Where are you hell cats????
Have any of you used flash cards with your babies? I think I want to get some baby flash cards and debating teaching her baby sign language. Any thoughts?
Scott let Corrine spill a glass of wine on herself (she broke the glass) and now her clothes are purple. I told him not to worry about it, that he's just a shitty dad that can't be trusted alone with his daughter and that it's no big deal.
I've been married for 15 years. I got married when I was 20. wtf was I thinking.![]()
Where are you hell cats????
Have any of you used flash cards with your babies? I think I want to get some baby flash cards and debating teaching her baby sign language. Any thoughts?
Scott let Corrine spill a glass of wine on herself (she broke the glass) and now her clothes are purple. I told him not to worry about it, that he's just a shitty dad that can't be trusted alone with his daughter and that it's no big deal.
I've taught Avery 2 signs this month. More and all done. She likes using the more sign. Mostly about drinking my water. Go figure what's so fascinating about water.
That's a waste of good wine!
This age is hard.
She isn't mobile, but she realizes she COULD be, and gets mad when she can't move. Takes her paci out of her mouth and always puts it back in sideways or something and gets mad.
Frustrating age
Phia's age was the worst age got Ava.. I wanted to rip my hair out, she actually put me in tears with the whining and crying all day long.. and just being exactly as you say frustrating.. after so many days.. its enough.. ... it does get better when they are mobile.. Ava was clingy.. i couldnt leave her side.. the room nothing because she would freak out.. she hated anyone who came near her.. her separation eanxiety was through the roof!
Ohh Maria! a 3 hour nap though?! NICE!
Italy was the worst season! Tomorrow Episodes 1 & 2 should be on there for this season.Love Vin.
I thought the internet was broken and was all ready to cry...then I realised it wasn't plugged in
I am marriedGot married at 22.
Bad mummy alert- I left T upstairs playing whilst I had a shower etc...about 45 minutes later whilst drinking coffee I thought she was suspiciously quiet so went upstairs to check her......she was standing up clinging to the side of the TV HAHAHAHAHA, I did laugh at her for a little bit and then got her down. Not sure how long she had been standing like that LOL
Sophia is already driving me nuts today. She's been up roughly an hour and a half, won't drink her milk, already ready for a nap but won't stop pulling her freaking paci out of her mouth and screaming because she wants it.
for fucks sake.
Trying to trudge through this thread. Damn it sucks when you have to time to be online for a day.
Ciana -Sorry that your son does need the surgery. I'm sure it's normal for him to be scared and not want to have surgery. I hope everything goes well for him and he feels better soon.
Thanks hun
Trying to get under something is how Avery got her head stuck under the sofa. She put it in sideways while figuring she could reach a ball under there. Then it took her a minute to figure out how to get her head back out. My gates don't have any gap underneath, maybe it's because they are pressure mounted? Are yours a wall mounted gate?
Mine is a wall mounted gate.... and it has to have a gap because if not she will climb over, she is half monkey. I tried to have it at floor level and she climbed up the freaking gate almost went over!!!!!... so we moved it up and all has been good until yesterday, she was quite freaked out so maybe she wont do it again? HAHAH.. wishful thinking im sure.
Whit - 4-5 months were the worst. All she wanted was to be stood up and nothing placated her. It gets better once they become mobile on their own. Especially once they start walking.
As far as the walking/talking thing. Avery babbles a ton, gawd knows what she says, and says a few words even though she was an early walker. My son walked way later (14 months) and talked a little bit more but not ton more. He's hard to shut up now. I wish he'd stop talking.
I've been married for 15 years. I got married when I was 20. wtf was I thinking.![]()