Am with you with the drinking. It's no coincidence that both times I got pg both of us had really cut down on drinking. Me for losing weight and oh for sperm quality. I do like a glass of wine tho! Spotting tonight so af tom hopefully. Breaking out the cb fertility monitor this month. Feel a bit sad getting it out again but needs must!
Sorry been busy around here w a new PUPPY :) <3 Luna Bell <3
What was I thinking :rofl:

I think AF got me its been very faint and coming and going so iDK :shrug:

Kayotic so glad everything is A Ok!!!

Kfs1 sorry about your news but U have a plan and that's a good thing
My DH has a Varicocele and his Uroligist said surgery isn't needed unless there is pain Antibiotics are usually the first option!!

Vjean so glad everything is going well and u are excited!!

Terri sorry about DH being a Dbag I know the feeling!! :haha: also sorry about the temp drop FX it jumps Tom!!!

:hi: to Everyone I didn't read back very far so I missed stuff I'm sure!!
Yeah for a new puppy!!! I knew something was up Sis..hee hee. How is she adjusting to her new house! I love the name Luna Bell. Give her tons of kisses for me.

I think my temperature can only go up tomorrow, so I'm not sweating it. What can you do?

nessaw-I hear you on breaking out the CBFM. You think all that stuff is in your past, only to find out you need it again. I finally bought the 50 pack of IC's, and for a while I was thinking 'Um..I don't think I'll need all of these' but now I think 'good thing I bought 50!' UGH!! I like wine too, but I've been pretty good this last time. In fact, I think I only had the two beers at the party. I can't even remember. hee hee. Oh, I had a glass of wine at game night. My friends all know I drink, so I didn't want anyone to be suspicious of nothing. :wacko: hee hee.
Terri, Kfs, ERose, Nessaw, et al - Interesting about the DH's and alcohol. We all know so much about the effects of everything and fertility and something as basic as alcohol is...overlooked(?)... by our DH's. I know my DH said something about sperm being produced continuously. Yeah, but the alcohol you drink still affects what you're producing now. We had to have a light biology lesson. Fun times.:wacko:

Terri - Sorry for the temp drop. That's weird, but it's gotta go up tomorrow, right? Glad you're not sweating it.

Kfs - Sorry you're feeling down. It sucks to feel like we're doing all this work and DH isn't taking on much of the burden. I think some guys have trouble investing emotionally in something they feel like they have little control over, even though they may have more than they think (see previous alcohol comment). I'm glad we all have each to commiserate. :hugs:

VJean - Happy birthday and anniversary (belated)! Good job recycling those clothes into $ and clothes for LO. :thumbup:

Kayotic - Sorry for the hernia and hemorrhage. Holy cow. Glad all's well with LO though.

Smiles - Enjoy Denzel Washington. How could you not?:blush:

Erose - Hooray for balls to the wall! Crazy visual but good attitude!

Sis - There you are! I'm so excited for you and a new puppy. How wonderful.

Thanks to all for the anniversary and happy vacationing wishes. Anniversary tomorrow. I'm off work so we're doing a delicious, but expensive sushi place, and maybe a movie, although nothing that's out now excites me very much. We're leaving Thursday for 10 days. Road trip to Yosemite and Monterey, CA. Should be fun.
Hi all! I was trying to find a thread to call home after I got my BFP, but it was pretty lonely on the pregnant 35+ thread and I have to leave TTC behind, so can I hang out with you for good? I am hoping this one sticks... it was my last 40 year old eggie :) We were going to move on to IVF in July if no success, so I am really really hoping this is the one. The miscarriages and chemicals have worn me down...
The alcohol point is interesting, I did some research on this as hubby and I like our drinks :) Looks like there may be some connection with female drinking and fertility, but it is not clear - in any case, looks like you can have a glass of wine a night without an effect. Guys of course get to drink more without that much effect on the sperm :p But this month I did decide to cut drinking down significantly as I figured I had nothing to lose - from a glass of wine or a cocktail a night, maybe two on Saturdays, to 1-2 drinks a week and nothing when I was ovulating... Was successful, I realize it is not statistics but...
Sis - Congratulations on your new puppy!! More pictures please.

Terri - Hooray for a temp jump. How are you feeling?

Kayotic - So happy to hear that you're doing well (aside from the hernia). Hope you're not in too much pain!

Smiles - Thanks for the throat punching offer. Haha! Hope you had a great time at the play.

