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OH performance anxiety - 6 BFPs so far!!!!

Well you can forget my last post. Not in the tww. I was doing OPK testing daily and thought I caught the surge cause I had a pretty dark line and then they got ligher and lighter. SO I assumed the darkest of the series was it....we did the deed and I thought I was done.

Well today I have major OV symptoms. (EWCM mainly and those stabbing feelings) so I tested for giggles and now it is a total positive....no way to misinturpret this at all. UGH. Just goes to show you how you can miss it if you are not paying attention....gonna run home and do a first response to see if I get the smile face....and do the deed again. Fingers crossed. I am a mess.
Oooooo at least you caught it janey! Go home and jump the man! :winkwink:
I agree, get home and see if you can get some BDing going! And at least you know you ov, which is always a positive! I must admit I get a bit obsessed with poas around ov time...I have been known to test multiple times a day...just in case :rofl:
good luck janey xx

hey ladies how are you all whos in the tww

i was a poas addict lol or rather a piap addict
Hey kelly - I am BORED of being in the tww!!! :wacko: However all is well, and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend.

How are you doing?
Hi Kelly, im just as bored as viccat (how are you going v??) but waiting for ov atm...in a few days i think so just started poas today....then hoping for some good BDing this month and keeping my fx that this could be the month...:dust:

Janey, how are you going? and Hortensia?
Hey all. Kelly, nice to hear from you! How are you feeling?
I think I am in the TWW now. I got 2 smiley faces on my OPKs this week and I think we did BD at the right time but only twice so maybe not enough. We are still waiting for the results of my OH's sperm test. Im getting stupidly positive about it this month - I even had a little ahhh moment in front of the baby clothes in Tesco this afternoon - but also a bit of me cant believe it will happen so I wont be too amazed with AF arrives. In our new house now which I love. It is in a bit of a mess with stuff everywhere. And thats just with 2 of us. Where would everything go if we were a bigger family?!
Kelly is your OH supportive and over the moon?

Fx Greenjelly! I know what you mean about the baby clothes! When we first decided to start ttc in march I went a bit crazy on ebaynand bought a whole heap of grow suits....so hoping they will be used eventually :wacko: promised my oh I wouldn't buy anymore stuff until I at least get a BFP...and I also started knitting then which I hav salons supposed now.....
I'm waiting for ov ATM! Then hoping for some good BDing in the next few days...:happydance:
LOL I havent actually bought any baby clothes (it hadnt crossed my mind to do that but now you have mentioned it...). Just had a little "Awww so cute" moment. Then I bought loads of crisps.:winkwink:

Like the knitting idea. Ive always wanted to but just remember doing it as a youngster and having loads of holes and dropped stitches. Is it easier as an adult. Good luck with BDing! xxxx
I nearly bought myself a maternity dress the other day because it was my size and on sale ...... but just managed to stop myself! :blush:

As for knitting - I took that up again a couple of years ago, after learning from my mum as a kid. Yes, I would say it is easier as an adult. It is a really pleasant, relaxing hobby :flower:
Hi ladies :wave:

I'm out this month since AF showed up on Tuesday evening, so we'll see what happens next cycle. I am temping & charting now for the first time since last year and planning to use guaifenesin next week so it's all a bit experimental at this stage. At the moment it feels like a minor triumph having the discipline to wake up at the same time each a.m. to take my temperature - yes, that's how well-organized I am :haha:

Greenjelly I can empathize about the crisps. Salty snacks are my weakness. Sometimes living virtuously and trying to turn my body into the perfect baby-capsule gets a bit tedious. My OH and I did a late-night run to the supermarket last night to buy chocolate. And I'm not even pregnant so don't have the excuse of cravings, just a greedy cow lol :haha:

viccat, I'm one of those women who wishes she could knit, quilt and craft. I've lost count of the number of times I've started a knitting project and not finished it. I think impatience is my problem. I have some friends who produce incredible knits and I'm always so envious of them!!

