October Sticky Beans!

Haha hope so! Today's weren't as dark, but at least it looks like I'm on track to ovulate earlier than CD21 haha!!

I was going to say "wow CD7 and almost positive opk!!" Here's hoping you O before CD21!
CD9 for me today. Will start OPK's Saturday (CD14) since i usually O CD16-18ish. Also planning to start BDing regularly starting this weekend through next week. (at least every other day) :winkwink:

Been good on my temping. Kinda all over the place though...see my chart in my signature.

Had a great weekend! Went to the beach with my son (14 mos) on Friday for a couple hrs. Took him hiking in the backpack for 2 hrs on Saturday. He is a big boy, 27lbs and super tall (looks like he is 3). it was SO HOT! (95 degrees and HUMID) So got in a good work out. :) How was every ones weekend?
Been a bit since I checked this thread as I have had a pretty busy week last week!

CD 13 for me today. Will probably O around Friday or Saturday this week. BD last night and will again tonight when OH gets home - planning on BD AT LEAST every other day (hopefully every day!!) and still drinking grapefruit.

I want this to be the cycle for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone to catch those eggs!!!:hugs:
Csc- my chart is all over the place too haha hoping it is due to oddities like last night I fell asleep on the living room floor and didnt wake up and go to bed until 3:30 then temped at 5 and had a high temp. I never hike but always thought it would be really pretty and relaxing. We took DS to the zoo and that was enough of a "hike" for me :haha: I am so out of shape.

Afm cycle wise I am on cd 7 and started opk last night since it is my first cycle using opks and I am taking these herbal supplements and I got a line definitely not a positive. It was about as dark as one that I took a couple days before AF got me so maybe I will just always register that much on an opk :shrug:
Hoping this is a good sign. Last cycle I had stark white negative OPK CD13-16 (only days I tested), didn't ovulate until CD31. Today CD7 this is my test. Wonder if this means I'll likely O soon?? Darker than last 2 days too.

This is what my test looked like yesterday! Taken on cd5 I am cd 6 today not 7 like I said in previous post haha far too tired today. I am very interested to see when you O as I am worried with a line like that already and will be away from OH on cd 10,11, and 12.
Csc- my chart is all over the place too haha hoping it is due to oddities like last night I fell asleep on the living room floor and didnt wake up and go to bed until 3:30 then temped at 5 and had a high temp. I never hike but always thought it would be really pretty and relaxing. We took DS to the zoo and that was enough of a "hike" for me :haha: I am so out of shape.

Afm cycle wise I am on cd 7 and started opk last night since it is my first cycle using opks and I am taking these herbal supplements and I got a line definitely not a positive. It was about as dark as one that I took a couple days before AF got me so maybe I will just always register that much on an opk :shrug:

Some people always do. Some people (like me) have nothing on them at firt and they progressively get darker. Just depends on your hormones. :)

Question: what is "afm" ? I keep seeing it and keep forgetting to ask!

Had a great weekend! Went to the beach with my son (14 mos) on Friday for a couple hrs. Took him hiking in the backpack for 2 hrs on Saturday. He is a big boy, 27lbs and super tall (looks like he is 3). it was SO HOT! (95 degrees and HUMID) So got in a good work out. :) How was every ones weekend?

We spent the weekend cleaning out DH's grandparents house. They passed away a few months ago and DH is in charge of the estate (they raised him) so we've spent the last two weekends cleaning out the house and determing what things are going to Good Will, what things are trash and what things to keep. It's been insane! BIL took care of them during their last days and then was living there for a couple months after they passed and was supposed to be working on the house but we found out that he's done almost nothing. So we've spent the last 2 weekends doing it. Utterly exhausting. But we did make a lot of progress. Just that there is 50+ years worth of stuff in the house and DH's grandmother was a pack rat. Finding old butter and creamer and tv dinner containers she kept in the attic: HUNDREDS of them. Literally. We took over 1700lbs of stuff to the dump this weekend alone. And two truck fulls of stuff to good will. Plus the BOXES of stuff we still have to sort through later.


They live about 3 hours away. The bonus is that my parents live in the same town so we can visit them and stay there while we work and my mom and sister helped us out with the house- which was a God send.

I'm glad I don't go back to work for a couple days so I still have time to recover. I'm a teacher and the school year starts soon. Wow!

