Katie - I am so relieved for you. Man, that kid is a fighter! What an amazing birthday present! Something tells me your adrenaline could be contributing to your reaction to the P. I might feel pretty loopy after that ordeal as well. Huge :hugs: to you.

ERose - Your temps are flat, but flat HIGH. Love it. Looking forward to your next test.

Kayotic - Good to hear from you! How great that you're having a boy! Yay for team blue!

Moni - Glad the cysts are resolving and IVF is around the corner!

Sis - I don't think I've ever had a temp jump with a YI, but I guess I don't know that for sure. HOH for something more interesting than that!

Fezzle - How exciting that you get to go to the RE soon. Feels like a step in the right direction I'm sure.

Wish - Here's hoping that your LP is longer for a great reason. :thumbup:

OK here's my 15DPO test. It's there, but not the porn one might want. I'm going for another beta tomorrow and should know my results from yesterday's when I go in. When I got my 12DPO test out of the trash (you know, like you do) there was a tiny line on it, but it came way after the time, so I thought it was invalid. Hmmm...


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Katie-Yum!! Fried ice cream. hee hee. Enjoy your dinner tonight. Also, I have to agree with Sis. The P didn't do anything for me except leak onto a pad every afternoon during the day and in my morning pee. HA!!HA!! Are you taking the pessaries (like, jammin' up your hoo ha?). I wish they made me feel loopy and like I was having fun.

No, I did not live in DE prior to going to school there, but I did live there for college, so I say that counts. I lived in MD prior to going to college. My grandmother was right over the border in PA, so I wanted to go to school away from home, but close to my Mom-Mom, so DE was the best choice. And yes, hubs and I pushed the beds together (thank goodness they weren't bunked when we walked in), but there was still a crack in the middle. The first night we had our own beds, and the second night we squished onto one. :) It was great fun..staying up late, walking the long walk from downtown back to campus, and running into other OLD stumbling drunks along the way. HA!!HA!!

Honestly, I'm feeling pretty neutral about this IUI. Hubs counts are low, I'm old and even though he's taking the medicine, I don't think it will work in time. So..I'm just going to go through the motions and then plan for IVF. It's kind of sucky to feel neutral, but it is what it is at this point. I wrote on an assisted conception post that if IUI (meaning perfectly timed sperm/egg combo) doesn't work, an agreed upon hot date will have to be set for sperm/egg to fertilize, and then go back into my body. If THAT doesn't work, then it's probably just not in the cards. :shrug: Although, when I move to IVF, I will feel positive it's going to work.

Oh, and I had this thought this morning when I was reading about people with unexplained fertility: "I don't have unexplained fertility. I'm just an old bag." HA!!HA!! That thought really made me laugh. I look 30 in real life, but my insides are :jo: HA!!HA!!
Omg katie thats so amazing. So pleased for you. Happy birthday!!!
Radkat thst line looks good.
Erose hope your hcg goes up. Fx
Afm more level (ish!) Now. Thanks for your kind words. Am forgetting about cds etc and just riding it out for june then thinking what to do next. X
Katie, what a relief!! And, what a story. I was tearing up half way through but sooo glad for the happy ending. Whew...

Kayotic, a baby boy :) Great :)

Radkat, that's such a nice line! I am a Wondfo person, too, and my line looked about like that at 14-15DPO. And I've also fished them out of the trash to find lines from previous days.

As to genetic testing, Katie, Harmony is basically the same as Maternit21. I think I will still get an amnio to be sure (and a CVS if there is some issue with Maternit21). Maternit21 does not test for everything and has a higher error rate for some rare syndromes. At my age, the chance of serious chromosomal issues is 1/60 - still not very high, but our entire lives depend on it, and that of our son. (I know, you can't control for everything, and that's fine, but I feel that I need to make sure where I can.)
Katie I for sure feel like putting on my YI hoodie and curling up in my Woobie!!! :haha:
I'm thinking it not a YI though cuz none of the potions have worked but when I use replens it helps so I'm thinking the pool irritated the Vjay :nope:

U know I love u guys to tell u all the details in my VJ area :rofl: I'm rolling commando too ;)
Fertilaid for men peeps - how many pills does your DH take a day? It says 3 on the bottle!

