October Sticky Beans!

Yes, i noticed how good you were doing with the weight loss! Well done! I hope I'll be able to shed the baby weight relatively quickly as well :)
Krissie - Thanks!! I can't believe it's 3rd Tri already either! It's insane.

Heike - Thanks! Yeah, 12 weeks is close enough to start a legitimate count down. :D I can't believe you're getting so close!!

Heather - Congrats on selling the house! It's so hard dealing with the house thing! I'm so glad when we bought this house we were renting so I didn't have to deal with the sell/buy at the same time issue, but it was stressful as it was I can't imagine having to deal with all of that!

Congrats on the weight loss!! That's so exciting!

I'm hoping I'll be as lucky after baby comes. I don't have a lot of weight that I've put on, but in the past every pound lost was a fight so I'm imagining that the weight, however small it is, that I'm putting on will be a fight to get rid of. :/
Hi ladies,
Just checking in to read your updates ❤️ I've been a little busy with work ��
You're looking so cute, definitely all belly 😊😊
I love the belly!! So cute!!! <3

I had my 28 week appointment on Thursday. Did the 1 hour GD test, and also got my tetanus booster. Hopefully I'll get the results soon.

Otherwise I'm exhausted. It's conference week this week so on Thursday the kids got out of school at 10:30, I had conferences until 11:30, then went to my doctor for 2 hours, came back and did conferences until 4pm, then had a break for food and had to do evening conferences from 5 - 7:30pm. And today was day 2 of conferences, where students were out at 10:30 and I had conferences back ot back until 12:30. Teachers got ot leave at 12:30 today because we aren't paid for evening conferences, so this was our compensation.

And, I am blown away at how rude some of these parents were. Every parent asked of course how far along I was, and when I was due, and then I got a follow up of how long I was going to be out and when I was returning. Which I passed off as general curiosity. Although the tone of voice was not always just curiosity but some condemnation..... But THEN I got questions asking what I (me personally) was doing to make sure that their child was still going to receive an education while I am out on leave, and what my plan was for providing their education, and one parent was so bold as to ask whether I was going to continue to communicate with parents during my leave (specific question was "You do plan on being on contact with us while you're out, right?"). Follow up questions also included whether I would still do the grading while I was out, and answer emails, because the parent(s) didn't "want the sub to handle those things". Ummm no. NO. NO. Oh and btw it's actually not my job to make sure their kids have an education while I'm on leave. I don't get paid for the leave, I don't get paid to do anything during that time, and I have the right to have my 12 weeks with my baby without work! It is the job of the district to provide a teacher for the kids who is qualified to teach and during that time is the teacher for everything including grading and communication and meetings.

Overall I was frustrated, and the teacher at the table next to me was absolutely livid as she kept having to listen to this. At one point when there were not parents at either of our tables she told me she was contemplating slapping the next parent who asked me what I was doing for their kid while I was on leave, because I'm not the first teacher in the district to go on maternity and it's a pretty universal process as to what districts do for teachers taking maternity leave.

Sorry that was a long rant. :dohh:
35 weeks today :happydance:
It's still surreal to be this pregnant and i can't wait to welcome our little girl!

I have another dr appointment tomorrow so i may have the cerclage pessary removed then. And i wonder how long she'll keep baking after the pessary is removed. We definitely want her to be as healthy as can be but we're also very ready to finally meet her!
That's terrible Jess! They have all clearly had children and should understand :dohh:

I have been feeling so weird for about a week now. I am breaking out like crazy and have super random nausea. I am also a bottomless pit, I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning and usually i am more than fine at lunch but lately I have been starving mid morning and it's always like that. I told my mom last night that I was going to make a doc appt since I was pretty sure I have diabetes since I am always hungry and feeling sick haha. She told me to take a pregnancy test and I said nope I'm sick of negative tests I will just wait for my period. Well this morning after getting done with my hair and makeup and getting dressed I ended up calling in sick to work (hate when that happens! Couldn't I get sick before I'm done getting ready?!) Curiousity got the best of me since my mom planted the bug haha, I guess I should have went to work! :haha: I think this is my proof that it will happen when it is meant to haha we BD'ed 3 times this month and only one was 2 days before O lol. I'm shaking, and thrilled, and scared....and rambling haha


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OH MY GOSH SHAN CONGRATS!!! :hugs: :happydance: :dust:

This is awesome news !!! How many DPO are you now? Just look at that digital, i am so incredibly excited for you!
I am 14dpo :) I am feeling super cynical thinking my period will show up any time. My mom tried to remind me that I didn't even have symptoms really the with the other one so hopefully that is a good sign! And the other one was super faint frer not a digi...Made me laugh though...October sticky bean it is...just another year later lol
I have a good feeling about this one as well, a digi at 14 dpo is really good! Definitely pregnant, and i'm sure it'll be a sticky bean! :happydance: :dust:
OH MY GOD SHAN!!!! I literally started CRYING when I saw that test!! I can't even blame pregnancy hormones, I am just so happy for you!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!