I'll be glad to have something to do to keep my mind off TTC, but also afraid starting up at a new school district will cause some stress which could affect this cycle.
Angel that sounds exhausting! Hopefully you are able to get everything sorted and are ready to head back to the classroom :flower: I believe that afm stands for as for me, at least that's what I mean when I say it :haha: everyone has so many different abbreviations and interprets or uses them differently
Angel that sounds exhausting! Hopefully you are able to get everything sorted and are ready to head back to the classroom :flower: I believe that afm stands for as for me, at least that's what I mean when I say it :haha: everyone has so many different abbreviations and interprets or uses them differently

Thanks! that makes a lot of sense, actually. I've been sitting here making up things in my head. None of them made sense though! :haha:

It was SOO exhausting. We've been gone every weekend for the last 5 weeks. Cleaning the house + wedding + family reunion + cleaning + cleaning.... I'm so done. LoL! We are almost there at least so the BIL will hopefully get the last couple little things done. We've moved a lot of stuff out into storage so we have to go through that next but at least the house itself is done. We were in a time crunch.

I start "new teacher" orientation on Wednesday. I'm far from a new teacher (going on 9th year in a classroom) but I'm new to this district. Then next wed is teachers return and then the following week is students return. I'm not even close to ready. LoL! :haha: But I will start to be after this week. I just need to know the school policies and get into my classroom so I have a better idea of what I need to do. I teach high school math, so I have to meet with my math team and get the school's curriculum because it is different from my previous school. :)
Csc- my chart is all over the place too haha hoping it is due to oddities like last night I fell asleep on the living room floor and didnt wake up and go to bed until 3:30 then temped at 5 and had a high temp. I never hike but always thought it would be really pretty and relaxing. We took DS to the zoo and that was enough of a "hike" for me :haha: I am so out of shape.

Afm cycle wise I am on cd 7 and started opk last night since it is my first cycle using opks and I am taking these herbal supplements and I got a line definitely not a positive. It was about as dark as one that I took a couple days before AF got me so maybe I will just always register that much on an opk :shrug:

Some people always do. Some people (like me) have nothing on them at firt and they progressively get darker. Just depends on your hormones. :)

Question: what is "afm" ? I keep seeing it and keep forgetting to ask!

Had a great weekend! Went to the beach with my son (14 mos) on Friday for a couple hrs. Took him hiking in the backpack for 2 hrs on Saturday. He is a big boy, 27lbs and super tall (looks like he is 3). it was SO HOT! (95 degrees and HUMID) So got in a good work out. :) How was every ones weekend?

We spent the weekend cleaning out DH's grandparents house. They passed away a few months ago and DH is in charge of the estate (they raised him) so we've spent the last two weekends cleaning out the house and determing what things are going to Good Will, what things are trash and what things to keep. It's been insane! BIL took care of them during their last days and then was living there for a couple months after they passed and was supposed to be working on the house but we found out that he's done almost nothing. So we've spent the last 2 weekends doing it. Utterly exhausting. But we did make a lot of progress. Just that there is 50+ years worth of stuff in the house and DH's grandmother was a pack rat. Finding old butter and creamer and tv dinner containers she kept in the attic: HUNDREDS of them. Literally. We took over 1700lbs of stuff to the dump this weekend alone. And two truck fulls of stuff to good will. Plus the BOXES of stuff we still have to sort through later.


They live about 3 hours away. The bonus is that my parents live in the same town so we can visit them and stay there while we work and my mom and sister helped us out with the house- which was a God send.

I'm glad I don't go back to work for a couple days so I still have time to recover. I'm a teacher and the school year starts soon. Wow!

I'll be glad to have something to do to keep my mind off TTC, but also afraid starting up at a new school district will cause some stress which could affect this cycle.

Yep, that sure does sound exhausting!
High school math is definitely a fun one...jk :haha: I enjoyed my math classes in high school but my dad was a hs math teacher and I always felt bad for him with some of the stuff he ended up going through..and then he made me start tutoring some of his students and I felt even worse for him :haha:

Hopefully your BIL will get things finished up so you can focus on more important things..like babies! Haha if I remember right you are in the same boat as me, only TTC this month before taking a break? I am trying this month and possibly next month but next month would be the absolute last month I could. DS will be so disappointed if it doesn't happen haha we don't really talk to him about babies but he keeps asking if I have a baby in me yet because he really wants a baby :haha: last night he told me that he really wants me to have a baby but that he only wants me to be his mommy so now he is conflicted haha.
CD1 today for me... so I am a little behind some of you. But I like having multiple threads to share on.