Great porn Rad! :)

Woohoo Sis! Commando! :flasher:
kfs—I really suspect the BCP made your cycle wonky, if not the HSG. BCP has a way of doing that, especially if it’s something that you are not taking consistently. And I’m sorry that the SA scheduling got a little screwy for you guys! Now, what is your next appt. with the RE for?

Well, hubs had an SA already and the results weren't good so the next step was for him to see the urologist to get checked out and have another SA. My rE appt is just to talk over next steps so I guess we'll have to factor in hubs low count into those plans. Some of my issues were fixed in my surgeries last week but I imagine she'll bring up IUI/meds as a next step...? I guess we shall see.

Just got a call from the nurse - my estrogen levels are still high (over 300) which means that I have not ovulated. They wanted me to take an ovidril shot but the new insurance is not approving it.... So I'll be back for day 3 scans again next month to see if the levels are finally down.
kfs1-My hubs has been taking 3 a day because that's what it says to do. :shrug: I'll let you know if a weeks' time helps anything. hee hee. Hopefully the RE will give you options if hubs' results have improved or are still the same. My guess is that they'll probably wait until he gets his information from the SA before they start filling you with medicine.

moni-UGh!! Again, it's good that you were planning on taking a break anyway, but all these obstacles are too much! :hugs: I hate reading about them all, but I will keep my fingers crossed that by next month everything will be a-ok and you'll be ready to proceed.

AFM-I ran again yesterday and pretty much just fell out on the couch. I was the most tired girl ever, and I didn't even run fast or far. Not sure what that was all about. I did get up to take my Gonal F so all follicles are plump and juicy now. I'll get the scoop on them tomorrow.

Work is sucking...I should've called out today. ha!
Terri - Thanks for the fertilaid info. I'm going to ask hubs to start taking it tomorrow for sure. Yeah - I imagine I won't really learn too much at today's appointment since the SA hasn't been done which kinda stinks but I guess my body could use a little break. Hopefully will be in line for next month. Sneak out of work early if you can! :)

Moni - ugh - how frustrating. I hope you get some answers soon.
Katie....nooooooo, I am not on any veggie, fruit lean protein diet. Lmao. Heck the first 5 months I was just happy to be able to eat anything and have an appetite for anything. Lol. Funny though even though I was nauseous at that point the only thing that didn't make me feel sick when I ate it was sweet stuff....go figure. Lol

The MaterniT21 was optional and the feat trimester screen is given to all women. Since it was a given I had to take that one and then opted for the MarerniT21 as a back up in case something came back funky with the first trimester screening which it did and it scared the bejesus out of me. I have no idea why they kept pushing the amnio but I kept refusing. The MarerniT21 is as accurate as you can get in detecting genetic disorders without being invasive and between that and the diagnostic u/s I felt comfortable with the results. Some women still opt for the amnio just to be more certain of the blood results. I was personally too chicken to do it after reading the risks involved.

Glad you had an awesome birthday!
Happy Hump Day ladies!!!!

Feeling a tad better today but still Not Comfy ... Got some plants yesterday going to plant b4 it gets too hot!!! ;)

Hope everyone is well
Radkat....that's a good lookin' line you got there girlie!!! :happydance:

Terri...you're not old at all. Heck women don't age, we're timeless. :haha: and positive thoughts for the next IUI, you NEVER know and IF that happens to not work out at least you're planning for the IVF so you BFP is coming sooner than later.

Erose....patiently waiting for the testing. :coffee:
:howdy: Ladies!!

