October Sticky Beans!

Well. End of day I spent wayyyyy too long on Google and caved. I tested. And I know you are all going to be super shocked, but...BFN haha. Really just did to get it out of my system. Def not testing tomorrow, but starting Wednesday it's on!! I keep getting a weird feeling in my lower ab but might just be from all the googling haha.

Edit: 5 mins after I posted this I used the washroom (cuz you all needed to know that) and there was a bit of pink on the TP, and a bit more after a CP check.

I normally have about a 6 day LP, but I figured (hoped!) that since vitex pushed my ovulation earlier, my LP would be a little longer...so now I'm freaking out that this could be IB, but also that it could be AF already and I know y'all are probably snoozing away as I type this but..oh man I'm losing my shit hahahaha.

And while I'm editing the hell out of this post...my CP is high (almost unreachable) firm and closed, and I am definitely running warmer than usual. Praying to god I don't wake up with AF tomorrow.
Blackrain, i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is implantation bleeding and not AF making her way! Remember you're not out until there's actual period flow :hugs:

And while i say that, i think for myself i'm out for this month.. :( don't know why, i just have that feeling.. 10dpo and i actually feel like my boobs are a bit less sore today. Also i managed not to test today, but i think that's also just because i'm pretty sure it will be negative and i don't want to waste tests.
I really hoped this would be my month, i just want it to be my turn already.. i know it's still only our second month trying but still..

Sorry for being so negative, i know i'm not out yet and it's still early. Maybe i'm wrong and it did happen :dust:
Blackrain - FX it is IB!! Your temps haven't dropped and AF hasn't shown yet, yay!! You are still in!!

Cupcake - Try not to feel out just because you don't have a bunch of symptoms. When I conceived my son it was on a NTNP cycle as a break from TTC. I was about to go out to a party and told a friend that I thought I was probably late and that I needed to take a HPT before we went out but that i was sure it wouldnt be positive as I was having zero symptoms. Imagine my shock! I even just took it in the Walmart bathroom because I was so sure :haha: anyways I am rambling, my point is you don't always need symptoms :flower:

AFM had a .3 temp rise this morning hoping that it keeps climbing! OH came home late last night because the site he was supposed to be at out of town wasn't ready for him, so I was able to sneak in some extra BD'ing :happydance: ...and DS started preschool this morning, I think it was harder on me than it was on him :haha: and has kicked my baby fever even farther into overdrive
Morning ladies! As i continue with my obsessive testing and straining my eyes on BFN's, nothing to report.:haha:
I know, i know...im only 8dpo. But this is what i do. lol I still feel hopeful, and i KNOW its too early. But im having fun! Work is slow today with NO doctors in the office, so you know what that means..... searching the interwebs, reading blogs, staring at hpt galleries on websites, over analyzing FF. On countdown to pregnancy website, you can actually vote on peoples hpt's whether you think they are + - or unsure. FUN! haha I am such a dork.

Yesterday i did begin with a lot of increased creamy CM which i remember from my previous pregnancies! fingers crossed! :happydance:
Yay csc!!!! Hope it's a good sign! Gotta love those slow days sometimes! Almost all of my clients are still asleep and my boss is taking the day off so I will probably have some extra BnB time this morning :haha: I have terrible line eye, I'm sure I could imagine a line on your BFN's if you decide you want to post them :rofl:
Cupcake, keep in mind that a lot of women don't always get much for pg symptoms early on, and a lot that get tons of symptoms aren't pg. I def wouldn't count yourself out yet! 23 is a great age to be trying, the odds (if I may get corny for a moment) are ever in your favor. LOL :)

Todmommy, yay for random sex! That is actually how we conceived my son, as DH was working at a site that ended up having to close for the weekend, and that's when I ended up getting +opk.

As for me, no AF this morning! Slightest bit of pink left on the tp but that's it. Weird pinching in lower right pelvis all night as well. Managed not to test today thank god, will see about tomorrow haha
7DPO, and I went ahead and tested with a Wondfo IC, just to get it out of my system. No surprise it was a BFN. I wasn't expecting anything else. But hopefully that will hold me over until Saturday.

My students start back tomorrow, I'm so nervous! 9 years in a classroom and I still get nervous before the first day of school, especially at a new district.

I'm doing something different tomorrow. Instead of addressing the usual syllabus and stuff, our school has asked we spread that out and spend the first 3 days (this week) getting to know the kids, and doing some intro stuff to jump right into the curriculum. Otherwise, day 1 for kids is really awful (6 periods just listening to rules - yeah, it would be awful). I've always started with Syllabus before because my previous schools required that kids get it on day 1. Sooooo this is a new one for me.

I've also never done the "get to know you" kind of things on Day1. In HS that's not as common as the younger grades. I think I found an activity though that I want to do. "My Life In Numbers". The kids will pick #s that represent things that are important to them and represent their life in #s, and decorate the page etc. So, for example, In one of my boxes I would write "2" for the number of dogs I have. Another box might be 1 for the years I've been married. ETc. It gives me a great way to see what is important to the kids because they are picking the numbers based on what they think is important about themselves. :) Not sure it'll take 55 minutes, but it'll be interesting and fun way to start day 1.

blackrain - Really hope it's IB!!! Do you usually spot before AF?

cupcake :hugs: I totally get what you mean. I feel like if I don't have any symptoms then I must be out, and I'm only 7DPO. It's really hard. Don't give up too soon. I'm hoping you have a beautiful surprise BFP this cycle! :) One of my friends told me she never had symptoms with any of her kids until almost 8 weeks along. And she's had 4 kids. With her last kid, she didn't even know she was pregnant because she had what appeared to be a regular AF and then the next month it was late so she tested (keep in mind: no symptoms at all at this point) and so when she went in for an "8 week ultrasound" they were all very surprised to see a 12 week baby!

