October Sticky Beans!

Hi ladies,

I'm new here, but I thought I would join you as I'm currently CD15.
Welcome ivksa! Did you O already, or when do you usually O?

I'm on CD15, haven't Oed yet but i have a feeling it's any day now. Had some pains in my right ovary last time we DTD and today i actually noticed some CM! Kind of a mixture of wet and eggwhite, but since i barely get any CM i'm super excited! Haha glad that tonight OH and I will have the chance to take advantage of it :D

I was also just thinking about how crazy it was that i'm getting excited over something like CM haha wouldn't have thought that a couple months ago, but it actually feels good to be more in tune with my own body
Good morning ladies (well at least its morning here in Boston!) Another sweltering humid day! CD 12 today. Another EXTREMELY negative opk last night. squinter again about 30 minutes after. I guess i am just one of those women who barely have a line unless its right before O. Im keeping track of all of them making a chart, when i get closer to O i will take a pic and report my line progression for you all.
Two nights in a row i have had sex dreams. O_o lol I keep telling my DH, hopefully we can DTD tonight, we have been slacking BIG time this month. But i guess that is the way it goes, some months are more active than others. As long as we get a few days of BDing in when the opk's are +, im ok with it. lol :happydance:

Also I have been charting CP and CM this month along with temps. Chart in signature. :) How is everyone doing?!
Blackrain- even how far it was adjusted looks to be in a normal range...I have used whenmybaby before and really liked that adjuster, it seemed like the one that gave the most likely temp.

Angel- so glad that they are doing the tests for you! And yay for only 3.5 hours of orientation :happydance: hopefully all the tests come back well :flower:

Cupcake- hoping you O soon :dust: it will be so exciting to have someone in the TWW in here haha

Ivska- welcome!

Csc- morning for me too here in the Midwest! When is your normal O date? I am sure you have said and I am just too lazy to go back and look :haha: whoops, it's early. I have been doing OPKs daily but my mother is coming to visit for the day and possibly overnight and although she knows we are trying and knows I am temping I haven't told her about the opks and supplements so I hid everything and won't be doing opk today :haha:
I usually O between CD 15-18. I am CD 12. SO we should start getting busy Sunday till Wednesday. So that is 4 days i am hoping to BD, but more realistically, i am shooting for at least 3 out of the 4 days. (lets be honest, having 14 month old really does not add to the romantic mood. lol)
You will not be doing an opk while your mom is there?! Just do it, hide the wrappers in tissue paper, hide the opk under the sink and go back to check it in 5-10 minutes. She will be none the wiser. :)
Oh my gosh Angel, 7 hours! I would die haha I just spent one hour in DS's preschool orientation and could not wait to get out of there :haha: Those things make me feel so weird, I am a young mom I am 24 and DS is 4 and I feel like the other moms who are older look at me differently, although I have to admit most of this is my own insecurities about it. I felt even more out of place because most of the parents were still in dressy work clothes where as I was in jeans and a tshirt with no makeup and my hair pulled back :dohh: And to top it off pretty sure I had massive "resting bitch face" (excuse my language) :haha: the whole time! I work in social work and had a client go completely haywire right after I left today and spent most of the time between work getting done until orientation on the phone :wacko: Lets just say I wasn't the happiest person before I stepped into an uncomfortable situation.

Staying off the internet is just not going to happen! :haha: I read for a lot it moves their O day up and then read for some that it pushes their O day back. I'm hoping it pushes mine up a little from where it has been but basically just pushes it back to normal, or delays it. I have been sitting here thinking that I should ask OH to make up an excuse for work to only be out of town for half the week next week or work in town. I have officially lost it!!!! :rofl::dohh:

Todmommy I know just how you feel!! I am 24 and our DS is going to be 5 and heading into Kindergarten this fall, and I hate going to his orientations. we are sending him to a private school and most of the families are well off, so I feel like they all look at me like I'm a "kid with a kid".
I don't think being a young mom is anything bad at all or anything to be ashamed of! We just have longer to spend being mommies and *EVENTUALLY* Grandmommies. We will be younger and have more energy to spend making memories!! :hugs:
lvska - welcome!!!

todmommy - :haha: I hide the OPKs and stuff when my parents come to town too. My mom has decided that since we didn't get pregnant the first month or two after bc that I must be infertile, and she's too nosy and asks too many questions. So I'd rather her not know I'm doing OPKs too. Just one more thing for her to say "well if you are doing all that shouldn't you be pregnant by now?" Ugh. sometimes moms are more stress!

