Shan - Best wishes with everything

May God give you everything that you are hoping for when the time is right. Will keep you in my prayers for sure

Heike - so near to third tri! excellent. I’m just behind you, so its fun read how everything is going for you.
Krissie - Thinking of you. Hoping you’ll have a great surprise very soon and won’t need to be thinking about time of year and such. I don’t think that its a bad idea either to take a break from the opks. I can definitely understand your stress from them.
Jess - lovely picture! yay for 20 weeks

I’ve been at my dad’s house in the Adirondacks since the end of July

and it has been nice to be out of the desert heat (even if it is still a bit warm and humid here). Beginning of August we had a Celebration of Life party for my Grandfather who passed away this past December. It was really nice and a lot of people came. The day after that my gram and mom had a baby shower for me. It was nice and I was happy because I proved everyone wrong when I fit all of my gifts into my luggage

My husband has been traveling around…Canada, D.C., Florida and now he’s in California before going back to Saudi. He’ll come back second week in September and then I’ll go back with him to Riyadh mid September. Then it’s back to work!
My belly is growing. Baby is moving all the time. The only thing that’s bothered me recently is when I try to sit up in bed, my belly gets a bit of a weird shape in the top middle. It’s not painful, but I found it frightening the first time I noticed it. I’m guessing it is just my muscles. Has anyone heard of this/had this happen?