Hi Ladies. Where do I begin? So, after I got the call from the nurse, I logged into my health account online, where I can view my lab results and saw how “very low” that progesterone level was. It was 1. I knew the pregnancy was over at that point. When the nurse called and said it was very low, there was still a tiny bit of hope that it wasn’t that low. But I had a result of 1 a week ago and all this time has passed with no medical intervention. I’m so glad I saw that result and knew the outcome while I was at home and could process it and start to grieve before going to the doctor’s office. I was honestly grateful for the fact that I hadn’t spontaneously begun m/c and could hopefully opt for the D&C in time. And next week, was to be my next doctor’s appointment where we’d hear the heartbeat on the doppler and also do the genetic testing. I was thinking how absolutely soul-destroying that would have been for me to go in thinking everything was honky dory to that appointment and hear no heartbeat. So, finding out this way, in a very bizarre way, was a blessing. On the way to the doctor’s office, which my hubby accompanied me to, I was running through all the good things I have going on in my life, aside from this terrible news. I’m lucky to have a healthy daughter and a wonderful husband and a loving family. To try and keep myself focused on not breaking down, I kept thinking about how I could be going through so much worse right now. That really, honestly helped me keep myself together.

When we got to the doctor’s office, the ultrasound tech remembered me since I’ve been in so frequently and she assumed I was there for another check-up due to my spotting and cramping. I told her that unfortunately, this visit was to confirm the pregnancy was not viable because my progesterone was at a 1 a week ago. Her face fell and she said she was so sorry. She said, well, let’s just take a look and see what we can see. She does the abdominal scan and of course, there is the baby and of course, I don’t see a heartbeat just like the last time. And then, I see a flickering. She said, “Well, there’s still a heartbeat there.” I said, “That’s probably why I haven’t miscarried yet. Do you know when I can schedule a D&C?” And while she’s doing her measurements and whatever, she said they won’t schedule a D&C until the heart stops beating, which obviously, I wouldn’t do it before then anyway. She said, “But the baby is measuring on track at 10 weeks, 1 day,” which was actually 2-3 days ahead. So, then I said, “Yeah, but the heartbeat is probably way too slow.” So, while she’s measuring the heartbeat I see the baby is moving around and moving its little arm all over the place. It was an active little thing and I was thinking at that point, “There’s nothing wrong with this baby!” And sure enough, the heartbeat was 165, which is within normal range. I said, “How can this be possible?! My progesterone level was 1 a week ago!!!” She said, “I have absolutely no idea. We’ve got to find out from the doctor.” I told her I just wasn’t understanding any of this because I don’t know how it’s medically possible that the baby is still alive and on track. I asked her if she’d ever seen anything like this before and she shook her head and said, “Never in my life. And I’ve been doing this a long time. I have no explanation for this.”

She left the room to go talk to the doctor to find out next steps and my husband and I just sat there in shock. Happy shock, but a totally numb shock. It literally did not process fully. I was going in today to find out when I could get a D&C. That was my goal for the visit. And then, we were going to hit a bar so I could drink away my pain for one day. Long story short, my doctor got me in to see her right away, but basically, just to tell me that they are all perplexed as to why the baby is healthy and they have no explanation except a possible lab error. But for some reason she didn’t seem so convinced about the lab error thing. She said when the ultrasound tech came in to tell her that everything was on track, she just looked at the lab tech a bit dumbfounded and the lab tech said, “Yeah, I know. I have no idea either.” Doctor put me on progesterone ASAP and said, “I have no explanation for this. This baby was just meant to be here.” And she sent me on my way with my prescription.

The worst day of my life turned into the best day of my life in a matter of 3 hours. I need no other gift for my birthday. This is a miracle through and through. I don’t think my progesterone was really at a 1. Not that kind of miracle. The miracle is the fact that I was certain I had lost my baby today, but a bizarre lab error occurred and because that information was not correct, I am pregnant another day. I’ve been given hope for a bright outcome again, when there was there was no doubt in my mind that this pregnancy had come to an end. Oh, and my hemmorage has almost completely healed up, which explains why my spotting has been decreasing over the past couple of days. I don’t know what to say except I’m more grateful today than I have ever been before!!!!

(And on another note, if this wasn’t me living through all this and I was reading someone else’s story, I’d be like, this girl is full of bull butter and needs help for making a bunch of crazy stuff up! I swear I would be like, “There’s nobody who goes through all of this craziness!” Proof positive right here!)
Sorry I havent been around, been so busy! Once summer is over I will have a bit more time.

