Oh my gosh Angel, 7 hours! I would die haha I just spent one hour in DS's preschool orientation and could not wait to get out of thereThose things make me feel so weird, I am a young mom I am 24 and DS is 4 and I feel like the other moms who are older look at me differently, although I have to admit most of this is my own insecurities about it. I felt even more out of place because most of the parents were still in dressy work clothes where as I was in jeans and a tshirt with no makeup and my hair pulled back
And to top it off pretty sure I had massive "resting bitch face" (excuse my language)
the whole time! I work in social work and had a client go completely haywire right after I left today and spent most of the time between work getting done until orientation on the phone
Lets just say I wasn't the happiest person before I stepped into an uncomfortable situation.
Staying off the internet is just not going to happen!I read for a lot it moves their O day up and then read for some that it pushes their O day back. I'm hoping it pushes mine up a little from where it has been but basically just pushes it back to normal, or delays it. I have been sitting here thinking that I should ask OH to make up an excuse for work to only be out of town for half the week next week or work in town. I have officially lost it!!!!
Blood work is done and the lab says my doctor should have my results by early next week! Woot! That's exciting! Sooner than I expected anyway. Hoping that everything comes back good but if not, at least I'll have answers soon enough for the dr to do something before I lose the insurance!
I came home and promptly took my vitamins and Vitex. I've been avoiding taking it this cycle until I got everything checked and since my daily prenatals have VitD in it, I didn't want that to interfere with the VitD test they were running.
On another note: I got EWcm today, which is really early for me. I am taking Evening Primrose Oil. Has anyone ever had EPO give them more EWcm for a longer time?
Today is CD10. Typically I O around CD26. Last cycle, with Vitex, I O'd on CD16. But CD10 seems really early for me to have EWcm. I thought it was a fluke but the last 2-3 days I've had a mixture between creamy and EW/watery (which is really weird for me). Could it be the EPO?
todmommy - ThanksI keep getting told 30 isn't too old. It just feels old. but, then again, everything about turning 30 makes me feel old. It's a rough year for me. lol
PnutProtector - wow! That high huh? I guess that's good that its "well supported". lol You can check CM without reaching your cervix but if your body is like mine it's actually hard to check for me unless I actually can reach the cervix itself. Temping should be good to at least give you confirmation of O.![]()
Yeah when I was TTC my son I was 22, I went to a walk in clinic with some preconception questions because of my short LP, and the doc literally told me to hold off on kids because I was still too young and had my whole life ahead of me, said I should be out partying and enjoying myself, and refused to address any of my concerns. Oh man I was livid and walked right out on him. Told the next doc I saw and he was shocked, said I was the perfect age
Welcome ivksa! Did you O already, or when do you usually O?
Glad your blood work will be done soon!
Yeah when I was TTC my son I was 22, I went to a walk in clinic with some preconception questions because of my short LP, and the doc literally told me to hold off on kids because I was still too young and had my whole life ahead of me, said I should be out partying and enjoying myself, and refused to address any of my concerns. Oh man I was livid and walked right out on him. Told the next doc I saw and he was shocked, said I was the perfect age (especially since we have a stable marriage, we both have great jobs and own our house) and he actually offered to be my family doctor since he often takes on pregnant patients.
Everyone has their own opinion about age, but they forget everyone matures differently. My husband and I have always been 'that old couple' haha (even in grade 12).
Pnut, I'm sorry you're feeling out this monthDon't worry, there are many more to come and you may just get your surprise still this month
Angel, I don't think it makes you sound crazy.. I've read that anything less than a 10 day luteal phase is too little for a fertilized egg to properly implant. So whatever helps you get answers, and if it's that easy and convenient to do, go for it! If it turns out there is something off then maybe doing something to regulate your luteal phase will make your TTC break a bit easier since you know you're still doing something to make it easier once you start again
That's definitely not to say that you will even have to go on break, still having my fingers crossed for everyone![]()