However, I'm totally with cscbeth, do the OPK but hide the wrapper in the trash under tissue paper, and stash the OPK somewhere under the sink. You can always have to go back to the bathroom 5-10 mins later. Maybe you are having a little gastro-intestinal problems.... ;)

just1more2: My worries are just hte opposite, that instead of being "the kid with the kid" I'll be that "older woman" with the kids. ALL my friends and cousins have kids, all their kids are already 4+ years old. And I'm 30 and have none yet. I feel like I'll be the old person at all these events. lol.
Csc- I totally understand having a child in the house sort of ruining the mood haha I am always so paranoid about it because my son sometimes wakes up during the night and comes in our room....we have been caught once when we didn't notice him come in and all the sudden had a toddler next to us saying "hey! What's going on here?!" :haha:

Just1more- that is definitely how I end up feeling at times and although I love being a young mom I do feel like I get looked at differently. Like I said before though I think some of that is personal insecurities.

Angel as far as feeling like the older mom I wouldn't feel bad about it. 30 is really not old to be having babies! I think at any age we all have our worries about what people will think to some degree.

I think I will take the opk if I can get her out of the house :haha: she has this "fun" day planned with my son so she may actually be gone when I get home but if she is not I will suggest ice cream and it should be a done deal lol. I didn't cover up the wrappers in the trash because I didn't think she would be there before me and now she wants my keys because she needs DS's swim trunks :dohh: so hopefully she doesn't get snoopy :haha: I went seriously stealth mode I have my opks, supplements, and the used opks that I have saved and glued to a piece of paper all in my underwear drawer....I think I'm less worried about her knowing I am using them and more worried that she will think I have gone crazy if she sees that I have been taking sticks with my pee on them and super glueing them to a notebook :haha:
My DH is the only one (and you guys ;)) Who knows i am using opk's. My mom would never ask, my MIL i'm sure doesn't know what they are (she is from the middle east) and i KNOW my brothers could care less. I have them all taped to a piece of paper as well! With CD, date and time labeled next to each one. lol
Cupcake - Cycle Buddies! FX you O soon! I'm hoping my temps spike in the morning indicating O. Another friend thinks I looks like I O'd already, but I'm not sure as it would be a super early O.

Angel - At the moment I'm just temping. I can't reach my cervix, dr says it's well supported, meaning my vagina is longer than normal. I guess that good, but it makes trying to check it super hard. I would get DH to do it, but I don't think he'd take it seriously just yet, nor would he know what he's looking/feeling for in there. haha
I hope your blood tests come back ok, and if not that you get the answers you are looking for and have a plan going forward. FX

todmommy - The judgyness of moms goes beyond that. I get judged because I don't have any children yet at the age of 29. Why can't we just live our own lives to please ourselves?? Here's hoping things get better and you don't stress too much.
Blood work is done and the lab says my doctor should have my results by early next week! Woot! That's exciting! Sooner than I expected anyway. Hoping that everything comes back good but if not, at least I'll have answers soon enough for the dr to do something before I lose the insurance! :)

I came home and promptly took my vitamins and Vitex. I've been avoiding taking it this cycle until I got everything checked and since my daily prenatals have VitD in it, I didn't want that to interfere with the VitD test they were running.

On another note: I got EWcm today, which is really early for me. I am taking Evening Primrose Oil. Has anyone ever had EPO give them more EWcm for a longer time?