Got the Verifi results back today, we've got a healthy baby boy growing in there :)

Aww, congrats on a healthy baby boy!! :baby: :flower:
Katie - I have a huge lump in my throat and tears stinging my eyes - but it's all from happiness and gratefullness to God for taking care of your baby... What a wonderful gift and what a future this little one has!!!! He/she is already so special!!! Congrats lady!!! I am truly happy for you!!!
KATIE!! BEST NEWS EVER!!! I just knew it couldn't be time to say good bye!! :happydance: I'm SOOO overjoyed for this true miracle! That is one strong little tyke you have there! Amazing story. One which I'll never forget!
I get busy for one day and I have to go back 3 Pages!!! :nope:

Katie BIG :hugs: I'm so glad everything worked out Magically it has to be A Magic Bean!! :)

Erose I would say that number wil go up my trigger is usually out Of my system 10 DPO I would ask for another beta Wed! FX

Kayotic yay for Blue!!!
Katie! I am so happy for you! I haven't been on since yesterday morning so got to read the whole roller coaster from start to the happy ending!

kayotic- congrats on the boy!

terri- well done with the running; i'm going to start running again too- as soon as I'm done with this hell week at work!

erose- good luck with the next test results, and the IVF if necessary. It's good it's all moved so quickly!

AFM- I started spotting today so I think my new pattern, along with last cycle, is to have short LPs as it doesn't look like I'm ovulating early. I've taken soy isoflavones the past two cycles so I'm not going to take them in the next one. I'll probably try the progesterone cream again, but it didn't make a different last time- this cycle I didn't know when to start taking it as I wasn't sure if or when I ovulated because of the thrush. But, the good news is, it's almost July when my GP said she could refer me to the fertility clinic, so I'm going to make an appointment for the beginning of July and hopefully we can get some more fertility testing rolling- and maybe try something like Clomid or Femara and get an SA too.
Katie.....great news!!!!! That is truly a miracle, this baby is not giving up at all. Doctors can't explain every especially when God steps in and takes over. Truly happy for you. :hugs: AND happy birthday! I know it's truly a great and blessed one.

Kayotic....congrats on the boy!
Katie - OMG, I'm soooooo happy and relieved for you but you poor thing!!! How much can one person take? It sounds to me like it's definitely some sort of lab error, no? Anyway, I'm so, so, so happy that everything worked out in the end. The other girls were right not to give up hope - this is one tough little bean for sure! Congratulations again! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs. And Happy Birthday! :cake: When's the actual day?

Kayotic - Yay - a little baby boy! Congratulations! :blue:

eRose - Man oh man. This week must be draaggging for you waiting for your next test. Fx that those numbers go up. I have a good feeling!

Fezzle - I'm sorry that AF got you but I'm happy that you'll be able to see a specialist soon. So, your doctor made you wait a certain amount of time before a referral? I'm just curious but why?

Moni - Glad your IVF class went well and good luck at the scan today. Hope those cysts are completely gone!

Terri - Soo, what's the decision? Will there be a second TV in your house to prepare for IUI? :)

Rad - How's it going over there? Any line porn yet?

Hi Wish, Sis, Nessaw, Smiles and everyone else! :hi:

AFM: Boring over here. Nothing really to report. My period (or whatever it was) seems to be gone. Follow-up with my RE tomorrow. Couldn't get hubs urologist appointment rescheduled until the 18th of June so I'm not sure that my RE will be too happy about that.
Katie-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I told you not to give up, but you keep doubting and doubting. That baby is truly one strong miracle. I told you I wasn't going to say that I'm sorry yet! I am so, so happy, overjoyed, ecstatic that everything is great. I'm also glad that they got you on progesterone supps and hopefully your levels will get back to where they need to be ASAP. What a relief. I was scared/nervous to see your post because you said you wouldn't post if you lost the baby, but I was still scared to see it. Phew!

Fezzle-Yeah for getting in to get testing. It's important, and it will certainly clear up a lot of confusion that you have about not getting pregnant, not ovulating properly, etc..I'm sure the answers are right around the corner along with your BFP!

