Off topic, thread closing m[o/u]mmies!

Lauki - Holiday with family? How exciting! I hope you guys have a great trip!

Nat - Why does your kidney hurt? I'm sure Maria's fine. My husband has turned down the monitor before and I don't wake up until I hear him screaming from his room down the hall! And by then he's so upset, but he gets over it pretty fast.

MD - I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Glad Corrine took pity on you. Hope you start feeling better soon. THat's a TON of aftershocks! I've never even felt that many earthquakes living here in CA!!! Crazy!
Whit- when I read that.. I thought 'are you fucking serious' until umpteen ages later I scroll down and see you are LAUGHING... brat.

Neko- Best medicine trick is.. smoothies.. whip up some yogurt, strawberries.. banana .. in a smoothie.. works every time!!! Mason is actually resistant to some medications because they taste like shit, they don't dress them up for him often such as BIaxin... and with his pnuemonia he would puke at the thought of meds.. so we put it in his smoothie and he took all 10 days of it !!!

Nat- uh oh kidney hurts? GET TO DR!! Unless its from some freaky deaky shit!!! hahaaha... wild mother= wild child :rofl:

Glad you had a nice lie in?... is that like sleep in? HAHAHA... uk words..:dohh:

Md- Have you ever heard of a sinus rinse? I get severe migraines with a sinus infection or impacted sinus's that I can't even move... its that bad... I am light sensitive and can't move positions.. I sleep with a hot towel from the dryer completely over my face and they ussually last 3 days+ ... I found using this sinus rinse.. I was scared to use it at first as you squirt it up your nose, and I didnt want to feel like I was drowning.. but it REALLY works!!!!

I haven't had impacted sinus's or migraines that bad since I started.. I do it every week!! more often when im congested!!!

Hope you feel better, and wtf soda for a fucked up stomach? How about some gatorade, gravol, and soda crackers :haha:

Jessica- I left my baby monitor off for a whole night before too, and I had a wonderufl sleep :rofl: however Ava was a mizerable brat the next day so I know she didnt have a great sleep LOL!!! poor kid..

Im such a bad mom...:dohh:
Whit - Worrying about money sucks :(. I can never sleep when I worry about money!

It's awful. Sometimes I think I should just get a job but I don't have anyone I trust to watch Sophia and don't think I could put her in daycare. Where are you going on vacation to?! Jealous!

OH nicely gave me a lie in this morning but Maria had other ideas and came and slapped the bed and shouted at me :dohh: my kidney hurts too much to stay in bed anyways.

Oh no, why does your kidney hurt?

I am a terrible mum :( I forgot the baby monitor again (I thought OH had switched on but didn't check) and when I realised and switched it on I heard Maria bawling her eyes out :cry:

Aww, You didn't do it on purpose! :hugs:

So so sick. Was really sick yesterday. I slept a lot yesterday with Corrine and then it steadily got worse and I ended up with a pretty bad migraine. Thank GOD Corrine had mercy on me and fell asleep before Midnight.

My head still hurts.. though not as bad, and my stomach is really fucked up... so I made Scott go out.. and get damn soda to soothe it. I think it is my sinuses- I'm pretty sure they are impacted. I'm having to take pseudoephedrine everyday which I hate because it's hardcore(I mean, you can make meth out of it!). I just have no choice.

Two afterschocks today. One of them we were laying in bed and we heard it more then we felt it. Very unsettling when you can literally hear the ground moving. We have had 63 aftershocks since August. WTF? I live in Virginia!

I hope you're feeling a little bit better! I know how it is, a few weeks ago me and Sophia were really sick. We slept literally all day except 3 hours - and that's NOT like her at all. I could sleep all day and all night though :haha:
When did you guys have an Earthquake? That shit freaks me out!
So, when I met my husband he had these porn magazines with a lot of articles in them. The magazines were from the UK. :rofl: What do you call "cumming" Over there? :rofl: I think they said...spunk. :haha: :rofl:
Whit - Worrying about money sucks :(. I can never sleep when I worry about money!

It's awful. Sometimes I think I should just get a job but I don't have anyone I trust to watch Sophia and don't think I could put her in daycare. Where are you going on vacation to?! Jealous!

OH nicely gave me a lie in this morning but Maria had other ideas and came and slapped the bed and shouted at me :dohh: my kidney hurts too much to stay in bed anyways.

Oh no, why does your kidney hurt?

I am a terrible mum :( I forgot the baby monitor again (I thought OH had switched on but didn't check) and when I realised and switched it on I heard Maria bawling her eyes out :cry:

Aww, You didn't do it on purpose! :hugs:

So so sick. Was really sick yesterday. I slept a lot yesterday with Corrine and then it steadily got worse and I ended up with a pretty bad migraine. Thank GOD Corrine had mercy on me and fell asleep before Midnight.

