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OH performance anxiety - 6 BFPs so far!!!!

Hi janey! My OH and I have done the syringe too! Better to at least have a chance hey! And I feel as if 'whatever works'!!
Green, so sorry to hear about af! Damn it! Hopeful for your September cycle hon :hugs:
Viccat, well done on the tea drinking...I'm going out for a dinner in the city tonight, so have to be good in terms of wine!!
4 days til af due and still a bfn this morning....hope is dwindling, but still holding out for a miracle :shrug:
Hi all,

welcome Janey, glad you can join us. I had 6 months without OH finishing, but different issue as he did manage fine before TTC (well, occasionally not but not all the time). I was thinking of syringes before things started to improve so am glad he has agreed to that and you are in with a chance. I was completely distraught when there was no chance at all and I am not so sure my OH would have agreed to the syringe method.

Viccat, nice to hear from you. Good luck with BD-ing this month.

Green, that sucks about AF coming. Keep strong and fingers crossed for Sept.

Kath, fingers crossed AF stays away.

Kelly, how are things? Have you had a scan?

I am not in with a chance this month as we are apart during fertile period so having a rest from TTC. Good to have a bit of a breather. Will keep fingers crossed for the rest of you :)
I have some slight af like cramps.....praying it's not the :witch: coming....don't let it be her....:cry:
Stay away from Katherine you :witch:
Im feeling pretty crummy. Back ache giving me grief and periods are just so horribly gunky. There is no redeeming factor about a period except I suppose (I am trying to look on the bright side) it's good to know they do happen regularly from a TTC point of view.
We have done the syringe a few times. I know my OH isnt that keen on it and it doesnt particularly give him a great thrill but its good to know the 'output' is being put to good use! Im starting to wonder if I ovulate much later than I think I do. If Im on a 25 day cycle, I cant ovulate as late as CD17 can I? Didnt have much luck with sticks this month - just thinking back to twinges I had. Could they have been OV pains? I was remembering a time when I didnt dissect every single pain I got. They were lovely times!
Sara, nice to see you here. Glad you are feeling positive about your breathing space.
Yes, Kelly any update?
Shall we all try not to drink any/much alcohol this month? Is that just going to far??
Hey green,

From what I understand it would be unlikely that you would ovulate that late but only have a 25 day cycle. That is because your luteal phase should stay the same every month, and is on average about 14 days long.

So if you don't normally ovulate that late, then your cycle would also be longer .... if I am understanding it properly.

I have started temping this month (after resisting doing so for the first 6 cycles!) as apparently the temperature raise is the only DIY way of confirming that you have ovulated. All going smoothly so far .... now all I've got to do is seduce OH :haha:

I am already really trying to cut down the alcohol this month, so I would love to have company! My last drink was Monday evening, so 5 days and counting :happydance:
Stay away from Katherine you :witch:
Im feeling pretty crummy. Back ache giving me grief and periods are just so horribly gunky. There is no redeeming factor about a period except I suppose (I am trying to look on the bright side) it's good to know they do happen regularly from a TTC point of view.
We have done the syringe a few times. I know my OH isnt that keen on it and it doesnt particularly give him a great thrill but its good to know the 'output' is being put to good use! Im starting to wonder if I ovulate much later than I think I do. If Im on a 25 day cycle, I cant ovulate as late as CD17 can I? Didnt have much luck with sticks this month - just thinking back to twinges I had. Could they have been OV pains? I was remembering a time when I didnt dissect every single pain I got. They were lovely times!
Sara, nice to see you here. Glad you are feeling positive about your breathing space.
Yes, Kelly any update?
Shall we all try not to drink any/much alcohol this month? Is that just going to far??

Thanks hon, I so hope it isn't her! :cry:
Hope you're feeling a bit less crappy....hate that witch!

I'd think you would ov around cd11...do you OPK that early? I have a bit of trouble with my OPK and not being sure it is a positive result or not...started keeping all they tests and comparing them in a line..:wacko: seems to be easier to see the change from darker to lighter...as I don't really ever see a very obviously dark second line...

Oh yes, the days before we read things into every twinge, despite the fact it's probably more what I'm eating... :rofl:

Hi Sara... :wave:
Hi viccat, hope you get lots of BDing :happydance:
Yes, I'm willing to join the no/low alcohol, had my last wine on Saturday night...savoured it :haha:
Feeling hopeful today :flower: This morning we DTD before getting up, and when I did my lovely monitor said peak, so timing is definitely improving! I am a bit worried because with it being morning, there was no chance to stay still, so those swimmers had better be good :winkwink:

I'm still not sure when I actually ovulate, so will keep going with the temping/charting because that is the missing part of the jigsaw for me.
Glad to hear things are looking so positive for you viccat!

My days been mixed today. Came home early from work as feeling crappy and got another bfn this morning....did a collage and feel a bit more hopeful
Hello Ladies.

