Julie those temps look great!
And shan, i'm sure you would'nt be the first to get pregnant without textbook temps, having my fingers crossed!
And krissie, glad the birthday party went great!
Afm, i was getting super worried and emotional during the weekend as i didn't feel any flutters anymore.. They have become quite regular but on saturday and sunday nothing.. So i cried a little and was so scared that something's wrong with baby.
But it's all good. The flutters came back sunday night and have been stronger than ever! When i got home and was lying on the couch i could even see tiny little twiches on my belly where the baby was moving! I could see baby move from the outside, it's so surreal but i'm more in love than ever!
And only three more sleeps until our next appointment and hopefully we'll see baby's gender then! So exciting 👌🏻