Terri, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARY!!!! :thumbup: Hope tonight is a wonderful romantic evening!!

kfs, FXd for a temp jump tomorrow! Let us know how your appt went today!

Radkat, I doubt you O'd. Probably just a fluke and will be down again tomorrow, I bet. I get jumps like that in the first days as well occasionally. Have fun on vacay!!!

Sis, ugh, sorry you're feeling that wretched AF. But maybe it isn't! I'm still keeping Fxd until the witch arrives. :flower:

Katie, how are you feeling? Good I hope!

Smiles, I'm so glad things are progressing so well for you. :)

Hi Fezzle, Wish, and everyone else!

AFM, <copying/pasting from my other thread>
When I went in today for my scan, as I was sitting there waiting for them to come in, I really got to thinking. I don't want to do IUI this cycle, only to find out from my RE next Wed at my IVF consult, that they could've started IVF prep stuff this cycle (my appt with her is the day after I would do the trigger shot), so I decided to talk to my nurse before doing a scan. I'm so glad I did. She said my Dr usually puts people on BCP for 2 weeks, and that can be done at any time in the cycle. Then once you stop the BCP, I guess AF comes and the IVF cycle starts. But there are other routes, and that's up to the Dr to decide. I didn't want to do IUI and not be able to start the IVF prep, but I also didn't want to miss out an IUI if my RE ends up going some route that waits until my next cycle. So the wonderful nurse rescheduled today's scan for this Wed (that will be day4 for me, and that's the latest they'll do them), and she's going to talk to my Dr first thing on Wed morning when she gets back and is going to ask her what her plan would be for me. If she does want to do the BCP route (which she said is most common), then they'll start me on that on Wed! I'd still have my consult next Wed to go over everything in detail, but at least I wont be in the middle of an IUI cycle and have to wait it out. I'll already be a week into the BCP. Now, if for some reason she wants to go a different route (like just starting w/ my next cycle), then I can still go ahead w/IUI this cycle and come in for my scan on Wed. I can't believe how well that worked out, and I'm so excited that I decided to talk to her! It worked out that I can either start my IVF prep on Wed, or if it turns out she wants to wait until next cycle, then I can still do IUI since today I'm only day2. Seems like everything fell into place really well, I'm so happy I brought it up today!
Happy Birthday Terri!!

Didn't realize I was the only who called you Erin over here Erose - I'll work on that ;) Also, again - yay for moving along quickly!!

Cute puppies!
Happy Birthday Terri!!

Didn't realize I was the only who called you Erin over here Erose - I'll work on that ;) Also, again - yay for moving along quickly!!

Cute puppies!

LOL, I dont think you're the only one. I think there are one or two others, but either way, please feel free to call me whatever. Most of the girls on our other thread call me Erin now, and a couple here do. Whatever is easier for you to type, hehe! And thanks, I'm super excited, and I'm so glad I spoke to the nurse today. I really love the nurses there. She's smart, knowledgeable, and very patient (that last one is very important!), and so helpful. You're gonna be right behind me girly! Fxd that this is the answer for us!
Ugh. What a depressing appointment. To address my issues, I have to first go in for a tubal cannulation to try and unblock my tube sometime next week. The following week, I have to go in for a hysteroscopy/laparoscopy to remove the polyp. During this time, I have to be on BCP to thin my lining. I HATE having to go on BCP because it took so long for my cycles to become regular the last time I was on it.

Now this is the one that was a surprise. My DH has to see a urologist and do a follow-up SA because not only was his count low, but his motility was at 20%, only 10% of which were progressively moving, and those only at a grade of 2 out of 10. She said it could possibly be a varicocele but there's no real way of knowing. She didn't really go into detail over the phone about this so his numbers were much worse that I imagined.

She said we'll THEN meet up again to discuss our next move, which will only either by IVF or IUI, depending on what the results are. So, if I don't by some miracle get pregnant this cycle, I'll definitely be out of commission for my next cycle which totally SUCKS.
kfs- my soul sister with matching fertility issues:hugs:... I know that you are depressed about all these things you must do to "correct" everything...but hang in there...