I just started temping and it is so annoying. I always get up to use the bathroom then remember to take the temp. My temps seem to be all over the place so not sure this is working for me.
I use the internet cheapie OPK's then when I think it is positive, I use a first response to be sure. If I interpret the lines to match then get a smiley face, I feel pretty good. Just a tip so you feel confident that your interpretation was correct. I test 2x a day at 11am and then at 7pm from CD 9 and on. I think my timing was good at least 3 out of these 4 months.

As far as the insemination thing goes, the doctor said that technically it should work (that was an ackward conversion to have with her:wacko:). As long as there is semen there and they can swim, it should work.

So, I went all last week without drinking (even friday night) then went out to dinner on Saturday and had wine...and a cocktail:nope:. I figure that is a great improvment from my typical 3 days a week :drunk:

But I am abstaining this week as well so you all have a sober buddy!!

On another note, I had a dream that my best friend who has 2 kids and her husband has been snipped was pregnant. I exploded in anger at her in the dream and stormed out of her house. What is my subconscience doing to me?
Anyway, good luck to everyone and I hope for good news for you all!!!
Hello Ladies.

I just started temping and it is so annoying. I always get up to use the bathroom then remember to take the temp. My temps seem to be all over the place so not sure this is working for me.
I use the internet cheapie OPK's then when I think it is positive, I use a first response to be sure. If I interpret the lines to match then get a smiley face, I feel pretty good. Just a tip so you feel confident that your interpretation was correct. I test 2x a day at 11am and then at 7pm from CD 9 and on. I think my timing was good at least 3 out of these 4 months.

As far as the insemination thing goes, the doctor said that technically it should work (that was an ackward conversion to have with her:wacko:). As long as there is semen there and they can swim, it should work.

So, I went all last week without drinking (even friday night) then went out to dinner on Saturday and had wine...and a cocktail:nope:. I figure that is a great improvment from my typical 3 days a week :drunk:

But I am abstaining this week as well so you all have a sober buddy!!

On another note, I had a dream that my best friend who has 2 kids and her husband has been snipped was pregnant. I exploded in anger at her in the dream and stormed out of her house. What is my subconscience doing to me?
Anyway, good luck to everyone and I hope for good news for you all!!!

I think you have temp before getting out of bed or the results are inaccurate...I don't temp cause I wouldn't remember either :haha:

Thanks for you advice on the opk's. I think I might get a saliva microscope as a couple of my friends with kids swear by it for accurate results...not sure if it shows before or after ov though... Have to look into that more...

I'm 13 dpo and all my pg tests have been BFNs. Only a glimmer of hope held out, trying not to think about the :witch:
Hi Ladies

Hope you don't mind me joining on the thread. My OH and I have this 'issue' a bit. We have a happy & close relationship but neither of us has a massively high sex drive and I'm always amazed by posters (especially in the over 35s thread) talking about BD'ing 5 times in a week!!! a couple or few times a month is good for us, and when stressed with work or such it generally doesn't happen. This is completely normal for us, but sometimes I feel like a freak.

I'm 39 (40 in April) and feel like it's last chance saloon. Having said that, most of the time I manage to keep it in perspective with a 'if it's meant to be, it's meant to be' attitude. But I feel the pressure more than I would if we were having masses of sex.

Managed to BD in a fertile window this cycle and I'm currently about 8-9 days p.o. I think. Don't feel a lot different to usually post -ov feelings so I'm not holding out a lot of hope, especially since its the first time we've managed to BD in a fertile window for ages...

Anyway, the best of luck to all ladies on this thread. :dust:Glad I'm on the forum after lurking for ages :)
Nothing yet janey, but not usual for me....most of the time I get cramps on cd2...
Did another pg test this morning...another bfn!
14dpo tomorrow and have one more test saved for then....fingers crossed...:af: and a :bfp:
Hi Ladies

Hope you don't mind me joining on the thread. My OH and I have this 'issue' a bit. We have a happy & close relationship but neither of us has a massively high sex drive and I'm always amazed by posters (especially in the over 35s thread) talking about BD'ing 5 times in a week!!! a couple or few times a month is good for us, and when stressed with work or such it generally doesn't happen. This is completely normal for us, but sometimes I feel like a freak.

I'm 39 (40 in April) and feel like it's last chance saloon. Having said that, most of the time I manage to keep it in perspective with a 'if it's meant to be, it's meant to be' attitude. But I feel the pressure more than I would if we were having masses of sex.

Managed to BD in a fertile window this cycle and I'm currently about 8-9 days p.o. I think. Don't feel a lot different to usually post -ov feelings so I'm not holding out a lot of hope, especially since its the first time we've managed to BD in a fertile window for ages...

Anyway, the best of luck to all ladies on this thread. :dust:Glad I'm on the forum after lurking for ages :)

Hi H! Nice to hear from you...my oh and I are similar to you guys, although I'd say my sex drive is higher than his...if he's stressed it's the last thing on his mind...even if I'm ov....a bit frustrating for me...whereas when I'm stressed I usually want to BD more...go figure!

