October IUI Buddies

All, I am out. I don't know when we are going to try again, but we are taking a break. Good luck to you all.

Oh, Sweetie, I'm so sorry!!!! I'll be thinking of you. Enjoy your break and we'll be here for you when you return. :hugs:
Looks like I'm out for another month :( Had my scan this morning and they found 6 follies already, 3 of them over 18mm (I'm CD 5). Nurse said they were leftover from last month and would interfere with new follies growing. Wants me to take bc pills this cycle. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hello Ladies,

Congratulations to all who got BFP and sorry for all who got BFN.

I had my IUI on sunday on CD13.

so I'm officially in TWW period. Today is my 3dpiui.

fingers crossed but surprisingly I'm not getting obsessed with the result.

I have been sleeping a lot and eating good food. rest is on God.

Good luck for everyone who are waiting like me :)
Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

Oh Chris! I am so sorry to hear that. I too got AF today. It's heartbreaking, feels like I have to pick pieces of myself up month after month. The nurse reminded me today that the next cycle is going to be my last on iui because they don't think it will work for me at all after this. They suggested ivf to start with but we opted for iui first for personal reasons. We started adoption paperwork but was later told by the caseworker to put it on hold until we are done trying because if I get pregnant then our eligibility changes and we'll have to start over. :cry: Frankenstorm is not helping at all today either, we live in Washington DC. It is so depressing. DH went out in the storm to get me some chai tea from starbucks, I guess he's trying to cheer me up today. Hang in there! Prayers and :hugs: to you.

I hope you stayed safe yesterday! That was sweet of your DH! It sure is depressing! I just got my 2nd bfn with my 2nd iui. Prayers your way!:hugs:

Thanks Lindsay! We are safe here. Grateful because the power stayed on. Sorry to hear about your bfn. Are you going to go right in to your 3rd iui or taking a break? I wish you luck and lots of :dust: Hopefully we get our bfp on the third try. They say third time's the charm!:winkwink:

Thank you! We are taking a break this round and are trying naturally again since we are unexplained and if we dont have luck we will reevaluate next year. How about you? I agree third time is a charm! :hugs:
Hello Ladies,
I have been out for soo long, I resumed back to work and I took some time off to sulk. I am good now, I am trying to catch up and see how everyone is doing.
Sweet lullaby- congrats dear how are you feeling? It good to hear you are on the baby train 2013
Karenh- please no x-ray yet, that could be dangerous for the baby I heard. How are you holding up?
Lindsayb721- awwwh sorry about the :bfn: and AF showing up early. My didn’t come until after three days but I already got a :bfn: any way, I am not trying another IUI too cos my DH isn’t interested. I am trying on my own too. Also I am thinking of doing estrogen priming since it’s a medication that can be done on your own. Hope the light of God shines on us this cycle and we get a :bfp:
Kat S- Hold on hope you have your :bfp: already. Sorry about the cold sure you are feeling better now.
Cris_25- Sorry about the :bfn: and AF, better luck next cycle and be strong. We can only hope and pray it works next time. How is the hurricane now? Please stay safe.
Kaimaka- its well, be strong. Good to hear you are already making plans for the next cycle. Better luck this time. I had a cyst on my first try of timed intercourse so I had to wait for 2 months before the first IUI which wasn’t successful. You lucky you don’t have one.
Virginia28- *welcome and all the very best. Twins it is IJN.
Hope1409_ sorry to hear about :bfn:, wishing you luck on the next cycle.
kBrain3377- you always have good advice and information to cheer people up. How are you feeling and holding up. Our prayers are with you. Be strong and yea you need to sleep well.Please I still need information on the dates I should start the estrogen drugs and what dosage I can take.
2 blue Lines- I get night sweats all the time. I don’t know if its because I am in a hot climiate area. When I put the conditioning high I get a cold so I need to use a durve then I get hot sweats , I sweat then I get a cold again. It goes on and on like that I really don’t understand what is wrong with me.
Keeping faith- congratulations!!!! On the :bfp: yes its real enjoy the next nine months :hug:. Don’t worry its permanent. 6 years waoh!!! 3 years and I am already going knots.

AFM- i am D7 of this cycle. I don't know how long the cycle will be since the last one was 31 days from my normal 27/28 cycle. That could be attributed to the progesterone drugs and other drugs. I am doing well and praying the light of God shines on me. I have started taking my bbt every morning. I would also use ovulation test kit then we can try on our own this cycle.
:dust: to you all.