My head still hurts.. though not as bad, and my stomach is really fucked up... so I made Scott go out.. and get damn soda to soothe it. I think it is my sinuses- I'm pretty sure they are impacted. I'm having to take pseudoephedrine everyday which I hate because it's hardcore(I mean, you can make meth out of it!). I just have no choice.

Two afterschocks today. One of them we were laying in bed and we heard it more then we felt it. Very unsettling when you can literally hear the ground moving. We have had 63 aftershocks since August. WTF? I live in Virginia!

I hope you're feeling a little bit better! I know how it is, a few weeks ago me and Sophia were really sick. We slept literally all day except 3 hours - and that's NOT like her at all. I could sleep all day and all night though :haha:
When did you guys have an Earthquake? That shit freaks me out!

I'm where that 5.8 was on the East Coast in August. I am less then 10 miles from the epicenter.

It freaks me out too. I used to say that I would never live in California because of the earthquakes.... then we had one in Virginia.. I couldn't believe it!

Terrified that we'll get a bigger one... and we live 5 miles the other way where there is a Power Plant. When it shook it took the Plant offline but the plant isn't equipped to handle anything much higher then what we got. We also don't have homes that are equipped for earthquakes. My whole house shook and it opened the cabinets, fridge... threw out everything on the floor and made a crack in the foundation. My dog ran over and bit me during the earthquake too.
Md- Have you ever heard of a sinus rinse? I get severe migraines with a sinus infection or impacted sinus's that I can't even move... its that bad... I am light sensitive and can't move positions.. I sleep with a hot towel from the dryer completely over my face and they ussually last 3 days+ ... I found using this sinus rinse.. I was scared to use it at first as you squirt it up your nose, and I didnt want to feel like I was drowning.. but it REALLY works!!!!

Like a neti-pot? No, but I know I should. Your symptoms sound about right. My head hurt so damn bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I also used to get ear infections like you do now. Horrible being an adult and having an ear infection.

I think I'll have Scott get a rinse for me when he gets paid again and see how it works. I can't be sick like this when I have to take care of Corrine.
MD -We've had 2 that I can remember. I think I live close to a fault line. We also have a power plant in my home town, which is only about 20 minutes from where I'm at now. The first one I was in middle school and it shook so hard that I thought someone had ran their car into our house. It made my lamp fall off of the shelf and hit my face in the bed. I didn't feel the second one but it cracked walls in my grandmas house. Our houses aren't equipped for stuff like that either. Scares me.

Hopefully we are going to be buying our own house this year (renting at the moment unfortunately) and I refuse to buy a house without a big basement that I can go down in and Sophia can play. We have so much bad weather here that it's a must.

Spunky, REALLY!? I've never heard it before! :haha: Is that how you got your name? :winkwink:

I just texted my mom to see what she was doing..We'll see how this goes. (The thread in BC inspired me to - HA)
Ouch MD, sinus pain sucks donkey balls :(

Spunky is spunky :haha:

I can't hear her from inside the house, well built house but wow she was loud as soon as I stepped outside :(

I dunno why my kidney hurts, it hasn't stopped hurting in over a year. I'm going to the docs on friday though.
MD -We've had 2 that I can remember. I think I live close to a fault line. We also have a power plant in my home town, which is only about 20 minutes from where I'm at now. The first one I was in middle school and it shook so hard that I thought someone had ran their car into our house. It made my lamp fall off of the shelf and hit my face in the bed. I didn't feel the second one but it cracked walls in my grandmas house. Our houses aren't equipped for stuff like that either. Scares me.

Hopefully we are going to be buying our own house this year (renting at the moment unfortunately) and I refuse to buy a house without a big basement that I can go down in and Sophia can play. We have so much bad weather here that it's a must.

Spunky, REALLY!? I've never heard it before! :haha: Is that how you got your name? :winkwink:

I just texted my mom to see what she was doing..We'll see how this goes. (The thread in BC inspired me to - HA)

Where you live.. yeah, I would get a basement. I'm with you.

I saw that thread. That was a fairly nice thread. Not a lot of Judging Mcjudgintons.

I get annoyed with others making people feel bad for not getting along with their MILs/Moms. I think if people don't understand what it's like to have a strained relationship then they should just be happy that they're so fortunate instead of judging others because they don't have the same luck.
No that's not how i got the nickname. It's a childhood nickname from my brother.