Driving - Of COURSE you can hang here. I haven't had much success on any of the other boards myself. The ladies here are the best.

erose - So happy to hear that you're so positive and ready to go with IVF. Your baby's coming soon, I just know it!

AFM: I feel a TON better today. I was so physically and mentally exhausted yesterday and just felt on the verge of tears all day. I talked things over with my mom and a close friend and they reassured me that I'm doing all that I can do to move forward. I think my mom's actually going to come up for my surgery to remove the polyp since I need someone to go with me and my DH has to work. I could easily find someone else to go with me but my mom lives in South Carolina and I miss her so I'm going to let her come for selfish reasons. :) I had SUCH a raging headache at the end of the day (you know when you can't even keep your eyes open) so I put myself to bed super-early so I think a good night's sleep has made me feel refreshed today. Temp jump this morning but whatever. I'm pretty sure AFs coming. Erose - my temp's doing mean things like yours did last month! Evil witch.
Driving-So happy to have you back. A while back I had to look on the front page because I was like 'I thought Driving was a part of the crew, but she's nowhere to be found.' YAY!!! I have gone to other threads too, and I have some friends on TWW, but the others just don't really do anything for me. I'll stalk here and there, but a lot of people can be really annoying. hee hee. Then I think it's because I'm old already. Anyway, welcome back!!

Radkat-Happy Anniversary and have a great vacation!!

kfs1-Glad you're feeling better today. I realize that the temperature jump may be a trick because your LP is almost at its max, but I'm still hopeful for you. fxfxfx. I fell asleep super early last night as well. I guess all the weekend activities were catching up to me. I figured if I woke up this morning :haha: my temperature had to go up, and it did. I'm feeling neutral. I don't want to get excited.

It's so crazy on this site how you read about people feeling this and that. I don't feel squat. I'm even taking medicines I have never taken before, and I still don't feel one iota differently. Everyone says that progesterone gives them sore tits, and I WISH mine were sore so I could say something, but nada. That's why I feel neutral. Just some additional toxins in my body but my body is amazing and processes it all before it can make me feel anything, I suppose. I guess that's good. And don't worry girls, I lie to myself all the time!

I rode my motorcycle to work yesterday, which meant that I didn't have my purse, so I didn't have the email address for the doctor. Today I drove because we're getting storms, so I'll email him within the hour. I'm also finally calling the adoption lady. We'll see what she has to say. She probably just wants some money upfront. I hope not. HA!!HA!! Blarghh..i'm cynical today. Have a great day chicas!
Hi ladies, Sorry I've been a pretty crappy thread poster lately, but that's mostly because I've been feeling crappy lately....which, by the way, I'm not complaining about. I'm very happy to feel crappy, it's just my explanation for being MIA. Just a quick update, still cramping and spotting, but I'm getting used to it. I've had two ultrasounds now that show the baby is fine despite all of that scariness and all my bloodwork came back okay, so it's helping me take things in stride better.

I have to agree with Driving (Congrats!). I very briefly dipped my toes in the pregnancy forums and the 35+ ones weren't much less annoying than the regular First Trimester forums with the young chickadees. I mean, one person started a thread asking if they could join the 35+ forums even though they don't turn 35 until June. That's in a couple of weeks. How would anybody know that you're not already 35? What is the point of posting something so inane?! But yeah, those forums consist mostly of quick questions about specific issues...no long-standing threads. So you ladies are stuck with me, too, and my increasingly bitchy attitude. I feel like I'm slowly turning into Sophia Petrillo from Golden Girls.

In any case, there seems to be a lot of exciting things going on with the rest of the ladies here! People are continuing to make steps forward, even if there's been some disappointing news of late. You ladies are really getting after it! I just have a good feeling that there's going to be some more BFP's rolling in soon. And not in the way that you say that to put encouragement out there...I really feel like we're on the verge of some more BFP's in this group. I'm still checking in to watch everyone's progress! <3
Hello Ladies from the Windy City - Yes I am in downtown Chicago staying on the lake front - can see Lake Michigan from my window on the 14th floor... going home tomorrow and hopefully I can stay longer than just a couple days!!! yeehaw!

