October IUI Buddies

Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

Oh Chris! I am so sorry to hear that. I too got AF today. It's heartbreaking, feels like I have to pick pieces of myself up month after month. The nurse reminded me today that the next cycle is going to be my last on iui because they don't think it will work for me at all after this. They suggested ivf to start with but we opted for iui first for personal reasons. We started adoption paperwork but was later told by the caseworker to put it on hold until we are done trying because if I get pregnant then our eligibility changes and we'll have to start over. :cry: Frankenstorm is not helping at all today either, we live in Washington DC. It is so depressing. DH went out in the storm to get me some chai tea from starbucks, I guess he's trying to cheer me up today. Hang in there! Prayers and :hugs: to you.

:hugs: I'm sorry that AF came! Aw That was so nice of DH what did they say is your problem? Prayers to u too

I have endometriosis and my right ovary has been removed. I'm not a good candidate for iui but we are still unsure about ivf. We have good insurance coverage for ivf. But we are praying for guidance and hoping that we wouldn't have to make a decision about it. Crossing my fingers for the 3rd iui. Hope we get our bfp next cycle.

Hey ladies - I thought I'd pass along the perspective that my RE gave me, with regards to IUIs. In his opinion (and I've heard other people in the field concur on this as well), IUIs give you the same chances as just timed intercourse, unless you have male factor issues. In some cases, IUIs work even less effectively than trying on your own, since the timing of the trigger and the IUI itself is crucial and so easy to be slightly off, and most people don't try enough on their own and rely on the IUI (which may or may not have been timed properly). So unless you have male factor issues, the only edge that the IUI gives you over trying naturally is the drugs that you're on, which ideally gives you more follicles and thus more chances. So ladies, don't be upset if your IUIs don't work right away or take more time - if you're more realistic about the expectations, I think it's easier to handle it. At least it was for me. In my case, we had no male issues, and my RE told me that I would get pregnant at some point - it just may take a long while and if I didn't want to wait that long, than I should try IVF. He thinks that too many people waste too much time, money and unrealistic hopes on IUIs, when it would make more sense to move on to IVF. I felt like he was pushing me into IVF, but if we had insurance coverage for it, I think we would have gone to IVF a long time ago since I was not willing to wait a long time for a baby. I think it's a personal decision for everyone, and should not be taken lightly. Good luck to all of you, and I'll be so excited for you to all get your BFPs!

Hello and thank you for the info and congratulations on your bfp did u do ivf?

Thanks Chris - no, we didn't do IVF, we got our BFP naturally (I took Femara, with estrogen priming). However, we would have done IVF as soon as we figured out how to pay for it, since our insurance covered only $10K. It just so happened that I got pregnant before that happened, so I do consider myself extremely lucky.

My thoughts are with you and all the other ladies on the East coast today - please stay safe!!!
Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

Oh Chris! I am so sorry to hear that. I too got AF today. It's heartbreaking, feels like I have to pick pieces of myself up month after month. The nurse reminded me today that the next cycle is going to be my last on iui because they don't think it will work for me at all after this. They suggested ivf to start with but we opted for iui first for personal reasons. We started adoption paperwork but was later told by the caseworker to put it on hold until we are done trying because if I get pregnant then our eligibility changes and we'll have to start over. :cry: Frankenstorm is not helping at all today either, we live in Washington DC. It is so depressing. DH went out in the storm to get me some chai tea from starbucks, I guess he's trying to cheer me up today. Hang in there! Prayers and :hugs: to you.

:hugs: I'm sorry that AF came! Aw That was so nice of DH what did they say is your problem? Prayers to u too

I have endometriosis and my right ovary has been removed. I'm not a good candidate for iui but we are still unsure about ivf. We have good insurance coverage for ivf. But we are praying for guidance and hoping that we wouldn't have to make a decision about it. Crossing my fingers for the 3rd iui. Hope we get our bfp next cycle.

