I want my baby to be sexy so I'm putting her on a diet. I'm thinking of grounding up some catfood and pureeing it into her cereal....nothing says perfect mommy like an uber slim baby.
Which I can by your SN of "catlover"... which is obviously just a clever rouse to confuse me.....
Cat food has high protein.... dog food is high carb, which equals baby obesity. I want a model baby. I need to put her in glam pageants so I can pay for my cigarette and beer addiction. The child support I'm getting off her dad isn't enough for when I have to buy myself manicures and highlights every month and I can't work because I have to stay home with my baby.
The real issue is: we don't get offended by stupid stuff. A mother injecting her baby with Botox I'd have an issue with, someone weaning their baby at 22 weeks instead of the recommended 26 I don't give a fig! So I really don't think we will manage to argue in here.
Unless some of you believe in bloody amber teething necklaces!
Lol! Dam you! I bet you use divining sticks to locate water, read tarot cards to determine your days activities, rub magic healing crystals on your perenium and dance around naked so the fairies bless you with good luck!
Omg. Blonde moment. I actually ran through the days of the week and concluded that they did indeed all ended with a 'Y'......only took a few seconds but I instantly felt like an absolute prat. Sigh.
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