October Sticky Beans!

Hey ladies... so I have totally been MIA and missed a lot.

Heike- congrats on the engagement, how sweet, thoughtful, and romantic!!

Jess, Heike, Ivska- how on earth are you all so far along?? I had no idea that I was gone for THAT long.

Krissie and Shan, best wishes to a continued journey.

AFM- I haven't temped, charted, etc in a while. I am currently by doctors orders just tracking my period and when we have sex. I had all kinds of blood work done, and everything was normal. So its either a spermy issue, or just not in the cards for us. I am not going to push DH to have an SA as if we had it done and found out it was an issue, what would we do? We have already decided no IUI or IVF, so really we would just "know for sure" one way or another if he was tested. I just continue to pray and hope for the best.
I am sorry you have no more answers!! That is so frustrating. :hugs:

Afm, af should be here tomorrow. I am having a bad week in general so that is just kinda the icing. DH wants to proceed with femara this cycle so I am thinking that is the plan. I had no side effects from it so very different from the clomid. I have two cycles worth left so hoping that it works. I have no idea what the next step would be but I am not ready for that.
Cletus - :hugs: I'm so sorry you have no answers. :(

Krissie - :hugs: I'm really hoping you get yours soon. <3 My sister is on something (not clomid, but something else) and it gives her horrible nausea and headaches and other side effects. The doctors don't want to switch her meds because apparently whatever she's on is "better" for PCOS whereas the other meds work but the dosage might have to be played with (she is definitely ovulating on what she has, and its very regular just bad bad side effects) but have said if she doesn't get pregnant this next round they will if she wants. Unfortunately she just started her period yesterday so she's devastated that she has to start another round. Mostly the side effects just make her miserable for 2 weeks. :(

I wish there was something to make this easier for you.
That sounds horrible Jess I hope she gets her bfp soon. I've heard the letrozole/femara I'm taking is better for pcos. I've definitely had way fewer side effects. I did ovulate (pretty late though) on my first round. But to be fair I was ovulating later and later on clomid too.
Krissie, i hope there won't have to be a next step and maybe this cycle will be your one :hugs:

Cletus thanks :hugs: and i'm sorry you're not having any definitive answers, but i totally understand why you're not pushing OH to do a SA. Since you don't want to intervene a lot really it's just about the knowing part and if a SA would come back clear then you wouldn't know any more than before.. i do hope you'll end up getting a surprise :hugs:

Afm, i'm not enjoying all that lying around much. There was so much i was planning on doing during maternity leave and now i feel quite useless. Poor OH has to take over all the housework when he gets off work which is quite late usually as he is trying to get in extra hours that he can use to stay home a little longer when baby comes. He is so sweet and does everything without batting an eye, i just feel so bad that i'm home all day and can't even help.
Also all of the lying is making me have so much heartburn..

But i have to remember it's important for little Mariella to stay inside for a few weeks longer so everyday i'm still home on my couch or in bed means another day she gets closer to her due date!
And I hope that when i go back to my doctor on thursday my cervix length will have increased and it will be less likely that baby girl will come way too early! Trying hard not to think about what will happen if even though i'm horizontal like 85% of the day my cervix has continued to shorten ...
Wow I feel like I have missed so much haha.

Heike that is a beautiful way of proposing! That is great he put so much thought into it! My challenged husband just told me he got me something and hid it in the house and let me figure it out more or less :dohh: Hopefully baby will stay put for you! On the plus side at 32 weeks if something happens chances are that she will be just fine. I've seen quite a few 24 & 25 weekers in the nicu that made it!

Cletus I'm sorry you still don't have answers :hugs:

Sam how exciting to finally be home! And even more exciting to be team yellow!

Jess that's awesome your school is more relaxed. Our Ross is opening tomorrow!!! So excited!