Hey ladies - I thought I'd pass along the perspective that my RE gave me, with regards to IUIs. In his opinion (and I've heard other people in the field concur on this as well), IUIs give you the same chances as just timed intercourse, unless you have male factor issues. In some cases, IUIs work even less effectively than trying on your own, since the timing of the trigger and the IUI itself is crucial and so easy to be slightly off, and most people don't try enough on their own and rely on the IUI (which may or may not have been timed properly). So unless you have male factor issues, the only edge that the IUI gives you over trying naturally is the drugs that you're on, which ideally gives you more follicles and thus more chances. So ladies, don't be upset if your IUIs don't work right away or take more time - if you're more realistic about the expectations, I think it's easier to handle it. At least it was for me. In my case, we had no male issues, and my RE told me that I would get pregnant at some point - it just may take a long while and if I didn't want to wait that long, than I should try IVF. He thinks that too many people waste too much time, money and unrealistic hopes on IUIs, when it would make more sense to move on to IVF. I felt like he was pushing me into IVF, but if we had insurance coverage for it, I think we would have gone to IVF a long time ago since I was not willing to wait a long time for a baby. I think it's a personal decision for everyone, and should not be taken lightly. Good luck to all of you, and I'll be so excited for you to all get your BFPs!

Hello and thank you for the info and congratulations on your bfp did u do ivf?

Thanks Chris - no, we didn't do IVF, we got our BFP naturally (I took Femara, with estrogen priming). However, we would have done IVF as soon as we figured out how to pay for it, since our insurance covered only $10K. It just so happened that I got pregnant before that happened, so I do consider myself extremely lucky.

My thoughts are with you and all the other ladies on the East coast today - please stay safe!!!

Wow that's awesome and u were very blessed! :)
Thank you it's starting to get really bad here
I'm so sorry for all the Ben's and for those in Sandy's path. Please stay safe!
Sorry to hear abt AF arriving for some :( its so hard

Also.. Hope everyone in Sandy's path is safe. What devastating times
I cVed and tested today 12dpiui and bfn. I could have sworn we got it this time. We had 4 good follies, 2 on each side, all the symptoms felt exactly how it did with my angel baby...but no two lines. I'm cramping like af so I'm just waiting for her to show her face in the next 2-3 days. I think next month will be our last iui and then we will be on our own because we can't afford IVF right now.

Hang in there hun... Ur not out just yet.. I read on these forums people getting BFNs at 14dpo to go on to successful pregnancies :thumbup:
Sandy calmed down a bit now but we still have no power, but ok thank God! Everywhere is ruined and as I lay here with cramps!

Thank you ladies
I cVed and tested today 12dpiui and bfn. I could have sworn we got it this time. We had 4 good follies, 2 on each side, all the symptoms felt exactly how it did with my angel baby...but no two lines. I'm cramping like af so I'm just waiting for her to show her face in the next 2-3 days. I think next month will be our last iui and then we will be on our own because we can't afford IVF right now.

Sorry to hear that! I understand that not being able to afford IVF. We are in the same boat! Thinking of you!
Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

:hugs: I understand completely. I hope you stay safe during the hurricane. My 2nd IUI just failed and I was told everything looked great as well. I have unexplained infertility and its just so frustrating that if everything looks great why doesn't it work. I am thinking of you! If you ever want to chat I am here

Thank you and I'm sorry that she showed up for you too :( I fall under that unexplained category also and it's extremely frustrating! I am here to chat if u need to also. Did u take medication? I tried 2.5 mg of femara and did ovidrel shot and still only had one follicle though so what's the point if I am capable of gettin that on my own u know? I prob won't get in to see the doctor either this week ugh

I think being unexplained is the worst! And thank you! I did take medication, I did clomid and then a trigger shot. We had 4 follies and good sperm count. I am at the same point. What is the point of an IUI if I have better chances on my own. So frustrating! I totally get what you are saying!
Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

Oh Chris! I am so sorry to hear that. I too got AF today. It's heartbreaking, feels like I have to pick pieces of myself up month after month. The nurse reminded me today that the next cycle is going to be my last on iui because they don't think it will work for me at all after this. They suggested ivf to start with but we opted for iui first for personal reasons. We started adoption paperwork but was later told by the caseworker to put it on hold until we are done trying because if I get pregnant then our eligibility changes and we'll have to start over. :cry: Frankenstorm is not helping at all today either, we live in Washington DC. It is so depressing. DH went out in the storm to get me some chai tea from starbucks, I guess he's trying to cheer me up today. Hang in there! Prayers and :hugs: to you.