Fingers crossed for you this cycle...have you been ttc long?
Hi Katherine,

We've been NTNP since last year, but I was abroad for work for six months earlier this year, and what with other stresses like moving house, new jobs etc. it's not been high on our list of priorities! We're a bit more settled now so I'm hoping that will help. I do think stress can play a big part.

Currently in the TWW but I've been here before, so I'm feeling a lot more rational about it :haha:

Thing is, I've never been pregnant (always careful to the point of paranoia!) so it's completely unknown territory.

How about you? Have you been TCC long? I've lurked on this forum for ages, and it's encouraging to see some of the other ladies who've had a long wait finally get their BFPs :happydance:
Hi Katherine,

We've been NTNP since last year, but I was abroad for work for six months earlier this year, and what with other stresses like moving house, new jobs etc. it's not been high on our list of priorities! We're a bit more settled now so I'm hoping that will help. I do think stress can play a big part.

Currently in the TWW but I've been here before, so I'm feeling a lot more rational about it :haha:

Thing is, I've never been pregnant (always careful to the point of paranoia!) so it's completely unknown territory.

How about you? Have you been TCC long? I've lurked on this forum for ages, and it's encouraging to see some of the other ladies who've had a long wait finally get their BFPs :happydance:

We've been ntnp since late last year, but not really trying much...lol
It's been 5 months of opk's and the last two months my oh has really been trying to DTD in the ov window....twice this cycle on cd12 and 14...I have a 28 day cycle usually...He sometimes has trouble 'ending' which I find a bit frustrating, sometimes I get upset but i try not to let him know as I know he's trying...

I have been pg before...long before...my dd is 19 now! Not sure if i can even get pg after so long....:haha: its so funny ttc when I too was so responsible around contraception...especially after the surprise of getting pregnant last time..

I never thought I would have anymore kids but since I met my oh I've totally changed my mind...I sooooo have my heart set on having a baby and becoming parents with him...In fact we would love two
Welcome H! This is a great site for venting and sharing information! stress is a killer to the process so good news you are settled in!

Katherine, Keep us posted! no symptoms is a good sign:thumbup:
Hi Katherine,

We've been NTNP since last year, but I was abroad for work for six months earlier this year, and what with other stresses like moving house, new jobs etc. it's not been high on our list of priorities! We're a bit more settled now so I'm hoping that will help. I do think stress can play a big part.

Currently in the TWW but I've been here before, so I'm feeling a lot more rational about it :haha:

Thing is, I've never been pregnant (always careful to the point of paranoia!) so it's completely unknown territory.

How about you? Have you been TCC long? I've lurked on this forum for ages, and it's encouraging to see some of the other ladies who've had a long wait finally get their BFPs :happydance:

We've been ntnp since late last year, but not really trying much...lol
It's been 5 months of opk's and the last two months my oh has really been trying to DTD in the ov window....twice this cycle on cd12 and 14...I have a 28 day cycle usually...He sometimes has trouble 'ending' which I find a bit frustrating, sometimes I get upset but i try not to let him know as I know he's trying...

I have been pg before...long before...my dd is 19 now! Not sure if i can even get pg after so long....:haha: its so funny ttc when I too was so responsible around contraception...especially after the surprise of getting pregnant last time..

I never thought I would have anymore kids but since I met my oh I've totally changed my mind...I sooooo have my heart set on having a baby and becoming parents with him...In fact we would love two

I completely understand about wanting a child with your new partner. I have had previous relationships where it hasn't been an option, really, because the relationship hasn't been great. But with my current OH it's a whole different story.

Also about the not finishing, we've experienced this. I've taken the attitude of avoiding saying anything that might put pressure on him, since that just makes everything worse. I'm also trying to adopt a policy of not letting him know where I am in my cycle, and if it happens it happens. I did charting for a while last year but it made me hyper-conscious of what was going on and then slightly bonkers during the TWW. I might start with OPKs if nothing happens within a few cycles.

A close friend of mine just got pregnant at age 39 after nearly two years of NTNP, she was stunned! It is difficult to relax about it though. :loopy:
Hi Hortensia :hi: You sound in a similar position to me. If we do it more than a couple of times a month, that is a busy month for us! We are however very cuddly, and I am thankful that he'll be totally fine after childbirth (fingers crossed we reach that point) if I'm not in the mood.

Like Kath, I probably have the higher drive during the prime baby-making week, and that's the only time it causes friction. It did even before TTC, and I am even worse now. He is stepping up to the mark though, bless him :winkwink:

Kath - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :thumbup:

As for me, need to DTD tonight I reckon - CD14, temperature still low, and monitor says go for it. Watch out hubby! :happydance:
this thread moves fast hey ladies just checking in to say had my scan all measuring to date 7+3 and saw a lovely heartbeat. there was a young girl that went in before me and she came out crying my heart really went out to her. hope your all well hugs to you all

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