Heather I would take a cheap test just to make sure but like the other ladies said I think the chances would be slim. You might want to buy some well fitting condoms when you get that cheap test though :haha:

Afm not much new going on. I have about 60 days total of my internship left, 36 actual days left there. The past couple weeks have been hell, I don't click with the person I have been following and haven't learned anything at all :nope: I had a meeting with the big boss yesterday and she said that people can't tell whether I even want to be there or not and that I don't seem like a go getter now and the last two weeks have just been very odd and I seem very unhappy. I started bawling and told her she hit the nail on the head. That the last two weeks I haven't wanted to be there, I'm not learning anything, I'm not getting any patients, my entire day is an awkward mess. She was upset that I didn't come to her sooner but understood that I didn't want to rock the boat and risk things getting more awkward. The good thing that came out of this is that she does know why my behavior has been this way. And the first 5 weeks my attitude and behavior were completely different. And on Monday I am starting with someone new. I was going to bite my tongue and get through this last week with the person I am currently following (I only follow someone for 4 weeks and then switch) but the boss decided there the pros of staying the last week with her were not great enough to outweigh how miserable I was and how little I was learning. I am so happy that I could be happy in my internship again, I absolutely loved it in the beginning! I am nervous though because 3 weeks of being with this other girl means I am not where I should be as an intern at their site since she taught me nothing. I feel like now I have something extra to prove since there has been this riff. The hubs and I have also been talking about moving in December. We were planning to move in the summer so he can start school in the fall but I don't want to get a job for six months and then leave since we are moving about 200 miles away. So now about a week ago we decided to leave in December after I graduate. We are just going to rent for the first 6 months and still buy in the summer but that means I have to find a place there. This has all left ttc on the back burner, pretty sure I am just in survival mode at this point lol. The stress is coming from every direction. I took opks on cd 19 & 20 this cycle and neither were even close to positive so my body might be feeling the stress too...definitely not O'ing at my normal time based on that. Now that I have written a book :haha:
Shan- I'm so sorry to hear the last few weeks have been so rough. I hope you are able to catch up in the coming weeks and be happier.

Moving sounds exciting, I think that is a very logical way to approach it. I hope it all goes smoothly for you guys.
Shan i'm sorry the last 3 weeks of your internship sucked! Especially when the first weeks were so great, i bet it'll get better now that you're following someone else :)

I had a follow up appointment yesterday and unfortunately my cervix has continued to shorten from 25mm to 20mm, ober the course of a week and despite resting lots :(
I got inserted a cerclage pessary, a ring that's supposed to aid in holding up the cervix, so i hope that will help give me a few more weeks! Just to be save i also got a steroid shot and had to go in again goday to get another to help her lungs develop faster just in case she decided to come soon!

It was definitely so tough to hear yesterday, but i'm feeling better today :) CTG showed that baby is doing really good and there are no signs of contractions so it's really "just" my cervix that seems a little weak, but i also know there's women who walk around basically dilated and nothing happens for quite a while! So yeah, i really hope she stays put until november but i also know she would most likely be fine if she were to come now and might only need a little bit of help getting used to the outside world.

It can be really overwhelming though how much love and worry you feel for someone you haven't even met yet, especially as a first time mom going through everything for the very first time!

We told our immediate family the name we have chosen for her and everyone loves it :) little Mariella is so loved already!
Shan - I'm so sorry that you have had a rough time! I hope that things work out for you better!

Heike - Oh! I'm sorry to hear about your doctor appointment! :( I really hope that she stays put and nothing gets worse! I'll keep your LO in my thoughts.
Thanks jess :hugs:

33 weeks and still going strong! Obviously things could change any minute but I feel confident that we will make it at least another 2/3 weeks.

And happy 27 weeks Jess, third tri!! :)
Heike- sounds promising that she is staying put now!! I am sure with the cerclage she should be safe until they take it out. My cousin had one and went to 36 weeks had it removed and then had her son a few days later. Even if she did come early you are at a great gestation and she would be fine more than likely.

Afm, pretty sure I got a positive opk today. It is just a tiny bit lighter but given my cm is also good I am guessing this is it. Which totally figures given how sick I have been and Dh is now sick. Gonna try to get one bd session in before he leaves tonight though. My temps are a disaster though so I won't be able to pinpoint exact ovulation but if they stay high I can at least assume I did o.
Thanks Heike! Though, according to my App (Ovia) and my OB, they consider 3rd Tri at 28 weeks. I'm so confused as to how it can be all so different depending on who you ask! :dohh:

Krissie - Good luck! Of course O would come when you're both sick. :dohh:
Shan I'm sorry the last few weeks have been rough, but glad your boss understood and is willing to help.