Driving - YES you can stay here and chat with us!!! I cannot get into the over 35 threads or the TWW threads... I read them. but they ANNOY me... that probably says more about me than them... ANYWAY - yes please stay!!! I am so excited that you have a snuggly bean!!! :happydance:

Katie - thanks for checking in and we don't care if you are the grouchy Sofia from the Golden girls - keep checking in with us and I am so glad your snuggly bean is a tenacious one - doesn't even care about the spotting - its staying put!!! :)

Terri - I was very happy to see your temp go up this morning!! Ya!!! I wish I had a good clever answer as to why your body is not even noticing all those chemicals you are injecting/swallowing... I guess you are a well oiled machine sister!!!!!!! Either way... Here's to hoping you don't need symptoms to be PG!! FX a BFP is just days away for you!!
and have you had your talk yet with the hubby about the alcohol??? I wish that was what was causing my guy's issues - but we don't drink AT ALL... so can't blame it on that... (would be nice to have a cause for us)
I hope you get good news from the adoption lady...:hugs:

kfs- glad to hear you are feeling better today!! :hugs::flower: and I love that your mom is coming for your intruder (polyp) removal... sometimes nothing works better than mom's TLC...

Radkat - Have a wonderful vacation... I am jealous of all those places you are going to - I want to see those too!!! :hugs:

Sis - love the new puppy - I think from now on I am done with puppies...ours is driving us CRAZY!!! ugh won't potty train and is so stubburn...:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Kayotic - welcome back lady and congrats on your sticky bean - I hope your hernia doesn't cause any issues for the next 8 months or so...and bleeding STAY AWAY!! :hugs:

Erose - I love your attitude and your plan for IVF... We are going to have lots of BFP's this year!!! how exciting!!!

AFM: AF still hanging around... helped my husband process 125 lbs of deer sausage this last weekend... ugh... what a disgusting process... don't tell me hubby I said that :haha:... anyway thank goodness its done... we have over 75 rolls of deer sausage - and its spicy - anyone want some? I will seriously ship you some!!! :rofl:

I hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend... I am !!
On the alcohol note - we asked my RE about hubbies drinking - he does like his beer, and the RE said that it is not a problem unless he is falling down drunk every day - so much for a doc helping me cut down his beer intake! He does agree to take off my fertile week though.

I will not be able to do the IVF class tomorrow - my meeting cancelled but hubby is really jammed up at work and can't take the half day, so onto June 5th (hopefully).

So, a coworker (age 33) was just diagnosed with uterine cancer with a possible tumor on her ovary. She is due to get married this fall and wants children. They are performing a surgery next Wednesday to stage the cancer and remove the ovarian cyst to confirm that it is not also cancer. If it is bad she will need a full hysterectomy. If it is not bad, the hysterectomy is still recommended but she could delay it with hormone therapy and hope to have a baby before getting it removed. Her future mother-in-law is a conservative Korean - so she is worried that she will stop the wedding. She also said that adoption/surrogates are not an option with her mother-in-law. I can not even imagine! THis really puts everything into perspective! I told her that I am doing IVF at the end of the summer and hopefully we can be pregnant together.

Katie - welcome back - we definitely want to hear all about your progress - so keep the updates coming!
I didn't think anyone wanted to play with me today, but now some are coming out of the woodwork!

Katie-Hey!! :wave: Glad things are going well for you and your little little one. hee hee. I do feel bad talking about others on different threads, but you just KNOW when you find people that you click with and when you don't. That's why I love this thread. And thanks Sis!! I owe it all to you. :)

Wish-No thanks on the deer sausage. If you guys made deer jerky, I'd be interested. That seems to be the only way I can stand it. I guess the gaminess can be too much, but the spices and stuff used on deer jerky mask the taste. :shrug: Sorry I can't help you with your 75 lbs. That's a lot of meat!

So, Monday was my bday, and last night I was zonked out by like 9, woke up at 10, and then it was time to go bed. I'll talk to hubs about it tonight. It just kind of sucks because he hasn't really been drinking, and I know he was probably just in a mood because we had people and such, but if I don't say anything, he may do it again and I just can't risk that. On top of that, the count, but I'm not going to say anything about that because he may get really upset. For me, the count is what it is, but more importantly, I don't want his kids to have to see him acting/looking/smelling the way he was on Saturday. It may be cool with his friends and their wives, but it's not cool with me. Aha! My speech is now prepared. :haha: Have fun in Chicago! I would recommend the restaurant Blackbird, but not sure what your dining out budget is. :)

Neither the doctor nor the adoption lady got back to me. :growlmad: It takes me forever to write/call and then I wonder why they aren't responding immediately. HA!!HA!! The nerve! My questions are VERY important. *chuckle*
Terri - good luck with your talk tonight... I'm sure he will understand where you are coming from on this one...
I had to wait to post till I was done teaching for the day... I don't like posting from my phone (like I am now) and I refuse to pay for the internet at the hotel - yes I'm cheap!!!!
Thanks for the restaurant tip - I am here alone so I won't go this time... I just walked to McDonald's and got a tea... They had a live broadcast going on there - Steve Harvey was on the mike- at a McDonald's???!!! That's Chicago I guess... I'm going to stay in my room... Don't want to become a Chicago statistic!!!! :rofl:

Moni- love love your avatar pic!!!! And wow about your friend :-/ how awful for her ... I will be praying
Driving - Of course you're always welcome. Glad you and LO are doing well.