I too was told I have a blocked tube - unfortunately I haven't even been offered a remedy for that - your doctor is wanting to get in there and try to unblock it and do the Lap to get rid of that other unwanted visitor - the polyp... so even though you have to do BCP and it will take a month...it is only a month and I have heard that sometimes you are more fertile after a lap... I know its hard... but reframe this... she is making you more fertile...:happydance:
and your hubby's issues can be fixed too - if it is a vericole (or however you spell that) it is FIXABLE... have him start taking some vitamins - Sis is the expert here - I always vote for fertilaid because it makes my man's engine roar (more often) which I do appreciate :blush:

I know this sucks... try to think more productively... you have nothing to lose by thinking more positive... here are some smileys to help you smiley...

And you know what? you can do IVF if after all this it still doesn't work... you can do this... BFP is coming by the end of the year - I'm calling it!!

Terri - some smileys for you birthday girl

Erose/Erin - i am so happy to read about your appointment and talk with the nurse - good for you for going out on a limb and taking a chance on asking... another lady that I am saying :bfp: by end of the year!!!:flower:

Radkat - I hope you have the best vacation with the best :sex: and happy anniversary lady!! :hugs:

AFM: i am done with the smileys!!! Have a great day everyone!! :shipw:
ERose-I'm so glad you talked to the nurse! So, you're up in the air until you hear back tomorrow, and then you're deciding what you want to do. I think that's great news, and I'm super excited for you. In the words of the MJ movie/song 'THIS IS IT!!' hee hee.

kfs1-:hugs: That was NOT a depressing appointment. A little disheartening, but the good news is that you know what's up now, AND you can move forward. Yes, it sucks skipping a cycle, but in the grand scheme of things, if everything is better by next cycle, it's game on for real! And...if they can get your tube unblogged, you have a better chance than with one tube, AND if your husband can take meds or somehow get his counts up a bit, IVF is probably right up your ally. From a one time IUIer (and maybe that's it before I go to IVF), I just say go balls to the walls with IVF and get 'er done. My hubs had low count you know, and honestly, I think that's what is stopping us. You know how I feel about all this tap dancing around the tulips. hee hee.

As an aside, hubs got completely smashed on Saturday night. I had people over for game night and he was already two sheets to the wind. A few of my friends left after a while (not because of him), and then my sister had one of her friends and her bf come over. Well, this guy was a Redskins fan and hubs is a Cowboys fan, so he started drinking more heavily in order to prove his point that Cowboys reign supreme :)wacko:), and I went to bed. My sister said he was falling down, but she's dramatic. I just know he was trashed, and I wanted to yell out the next morning, so his head would hurt, that his excessive drinking is the reason his count is low. I did not, and I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him about it yet because we had guests and tonight is my bday so I don't want to ruin my night, but tomorrow I will tell him that A) Ravens reign supreme :haha: and B) he needs to get his act together if he wants to be a dad. I'm not having kids with someone that can't control their alcohol intake regularly. His bourbon stinks and he smells like an old man when he drinks it. It's yucky.

Wish-I didn't see this one, and I want to use it, but you used it so well, I don't really want to copy. Oh well..it applies. :bike: HA!!HA!!
ERose - What an amazing example of "Ask for what you want". And you got it! That's great!

Kfs - I'm sorry you got bad news at your appointment. I would've been bummed too. But I agree with Terri, now you know, your doctors know how to help and are removing the things that are keeping you from getting pregnant. Was there a balls to the wall comment in there? If not, there should have been. No smiley for that? :ball:

Wish - You've outdone yourself with the smileys. I'm impressed.

Terri - I think it's a good idea to talk to hubs about his drinking esp because of the TTC implications. Does he know how alcohol affects sperm production? Maybe some gentle education? I agree to wait until after your birthday though. Not a fun birthday conversation. My DH hasn't drank much in the last few years, but I noticed over the past week he has been drinking more. I mentioned it to him that some here and there won't hurt (I like a glass of wine from time to time as well), but too much isn't good for babymaking. He kinda acted like he didn't realize that. We'll see if it helps or if we need to have a more detailed discussion. Good luck.
Thank you soooo much ladies. I know you're all right and I'm already feeling better. My husband's news just threw me for a loop! But yes, hopefully I can fix all of my issues next month and hopefully the urologist finds something fixable. My RE seemed a little distracted today, too, so that didn't help.

Terri - Thanks so much for thinking so positively on my behalf. My DH probably could cut back on drinking a bit also. He's promised to but I haven't seen any changes. I'm going to bring it up again and I'm SURE the urologist will bring it up.

Wish - love you girl (my fertility twin). All of those happy faces seriously made me smile.

Rad - thanks to you, too, for the support.

