you're not having any symptoms - that could be THE symptom.
Zimmy - sorry to hear that.....I do hope they fix this problem. Maybe monitoring you before cd10 to see how the meds need to be adjusted. Anyway, you have a nice mature eggy....go do some bding and maybe you might get that miracle bean!

g/l to all who have thier IUI's coming up!

Kat - sorry to hear how upset you are....but you arent out of it yet! A note on the cups...when you go to take them out...sit on the tiolet and push like you are pooping or bear down as they say. It will push it closer to your finger so you can grab it.

Thanks KBrain - stick around we love the inspiriation that your bfp shows....it also helps to get advice from someone who has been there and succeeded.

afm - af finally showed up last night...woohoo....I go in tomorrow for my cd3 scan and then start my femara tomorrow night. We are heading to Florida on the 22nd (cd8) to start my gonal F injections and monitoring.....oh I am so excited for this to work!
OK, wait, now I feel silly for freaking out. I won't ovulate if the follicles aren't big enough to release an egg. :dohh: There IS still hope on Saturday! And I googled around and found another girl on another fertility board who went in for her u/s on cycle day 12 (just like me) and had only one 10mm follicle (just like me). When she went back on cycle day 15 (just like I will), she had 2 NEW 17mm follicles ready to go! I feel so much better!

No i totally get freaking out- this is a stressful process! On the clomid and Femera I didn't ov until cd16. Our bodies react differently to different meds (I'm having my IUI on cd12 with a 21mm follie!). Do you temp or use opks? That might make you feel better

No, I haven't temp'd but I just bought opk test strips. Used my first one yesterday, and I'm not *quite* sure I'll know when the line color is right.

I'm 40, and I'm aware that each month I'm losing the last of my fertility time. So each month that I "fail" to conceive (whether due to cysts or because my follicles didn't mature) is a HUGE blow. It's a race against time that I'd like to win.

Hi Kat - I know how you feel! Althought my FSH was 6.8, my AMH last spring came back at .45, and my RE was extremely pessimistic about my chances of even doing IVF - he said that due to my diminished ovarian reserve, it was only 30% chance of success (for $15K - awesome!) and something like less than 5% with an IUI. Well I got pregnant on just Femara and estrogen priming, which is very successful with IVF but my doc had never used it for IUI so I basically was on my own. Now, he's saying that he will try it on some other of his low AMH patients. :winkwink: Ask about EP (estrogen priming) @ your doc office, maybe they are more evolved than mine was. Also, about your follicle developing slowly - this is actually much better than developing quickly. My RE said that for women over 35, he would rather have them stim for longer time and ovulate later, b/c if they ovulate early there is a greater chance of an immature egg being released, which does happen on meds. In my case, my lucky cycle was the latest ovulation I EVER had, (which was due to EP) on day 19. GL to you!

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