Kfs - Glad you're feeling better. How great that your mom is coming to stay with you.

Terri - Good luck with the talk with DH. Hope you hear from the adoption lady soon.

Katie - Sorry you're in the thick of the nausea. I hope it passes for you soon. Until then, we support your crankiness.

Wish - Aw I'm sorry you had to get McDonald's. Next time something better. Glad you're not going to become a Chicago statistic.

Moni - I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes we have to count our blessings.

AFM - I'm off tomorrow so I'll probably be incommunicado for awhile. Have a good Memorial Day weekend, everyone!
:hi: Everyone Happy HUMP Day!!!!

Driving we are here for ya!!!

Kfs1 & Terri nice temp jumps!!! :)

Wish I wish I could stay in a hotel in a bed all by myself right about now!!! :haha:
The puppy has been good about going out she's still a pup so sleeps like a baby but I take her out when she wakes up or every 3 hrs and she's been good!!
My BIG Pibble is a Lil jealous she won't lay w me if the puppy is around hopefully she will get over that soon!!!
Hi ladies, I read all posts today so I know whats going on w/ everyone, but didn't get a chance to post until now with the day I've had. But I wanted to at least post an update on today's RE appt (especially if our resident stalker <terri, lol> saw I posted it in my other thread and wondered why no update here.

Unexpected twist of events today. My nurse called and said my RE is favoring a Lupron lead-in to IVF for me, rather than BCP. That is taken starting day21 or 22 of the cycle. They test P on day21, and if its good, you start Lupron for 10 days. Then I "think" AF comes, and you start the stim injections for IVF. I'm not certain, but I think that's for 10-14 days until ready for egg retrieval..? Anyway, she also said, interestingly enough, I could still go ahead and do an IUI cycle now, because even if I do start the Lupron on day21-22, it does no harm at all if I did get prego from the IUI, because it is just suppressing hormones that we don't produce (and don't want) during pregnancy anyway. (I'm still a little nervous about that, so I plan to talk to her about that next Wed at my appt).

So I did may scan today, and all looked good. I started the Femara tonight, days 4-8 this time. Next Tues will be u/s, and probably trigger that night, with IUI next Thurs. Then on day21, they'll test my P, and then I'll start the Lupron (as long as I'm feeling totally comfortable that it really wouldn't affect an embryo implanting, just in case the IUI is a success). If the IUI is unsuccessful again, I guesstimate just by doing a rough calculation of how long I'd be on stim injections, then they'll be retrieving my eggs for IVF somewhere near the 1st week of July. And then embryo transfer 5 days later.

Will respond to everyone tomorrow!
Moni - That's so terrible about your co-worker. I really hope everything works out for her. So awful. That's interesting what your RE said about alcohol. I'm not telling my husband that one, though. :)

Katie - I've been missing you! Happy to see that you're doing well but sorry to hear that you're feeling so sick. I hope the sickness/worry resides soon so you can fully enjoy this pregnancy. And feel free to be as cranky as you want. :)

Wish - Wait, wait, wait. I thought you home - you're still traveling? You poor thing. I'm sorry that you could only have tea at McDonald's. Hopefully next time you can go somewhere a lot nicer.

Terri - Ugh. I hate talks like that but you're right - you should definitely say something if it's bothering you that much. I'm happy that you called the doc & adoption agency. Hope they get back to you soon. Nice temp jump there, too.

Rad - Have a GREAT trip!

Sis - Awww. Your poor older pup - too cute. I'm sure they'll become best buds soon enough. Sometimes I feel like I want another dog but our place is just way too small.

eRose - That plan sounds even better than the original, huh? It's great that you don't have to sit this month out but you'll be ready to go just in case nothing happens this month. Definitely talk to your doc if you're feeling unsure but I think that sounds great! I'm super happy for you.