Today is CD10. Typically I O around CD26. Last cycle, with Vitex, I O'd on CD16. But CD10 seems really early for me to have EWcm. I thought it was a fluke but the last 2-3 days I've had a mixture between creamy and EW/watery (which is really weird for me). Could it be the EPO?

todmommy - Thanks :) I keep getting told 30 isn't too old. It just feels old. but, then again, everything about turning 30 makes me feel old. It's a rough year for me. lol

PnutProtector - wow! That high huh? I guess that's good that its "well supported". lol You can check CM without reaching your cervix but if your body is like mine it's actually hard to check for me unless I actually can reach the cervix itself. Temping should be good to at least give you confirmation of O. :)
Glad your blood work will be done soon!

Yeah when I was TTC my son I was 22, I went to a walk in clinic with some preconception questions because of my short LP, and the doc literally told me to hold off on kids because I was still too young and had my whole life ahead of me, said I should be out partying and enjoying myself, and refused to address any of my concerns. Oh man I was livid and walked right out on him. Told the next doc I saw and he was shocked, said I was the perfect age (especially since we have a stable marriage, we both have great jobs and own our house) and he actually offered to be my family doctor since he often takes on pregnant patients.

Everyone has their own opinion about age, but they forget everyone matures differently. My husband and I have always been 'that old couple' haha (even in grade 12).
Blood work is done and the lab says my doctor should have my results by early next week! Woot! That's exciting! Sooner than I expected anyway. Hoping that everything comes back good but if not, at least I'll have answers soon enough for the dr to do something before I lose the insurance! :)

I came home and promptly took my vitamins and Vitex. I've been avoiding taking it this cycle until I got everything checked and since my daily prenatals have VitD in it, I didn't want that to interfere with the VitD test they were running.

On another note: I got EWcm today, which is really early for me. I am taking Evening Primrose Oil. Has anyone ever had EPO give them more EWcm for a longer time?

Today is CD10. Typically I O around CD26. Last cycle, with Vitex, I O'd on CD16. But CD10 seems really early for me to have EWcm. I thought it was a fluke but the last 2-3 days I've had a mixture between creamy and EW/watery (which is really weird for me). Could it be the EPO?

todmommy - Thanks :) I keep getting told 30 isn't too old. It just feels old. but, then again, everything about turning 30 makes me feel old. It's a rough year for me. lol

PnutProtector - wow! That high huh? I guess that's good that its "well supported". lol You can check CM without reaching your cervix but if your body is like mine it's actually hard to check for me unless I actually can reach the cervix itself. Temping should be good to at least give you confirmation of O. :)

Sorry I haven't used EPO but I think it's common to have EWCM a few days before O for lots of women. CD12 and basically no CM at all yet!
Yeah when I was TTC my son I was 22, I went to a walk in clinic with some preconception questions because of my short LP, and the doc literally told me to hold off on kids because I was still too young and had my whole life ahead of me, said I should be out partying and enjoying myself, and refused to address any of my concerns. Oh man I was livid and walked right out on him. Told the next doc I saw and he was shocked, said I was the perfect age

Wow that was super rude of your first doctor, like wth?!

My doctor tells me every time that he thinks i'm the perfect age to be starting to ttc and i'm 23. He was like "you know what i have to tell most women when they ask when the best time to ttc is? Yesterday!" Hahaha actually made me laugh out loud while he was doing his thing down there haha

Although 30 definitely isn't old yet either! Sad that women have to worry about things like that, people really need to stop judging..

CD16 and didn't have temp rise today so still no O.. getting impatient, although last cycle i didn't O until CD20, so nothing to worry about just yet. But i reeeaally hope the agnus castus would start shortening my cycles a bit, i'm too impatient for 33-35 day cycles hahaha

Pnut, how exciting! I don't think your chart looks like you O'd already, i bet it's any day now! We might start the tww at the same time! Haha
Welcome ivksa! Did you O already, or when do you usually O?

