Maria got things a bit backwards and was pulling up a month before she could crawl.
I think the speech thing might be right Jessica, I think Maria is slower with her speech development. She's said things that I thought were words but hasn't said them for ages so I think it was just a fluke so she doesn't have a real first word yet and she's nearly a year old. She mostly just goes mmmmm mumumumumamamamama and ah ah ah ah ah uh oh all day long
Nice bad mummy moment Whit![]()
hahaha... Oh Maria LOL!! What was she doing there anyways?
Muslin= cloth
You haven't heard of a muslin before?!
Well...T is up on her feet. I watched her today at a friends house grab the coffee table, haul herself up onto her knees, swayed a bit and then got up into standing and then just stood there for about 15 minutes LOL. I was just chatting away with friend but had arm out just in case she fell, but she just stood there trying to jump as if she was in a jumparoo. Loved the astonished look she gave as she stood up and then the confusion of "right, im up, now what do I do?" lol