Wishing everyone patience during the TWW :)

LOL I havent actually bought any baby clothes (it hadnt crossed my mind to do that but now you have mentioned it...). Just had a little "Awww so cute" moment. Then I bought loads of crisps.:winkwink:

Like the knitting idea. Ive always wanted to but just remember doing it as a youngster and having loads of holes and dropped stitches. Is it easier as an adult. Good luck with BDing! xxxx

Yeah, oh was pretty shocked when he opened the package expecting some lingiire we had ordered and found grow suits...lol.....I also have these cute Bonds booties hanging up at work and in my walk in robe :rofl:

The knitting is definitely easier now, especially with you tube! Plus, I still take things to my mum if I get stuck :thumbup:
I nearly bought myself a maternity dress the other day because it was my size and on sale ...... but just managed to stop myself! :blush:

As for knitting - I took that up again a couple of years ago, after learning from my mum as a kid. Yes, I would say it is easier as an adult. It is a really pleasant, relaxing hobby :flower:

You'll never guess...but I also bought a maternity dress...about 6 months ago....lol...it was organic cotton and really cute :rofl:
Hi ladies :wave:

I'm out this month since AF showed up on Tuesday evening, so we'll see what happens next cycle. I am temping & charting now for the first time since last year and planning to use guaifenesin next week so it's all a bit experimental at this stage. At the moment it feels like a minor triumph having the discipline to wake up at the same time each a.m. to take my temperature - yes, that's how well-organized I am :haha:

Greenjelly I can empathize about the crisps. Salty snacks are my weakness. Sometimes living virtuously and trying to turn my body into the perfect baby-capsule gets a bit tedious. My OH and I did a late-night run to the supermarket last night to buy chocolate. And I'm not even pregnant so don't have the excuse of cravings, just a greedy cow lol :haha:

viccat, I'm one of those women who wishes she could knit, quilt and craft. I've lost count of the number of times I've started a knitting project and not finished it. I think impatience is my problem. I have some friends who produce incredible knits and I'm always so envious of them!!

Wishing everyone patience during the TWW :)


Sorry to hear about af H...:hugs:
Join us in the next cycle...fx!

As for the snacks, we also did a late visit to get a vast array of junk food last night! Sometimes I just cant help myself...:dohh: also a greedy cow..lol

As for the knitting and patience, i must admit I have got my mum to finish things off for me in the past...:haha:
hey ladies been a sad couple of weeks my great dane has been fading away and sadly died yesterday he was 10 so a good age but i still miss him.
hope all you ladies are ok oh has been great by doing aill the work ive been so ill at times unable to move from the sofa
So sorry to hear about your great Dane Kelly, I have a miniature fox terrier and would be so devastated if something happened to him :hugs:
Glad you've been going well...I'm just starting the tww so trying to keep busy so the time won't drag so much :wacko:
Sorry to hear about AF, H. Never fun. Kelly sorry you have been feeling grotty too and about your doggie. Thats tough. Are you suffering from morning sickness?
I too am in the 2WW Katherine. Im trying not to symptom spot (My OH is amazed at my TTC lingo. Isnt it funny how quickly you start speaking in the baby making language?) but might just do a quickly Google as my nipples have been really hard recently.( sorry if TMI) I know its too early to be showing any symptoms but Im not usually this aware of my nips although they have calmed down a bit today. :thumbup:
Sara, how are you? xxxx
Hi everyone!
I've been so stressed about BDing this cycle...OH got sick the day we had planned so we ended up waiting until cd13 :shrug:...positive OPK late on day 11 :thumbup:.... We also DTD on cd14! I am always so chuffed if we do it more than once AND it's ends in 'success'...I am hoping our timing was ok and so hoping for a BFP this cycle....
So sorry to hear about your dog, kelly. We lost one last year and it is heartbreaking no matter what age they are. :hugs:

Sorry about the :witch: Hortensia - although I'm glad you seem pretty positive and are cracking on with the charting. I don't think I've got the hang of the discipline needed to get sensible temperatures just yet! Plus I do wonder if the fact I often sleep with my mouth open is causing some blips :shrug:

And ....... fingers crossed for everyone in the TWW!!! :thumbup:

I have tested a couple of times already because I was planning a night out those days. BFN both times so I had a couple of glasses of wine, and I certainly don't feel any different to normal so I think the :witch: will turn up on time this week. I had an "I left it too late" moment last night so need to give myself a kick up the bum and get on with life!

Oh and I turn 38 in three weeks time which isn't improving my mood! :nope:

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