So, on a completely different note: I feel HUGE. I'm not huge, but I feel it. Some days I'm bigger than others, which I think is bloating or something, but seriously I've gotten big enough that I can't wear any of my pants, even the pants I had stored away when I lost all that weight a few months ago. Weight wise at least I've only gained about 5-7lbs, but on my 5'2" frame, even 5lbs is a lot. When I lost all that weight a few months ago I lost about 9-10lbs, but that 10lbs came up to a total of 16 inches (combined legs, arms, waist, stomach, etc) and 2 pant sizes. I'm struggling a little with the size part. I know I am growing a child and all, but weight has always been a very hard thing for me to deal with. :/
This is going to be a rough 9 months I think.