Hi Damie - thanks! I'm feeling good, most of the time don't really feel pregnant. As for the estrogen - I started on 21 of the cycle, one 2 mg pill, twice a day, until about day 3 or 4 of the next cycle. This was because I ovulated on day 14, so you should really start 7 days after you ovulate, whichever day that falls on. I then took Femara on days 3-8 of that next cycle, 2 pills once a day. The estrogen delayed my ovulation by about 5 days that cycle, the one I got pregnant on, and my ovulation was the strongest positive I had seen in 2 years of testing. If you have similar issues as I did, I hope this method works for you too!!! Good luck, I'll keep you in my thoughts.
Hello Ladies,
I have been out for soo long, I resumed back to work and I took some time off to sulk. I am good now, I am trying to catch up and see how everyone is doing.
Sweet lullaby- congrats dear how are you feeling? It good to hear you are on the baby train 2013
Karenh- please no x-ray yet, that could be dangerous for the baby I heard. How are you holding up?
Lindsayb721- awwwh sorry about the :bfn: and AF showing up early. My didn’t come until after three days but I already got a :bfn: any way, I am not trying another IUI too cos my DH isn’t interested. I am trying on my own too. Also I am thinking of doing estrogen priming since it’s a medication that can be done on your own. Hope the light of God shines on us this cycle and we get a :bfp:
Kat S- Hold on hope you have your :bfp: already. Sorry about the cold sure you are feeling better now.
Cris_25- Sorry about the :bfn: and AF, better luck next cycle and be strong. We can only hope and pray it works next time. How is the hurricane now? Please stay safe.
Kaimaka- its well, be strong. Good to hear you are already making plans for the next cycle. Better luck this time. I had a cyst on my first try of timed intercourse so I had to wait for 2 months before the first IUI which wasn’t successful. You lucky you don’t have one.
Virginia28- *welcome and all the very best. Twins it is IJN.
Hope1409_ sorry to hear about :bfn:, wishing you luck on the next cycle.
kBrain3377- you always have good advice and information to cheer people up. How are you feeling and holding up. Our prayers are with you. Be strong and yea you need to sleep well.Please I still need information on the dates I should start the estrogen drugs and what dosage I can take.
2 blue Lines- I get night sweats all the time. I don’t know if its because I am in a hot climiate area. When I put the conditioning high I get a cold so I need to use a durve then I get hot sweats , I sweat then I get a cold again. It goes on and on like that I really don’t understand what is wrong with me.
Keeping faith- congratulations!!!! On the :bfp: yes its real enjoy the next nine months :hug:. Don’t worry its permanent. 6 years waoh!!! 3 years and I am already going knots.

AFM- i am D7 of this cycle. I don't know how long the cycle will be since the last one was 31 days from my normal 27/28 cycle. That could be attributed to the progesterone drugs and other drugs. I am doing well and praying the light of God shines on me. I have started taking my bbt every morning. I would also use ovulation test kit then we can try on our own this cycle.
:dust: to you all.

Hi Damie - thanks! I'm feeling good, most of the time don't really feel pregnant. As for the estrogen - I started on 21 of the cycle, one 2 mg pill, twice a day, until about day 3 or 4 of the next cycle. This was because I ovulated on day 14, so you should really start 7 days after you ovulate, whichever day that falls on. I then took Femara on days 3-8 of that next cycle, 2 pills once a day. The estrogen delayed my ovulation by about 5 days that cycle, the one I got pregnant on, and my ovulation was the strongest positive I had seen in 2 years of testing. If you have similar issues as I did, I hope this method works for you too!!! Good luck, I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Thanks and I am gonna try this if this cycle doesn't work out. :hug:
Looks like I'm out for another month :( Had my scan this morning and they found 6 follies already, 3 of them over 18mm (I'm CD 5). Nurse said they were leftover from last month and would interfere with new follies growing. Wants me to take bc pills this cycle. Has this happened to anyone else?

Yes, this happened to me in September. I took bc pills and they dissipated. It's so frustrating to delay!!!
Hello Ladies,

Congratulations to all who got BFP and sorry for all who got BFN.

I had my IUI on sunday on CD13.

so I'm officially in TWW period. Today is my 3dpiui.

fingers crossed but surprisingly I'm not getting obsessed with the result.

I have been sleeping a lot and eating good food. rest is on God.

Good luck for everyone who are waiting like me :)

Good luck to you! Wonderful to be in the TWW, but tortuous at the same time, eh?
Hey ladies- I am sorry I have been out of touch, we still do not have power from Hurricane Sandy. I am on my phone and have a couple pages to catch up on so I am sorry I have missed some of your announcements. Sorry for all who have gotten AF :( any BFP's?

AFM- today is 17dp trigger, 15dpiui and 14dpo. I have my blood test tomorrow. I haven't POAS because I am a wimp and after almost 2 yrs I just can't stand seeing the BFN. I am also scared of getting a false positive or a chemical...I know I know, like I said whimp. I thought FOR SURE at our first IUI I was preg but that was negative. This time I don't know. My temp is still high but I think that's because of the Crinone (progesterone). I had what I think was spotting a week ago and have been having weird cramps, twinges, tugs...but I am trying not to read too much into everything and just not think about it. I'm super nervous about the test because if its BFN... we'll up the injections to 150 and start our 3rd IUI but I think I am just going to get so depressed because yet another friend announced she's pregnant...that's 15 people I know pregnant and that's not even including those who just had babies. I just don't understand why it's so easy for some people and so hard for others?
Hey ladies- I am sorry I have been out of touch, we still do not have power from Hurricane Sandy. I am on my phone and have a couple pages to catch up on so I am sorry I have missed some of your announcements. Sorry for all who have gotten AF :( any BFP's?