Heike that sucks! But glad they are doing everything they can to keep her in as long as possible!

Krissie yay for ovulating, but booo for being sick!! Hopefully you are able to get a BD in!

I didn't bother to take a test haha. Whatever I was thinking I felt before has passed. I still nurse every 2 hours (longest) around the clock, so even if some spermies got through, I highly doubt I've even ovulated yet.
Hey ladies!! How is everyone doing?

So I got a for sure positive opk this past Saturday so pretty sure I o'd yesterday. I am thinking I tried but with everything else going on my body didn't release the egg the first time. So I am thinking today is 1 dpo. FF is having a heck of a time due to my erratic temps this last week and a half. I am not sure if I will get confirmation of O. But we had good timing so fx we caught the eggie.
Good luck Krissie!! So glad you finally got a +OPK! :happydance: Keeping everything crossed that you caught it this month! :)

AFM - I'm 28 weeks this week! Officially 3rd Tri! :happydance: I can't believe i only have 12 weeks left!! I've attached a bump pic. I'm huge (bump wise) but have only gained less than 15lbs so far. In the last month my weight has held steady but bump is definitely growing so doctor isn't concerned. They figure that since I'm still going to the gym 3 days a week that I am possibly losing weight but baby is still growing on schedule so it's evening out.

She's moving around like crazy lately. I was feeling her mostly only in the evenings before but for the past 5-6 days I'm starting to feel her more often throughout the day, and her kicks and moves are getting strong enough that DH is feeling her more regularly (which always amazes him).

I've got my 28 week appointment this week (Thursday) and I'll have my GD test, plus get a vaccine (Tdap I think). Baby's room is 99% done, we keep getting tons of free stuff from some facebook groups we are in (the city we live in has a "Buy Nothing" group where people give away free stuff to whoever they want, and I've got a ton of baby stuff that way). :) I'm so excited for her to be here. <3


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Jess- you're all bump! You look fabulous. I cannot believe you are 3rd tri already.
Jess, you look great! 12 weeks isn't long at all anymore how exciting! :)

krissie, yay for finally having a positive OPK! I'm having my fingers crossed for you. Also, well done on the weight loss :)

Afm, still pregnant and i think baby girl will definitely stay put at least for as long as i have the cerclage pessary inserted. I've heard of a lot of women going into labor pretty much straight after having the pessary removed so i'm anxious about that. I keep having the scenario in my head that my doctor will remove the pessary, i'll get up and my waters will break immediately haha it's so irrational and will most likely not happen but i can't get it out of my head.
Have my next appointment next week when i'll be 35 weeks and i think he might remove the pessary then, if not the week after when i'm 36 weeks.

I also can't wait to have her here finally &#128150;
Yay for the positive OPK Krissie! Keeping my everything crossed for you.

28 and 34 weeks?? Ladies where has the time gone?? Glad your little ones are doing well. Heike I'm sure baby will stay put as long as she needs to (I don't know much about cerclage).

We finally sold our house (conditionally anyways)- have been on the market since the end of January! Now the hard part is finding a new place that we love. We were going to put an offer on one but I had second thoughts so we are still looking. Have to be out by Nov 25 though, so running out of time since most people offer 30 day possession. Found what looks like possibly our dream house, but it's in a town 25 minutes away so that sucks. But if it is as nice in person as on paper then we will make it work. If not, there is one in town we kind of like that we might end up getting. So stressful!
And for some reason when I update my ticker information, it still saves it with the old info....but I'm 2lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, and about 8lbs from my goal weight!

Edit- nevermind, apparently it's working now hahaha
Great job on losing the weight Heather!!

And congrats on selling your house. I hope you find the perfect house for you guys now. We bought a house when DS was 9 months old. It was so stressful! We are still working on projects here and there trying to get it where we want it. I hope in the next few years we will have it all updated.

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