Erose - I am soooo happy that you have a plan that you feel better about. Good for you for being so proactive.
Nessaw, I can't imagine what you must have been going thru the past few months! But I am so happy your twins are home with you now. :hugs:

Terri, I would like some crabs now also, please. Happy birthday! I hope the TWW is being kind to you! Aww... that must have been heard to hear about your sis. I know you are happy for her, but it still isn't easy to hear. I can't wait until you are both pg at the same time!

Smiles, glad you enjoyed date night...and sleeping sounds like the perfect date night to me! :haha:

Erin, I'm so excited that you are taking the next steps to IVF. Of course, I hope you don't end up needing it, but glad you will be prepared just in case!

Moni, I sure hope your meeting cancels and you can go to the IVF class. 6/5 seems so far away, when in reality I guess it isn't that far.

Sis....you need to get that pup! She is so sweet! A puppy can't replace the need/longing for a baby, but it can bring a little happiness into your family while you go thru this difficult time!

Mischief, your puppy is adorable!

Mof3G, :hugs: I hope you get some good news on Sunday!

Kfs1, Some people just don't think before they speak... My sis is 2 weeks pg ahead of me. Like me, she had a hard time getting/staying pg, yet she constantly refers to her baby as a "parasite" on her facebook page. It literally makes me sick to see her status updates say that. Maybe I am just overly sensitive, but while she is complaining about her "little parasite" I want to scream at her how lucky she is! I know your friend didn't mean to be insensitive, but it doesn't take the sting away when the words come out. Sorry your appointment didn't turn out as well as planned. :hugs:

Radkat, enjoy your road trip! I hope todays temp is just a fluke. And Happy Anniversary a little early!

Erin, What great timing and a fabulous nurse! FX'd that you get to start your IVF prep! Girl, you are going to be pg before you know it!

AFM, it's been a busy 2 weeks! First we had a private scan, baby is still a boy. We've started nursery prep and his closet is 1/2 full of clothes already. I have found shopping for a boy is more fun that I thought it would be. Poor DH thought he was going to get a break, but no such luck.

Our anniversary was last weekend and my birthday is today, so DH has had his hands full trying to find gift ideas for me. So far he has done well with a new Matilda Jane hobo bag (for beach days, etc) and 2 new Pandora charms. He's out of town right now so we'll celebrate my bday this weekend.

I've been busy selling my DDs Gymboree clothes. I've made well over $300 this week! Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I've already spent all but $13. :rofl:

Happy Monday everyone!!
Happy Birthday VJean!!!! You deserve some crabs!! I hope your celebration this weekend is excellent. Yay for May birthdays and the 19th is even better. <3 :flower:
Wish - You've outdone yourself with the smileys. I'm impressed.

Radkat-You're killing me. HA!!HA!! I'm going to talk to hubs tonight. He's going to be surprised, that's for sure because it's been a while since we've had to have this discussion. His bday was Friday, but he didn't make plans with his friends, so I am thinking that he probably used his drinking as a consolation. Whatever. I'll let you know how it goes. If I don't talk to you tomorrow, Happy Anniversary, and have a wonderful time on your vacay!!

kfs1-Glad you're feeling a bit better.

AFM-Depression city with another drop today. :sad2:
vjean: Happy Birthday! Glad to hear that you're doing well.

Rad: Have a GREAT time on your trip.

Terri: :hugs: I'm sorry for your temp drop and that you're feeling sad today. This month is just a bummer, that's for sure. Try to stay positive and maybe really start investigating IVF as a next option if you haven't already (although I'm sure you have). Plan something fun for yourself!!

AFM: I'm back down in the dumps today. I slept like crap and although my temp jumped up a little, I just know AFs coming. My DH is very supportive and all but he just doesn't seem phased at all by the negative news. He just says, "We're doing what we can", which I know is a good attitude but I seriously feel like he would be fine with our without kids. Like, doesn't he feel anything??? I know we really are doing all that we can but I can't help but feel seriously bummed out.