ERose-I see your back to being a part of the flat lines crew. hee hee. It's better than dropping though. Yeah! Any testing updates?

kfs1-We posted at the same time-as usual, and I did get in touch with my dad last night to find out when exactly he was coming. He was like 'I won't be there until the 22nd.' Initially he told me the 12th. He is seriously a single, rolling stone these days. I can't fault him. I hope I'm that spry when I'm 75. HA! Anyway, we're sticking with one tv. Yeah!!

What a rush of a morning! I feel so relieved. *sigh*
Well I got a crazy High temp this AM but I think it's the YI :nope: I haven't had even a mild one since I was 3mos PG w DS and it's was mild ..... Well this one is NOT mild I don't think I've ever had one this bad and this painful :nope:
Maybe the pool did it or the new Supps idk all I know is it needs to Go Away Far Away!!

Katie again BIG Congrats!!!

Fezzle sorry about a short LP but if it didn't O I would say that's the reason and Soy messed me up big time!! Glad u get to see a FS soon

Terri glad your Dad won't barge in on your parade I think mine will so around my next O :shrug:

Erose did u take a FRER just to see??? :devil:
Sis- UGH about that YI :-/ I hope it leaves soon!!!

Katie- happy birthday lady!!! I know it's a super good one this year!!

Terri- glad to hear that dad is not coming till later!!!! DH has the tv all to himself!!!

Erose- anxiously waiting for your next test - I'm going with that HCG was just starting so I'm hoping BFP by Friday!!!

:hi: kfs and all you other lovelies!!!

AFM: 13 DPO tested with wondfo and BFN - no spotting yet Should start anytime... Been having stupid hot flashes maybe it's my supplements I don't know... Or maybe I'm just getting old :rofl:
:coffee: waiting for the witch...
Sis-Well, I'm thinking your temp increase is a P increase, and that YI is a sure clue....did you test yet? :haha: I'm glad you're finally out of the flatlands though. fxfx

Wish-Sorry about your hot flashes. I hope it's your supplements as well. And yeah, my dad is not interfering with anything, so it's cool. Hey, I do want to know why you didn't get tested by the army the other day?

moni-Glad your IVF class went well. Do you start with Lupron or BCP? Have you scheduled anything yet? Let's get it on the calendar! hee hee. I'm so eager to get this started, even though I know it's not until end of July/August for you.
I used a FRER yesterday after holding it all day long, and it didn't seem to have any kind of line. Didn't have any more FRERs, so used one of my ICs this morning, and I dont think there was anything there except a little shadow that only my crazy eyes would see.

You guys are "almost" getting my hopes up. I really just thought, dangit that stupid ovidrel still in my system. As of today, it has been 13 days since I took the shot. I called the nurse and left a message this morning (now i'm the crazy patient). I'd like to know if they've ever seen someone still have hcg in their system this long after taking the shot.

I also re-listened to her VM, and she actually didnt even say anything about the Ovidrel (I must've put that into my own head)... all she said was "Anything under 5 is considered negative, and yours is a 2.37 right now, so if you don't get a period by Thurs or Friday, we can go ahead and do another beta at that time". But she said to keep taking the Lupron, so it didn't sound like she thought anything of it really.
Sis, I'm with Terri, I think that temp spike is a sign.... ;) I've had YI before, and they've never messed with my temps. :thumbup:

Wish, sorry for the BFN, but you're still early, so don't lose hope. Are your LPs usually this long? I was thinking you normally have shorter LPs, but I do have a hard time keeping up sometimes!

Moni, glad your class went well.... now, dying to know what your timeframe is! :thumbup:

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I'm just having a hard time focusing at work... or on anything, for that matter.
Erose - my average lp is 12 days... However I have had a couple of 13 day lp's - so unless I don't start af by Thursday - everything is still in the "normal" scale ... So I wait...
KATIE - YAY!!! That baby is a fighter for sure!

Kayotic - Yay for a boy!

Sis - sorry for the YI.

AFM - cyst check today - the one on the right is gone and the one on the left shrunk from 41mm to 17mm - so on the right track. Doc thinks that I would be able to start the iVF cycle (the BCP) at my next day 3. I am going to wait one more cycle though - due to my vacation and I want one fully natural cycle without cysts before going through with the IVF - just in case!
ERose, a shadow on a Wondfo?! Man, you are teasing us ;) Makes me think back to my first positive Wondfo - what a barely there shadow! I never would have taken it as a positive on its own, it was only with the progression over the next few days that it became believable, so you are getting me all excited over here!! I've been doing math though trying to figure out how long it'll take a 2.7 doubling every other day to get to a 25 and show up on an FRER. I'm thinking in those very early days it probably rises exponentially faster - right?? Is that just wishful thinking, lol?! But it's all gotta start somewhere.

