October IUI Buddies

welcome 2blue lines! thats great abt several follues.

MrsT : did you test again? fingers crossed for you.

i am at 6dpiui today. Feeling so much... twinges..niggles.. tugging
and i know its all from the Pregnyl i took last night!!

2 more shots left to take. i got a bit worried as i had the faintest of spotting yesterday.
only once too.

i have blood work tomorrow to see what my progesterone levels are and to confirm ovulation...

this TWW seems the longest lol
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.
Sorry to hear about this and thanks for taking time to tell everyone about this. We all can just pray and hope all goes well. Thank God you are prepared for your IVF consult I pray everything works out fine. :hugs:
The Crinone is a progesterone gel and I googled it (lol):
Crinone gel is a hormone. It works by preparing the uterus (womb) for implantation of a fertilized egg and protecting the lining of the uterus. It is also needed for the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy.

Good luck cycle buddy :) btw whats the crinon and what is it for? Yes my RE told us to bd today and tomorrow.

Hello mrsjennyg and hope1409,

I am n my 2WW and I am glad I am here, firstly my DR didn't do a b2b, I did just one IUI and I was told to have :sex: Only that night then we should wait till after the test. I am just hoping everything works out or m good.

I used the progesterone too cyclogest tablets use morning and night I get that's like the crinone gel you are using. I just wish my DR did a b2b too and asked us to have :sex: severally.
All in all I am very hopeful on the Lord. I have started feeling crampy at night, don't sleep much too. My boobs are sore and tender. All these are making me wacky. I am hopeful.
:hugs: and :dust:
welcome 2blue lines! thats great abt several follues.

MrsT : did you test again? fingers crossed for you.

i am at 6dpiui today. Feeling so much... twinges..niggles.. tugging
and i know its all from the Pregnyl i took last night!!

2 more shots left to take. i got a bit worried as i had the faintest of spotting yesterday.
only once too.

i have blood work tomorrow to see what my progesterone levels are and to confirm ovulation...

this TWW seems the longest lol

Sweet lullby,

Please how did they confirm ovulation? I hope we all get a BFP after this wait
wondering if i can join you ladies. I had my 1st of two IUI's today.going back tomorrow. have a few follies on my good side but my lining was at 6 Monday. so re wanted to wait a day.

Good luck to everyone !!!!!!

Welcome and I wish you well on your 2wW hope you get a BFP
Sweet Lullaby, I tested this morning at 13dpiui with the only test I had left CB digital. It was a BFN. I heard they aren't very sensitive but I know this cycle is a bust. I will still go for my beta tomorrow to confirm and will update you.

And congrats on your spotting. Sounds suspiciously like implantation to me! Fx for you!!!

I am n my 2WW and I am glad I am here, firstly my DR didn't do a b2b, I did just one IUI and I was told to have :sex: Only that night then we should wait till after the test. I am just hoping everything works out or m good.

I used the progesterone too cyclogest tablets use morning and night I get that's like the crinone gel you are using. I just wish my DR did a b2b too and asked us to have :sex: severally.
All in all I am very hopeful on the Lord. I have started feeling crampy at night, don't sleep much too. My boobs are sore and tender. All these are making me wacky. I am hopeful.
:hugs: and :dust:

Oh, good luck!! I hope this all means you have a baby on the way!
Sweet Lullaby, I tested this morning at 13dpiui with the only test I had left CB digital. It was a BFN. I heard they aren't very sensitive but I know this cycle is a bust. I will still go for my beta tomorrow to confirm and will update you.

And congrats on your spotting. Sounds suspiciously like implantation to me! Fx for you!!!


We are holding on for you Mrs T. Hope you get a BFP, we did the IUI the same date my doctor asked me to wait 17 days after Iui so it might just be too early to know.:hugs:
Sweet Lullaby, I tested this morning at 13dpiui with the only test I had left CB digital. It was a BFN. I heard they aren't very sensitive but I know this cycle is a bust. I will still go for my beta tomorrow to confirm and will update you.

And congrats on your spotting. Sounds suspiciously like implantation to me! Fx for you!!!


Hi Mrs.T -? Just wanted to let u know that when I got my BFP a couple of weeks ago, it waz on cd9 with an ic (super sensitive 10 miu); I also tested with a FRER and a CB digital. It took me days before I got a BFP on the CB- the day after my missed period was the first time it showed up, I was so mad! So don't loose hope, CB digitals are notorious for being extremely insensitive. In fact, I think they are 50 miu, according to some things I read online.
The Crinone is a progesterone gel and I googled it (lol):
Crinone gel is a hormone. It works by preparing the uterus (womb) for implantation of a fertilized egg and protecting the lining of the uterus. It is also needed for the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy.

Good luck cycle buddy :) btw whats the crinon and what is it for? Yes my RE told us to bd today and tomorrow.

Hello mrsjennyg and hope1409,

I am n my 2WW and I am glad I am here, firstly my DR didn't do a b2b, I did just one IUI and I was told to have :sex: Only that night then we should wait till after the test. I am just hoping everything works out or m good.

I used the progesterone too cyclogest tablets use morning and night I get that's like the crinone gel you are using. I just wish my DR did a b2b too and asked us to have :sex: severally.
All in all I am very hopeful on the Lord. I have started feeling crampy at night, don't sleep much too. My boobs are sore and tender. All these are making me wacky. I am hopeful.
:hugs: and :dust:

I didn't do B2B IUI's either, they just said bd that night and the next if we wanted. I wonder why your doc said not to?
First Try: I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I hope you find some comfort somewhere.

