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OH performance anxiety - 6 BFPs so far!!!!

Don't give up yet viccat! :hugs: And...stay away :witch: I say!!
And you have plenty of time to get your BFP...I'm about to turn 40 the day af is due...12 th September! So i so get the feeling time is not on my side sometimes!
Maybe me turning 40 will be a good omen for us both! Hope so!
Don't give up yet viccat! :hugs: And...stay away :witch: I say!!
And you have plenty of time to get your BFP...I'm about to turn 40 the day af is due...12 th September! So i so get the feeling time is not on my side sometimes!
Maybe me turning 40 will be a good omen for us both! Hope so!
Awwwwww bless you for being so positive :flower:
hey ladies been a sad couple of weeks my great dane has been fading away and sadly died yesterday he was 10 so a good age but i still miss him.
hope all you ladies are ok oh has been great by doing aill the work ive been so ill at times unable to move from the sofa

So sorry to hear about this Kelly :cry:

I hope you feel better soon :flower:


I occasionally have those "I left it too late" moments. I'm a year older than you btw :winkwink:

I usually say to myself that it couldn't have turned out any other way, really. It is pointless beating yourself up over things left undone, although we all have times when we do it, frequently in my case. :wacko:

Re. the temping, I've only done it once before and it was interesting - recorded a bbt shift and pinpointed ov fairly accurately. I'd recommend it just because it gives you a lot of information on your cycle - for instance I found out I ovulated a couple of days later than I thought - day 15-16 instead of day 13-14, plus you find out the exact length of your luteal phase, which is useful to know. I think as long as you temp at the same time every morning having had a decent stretch of sleep you should be ok. It's a bit of a commitment but it's surprising how quickly you get used to it. :thumbup:
Don't give up yet viccat! :hugs: And...stay away :witch: I say!!
And you have plenty of time to get your BFP...I'm about to turn 40 the day af is due...12 th September! So i so get the feeling time is not on my side sometimes!
Maybe me turning 40 will be a good omen for us both! Hope so!

:happydance: Love the PMA on turning 40 :thumbup:

Hope it will be a good omen!!!

HI Ladies,

Just checking in! Viccatt, stay positive!!! Katherine, fingers and toes crossed for you again. Kelly, so sorry about the dog. nothing to say to ease that pain.
Hortensia, good luck with the temping and this cycle!!!

Just haning out waiting for AF to show up. I really feel like this month was a total wash. With he whole OPK issue I am not confident at all. I went back and looked at both OPK's that I thought were positive and they look the same. I did "BD" both times but who even knows what was happening. I am due on Friday but my due dates don't mean a thing. I have had random 39 day cycles before. I usually am spotting by now (if I were to get it on time) and I am not but still not hopefull. Just have a gut feeling ya know??

I was supposed to go get another progesterone test but didn't because I wan't sure when I ovulated so I am just waiting for next month. Moving on!!!

I have the "waited to long" feelings all the time. Why did I think it was no big deal and going happen right away? Doesn't matter now, we are here and doing our best. No sense in wanting to change the past.

Positive vibes to everyone!!!!
Nope - I am out this month, the :witch: has turned up.

Next month had better be my lucky month - I am turning 38, and have to find a new home as our landlady has given notice. Surely I deserve some good stuff to happen in recompense? :wacko:
Nope - I am out this month, the :witch: has turned up.

Next month had better be my lucky month - I am turning 38, and have to find a new home as our landlady has given notice. Surely I deserve some good stuff to happen in recompense? :wacko:

Oh boo for the :witch:

Sorry viccat - you should have a nice glass of :wine: (or two) and some chocolate!!

Moving house is a phucking pain too - pardon my French.
Moving house is a phucking pain too - pardon my French.
Tell me about it! We are only in rented because we have spectacularly failed to buy a house in the last 14 months. There is not a huge amount coming onto the market. I don't want to rent again, but there is no point rushing to buy somewhere that we don't really like. It really gets me down at times - I just want my own home!

If there is a silver lining, then at least it is forcing my deloved beloved to ditch some of the junk he has hoarded!
Sorry viccat....damn witch! :hugs: I hope next cycle is yours :happydance:
Moving house can be such a chore, but your're right that at least you get to get rid of hoarded stuff!

Janie, that must really suck...not knowing when to expect af! I still have my fingers crossed for you though :dust:

Hortensia youre about a week away from ov?

yep, ff is putting my ov day at day 18 (?) of my cycle based on a 31 day cycle - but my cycle is usually anywhere between 28-33 days in length. So I will be having the fun experience of POAS soon so as not to miss it - I have clearblue whatsits, not the digi ones. Still expensive though!!