Smiles - we are patiently waiting for Erose arent we ?? :haha:

Sis - glad to hear you are getting some relief!! :happydance:

Kfs- I am big supporter of fertilaid - although it works - I can't get myhubby to take it like he is supposed to - or even just one a day right now!!! argh but I hope that it does something for your DH!! thanks for your support twinnie!!!

Terri - I hope the fertilaid is working on your DH too!!! I keep hearing it takes three months - but I am hoping not for you guys!!! I hope with the TV goes on and the deposit is made it is much higher than last time!!!
re: running - I have decided Monday I am starting up the work out routine again... it sure does wear you out though... good job for getting out there and getting it done!!

Moni - UGH... your body needs to play along here!!! But that's ok, with our medicines nowadays we can voluntell it to play along!!! I hope your next day 3 scan gives the green light for further treatment for you guys!!

Radkat - nice line porn :happydance: - hoping my wondfos like that before the end of the year!!!

AFM: the chart says it all. super bummed. really thought we might have had a chance... onto to TTC cycle #20... cramps are so bad I am eating ibuprofen like candy... thanks - no babies and ridiculous cramps.. awesome!!

But going all KatiePotatie today - hunting the good stuff (HTGS) I had minimal spotting this cycle, 13 day LP and temps seem high enough that my progesterone looks like it is ok... and my sister was here yesterday from South Carolina - I got to spend the entire day with her and it was good...

so :gun::gun: to you :witch:
Sorry again, and sorry that your cramps are so bad Wish, but yeah, your bright side is a pretty good one. My fingers are super crossed for a good sample this time around. I need something to make me feel a little more positive than neutral. It's like I'm just going through the motions.

Sis-Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

Katie-I forgot-I laughed hysterically at your sidebar about the monistat commercial. I don't recall the commercial, but your writeup about it made me smile, and the joke you had with your coworker is just too funny.

kfs1-I do feel like leaving work early. I already left once to go to the post office, but that wasn't a long enough trip. hee hee.
Hey, ladies!

This thread moves so quickly and is so hard to keep up with! So much action!

Terri, After I ovulate I am always DRAINED. I can never jog as far or as fast and I feel weak whenever I try. I've read that it's related to progesterone. Now with all the meds for IUI I feel weak and bloated BEFORE ovulation as well! I've pretty much decided that for the next few cycles I'll be a useless lump. When is your next IUI? I triggered yesterday afternoon and we go in tomorrow morning! Yikes!

Sis, Sorry about your YI! Though... you say you haven't had one since you were pregnant... hmmm... fingers crossed for you! You're in Houston, right? The weather here is a tad hot, but still fantastic today! A spider chased me out of my garden, but then I spent some time with puppy in the hammock this morning and felt SO BLESSED. :)

Wish, sorry about your visitor. Cramps on top of disappointment just feels too cruel! :hugs:

AFM - Trigger yesterday, IUI in the morning. This is our first time and I'm super nervous!!!!

Edited to add - I've been severely restricting sugar and carbs per docs instructions, and can't wait for my temp to jump so that I can finally eat some ice cream!!! I think my priorities might be a little out of whack! :)
Radkat—Okay, so I’ve spent some time comparing your test to other Wondfo’s around the same dpo and most are close to what your lines look like. Of course we have no idea when people actually implanted and when the HCG started spitting out, nor how concentrated their urine was, but that was good to see. I saw a few really dark Wondfo’s, but most people’s were more comparable to yours. What’s the latest today?!

Driving and Smiles—Thanks for clarifying on the different tests. I guess I thought the Materni1/Harmony was the end all-beat all new test that superseded all the others.

Terri—You seem to be losing your gung-ho spirits about this TTC thing. I realize we tend to do that to protect our hearts from getting too excited and being let down, but we all have such good feelings about your outcome, because despite DH sperm results, things are good for your fertility. Honestly, I’d probably hesitate telling my DH about the numbers, too, only because I try to shelter him from anything that would make him say, “Forget it! I feel like a failure, so I’m not playing anymore.” If IUI doesn’t work, you are in a good spot for IVF. Your previous follie counts were so good that I wouldn’t put much credence into, ‘I’m just an old lady.” Not true!