I hope you stayed safe yesterday! That was sweet of your DH! It sure is depressing! I just got my 2nd bfn with my 2nd iui. Prayers your way!:hugs:
Sorry to hear abt AF arriving for some :( its so hard

Also.. Hope everyone in Sandy's path is safe. What devastating times

Hi Sweet! How are you feeling? I'm glad to hear your beta test went well. Your numbers look great. So happy for you! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

AFM - I got AF, so I am enjoying a cup of coffee this morning. :coffee: Baseline appointment for the next cycle is tomorrow. I want to take a break but I've heard a lot of people get pregnant on the 3rd cycle without taking a break. So, we're going to push through unless I have a cyst.
Lindsayb721, Chris25, Kaimaka, Hope 1409: I can’t believe how many BFNs we just got. I am so sorry ladies. We can all stick together next month.
Kat S: Sorry you have a cold. That is no fun. It could be a pregnancy sign though! I hope this is your month!
All of you on the east coast, we are praying for you and your safety.
Hi girls so I'm sitting here stuck in the house because the hurricane is hitting us here in NY and I'm sobbing because AF has arrived I just don't understand the concept of all of this it was our first iui and everything is always "great" according to the doctors I'm so sick of hearing that! I need a freakin answer! I am supposed to call them when AF arrives but can't call today or tomorrow because everywhere is being evacuated so I doubt they are in. I want them to give me more medication or do something :( I'm so so so sad I'm so angry with my body and life

Oh Chris! I am so sorry to hear that. I too got AF today. It's heartbreaking, feels like I have to pick pieces of myself up month after month. The nurse reminded me today that the next cycle is going to be my last on iui because they don't think it will work for me at all after this. They suggested ivf to start with but we opted for iui first for personal reasons. We started adoption paperwork but was later told by the caseworker to put it on hold until we are done trying because if I get pregnant then our eligibility changes and we'll have to start over. :cry: Frankenstorm is not helping at all today either, we live in Washington DC. It is so depressing. DH went out in the storm to get me some chai tea from starbucks, I guess he's trying to cheer me up today. Hang in there! Prayers and :hugs: to you.

I hope you stayed safe yesterday! That was sweet of your DH! It sure is depressing! I just got my 2nd bfn with my 2nd iui. Prayers your way!:hugs:

Thanks Lindsay! We are safe here. Grateful because the power stayed on. Sorry to hear about your bfn. Are you going to go right in to your 3rd iui or taking a break? I wish you luck and lots of :dust: Hopefully we get our bfp on the third try. They say third time's the charm!:winkwink:
AF is en route as I had terrible night sweats last night & night before. Has anyone else ever gotten them. I hadn't gotten night sweats in awhile and wonder what they mean as far as fertility

I'm pretty much out witch should arrive for Trick or Treating :(
AF is en route as I had terrible night sweats last night & night before. Has anyone else ever gotten them. I hadn't gotten night sweats in awhile and wonder what they mean as far as fertility

I'm pretty much out witch should arrive for Trick or Treating :(

I am always hot while sleeping. I haven't taken note of any patterns or anything.
Congrats to all the BFP, and sorry for those who af got.

AFM.....I finally got my real BFP...I can't believe it yet! I have been tryin for six years, and I'm so scared. Tommorrow I go for my BETA results, and I pray that this is real. Ladies I ask that yall pray for me as I pray for you. Thanks
Congrats to all the BFP, and sorry for those who af got.

AFM.....I finally got my real BFP...I can't believe it yet! I have been tryin for six years, and I'm so scared. Tommorrow I go for my BETA results, and I pray that this is real. Ladies I ask that yall pray for me as I pray for you. Thanks


That is the best news EVER!!! Honey, congratulations! I hope your baby is a sticky one!
Congrats to all the BFP, and sorry for those who af got.

AFM.....I finally got my real BFP...I can't believe it yet! I have been tryin for six years, and I'm so scared. Tommorrow I go for my BETA results, and I pray that this is real. Ladies I ask that yall pray for me as I pray for you. Thanks

Congratz! I am so happy for you. It has been way too long. I hope you beta goes well and you can start on the fun part of this journey! You deserve it. I am praying for you!
Thanks Girls!!!! I just can't believe it still. Do yall think it can change from postive to negative in one day??? Thats my bigest fear. :(

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