MD - Glad you're pleased with your dress!!! Screw the bitch that gave you advice!
OMG LOVED the Barney and Dora Video!!
Still haven't left James overnight. Not even sure I've left him for 4 hours yet... I read stranger danger starts about 7 months, and he does get a little upset when others hold him.
Omg--- I had a vaginal birth- At home on my kitchen floor.. very much so UNPLANNED.. hurt like a bitch ..fuck man.. no more kids for us

Seriously??? Can you post a link to your birth story if you have one?
Actually can all of you post links your birth stories if you have them? I remember reading MD's & Jessica's.
whit - unprotected sex? I thought I was the only one tempting fate here (but I DO want to get pregnant again!)
My husband and I were talking today about how I was the happiest pregnant person! I am bipolar and off meds (under psychiatric care though, doing it smart!) and I wasn't a basket case pregnant - it's like the pregnancy hormones balanced out the crazy ones! I'd LOVE to be pregnant again. Labor/Delivery was HORRIBLE but I'd do it again for another one - I don't want 14 but like Jessica said I'd probably rather just be pregnant again 2x as long than go through labor again.
No alcohol for me while pregnant - personal choice. We were ttc month 3 so I stopped the drinking again after my period.
I didn't MEAN to eat your cookies..
Really? Did you NEED to go there?
James was 18lbs3oz at 5 months, we weighed him at home the other day and it said 19lbs, but I don't know how accurate it was! He's like a pound heavier than Corrine!