AFM: My temp's still up but I'm not feeling it. Before my MC, my cycle was between 26-28 days so I'm wondering if it's just going to be a bit longer than it's been the past few months. OR my temps could plummet tomorrow and AF could arrive as scheduled. I don't know - I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my hopes up a tiny smidge but I'm trying to be realistic. No symptoms at all and I feel crampy so it's not looking good. It's OK though. It is what it is and I'll move on to cleaner tubes (hopefully) and polyp removal.

So, I ordered my husband Fertilaid and forgot to talk to him about it. He opened the package when I wasn't at home. He was fine with it and said he's fine taking it but wished I would have at least mentioned it to him. I think he was a little embarrassed. I felt so bad. He has an interview later today at a really great school. Think positive thoughts!
ERose-I'm SO not a stalker. :ninja: HA!!HA!! I just try to find people when I haven't seen their charts or heard updates from them in a while. You're safe this time around. hee hee. Plus, maybe I've been busy! *rolling eyes*

That's great news about your upcoming treatment and that you can do another IUI AND plan for IVF at the same time. I'll have to look up Lupron. I'll report back on what I find, so you have more info. Um...yeah, not so busy today. hee hee.

Sis-Hopefully Pibble and Luna will be friends very soon. Poor Pibbles.

kfs1-How are you doing?

Moni-I feel so sad for your friend. I wonder how her husband feels. Sometimes, it's not good to share all this stuff with inlaws/crazy parents. I guess his love will be tested in the very near future, and that's really sad that someone's mom would cancel a wedding. Of course, in Asian cultures, it's all about passing on the bloodline/family name. That's too bad.

Alright, so last night I mentioned to hubs that I didn't want to start an argument, but I just wanted him to know that he embarrassed me big time on Saturday with his drinking (my sisters are not really drinkers; one glass of wine on a special day, MAYBE for my older sis, and my prego sister doesn't drink at all). He was not present for the first part of game night and of course, people were asking about him, and I just said that I didn't know where he was. Well, last night I found out he was at the neighbor's house (his new bestie, apparently) and supposedly had a shot and a beer. Everyone noticed he was "affected" upon his return and it was just not cool. He said 'I was just trying to enjoy my birthday weekend as you were.' I said 'It's ok to say no to an alcoholic beverage if offered.' Then he said 'I guess I can only be myself around MY friends.' I said 'That's right. Thank you.' And that was the end of it. I didn't say anything about being a dad and smelling of liquor. HA!!HA!! I can't imagine how he would feel if I got sloshed around his friends. Although, if that happened, he would most likely be just as drunk and we'd have to spend the night. I'm not spending the night at his friends' houses.
Hey Terri - I think we posted at the same time this morning. :) I'm glad you had a talk with your DH. How are you feeling about it? It's sometimes hard when we feel like we just want to relax and unwind but I agree that there's no need to take it overboard, especially when your family's in town. Go easy on him, though. It sounds like he doesn't mean any harm and I think some drinks here or there with friends is OK. I don't know - it's a touchy issue I guess, especially with those swimmers not doing so well (same with my DH).
kfs1-Yeah, we totally posted at the same time. hee hee. I feel ok...we have these conversations probably once a year, so it's a good reminder, I think, but luckily, we only have to have them once a year. And true, he can use his bday as an excuse, but honestly, he was supposed to plan a happy hour with his friends on Friday night, and because he can't plan anything and his friends did other stuff, everything fell through. If he got trashed with his friends on Friday and then took it easy while my sisters were here, I would've been fine with that, but it's no excuse to get trashed in front of my people because he was feeling sorry for himself. And..at age 39, why are you still getting trashed? I don't get that unless you seriously have a drinking problem. Not just a few drinks-trashed, stumbling, noncoherent. I had a few drinks. Fun, pleasant, lively. hee hee.

I've talked to some others and they said that it was his birthday too, so I shouldn't be upset, but I still feel like I needed to say something because I don't want it happening again. Bottom line, I don't want him wasted in front of my family. I certainly haven't been drunk in front of his super religious mom. My prego sis is VERY judgemental, and I don't want to give her anything to be judgy about, if I can help it. I HATE that she's so judgy about others, because she can't seem to help it, I just don't want to hear it about me or my husband.

ERose-I looked up Lupron, and it seems like an injectable birth control. It keeps you from ovulating/starting your period, and keeps your estrogen levels low. That's the basics..i'll see if I can find something about IUI/Lupron together.

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