And Fuck ladies, I go to drink and I come back (didn't think I was that drunk) and there's a MAN breastfeeding and octuplets with a used turkey baster? Either I drank too much or not enough!
Night bitchess!! Im off too.. but im not so sneaky like Neko.. im taking my husband to bed i like him tonight!! he actually got me some ice cream from the store... not my mudslide.. but who can turn down a haagan daaz nommm
Another question. Can you burp a baby too hard? like, hit their back too hard?
The reason I'm asking is because the last few nights Sophia has had a hard time burping, and she screeeams. Well, I was laying with her an sat her up to burp her and I've had to do it harder lately to get her to burp. She burped twice, didn't fuss while I was burping her or anything but I feel like I was doing it too hard. Could I have hurt her? She's been super fussy anyway, but didn't cry while I was doing it. -SIGH- Feel so shitty about it!!
Maria doesn't really give kisses yet. So cute that James is giving hugs already!
More BC drama for me to read? yay!
The neighbour is ploughing (is it still ploughing when its snow or is it plowing? I hate English) our road now so I don't have to push the pram through 30cm of snow anymore yay!
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