I realized lately that on each occasion I thought we had BD during a fertile time (in the few months we definintely 'tried') it was probably significantly too early.
I mostly rely on opks to tell if and when I ov...ATM I surge on cd11, so guess I ov on 13?? Hope so...that's what we've been counting on with our BDing on cd11 and 13 this cycle....although i have an app on my phone that calculates i ov on cd15...so who knows!
Good luck with the BDing for you xx

yep, ff is putting my ov day at day 18 (?) of my cycle based on a 31 day cycle - but my cycle is usually anywhere between 28-33 days in length. So I will be having the fun experience of POAS soon so as not to miss it - I have clearblue whatsits, not the digi ones. Still expensive though!!

I realized lately that on each occasion I thought we had BD during a fertile time (in the few months we definintely 'tried') it was probably significantly too early.

Viccat, sorry to hear about :witch: Im in the TWW. AF due on Monday I think. I keep checking my knickers for any sign of implantation bleed but nothing. I dont feel any different. Just hard nipples which gives me an inkling of hope but I fear I am fooling myself.
Hortensia, did you use OPKs? We BD'd this month when I got smiley faces but I feel I have had EWCM after the smiley faces so I wonder if I ovulate later than I think I do. It might explain why nothing has happened for quite a few months now. Im wondering what our next steps are. My OH finally got his sperm test results and all looks ok there (he has a docs appointment on Monday but was told by the receptionist that basically he should be able to conceive naturally). So it suggests I am the problem. What are my options now? CHecking out the tubes? Ive had the blood tests and they seem ok. Ive always felt I dont want to do the IVF thing. What else comes before then?

Greenjelly, my doc sent me to have blood tests done to test progesterone levles to see if I'm oving and see what the egg quality is like, by measuring AMH..You get bloods taken on cd21..
Friends of mine take clomid which stimulates ov..
Hi Greenjelly

I've used opks and temping. The opks confirm an LH surge, which occurs just before ovulation (24hrs or so). The temps confirm ovulation has taken place by recording a thermal shift in your basal body temperature, caused by an increase in progesterone. The thermal shift does not take place until after ovulation though, so temps are no use in predicting ovulation - or only if you have a very predictable cycle and after a few months of charting. They're best used in combination. Charting is absolutely invaluable, IMHO, for the information it gives you about your cycle. It can tell you whether you are actually ovulating, and pinpoint the day of ovulation. It's also a very useful thing to be armed with when you consult a fertility specialist.

Great news about you SO's sperm analysis. I've not had any tests so can't really advise on what might be next for you. I know several ladies on here have had the hysterosalpinogram (sp?) so it might be worth checking the threads on that.

F'xd that it'll be your month anyway!!!

So Hortensia, would temping confirm that an egg has come down? The OPKs tell that the hormones are right for an egg to be released but what if my tubes are blocked so the egg doesnt get through? How can you find out that?
Im a bit fearful for Clomid. From what I hear, it can screw other things up somewhat. Am I just reading the bad things?
Thanks for your thoughts. xxx
The HSG...that long word Hortensia used...I think that is a non invasive procedure that is supposed to clear your tubes..
The HSG...that long word Hortensia used...I think that is a non invasive procedure that is supposed to clear your tubes..

Ahah, I see. thanks for that. I will have a look into it. Do they do it on the NHS?
So Hortensia, would temping confirm that an egg has come down? The OPKs tell that the hormones are right for an egg to be released but what if my tubes are blocked so the egg doesnt get through? How can you find out that?
Im a bit fearful for Clomid. From what I hear, it can screw other things up somewhat. Am I just reading the bad things?
Thanks for your thoughts. xxx

Temping wouldn't give any information about tube blockage, all it does is confirm that the ovaries have released an egg. The ovary that releases the egg turns into something called the 'corpus luteum' after ovulation, which is like a little progesterone factory, and pumps progesterone into your bloodstream. The reason it does this is that progesterone is the dominant hormone in supporting pregnancy. The two weeks after ovulation are known as the 'luteal phase' for that reason. Progesterone also causes a slight rise in body temperature. The bbt thermometer registers this slight rise, so it confirms that ov has happened. The thermal shift occurs about 24 hours after ovulation. If you don't conceive, the corpus luteum degenerates, progesterone production stops, you get a dip in temperature, and then you get your period.

If there is a tube blockage I presume the egg would just be reabsorbed by your body, but there would be no way of knowing other than to get an examination (HSG probably).

Have you looked at the information on Fertility Friend? It's incredibly informative. When you join up you get a free charting tutorial sent to your email account.

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