There is no such thing as Borderline u either have the Gene or u don't most people carry one Variant I have 2 one from each parent Lucky me!!! ;)

I have a ton of Syptoms Inflamation Depression Anxiety Iriitable to which they gave me a ton of pain meds and Psych meds after DS2 only to build up toxins in my body cuz I can't process that stuff!!! :nope:
It's gonna take a long time to undue all the damage I'm sure :(

Recurrent MC and Preeclampsia too
Sorry for the MTHFR dx, Sis. Hope your dr can help you figure out what to do next.
Sis- sorry about having that MTHFR gene, and that it hasn't been found before now!

Thanks all, especially Sis- I deleted the early temps and FF gave me crosshairs now! I know having crosshairs isn't going to make me pregnant if I'm not, but it does make things easier to keep track of. I'm still having spotting though- brown when I wipe.

Also- no, I gave up on OPKs awhile ago because I never got positive ones. I tried the CB digital and never even got a flashing smiley, and the CBFM too where I would get highs but no peaks. I might try them again some day if I'm more sure I'm ovulating. I was on holiday last week so was trying to keep fertile time less stressful though.
Sis – I’m so sorry about those test results, and am shocked that they did not test for this earlier. I mean, how could that happen? What does this mean exactly for you? I’m so, so sorry – what a huge blow. I only pray that you’ll be able to treat this and that it’s the answer to all of your issues. :hugs:

Terri – I see a temp jump, girl. How are you feeling today? Happy Birthday to your husband and I hope you have a GREAT time with your sisters and at the crabfeast (sooooo jealous of that). Is your birthday on Saturday?

Fezzle – Hooray for crosshairs!

Momof3 – I say if you have any doubt, go and get the SA done for sure. I’m mad at myself for not going to see an RE sooner. I could already be in my next stage of treatment already!

Erose – Thanks for the info about fertilaid. That gives me some hope.

Hi everyone else!

AFM: Feeling good about my temps so far, not that that means anything of course. We’ve all had those wonderful looking charts that tank close to the witch’s arrival. :wacko:
kfs1-Yeah, your temps are steadily climbing and they look great. hee hee. Don't think about the dramatic drop just yet. Its' way too early for that. My bday is on Monday. Drive down tomorrow morning and come eat crabs with us! You're more than welcome. We're actually going to Annapolis I'll pass you the restaurant name if you want to come! It'll be a fun day trip and the weather is supposed to be awesome. Afterwards, you can head to the racetrack for the Preakness and then mosey on home. They say MD is for crabs and horses, so this weekend is perfect for enjoying my state!

Yes, I'm so happy my temp jumped today. I feel good. I took another IC and it's getting faint. Most internet talk says that the trigger lasts about 7 days, but mine is rapidly leaving. I am hoping my body is just good at metabolizing strange stuff, but I hope it knows how to get it back in a few weeks. hee hee.

Blues-Happy Birthday to you and your twin, and maybe a new niece or nephew. You can come to the crab feast too if the baby isn't born yet!!!

Kfs1 fX!!!!

Fezzle yay for CH!!!

Terri yay for temp jump!!!

AFM still in limbo land been reading looks like I will have to clean up my diet stay away from All toxins take methylated vitamins and go from there!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Sis-So what does it really mean? Can something serious happen to you because you have that gene?

Fezzle-I got really excited when I saw your crosshairs. Yeah! You had no idea you were already 9dpo. hee hee. I love surprises like that.
Terri - oh how I WISH I could come down. I love seafood and watching horse races is sooooo much fun. Sounds like the perfect weekend for sure.

Sis - what kinds of things do you have to eliminate from your diet? I will find out the results of my bloods on Monday. Can't even remember what they're testing for but it was a TON of stuff. I'm kinda nervous - hope to have some good news.