As for timing... lets remember the cycle I got pregnant we only BD the day of a the +OPK, the rest of the month one or both of us were sick. :haha:

OMG I'm so excited.... So awesome!!!! Only 14DPO? On a digi? Wow, that's awesome! Guess your body just wanted that October date ;)

..... I'm having a deja vu moment. I think I dreamt about this yesterday. I remember waking up this morning thinking that I thought you were pregnant. And then shook myself out of it. :shrug:

Heike - Congrats on 35 weeks! Let us know how the dr appointment goes!

AFM - So the doctor's office called, my levels were higher than they wanted for my 1-hour glucose test so now I have to take the 3-hour test :wacko: :growlmad:

They didn't give me a number but I logged in online to see my lab report and the paperwork says they want #'s below 130 and mine was 155. :( I'm very unhappy about it. Basically I have to take a whole day off work to do this because they said I need to fast 8-12 hours beforehand, and I can come in anytime I want (no appointmnt needed, thankfully) but they recommend between 8 and 9 am (lab opens at 8) so that it's after sleeping (makes sense). Once I go in at 8am, then do the 3 hour test, I am not going to work. by the time I get to work it would be almost noon, plus I still would have to eat (I'll be lucky if I don't pass out) and no point in me going to work for less than 3 hours (teacher contract hours are 7:15am - 2:45pm at my school). Bah. I'm very unhappy.

Silver lining - I decided I would go in on Thursday because that afternoon I'm supposed to be in a meeting after work (very boring) and I figure if I'm going to miss a day I'll miss the day of the meeting. :haha:
Ugh sorry about the 3 hour glucose test! But i agree, if you have to miss a whole workday, i'd totally chose the one that sucks most as well haha

As for me, i just got home from the dr. with great news! He will remove the Cerclage Pessary next week but everything seems very stable and healthy and there's no need for me to stay on pelvic rest now! I'm so excited to be able to do laundry again und clean up around the house and basically just having something to do during the days. I can't wait to take long walks again (well, as long as the bladder allows) and get back into some light exercises.
That's great! I don't know that I would do very well on bed rest. I always joke that it would be nice to be required to just sit on the couch and do nothing but I'm sure that the minute that happened I'd start to go stir crazy. Plus, DH doesn't keep the house as clean as I like. :haha:

Enjoy your walks! Can't believe your LO will be here soon!
Great news Heike!! I cannot believe you almost to your due date!! How exciting.

Jess- Sorry about your glucose test, fx your 3 hour goes better.
Thanks krissie &#128522;
For the past 3 days i've been having lots of loose stools (so sorry for tmi). Like i've been going around 3-5 times a day since monday.
That is super unusual for me, i've been suffering from constipation during pretty much all pregnancy and i've not changed my diet or anything.
I'm wondering if my body may start to get ready for the birth! But on the other hand, i was just at the drs yesterday and there were no contractions on the CTG machine. I'm probably just getting my hopes up, though i do still hope to make it until at least next week.

Anyway, do you have any more pee porn Shan?! :D
Heike- I think the prebirth phase can last a couple of weeks but definitely a good sign things might start moving along. I cannot believe how close you are to having your little lady.

Afm, well I am finally in my tww!! My last cycle we had a chance was from July!! So it is nice to finally have a shot. We had great timing so I am so so hoping we get our bfp. We would have another July baby which would be just lovely.
Heike that is great news!!

Thanks Jess!! Sorry about your glucose test, hopefully everything comes out okay!

Krissie yay for getting a chance! FX'ed!!!

No more pee porn yet haha. I did another cheapie this morning and it was pretty much the same as the one from Monday. I will post another picture when it gets darker haha right now I am just trying to remember that the cheapies are horrible for progression
Oh yea, don't let the cheapies get you down. I can't wait to see more!!!

I am so excited to be in with a chance. In fact I am too excited and I am afraid if I do get af it will not be good emotionally. Thankfully she is due on the weekend so I can have my pity party then.
Yea I am definitely having symptoms and I have told others 101 times that cheapies are terrible for progression so I am taking my own advice and not worrying about it :)

I don't want to jinx it but it seems like the majority of the time when you ovulate and have good timing it ends in pregnancy so I am super super hopeful!!!!

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