Basically I think I'm trying to convince myself as much as I'm trying to convince you. :haha: :)

todmommy Yay for the extra BD! :) The little ones grow up so fast, right?! When my niece started preschool my sister called the preschool twice that day, just to check on her. lol!

EDIT: AFM, Just checked my cervix and it was very high and very very soft. Softer than I think I've noticed it ever before. I almost couldn't tell where it was because it feels like the walls of the vagina rather than like the cervix (if that makes sense). Also, an increase in creamy CM.Nothing outrageous but more than the previous few days. Hoping these are good signs!
@Blackrain - FX is IB! :hugs: Just keep your chin up and stay positive.

@cupcake - I know that feeling of just bing out. I’ve felt that way most of this cycle, despite that couple of days of hope. But you’re not out yet!

@todmommy - yay for more BDing! FX :dust:

@cdc - Woo hoo! Good signs! FX

@Angel - Oh that sounds like a fun first day activity. And you’ll learn a lot about the kids from it too. Good luck!

AFM, I just don’t know at this point. My temps are still crazy all over the place. No signs of AF. But I’m still having this weird pinching/pulling/cramping sensation from time to time in my lower ab. I keep thinking it’s just AF showing up, then I check and absolutely nothing. I used to get some very light brown spotting right before AF showed up, but nothing. :shrug:
Thanks ladies for bringing my hope back :D love the story of your friend, angel! I actually wouldn't be mad if that happened to me, you get to skip over all the first trimester nervousness! :) also, FX that creamy CM is a good sign :)

Blackrain, keeping my fingers crossed that AF won't show and it's implantation bleeding. Surely if it was AF you would be having actual bleeding or have you had a period like that before? If not then it ciuld be a good sign :)
Angel, those are all excellent signs! And that sounds like a good idea, school can be daunting the first few days.

Pnut, cramping in lower ab could be a good thing, keep us posted!

Cupcake, it's definitely never that light at the beginning.

Angel I had spotting when ttc my first son only for one month, throughout my 4 day LP. Last cycle I spotted several days before but I have attributed that to me stopping my B6 cold turkey at like 2DPO. Both times were more dark blood- this was light pink discharge, not a huge amount but enough that it caught my attention on the tp. Nothing since then.

I am getting light ab/back aches on and off, but they feel different than AF- one spot in my lowwww right ab near pubic bone, and similar spot on my lower back. I am trying not to get my hopes up but things are looking positive so far!
Ff has my test day as tomorrow 12 dpo. If I do have an 11 day luteal phase (per fertility friend but based only on one month of data) and I did in fact ovulate on cd 12 then af is due tomorrow. So yes I should test.
But all of the sudden I don't want to. Mostly I'm scared of seeing a bfn. Can I exist instead in the world of uncertainty?
Haha you certainly can just wait it out and see if AF comes. You'd be the strongest of us all lol
MsRipple if you really don't want to risk a BFN, then you can always wait until 14-15DPO and if no AF then test then. Most pregnancy tests that say "5 days before period" are basing it on a 14 day LP so you could always wait until 14DPO and see what happens.
Haha you certainly can just wait it out and see if AF comes. You'd be the strongest of us all lol

Haha. I doubt I'll have the patience. But I somehow feel kinda pregnant know and I don't want to take it away.

@black - hoping you had implantation bleeding! also sounds like your lp is longer with the vitex?
Haha you certainly can just wait it out and see if AF comes. You'd be the strongest of us all lol

Haha. I doubt I'll have the patience. But I somehow feel kinda pregnant know and I don't want to take it away.

@black - hoping you had implantation bleeding! also sounds like your lp is longer with the vitex?

Hope that when you decide to test you get your two lines! Yup it's nice to feel "in" hey.

So far yup, coming to the end of 7DPO with no AF. Aside from my miscarriage and pregnancy it's my longest LP that I have tracked.
Extra hungry despite eating more than normal, have peed more than normal despite missing my morning coffee, but could also all be in my head. Also thinking I have tingly nipples but when I actually touch them they don't hurt. Back is getting more achey but cervix is still very high and closed.

Acne is also through the roof; was worse this cycle than normal probably from vitex, but my chin is now starting to break out too (which is usually when I get AF) but I also got terrrible puberty rivaling acne last pregnancy.

So much for not symptom spotting this round haha.
blackrain, I think we all say we aren't going to symptom spot and then we all do anyway. I keep thinking my nipples hurt more than usual but to be honest I think it's because I keep touching them! LoL :rofl:
Haha I am with you there. Testing again tonight (evening on 2.5 hour hold- bad Heather!) and of course BFN, and of course I'm getting line eye. But I just glanced for a quick second just now and swear I saw something. A little past the timeframe but still. Will post pic in a moment.

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