Question: Do you ladies ask for copies of all of these tests for your records?
Terri, YAY for temp jump! I had a feeling it would do that! Nice timing too, I think. You had over a million swimmers (can't remember your exact number) injected about as close to those tubes as they can possibly get, and then shortly after, eggie came to say "hello handsome" to one lucky swimmer. :winkwink:

Fezzle, I know that feeling about getting CHs! Makes you feel like you have a better of picture of what's going on in there, and it certainly makes the TWW much more fun. :)

kfs, you'll have to let us know how your results are on Mon. Since we're a bunch of sharers, you can always get good info from the girls on here, hehe. I actually do have copies of a lot of my records, but mostly because when I got my OB records (which also contained the SA results, the HSG results, and some blood testing), to give to my RE, I kept copies for myself. Anything that has happened since I started at my RE, I dont have at the moment, but I've written down everything they've told me (or sometimes I had to specifically ask), so that I could ask the ladies here their opinion. But I will most likely get copies of all that at some point as well. But really only because its easier to remember that way, and you never know if you might read through an u/s report and see something interesting that you didnt think to ask before. ;)

Sis, do you have an appt with your RE to discuss this new finding? I was reading that there are different meds for it too, but I wasn't sure if any of it was safe after becoming PG, but perhaps this will be the final answer in getting you your sticky bean!

AFM, I normally get brown spotting a few days before AF, but this time, I've had bright red spotting, and not just a little. Hardly any comes out on the little pantyliner, so it's mostly when I wipe. But it's every time I go to the bathroom. I feel a little crampy, but not my usual AF cramps. My temps are still up. This is definitely a strange ending to a cycle, and very different from any I've ever had. I guess from the different drugs or something, I don't know. I took HPTs up to yesterday, but I don't even have any left today. I def feel like AF should be coming, and in a different life, I would probably consider this part of AF. I always hate being in limbo and not sure what's going on.
ERose-I was so eager to find a post of yours, and although I see a drop, your update doesn't sound bad at all. Remember, my doctor said that even if I'm bleeding, take a test, so I'll keep my fingers AND toes crossed for you. True, who knows what these drugs are really doing to us, and I hate having to take them, but if it will produce a mini-me, I'm all for it! hee hee.

Oldermom/Smiles-Yoohoo?? Just wondering how you're doing.
erose - Still holding out hope for you over here. your temps are still high so I'm hoping that this spotting is a glitch. Personally, I sometimes get spotting before AF and other times I don't so I'm hoping that you're still in it and that it's just the drugs messing with your system.
Whoa Nelly!!! I finally caught up. Each time I thought I was I would hi back and there would be 2-3 more pages. Lol

Katie....so happy for you and glad to hear the good news. I was gonna say before you has the U/S try not to worry ( I know that it's hard...trust me) because alot of women experience bleeding and cramping a various times in the pregnancy and everything turns out ok. I had it a couple times once at 6 wks and again at about 17 wks. I asked the dr why and all he said was " sometimes it happens and we can't explain it" thanks alot doc! Lol. When do you go back again for your next visit? Sending prayers and positive vibes your way. :hugs:

Sis...so sorry about the results you received. I swear when I see MTHFR I think MF'er which is probably how you felt when you got the results. I'm glad they at least found it now and you can take the necessary steps to help you get a BFP. And hope you're feeling better. :hugs:

Terri....FX FX FX and baby dust! Let this TWW go by fast! Have lots of fun at the crab feast. I LOVE crabs, there's just a satisfaction you get after break through all the shells and you get to the meat and dip it in melted butter.....mmmmm,mmmmm,mmmmm! Lol. It's 10:30 in the morning and now I want crabs! Lol. And if you speak to Lenka tell her I asked about her and I hope she's doing well. The last message I got from her a while back she was fine.

TTC....glad to see you again and great to hear all is going well. :hugs:

Erose...so sry about the BFN but good to see you're ready to pull out the big guns to get that BFP and your insurance coverage is awesome!

Hi to everyone else...VJean, Wish, Kfs, Moni, Nessaw, Blues, Radkat, Oldermom, and I know I'm missing quite a few of you but charge it to my head and not my heart. LOL. I don't love you any less.

AFM.....it's date night for me and the hubs....not one single kid will be with us tonight AND he's not working either one of his thousand jobs so I have him all to myself! Now all I have to do is be able to stay awake. Lol. I just really want to snuggle up with him on the couch with some popcorn and watch a movie in peace and quiet. Tomorrow I am all by myself as he has to work his 24 hour shift starting at 7 am and all the kids will still be be with the exes. What's a girl to do at home all alone in a Saturday night?? Lol. :shrug:
Hi all. After emailing the hospital this week we have finally got our twins ashes back after more than 3 months. Am so relieved. Really thought they'd lost them.
Kfs1 about the diet basically a Paleo diet aka Rabbit Food!! :haha:
Forgot to say yes on the copies of stuff I have a folder full of test results!!

