Mrs T - sorry for the bfn hun....that is so upsetting....huge hug!
Damie - you are right...pray pray pray for those bfps....
Mrsw - I believe they usually like to see your follies around 18mm...but if you are not triggering and had a natural surge then that is probably why he went ahead with the IUI.
JM - I ov on my own and my dr still makes me take the trigger...even when I did timed bd. I would get a surge and she woudl tell me to take it anyway as it only helps things along. I would maybe ask about doing injectibles and a trigger next cycle.....which will give you more follies which means more targets and timing can be more accurate with the trigger.
Good luck to all the ladies waiting to test and those waiting to ov!
Afm - I started my femara last night....I have an appt on cd 8 for an ultrasound and some bloodwork and that is also the day i start my gonal F.
I know I should have asked how big the good one was...but he said I had two so I immediately thought
twins!! which is what I am hoping for... but he said that the chance that egg will produce anything is less than %5 so I was kinda bummed.I will be happy with one though!
He did say that the other egg was very good so I am assuming it was the right size! Which is wonderful, but before he left he said "Don't get your hopes up usually it takes four tries"
so.... I am not hoping, but praying really hard!
I am taking femara but we are not and have not talked about anything else such as trigger shots....He just did my Ultra sound and checked the size and basted me!
Quick update: I had surgery a month ago for my stage two endometiosis... My egg is not big enough without the help of meds and he said my mucus is too thick and after my PC test he found NO sperms at all
so those are the problems I have ttc