OK, sorry for bumming out the thread so much lately. That's my rant for the day.
kfs1-Maybe the moon is doing something right about now causing us to be so grouchy/ambivalent/depressed. I'll blame it on the moon. I havent' talked to the people at the fertility place about IVF. Maybe I'll email my doctor today and ask him what I need to do next. Thanks for the boost. I totally hear you about our husbands. They are just walking around completely normal, and have NO idea what's going on. You're either pregnant or your not, and they're fine with that. They say 'we'll get 'em next time' and it's the end of the conversation until next time. Lather, rinse, repeat. *sigh*

The good news is that it's a holiday weekend, so we can have fun with friends, hopefully enjoy the sunny weather and celebrate those who fought for our freedom!
I'm glad my husband's not the only one, Terri. It drives me CRAZY and really makes me feel like I'm in this process completely alone. UGH - I can't even focus on work today. Stupid uterus/tubes/spermies. Grrrrr.

Like you said, let's try to focus on the good and the fact that we have a long weekend coming up. Tomorrow's another day. Hope you have something fun planned!
I am so sorry I disappeared. I have had so much going on I don't think I've even been on this board for a month.
everything is going great here! I've seen the heartbeat twice and I have another ultrasound tomorrow. RE released me last week!
I do have a subchorionic hemmorhage and a hernia which was causing the pain. Sorry I did not come back and update. Watching two infants is very time consuming lol
VJean...happy belated birthday!!!! And good job on the resell of the clothes, hilarious about having $13 left. Lol. You're so much further ahead with the planning than I am. I have no idea what's holding me back, partly fear I think who knows. :shrug:

Kfs1....I'll gladly throat punch someone for you just say the word! And until a person has been through the while TTC journey and all its ups and downs they don't understand.

Terri...sorry about your temp drop but try not to be discouraged, I know easier said then done but good you're lining up your other options for plan B.

Kayotic...glad to hear from you and glad to hear all is going well.

Today I am working from home in the morning and then taking the afternoon off. The hubs and I along with one of his good friends and his date are going into the city for dinner THEN we're going to see A Raisin In The Sun starting drumroll please......DENZEL WASHINGTON!!!!!! I am so psyched! We got the tix 2 months ago and it seems like a lifetime ago. Lol. Still trying to decide what to wear have to look nice in case I get to see Denzel up close. Lol
Wow, I was not drunk when I made that post. Stupid voice to text on my cellphone.
Kayotic-Phew! That wouldn't be good for the baby. hee hee. I'm glad everything is going well. Hopefully your pain is lessening..what are they doing for it?

Smiles-Ooh, have a fun time tonight!! I saw Denzel in NYC, and he did go out to the street. Of course, after sitting for two hours, I was in the bathroom when I heard everyone outside screaming. I missed my chance, but he is one fine looking man! hee hee.
Terri, first off..... I LITERALLY said that same statement to my husband yesterday... "....balls to the walls with IVF and get 'er done". I am not kidding, lol. When I read your post, I had to laugh at that. Too funny. So sorry for that temp drop. I was excited seeing your temp go up those first few days, wtf? Well, don't lose hope yet! It could start heading back up again tomorrow, ya know?

I was kinda glad to read these posts about the husbands... I was starting to wonder about mine. Not necessarily the drinking part since we really only drink about once a week or so (although I have to say, when he gets drunk, he's a sloppy drunk, and its really annoying when everyone else is able to be normal social drinkers!). But mostly, the casual nature about this TTC business. When I told him I had skipped my IUI scan and that we might be moving forward with IVF sooner than expected, I was all giddy and happy, and he did smile and say "Cool, babe!", but it ended there. While he expressed is initial opinion on the matter and said he'd love to move forward with IVF, now that we're headed down that road, he will once again just go into "chill out" mode, leave it all up to me (including the enthusiasm part), and just be ready to make his sperm deposit. I expressed my sadness at this last night, and he said it is exciting stuff, but at the same time, he's having a hard time getting excited until he knows for SURE there's a bun in the oven. I suppose I get that. But it would be nice to see some FEELING now and then.

kfs, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, and i'm sorry the appts haven't been going quite as you had hoped. :hugs: But again, there are things that can be done for all this stuff, and I'm sure you're gonna be just fine, whatever route you end up going to get that baby!

Vjean, nice score on the Gymboree clothes! Extra money for new baby. :) Happy belated Birthday, I'm sorry I missed it yesterday!

Hello nessaw, Sis, Kayotic, Fezzle, Wish, Smiles, Radkat, and everyone else!!!

Nothing new to report here. Just patiently waiting for tomorrow when the RE will call and let me know if I can go ahead and get started on BCP tomorrow.
Terri, absolutely nothing. The hernia repair has to wait, and nothing can be done about the hemorrhage. They just said to call if I start bleeding. :\

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