AFM- today is 17dp trigger, 15dpiui and 14dpo. I have my blood test tomorrow. I haven't POAS because I am a wimp and after almost 2 yrs I just can't stand seeing the BFN. I am also scared of getting a false positive or a chemical...I know I know, like I said whimp. I thought FOR SURE at our first IUI I was preg but that was negative. This time I don't know. My temp is still high but I think that's because of the Crinone (progesterone). I had what I think was spotting a week ago and have been having weird cramps, twinges, tugs...but I am trying not to read too much into everything and just not think about it. I'm super nervous about the test because if its BFN... we'll up the injections to 150 and start our 3rd IUI but I think I am just going to get so depressed because yet another friend announced she's pregnant...that's 15 people I know pregnant and that's not even including those who just had babies. I just don't understand why it's so easy for some people and so hard for others?

ohhhh i know you dont want to hear this incase i get your hopes up...but...wow ! does that sound promising or what :)

Good luck honey. How long ago did you take your last Crinone?
I use it every morning, they are vaginal suppositories. But by the time I take my temp its been about 23 hours since I last used it. I'm really trying not to get my hopes up...but as everyone knows its hard! Thanks Sweet! How are you feeling?
I am feeling....nothing!! just odd twinges here and there. I am a bit concerned. My 2nd Beta came back today..at 2070! 19dpiui. I was at 481 level 2 days ago...

Is this weird?
MRSJENNYG~ This is a tough road we're on. It's so frustrating to see others conceive and have babies like it's the easiest thing in the world when month after month we get BFN. :hugs: Good luck on your beta!! I really hope this is the one for you!

I'm at 9dpiui and I don't feel anything concrete. I've peed on a stick a few times to see when my trigger shot was gone. I'm only getting one line now, so it's out of my system. I'm hoping that I'm pregnant, but that the HGC levels are too low to be picked up by my bulk internet pregnancy tests. I usually get sore bbs the week before AF, but I feel nothing yet. I also hope that the cold I got 4 days after my iui is an early symptom. Might mean nothing, though. However, I hadn't gotten a cold in over a year, so I find the timing odd.
I am feeling....nothing!! just odd twinges here and there. I am a bit concerned. My 2nd Beta came back today..at 2070! 19dpiui. I was at 481 level 2 days ago...

Is this weird?

I wonder if you are having more than one? Have you googled beta numbers for multiples? That's a big jump but a high number means there's def a bean (or two) in there!

Good luck Kat!!
Sweet lullaby How many matture follicles did you have? What did you dr say about the numbers? It could well mean mutiples. xx
I am feeling....nothing!! just odd twinges here and there. I am a bit concerned. My 2nd Beta came back today..at 2070! 19dpiui. I was at 481 level 2 days ago...

Is this weird?

That is awesome!!! When would your due date be? Have you crossed over into the June/July due date forums? I'm so happy for you! Those beta numbers look great, and sometimes women's betas rise very fast at the beginning and then slow down a bit (the docs looks at averages, so you're fine either way), BUT on the other hand, it can be multiples?!!!! How exciting? Would you be happy with twins? I think they can confirm the number of gestational sacs when you're about 5 weeks along, or so, but don't quote me on it. CONGRATS!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hey ladies- I am sorry I have been out of touch, we still do not have power from Hurricane Sandy. I am on my phone and have a couple pages to catch up on so I am sorry I have missed some of your announcements. Sorry for all who have gotten AF :( any BFP's?

AFM- today is 17dp trigger, 15dpiui and 14dpo. I have my blood test tomorrow. I haven't POAS because I am a wimp and after almost 2 yrs I just can't stand seeing the BFN. I am also scared of getting a false positive or a chemical...I know I know, like I said whimp. I thought FOR SURE at our first IUI I was preg but that was negative. This time I don't know. My temp is still high but I think that's because of the Crinone (progesterone). I had what I think was spotting a week ago and have been having weird cramps, twinges, tugs...but I am trying not to read too much into everything and just not think about it. I'm super nervous about the test because if its BFN... we'll up the injections to 150 and start our 3rd IUI but I think I am just going to get so depressed because yet another friend announced she's pregnant...that's 15 people I know pregnant and that's not even including those who just had babies. I just don't understand why it's so easy for some people and so hard for others?

Mrsjenny - Glad you hear you're ok after Sandy! I have family on the coast in New Jersey and I know how bad some parts were hit. I don't want to get your hopes up, but those symptoms sound pretty promising..... :winkwink:
I'm amazed that you haven't tested yet, but I guess a massive storm would keep your mind on other things. I know what you mean re:seeing the BFN, but as much as I hated and was scared of that part, I was just totally unable to be patient and wait! I guess for me it was like yanking off a band-aid. I also sympathize with you about your friends announcing their pregnancies, that's been my life the last few years. But you know, now that I'm on the other side of that, I'm scared how my friends who are TTC will react to my news, and I almost don't want to tell them at all, in hopes of that when I do, they will also be pregnant. I know that's silly, but I just know how much it hurts to hear, and I don't ever want to cauze that. :nope:

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