Smiles :hi: so glad u are doing well maybe Tom dance around the house naked!! ;)

Erose I would say maybe your P was higher this time and that's causing the spotting and making AF shy!! :shrug:

Terri sounds like a super dooper weekend!!! :)

Neesaw OMG I would have been freaking out I'm glad they found your Angels!! :hugs:

AFM went to see my vitamin lady she hasn't been there my last few trips she remembers me getting stuff for fertility so she almost cried when I told her we had another loss :cry: what a sweet old lady !!!
Anywho got a Bio B vitamin w folate so I take one capsule verses my 10 pills a day and I wanted to get a cleanse but she told me to wait a week to see how I feel!! :)
Fezzle - Hooray for CH! Sometimes we have to encourage FF to tell us what we already know. :winkwink:

Terri - I'm so jealous of your weekend. I LOVE crab, it's so satisfying to eat. Glad you got a jump. I'm feeling really good for you. Happy birthday! :cake:

Kfs - I would definitely get copy of your tests. There's so much info it'd be hard to remember it all. And like ERose said, you know how we all share on here.

ERose - I'm sorry you're in limbo. It does really suck. I of course hope you get a BFP, but just moving on to the next cycle is a relief sometimes.

Smiles - I'm also jealous of your weekend! Date night with hubs sounds great. Try to stay awake! I vote for TV/movies that hubs doesn't like for tomorrow night, and eating whatever food makes you happy.

Nessaw - What a relief. What are your plans for the ashes?

Sis - Your vitamin lady sounds sweet. I just switched to folate instead of folic acid as well. It's nice taking 2 pills instead of 10. How are you feeling about the diet change? More chopping vegetables, but maybe not too bad? Good luck.
Radkat-Thank you!

nessaw-Ditto, what are you going to do with the ashes? How could they lose them in the first place? I'm sure it's going to be bittersweet going to collect them. :hugs: You're a brave mom.

Smiles-I was going to say 'don't get pregnant on Saturday,' but it's a little too late for that! I hope you can find something fun to do by your lonesome. Invite your girlfriends over for some games or chick flicks or something! That's probably what I would do. Have fun on your date night as well.

Sis-Your medicine lady does sound nice. Everybody loves you! <3 <3
It seems no one from the hospital contacted us nor anyone from the crematorium. Huge mix up. We spoke to the consultant in mid apr who was meant to chase it up but we heard nothing. She said our bereavement midwife had been on leave but no further explanation. We planted our blighted ovum mc with some hyacinths. Paul's mum sent up some narcissis when we lost the twins so will either plant them with them or have been looking at turning them into glass.
Smiles - your weekend sounds great. I say either plan a girls' night OR relax with some of your favorite movies and favorite foods OR have a dance party by yourself (always fun). Sometimes it's just nice to have the house to yourself. :)

Nessaw - Hugs to you. I'm happy that you finally have the ashes. Unbelievable that they were lost for so long.

Sis - glad that you're on some new vitamins already.

Hey Rad - whatcha up to?
Everyone except DH!!!! :rofl:

Taking a break from painting I hate feeling like a crackhead w my face against the wall looking for white dots the roller missed!!! :haha:

Going to Add a BFP to driving280 even though she hasn't told us yet!!! :haha:
Just checking in really quick... DH just got home so its time to figure out dinner. (probably ordering pizza or chinese tonight, lol!)

I dont mean to be all TMI, TMI, TMI, but my spotting is even weirder now... two days ago, it was more pink, yesterday it was blood red, and today it has turned back to red/pink, but looks really water. Its not just when I wipe anymore... and here's the real TMI... a little bit will come out on the pantyliner, and there will be this spot of red/pink, but around it is this circle of wetness that is totally clear. And the spotting in general just seems to be more watery, even when I wipe.

Ok, anyway, just in time for dinner, hope you enjoyed! LOL. Sorry. I had to talk that out, because its different from any cycle ending I've had before. So this Femara/Ovidrel combo definitely acts different on my body than the Clomid alone did. Sis, you might be right... maybe my P was higher too, who knows! I even went and bought an HPT today, just in case I was going to get a crazy late BFP (talk about crackhead), and used it after a six-hour hold. But BFN. So its certainly not due to pregnancy.

Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their Friday! I'm off to decide on pizza or chinese, and then watch a movie with DH. A nice lovely, lazy Friday. :)

Luv to luv ya.:flower:

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