Just finished grading 90 geometry tests. I feel like I need a LOT of

Why do I feel like they are never going to learn EVERY time I give a test! Ugh! There were a lot of good grades in there but I had a string of really bad ones (some below 20%!) from kids who just goof off and screw around and cause trouble. Unfortunately I'm still "responsible for their education" too.
So, in my obsessiveness I was rereading through parts of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and in that book they recommend pinpointing your O when your temp rises above your past
6 temps and stays there for at least 3 days. They recommend drawing your coverline based on that spot (the 6 temps pre-O). If I were to follow that guideline, my coverilne for last cycle would be 97.2 (instead of 97.3), and every temp I've had this cycle so far would be still above previous cycles' cover.
Yes. I'm crazy. And obsessive. Actually hoping the AM temp is in the 96s so I'll quit fantasizing.
Ladies, I need some pee sticks to fantasize about! Lets see those pics!!
Boston Exactly! I'm so glad someone else understands! My friend(s) are all like "if you stop trying you'll get pregnant" and I'm like ummmm no. I can do the math, and I know how my sex life looks. We like sex, we just don't get it often. LoL. Is your DH in the military? (You mentioned deployment). My BIL is Air Force and deployment can really put a kink in the baby making plans!
todmommy OMG!

that bat picture!! Can't wait to see tomorrow's FRER!!!