Csc- my chart is all over the place too haha hoping it is due to oddities like last night I fell asleep on the living room floor and didnt wake up and go to bed until 3:30 then temped at 5 and had a high temp. I never hike but always thought it would be really pretty and relaxing. We took DS to the zoo and that was enough of a "hike" for me

I am so out of shape.
Afm cycle wise I am on cd 7 and started opk last night since it is my first cycle using opks and I am taking these herbal supplements and I got a line definitely not a positive. It was about as dark as one that I took a couple days before AF got me so maybe I will just always register that much on an opk
Some people always do. Some people (like me) have nothing on them at firt and they progressively get darker. Just depends on your hormones.
Question: what is "afm" ? I keep seeing it and keep forgetting to ask!
Had a great weekend! Went to the beach with my son (14 mos) on Friday for a couple hrs. Took him hiking in the backpack for 2 hrs on Saturday. He is a big boy, 27lbs and super tall (looks like he is 3). it was SO HOT! (95 degrees and HUMID) So got in a good work out.

How was every ones weekend?
We spent the weekend cleaning out DH's grandparents house. They passed away a few months ago and DH is in charge of the estate (they raised him) so we've spent the last two weekends cleaning out the house and determing what things are going to Good Will, what things are trash and what things to keep. It's been insane! BIL took care of them during their last days and then was living there for a couple months after they passed and was supposed to be working on the house but we found out that he's done almost nothing. So we've spent the last 2 weekends doing it. Utterly exhausting. But we did make a lot of progress. Just that there is 50+ years worth of stuff in the house and DH's grandmother was a pack rat. Finding old butter and creamer and tv dinner containers she kept in the attic: HUNDREDS of them. Literally. We took over 1700lbs of stuff to the dump this weekend alone. And two truck fulls of stuff to good will. Plus the BOXES of stuff we still have to sort through later.
They live about 3 hours away. The bonus is that my parents live in the same town so we can visit them and stay there while we work and my mom and sister helped us out with the house- which was a God send.
I'm glad I don't go back to work for a couple days so I still have time to recover. I'm a teacher and the school year starts soon. Wow!
I'll be glad to have something to do to keep my mind off TTC, but also afraid starting up at a new school district will cause some stress which could affect this cycle.