Kaimaka: Your hubby’s numbers sound great! I hope this is your month!

Zimmy: I am sorry that your cycle was cancelled, but I hope with the new info they have you can get your BFP soon.

Hope1409: That would be a nice treat to get a BFP on Halloween. Good luck!

MrsT: Good luck Friday, maybe your beta will be what you need.

Mrsjennyg: Glad your IUI went well. Good luck!

Sweet Lullaby: That medication doesn’t sound fun. I hope it will be worth it.

Kat: I have two soft cup samples and I have been afraid to use them for fear I can’t get them in or out. That was nice of your hubby to help you. I am sorry your follicle check didn’t go well. I hope you can get some answers Saturday.

Ttcbaby117: Good luck in Florida!

Wannabeprego: I am sorry your appointment didn’t go well. Good luck with your IVF consult. I really hope that helps you get your BFP.

2bluelines: Welcome. Good luck with your IUI today, and then the TWW.

Damie: I am glad you are hopeful. You are in my prayers.
welcome blue - so yet another who is doing b2b IUI's...I was beginning to think I was the only one ;)

zimmy - oh I see...then yes it is best not to put yourself in my situation. A miscarriage is horrible thing.

sweet- maybe that touch of spotting was implantation spotting...I am crossing my fxed for you!

damie - good luck hun....watching you ladies in the tww makes me wonder how crazy I will be when I get there...LOL

Mrs T- Oh I hope it turns into a bfp!

Hi Karenh - how are things with you?

afm - I had my baseline scan today by my obgyn....he said my largest follie was 8.5mm so that is small enough for me to start my femara and get this cycle going! Also he said my uterus is tilted a bit more than he thought...so I asked if that is maybe why I am not getting pregnant and he said...maybe but he doubts it...gee thanks....LOL....anyway I sent the scans to my RE in florida and I will see what she has to say!
Hi Karenh - how are things with you?

afm - I had my baseline scan today by my obgyn....he said my largest follie was 8.5mm so that is small enough for me to start my femara and get this cycle going! Also he said my uterus is tilted a bit more than he thought...so I asked if that is maybe why I am not getting pregnant and he said...maybe but he doubts it...gee thanks....LOL....anyway I sent the scans to my RE in florida and I will see what she has to say!

I am doing well. CD10. I have my follicle check on Monday then probably IUI on wednesday. My RE said I have a tilted uterus too, but acted like that was totally normal. I really hope that doesn't effect our ttc. Why are you going to Florida instead of using the RE you are working with now?
What do you guys think??
Yesterday (either 10 or 11dpo, not completely sure which day I O'd), I had mild-moderate cramping ALL DAY! Usually I only get cramps the day of AF and it's more twisty cramping while this was more dull ache, but it lasted all day and was worse in the evening. CM seems to have dried up a bit, but still pretty wet. I don't think I've ever had cramps like this a full 6 days before AF is due, so I HOPE this means something is happening! Temps still look good. I keep arguing with myself whether I'm going to test tomorrow (12/13dpo) or wait! What do you all think? Anyone have random but constant cramping 10-11dpo and have it turn out to be BFN?
What do you guys think??
Yesterday (either 10 or 11dpo, not completely sure which day I O'd), I had mild-moderate cramping ALL DAY! Usually I only get cramps the day of AF and it's more twisty cramping while this was more dull ache, but it lasted all day and was worse in the evening. CM seems to have dried up a bit, but still pretty wet. I don't think I've ever had cramps like this a full 6 days before AF is due, so I HOPE this means something is happening! Temps still look good. I keep arguing with myself whether I'm going to test tomorrow (12/13dpo) or wait! What do you all think? Anyone have random but constant cramping 10-11dpo and have it turn out to be BFN?

TEST TEST TEST!!!!:wacko: (Can you tell I'm an addict?) When I got my BFP, my only symptom was the lack of symptoms - no cramps, no pulling, all was calm down below. But that was different from every other month - so maybe for you, since this feels different, than this can be your lucky cycle!
Karenh - I only have a obgyn here. There are no fertility specialists where i live so I speak to my RE through email and fly over to see her when I need to do something I cant get done here. She has been wonderful as I know she is not making as much money with me b/c some of my stuff is done here and she doesnt get paid.

jm - oh I am a scary tester...I hate bfns sooooooo I always wait....but I think Kbrain is right....go for it...test!
Hey ladis what do you think...
did the trigger on Monday and had my IUI yesterday but I am having a lot of EWCM today? I don't have any ov pain today whereas I had the pain for the past 3 days. Even though I was monitored I'm so nervous that I haven't ov yet... Help!
Hey ladis what do you think...
did the trigger on Monday and had my IUI yesterday but I am having a lot of EWCM today? I don't have any ov pain today whereas I had the pain for the past 3 days. Even though I was monitored I'm so nervous that I haven't ov yet... Help!

keep :sex: just to be sure to catch it. Every other night.
Karenh - I only have a obgyn here. There are no fertility specialists where i live so I speak to my RE through email and fly over to see her when I need to do something I cant get done here. She has been wonderful as I know she is not making as much money with me b/c some of my stuff is done here and she doesnt get paid.

jm - oh I am a scary tester...I hate bfns sooooooo I always wait....but I think Kbrain is right....go for it...test!

Yikes! That would get expensive!
Thanks! I am taking femara, this is my first IUI (today) that is all we have done so far...
Other than clomid previously and had an HSG which was normal.

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