Fertility friend predicted O yesterday, another app that I use says today, but my cycles are a bit irregular, so I am waiting to have confirmation from my temps :).
I'm deflated right now. I just don't feel "in" this cycle. But it might be too early to be feeling anything haha. I'm hoping I'm just too impatient.

:dust: Good luck to everyone! For test results, O dates, EWCM, and the best of all, that :bfp:
Glad your blood work will be done soon!

Yeah when I was TTC my son I was 22, I went to a walk in clinic with some preconception questions because of my short LP, and the doc literally told me to hold off on kids because I was still too young and had my whole life ahead of me, said I should be out partying and enjoying myself, and refused to address any of my concerns. Oh man I was livid and walked right out on him. Told the next doc I saw and he was shocked, said I was the perfect age (especially since we have a stable marriage, we both have great jobs and own our house) and he actually offered to be my family doctor since he often takes on pregnant patients.

Everyone has their own opinion about age, but they forget everyone matures differently. My husband and I have always been 'that old couple' haha (even in grade 12).

How rude of your doctor!! OMG. I would have been furious!

When my new insurance switches on (Oct1) I am going to find a new OBGYN (since mine retires) and I am going to go to one that several of my friends have recommended. Hopefully if I am not pregnant yet and still having 8-9 day LP, she can be of some help. Of course, by then if I'm not pregnant yet we'll be on a break but at least I can talk to her and get an idea as to whether or not there is concern.

I'm considering getting a hormone test done if my LP stays short. I have found a place where we can do a hormone test via saliva at home and then mail it to a lab and have the results sent back. Strongly considering it just to get numbers. I didn't ask my doctor to do it because you're supposed to check so many days after O and by that time I'll be into September w/ no insurance and no doctor!

Does that make me sound crazy??
Pnut, I'm sorry you're feeling out this month :hugs: Don't worry, there are many more to come and you may just get your surprise still this month :)

Angel, I don't think it makes you sound crazy.. I've read that anything less than a 10 day luteal phase is too little for a fertilized egg to properly implant. So whatever helps you get answers, and if it's that easy and convenient to do, go for it! If it turns out there is something off then maybe doing something to regulate your luteal phase will make your TTC break a bit easier since you know you're still doing something to make it easier once you start again :)
That's definitely not to say that you will even have to go on break, still having my fingers crossed for everyone :cloud9:
Pnut, I'm sorry you're feeling out this month :hugs: Don't worry, there are many more to come and you may just get your surprise still this month :)

Angel, I don't think it makes you sound crazy.. I've read that anything less than a 10 day luteal phase is too little for a fertilized egg to properly implant. So whatever helps you get answers, and if it's that easy and convenient to do, go for it! If it turns out there is something off then maybe doing something to regulate your luteal phase will make your TTC break a bit easier since you know you're still doing something to make it easier once you start again :)
That's definitely not to say that you will even have to go on break, still having my fingers crossed for everyone :cloud9:

Thanks cupcake! Really hoping I don't have to take the break, but if I do at least I'll have an action plan. :)

I'm actually so back and forth about this - I want my BPF so bad. But part of me wants to wait just so that I can better plan it to go out toward the end of the school year and take more time and then get my summer with baby before I go back to work (and have ot put baby in daycare). I hate the idea of putting baby in childcare at just 3 months, but we don't get maternity leave as teachers, we only get paid whatever sick time we've accrued. Which is almost nothing for me because sick time doesn't cross states and I taught in Texas for 7 year and this is only my 1st full year at a Washington public school. Really sucks because I had 40 days of sick leave accrued in Texas. :( I can take FMLA (unpaid) leave and I have short term disability which will pay me 80% of my regular pay for the time I'm out, minus 2 weeks. :/ Either way, hubby and I can't afford for me to take off more time than that. Not in this day and age and Washington's cost of living = outrageous compared to Texas.
Thanks Cupcake :hugs:

Hopefully you are not out yet Angel! I don't think you sound crazy. It's normal to want to know what's up with your body, and you have every right to know.

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