I think a basement would be awesome, but we don't have many of those here. Awesome about buying a house soon! I still have unpacked boxes from moving in November though. Suckiest move I've had is moving with a little guy.
Basements are great...for storing all the boxes you can't be arsed to unpack :haha:
I like our basement though except its freaking cold cos the big oven down there is broken so we can't light it :(
Me and my mom have never had a good relationship - ever. Maybe because she used to choose her boyfriends over me - my sister always babysat us (literally, like every day). She never had a job, she always had her boyfriends living with us. One boyfriend in particular, would buy food and lock it in their bedroom so we couldn't have it. Luckily, the whole time my dad was trying to get custody of us - and did. As long as he kept paying child support she would give custody. WTF. All she wanted was her money. The worst part of it is - she doesn't even think she did anything wrong and doesn't understand why I have negative feelings towards her. I try so hard to just move past it but I'll never forgive her - and she'll never understand why and it's mostly because she doesn't accept what she did or think she did wrong. -sigh-

My MIL is nuts too. She cried at the hospital when we told her she couldn't be in the room when I delivered. She said she didn't even know why she had come to the hospital then, and I was selfish and self centered. :rofl: We had a big blowout after I had Sophia and she didn't see her from week 5 until 5 months! Some of the women who complain about people who complain about their MIL's are idiotic.
Whit: I think the basement is good for all that stuff above.. but you're considered in Tornado Alley so I can certainly see why you'd want it for safety too.

I know you have issues with your mommy. Are you going to meet up with her?
Me and my mom have never had a good relationship - ever. Maybe because she used to choose her boyfriends over me - my sister always babysat us (literally, like every day). She never had a job, she always had her boyfriends living with us. One boyfriend in particular, would buy food and lock it in their bedroom so we couldn't have it. Luckily, the whole time my dad was trying to get custody of us - and did. As long as he kept paying child support she would give custody. WTF. All she wanted was her money. The worst part of it is - she doesn't even think she did anything wrong and doesn't understand why I have negative feelings towards her. I try so hard to just move past it but I'll never forgive her - and she'll never understand why and it's mostly because she doesn't accept what she did or think she did wrong. -sigh-

My MIL is nuts too. She cried at the hospital when we told her she couldn't be in the room when I delivered. She said she didn't even know why she had come to the hospital then, and I was selfish and self centered. :rofl: We had a big blowout after I had Sophia and she didn't see her from week 5 until 5 months! Some of the women who complain about people who complain about their MIL's are idiotic.


They NEVER think they do anything wrong.

My mom knows someone who used to work with my MIL and he DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE HAD SCOTT. That's right- she never talked about him in the three years they worked together, she only talked about the other two brothers- I have NEVER told Scott that. She hurts him enough- I don't want to hurt him anymore.


My mom has done some shitty things to me.. but she has done some great things for me and i feel so bad for people like you and Scott. She's just my MIL- she's you guy's mothers.
Sorry so many of you are ill (sick, for you transatlantic contingent. DB note I did NOT use the word American... you live in Canada, we get it lol :haha: :winkwink:) Nat - yeah get kidney pain checked out.

Spunky, yeah I know I have tittered about your username before I am so immature

Aftershocks must be scary, we never get anything like that in UK (touch wood)

We have a on again off again relationship. She's literally only seen Sophia a dozen times and that was me going to get her and taking her home, ect. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with me today because I have some toys to take back from Christmas. She said she had to ask her boyfriend. Lovely.

OH MY GOSH, Poor Scott. The good thing about shitty parents is you know how you WONT parent your children.

We have a on again off again relationship. She's literally only seen Sophia a dozen times and that was me going to get her and taking her home, ect. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with me today because I have some toys to take back from Christmas. She said she had to ask her boyfriend. Lovely.

OH MY GOSH, Poor Scott. The good thing about shitty parents is you know how you WONT parent your children.

:thumbup: Exactly... and I know how I don't want to be as a MIL too.

She has to ask her boyfriend? She needs permission to see her daughter and Granddaughter? Lovely. Well, I hope if you two DO get together that you have a nice time. :flower:
Like a neti-pot? No, but I know I should. Your symptoms sound about right. My head hurt so damn bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I also used to get ear infections like you do now. Horrible being an adult and having an ear infection.

Yep a neti pot, or they have other ones sinus rinse ones, anything will work, as long as it will clear your sinuses' I hope that helps!! another thing to most definitely check out is ear infection that can cause every problem you are experiencing!!!

hope you feel better soon, being ill/sick sucks!!!

I dunno why my kidney hurts, it hasn't stopped hurting in over a year. I'm going to the docs on friday though.

Hmm over a year? You really DO need to see a dr, this friday is perfect. speaking of dr.. have you been for that PAP smear yet? (yes I didnt forget!!!)

Sorry so many of you are ill (sick, for you transatlantic contingent. DB note I did NOT use the word American... you live in Canada, we get it lol least someone around here gets it :thumbup: and we use sick/ and ill lol... no really specific words here for us LOL...:haha:

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