So hoping that this is THE month. I had mirena out a few months ago, so thinking that my cycle is finally regulating. They have been 27 days each with my LP changing length, but this last cycle was 13 days.

FX that this will be the cycle for lots of us!!
High school math is definitely a fun one...jk :haha: I enjoyed my math classes in high school but my dad was a hs math teacher and I always felt bad for him with some of the stuff he ended up going through..and then he made me start tutoring some of his students and I felt even worse for him :haha:

Hopefully your BIL will get things finished up so you can focus on more important things..like babies! Haha if I remember right you are in the same boat as me, only TTC this month before taking a break? I am trying this month and possibly next month but next month would be the absolute last month I could. DS will be so disappointed if it doesn't happen haha we don't really talk to him about babies but he keeps asking if I have a baby in me yet because he really wants a baby :haha: last night he told me that he really wants me to have a baby but that he only wants me to be his mommy so now he is conflicted haha.

Yeah, we have a lot to get through. I enjoy it, but sometimes I envy the teachers who do art or PE. Just seems like less stress! :haha:

My niece does the same thing to my sister and I. Keeps asking if there is a baby in our tummy. She really wants a baby.

I'm in the same boat as you. If no BFP in September then I'm taking a break until probably January. Don't want to have a due date that makes me miss the first month or so of school. Just too hard. And we can't financially have me take off a whole school year. Just not doable. DH is in his apprenticeship for Electrician. He'll be done in a year but it still won't be enough to get hold all our bills. ESPECIALLY if there's a baby!
Hello ladies. :)

CD12 today and had an ob/gyn appointment for my biyearly pap smear. My doctor already knows we started ttc and when i left he said "so i will see you in 6 months or when you're pregnant if that happens before then"

Well, i sure hope so!
Hello ladies. :)

CD12 today and had an ob/gyn appointment for my biyearly pap smear. My doctor already knows we started ttc and when i left he said "so i will see you in 6 months or when you're pregnant if that happens before then"

Well, i sure hope so!

Can I ask why you get biyearly? I thought it was suggested for only once a year? That's all I've ever had anyway
Hello ladies. :)

CD12 today and had an ob/gyn appointment for my biyearly pap smear. My doctor already knows we started ttc and when i left he said "so i will see you in 6 months or when you're pregnant if that happens before then"

Well, i sure hope so!

Can I ask why you get biyearly? I thought it was suggested for only once a year? That's all I've ever had anyway

Uh, i don't know actually. I was told to go twice a year so that's what I've always done and I've never had a doctor tell me i don't need to come that often so I never actually thought twice about it. Maybe it's just how they do it here in germany? :shrug::shrug: sorry I can't really answer haha if i remember i'll ask next time :)
That probably makes a difference being in Germany. In the states they have changed it now to every two years if there are no health concerns.
What, really? That doesn't seem to make too much sense to me.. isn't the point of those tests so that if there actually is something, it's caught before there are real health issues and you have the best possible chance of treating it..?
Sucks that things like these are being cut..
Yea, if you have had previous issues I think they leave it yearly or if you have risk factors. I think age also plays a part in the frequency.
In Canada (or at least where I am) if you have no health concerns, they will wait up to 3 years in between. I have single friends who have been told to go every 1-2 years but my younger momma friends have all been told every three years.

I have had light cramping all morning (not bad by any means but an ache in lower tummy and back) but with the lighter tests yesterday I doubt it's O? Getting little twinges on both sides not just one too. Wonder if I'm just too far in my own head and imagining things, I do feel kinda sick but likely just because I need to eat.
Oh! Location probably makes a big difference.

In the states I was told every year from age 18 (or becomes sexually active) until age 30. Then at around 30 if there are no problems it can become every 2 years.
CD13 here. And my chart is.... nuts. I have no idea why my temps keep plummeting. UGH. Someone tell me it's normal?

My Ovulation Chart

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