Sis—Yes, commando really helps, too! Way too much TMI, but I go commando because years ago I got so many back-to-back YI that I’d read somewhere it can help keep your lady parts aired out and dry and sure enough, that really took care of the problemo for the most part. So, now that I have to wear pads for the spotting, my hooha is quite angry with me. I’ll probably end up with a YI in no time because of it.

Moni—That just sucks about the insurance not covering the Ovidril shots. Let’s hope your body resolves this issue before IVF. You need a damn break!

Kfs1—Waiting patiently to hear about the RE appt. today!

Erin—Hellooooo? Wassup today??

Wish—Yes! The AF sucks, but it really can help to search out the silver lining, even when it’s the last thing you want to do. And you had a really good cycle this time around, even if it didn’t result in a BFP. You had a great OV, spotting was low and temps good which means hormones look good, a respectable/normal LP and a visit from your sister. All really good things to celebrate after your done having to pop pills like candy from a Pez dispenser! Heating pads or those stick on heating althletic wraps you can wear under your clothes are my God-send for horrendous cramps.

Mischief—Hooray for the first IUI! Good stuff…and I totally understand wanting to get ice cream back in the diet. But congratulations on cutting back on the sugar and carbs. That’s a feat in itself!

Smiles—I think you are waiting until birth to find out gender? Well either way, I’m guessing it’s a girl because you are partial to sweets.

AFM—Okay, so I seem to be the only person who gets “high” on progesterone supplements (orally taken, thank heavens). This probably explains why I had a low tolerance with my few attempts at pot when I was in college and I didn’t enjoy it at all. A drug that’s supposed to relax you and make you a lazy bum who philosophizes about the meaning of a jar of jelly, only made me completely freak out, get paranoid that a ceramic planter was staring at me and I thought I was going to have a heart attack because I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Yeah, too much information about my irresponsible past, but I’m usually an open book. So, yeah, drugs weren’t my bag, thankfully! That’s all for me today. Uneventful and happy. I decided to take the leap and change my signature to include the pregnancy ticker because I’ve got to start being positive about this pregnancy and try to stop living in fear. Or I may look back months from now and scold myself for being a miserable sad sack the entire time. Just have to change my energy to happy and hopeful. :)
Mischief-Well, I've been a useless lump until a few weeks ago, so I'll have to track how I'm feeling based on my cycle. You might seriously be onto something. Except for the fact that I haven't o'd yet. But..maybe it's close so that's why I was exhausted. Plus, maybe the meds do have an effect on other stuff, so perhaps.

Tomorrow is going to be great for you! It's such an exciting time. Make sure you stay laying down after the procedure for about 10 minutes. Hopefully they'll let you sit there. Oh and you might want to take a pantiliner with you too, just in case they don't offer you one. They use a special nourishing fluid in addition to your sample, and it can be a tad leaky. hee hee. fxfxfx. So excited for you. Mine will probably be this weekend or early next week. I'll find out tomorrow.

Katie-You are totally right. I'm just feeling blah, but I will get the excitement back tomorrow, I'm sure. It's a new two weeks! hee hee. And you're right, at least I'm around to HAVE IVF, and be able to afford it. Back in the day, I'd probably just be childless and that would be that. I should look for the silver lining too. Glad you put your ticker in the bottom. Your little prune baby is just adorable!

Radkat-I also forgot to say that your line looks strong to me, and not faint at all. You know I can never see faint, so if I see it, it's definitely there! Update us on your betas when you can. :hugs:

All right girls, I'm leaving 15 minutes early. I'm going to meet another motorcycle gal this afternoon at a nearby coffee shop. I don't know her so I told her 'I'll be wearing a red shrug and jeans.' And then I remembered I'm bald, so I was like 'and I'm bald! Seeya!' That made me laugh. She'll either show up or she won't. Ttfn!

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