@Blackrain90 I get so happy when I see your posts
@todmommy4568 waiting to see bfp
@cscbeth8421 also waiting for some more news from you
I hope that no one minds if I write a little RANT/story here...
I've been feeling very emotional and I thought maybe writing would help a bit. No need to actually read this
I met my husband in 2011. We got married in 2012, which was after him leaving the US to go back to Saudi for 4 months (I didn't know if he would be back or not). After we got married I finished my MA and we moved to Iowa, so he could get his MS. 2 months before he finished I got a job offer to teach English (I accepted it because it was my only way of getting into the country and once he left the US it would be difficult for him to get a visa to come back).
So, I went to KSA alone after spending the Christmas holiday with my grandparents. I spent 10 days in Bahrain to get the visa and then traveled to Saudi to start my new job. It was hard, but I was happy because I knew that it was a step forward. I was living in company accommodation in a single apartment. I was working at the largest all female university in the world. I felt really patient.
My husband finished his studies and came to KSA, but stayed with his family in another city (5 hours away) while trying to find a job. 3 months later he found a job in the same city as me and he started working. When my work ended for the summer he rented an apartment in a hotel and I went to stay with him (a risky situation in KSA). I went home for a few weeks to see my family and came back.
I started a new job at one of the strongest universities in KSA. I went back to the company accommodation so that I could take the bus to work. After 4 months my husband rented an apartment, explained our situation to the landlord, who said that he didn't mind if we stayed there together as we tried to get the paperwork.
In Saudi it is very difficult for a national to marry someone from outside KSA, especially western countries. We started applying for the permission in March 2014 and were denied many times due to my husband's age (he's under 35).
My husband started traveling a lot for work, to see his family and even to take a break. I couldn't go with him to his family because we couldn't announce our marriage until we got the papers finished. I couldn't travel outside the country so much because my employer was the one who issued my exit visas. (people abused the system and so they make strict rules about weekend travel). I can't explain how I felt lonely during that time. I was alone in the house and even though I invited people to come visit, it wasn't often enough.
This past May our papers were finally approved. We went to the court and signed our marriage contract. I went home to the USA after finishing work in June. My husband couldn't come because of work. In August I went to his city for the first time and we had a very large wedding celebration.
After that I started a new job and he went back to work. At the end of August he traveled to Canada. Mid September I traveled to the US and we had some time together before our wedding reception with my family.
Now we are back in KSA. Both of us are working. My husband is working what seems like 24 hours a day. He's in the office until 6 pm and when he comes home he either naps or he's on his phone/computer for work. When we go out of the house and we're in the car, 95% of the time he is talking on the phone for work.
I'm feeling so emotional because it has been a hard 3 years of being away from each other constantly. Now we have finished our papers and I felt it would be so much easier, but I feel I miss him so much. He can be next to me physically, but mentally I feel he isn't there with me. I don't want to say anything to him right now because I know he is stressed and busy and trying to be successful in his work. I'm just sad... He is the best husband and a wonderful man, but I feel alone still...