Okay, that's my can't hold back the excitement for you post, I'll feel terrible if it's not really your month, but since it is I'm not holding back! :)

Katie, so happy for that strong little guy (or girl) you've got in there. And is it just me or is it time to find a new doctor?! Between the potential lab error (technically not their fault, but...) and then not telling you about it for a week, I'd be out of there in a hot second. You need a doctor who can get results back in a day and then take action on them!

Congrats on a boy, Kayotic! I just purged all my baby boy clothes for baby girl clothes and it broke my heart a little. Having a son is amazing!! They sure do love their mamas. I'm sure having a daughter will be too, but if she's anything like I was it will be more of a roller coaster ;)
Hi Ladies,

First of all, thank you all again for your kind messages, prayers and for thinking of me and HOH for the baby when I had no hope left. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I keep a journal of my pregnancy so I can put a pregnancy book together for the baby and I’ve printed out all of your well-wishes and responses to include in his/her book. Very special to me.

Okay, now that I’m over the sadsies, I can get caught back up with the goings on of everyone else and I’ve really enjoyed reading all the updates. Let’s be honest, there’s lot s of suspense going on……

Erin—I reallllyyyy think there’s a good chance you are pregnant. You got a blood test at 10DPO. That’s really early. And particularly so if you tend to implant late. I don’t think you are out of this game at all. Not one tiny bit. Especially seeing that your temp is still way high. You know I preach about not giving false hope to people, but I really don’t think any of our hopes are false! I honestly think you still could very well be pregnant.

Wish—I don’t like your temp drop, but I’m still intrigued with this cycle and HOH. Are you having any indications that AF is impending? Although that really doesn’t amount to squat in most cases anyway. Wasn’t this the cycle you had the strong ovulation?!

Driving280—Yes, I’m definitely going to get the genetic blood testing, but my doctor’s office uses the Harmony test. I read up on it and it seems like the same thing as Materni21. Don’t know if it provides the baby’s gender, but I am leaning towards waiting until we go in for the anatomy scan at 20 weeks anyway. Maybe I’m old school, but I kind of like the suspense of zeroing in on that area with the ultrasound and trying to make out what kind of parts are there before the ultrasound tech announces it. And hearing the tech confirm it is fun, too. Plus, as scary as this pregnancy has been, I’d feel more comfortable waiting until 20 weeks when I’m further along. The blood test is non-invasive, so I think it’s really the way to go. I don’t even think you need the amnio after having the blood test. Are you waiting for the birth to find out the gender?

Terri—So, did you push your beds together in the dorms? Lol Did you just go to college in Delaware or live there prior? My old boss was from Deleware and as most people probably do, I said, “Really? Delaware?” And she said, “I’m probably the only person you know from Deleware.” Which was true, so now I know 2 people who at least lived there! I may have asked you this question before. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have. Gaw! So, how are you feeling about this next IUI? I just know your BFP is coming. I’m so intrigued to find out when it’s going to happen. Man, it’d be cool if this next IUI did the trick. And I agree with Erin to push the issue of them looking ahead to the IVF so you can get the ball rolling immediately if need be.

Radkat—YAY!!!! I’m glad you are going to get the betas done…it really helps you relax and makes you feel like you have some control in an uncontrollable situation. And you may think that your test looked faint, and it very well might be, but it also depends on when you implanted. Seriously, getting the betas is so much more reassuring and confirmative than analyzing the strenght of pregnancy tests. And my lines did not look much different the next day….took 2 or 3 days to notice a difference in darkness. You will freak yourself right out thinking the line isn’t getting darker. Excited to hear about your betas!!!!!

Kayotic--Healthy baby boy!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I know I should just be grateful to have a baby still growing, but I really would love a little boy, too. Such wonderful news for you. You’ve had a long road it’s very heartwarming to see where you are at now!

Moni—Fabulous news on your shrinking cysts and I think that plan is wise about waiting another cycle. Good things coming up for you and you can enjoy a wonderful vacation beforehand. That’s good for your soul and I think will put you in a great frame of mind to start IVF. Things are going to start moving along quickly for you in no time!

Sis—Wowee on that temp jump!!! Have you googled yet if a YI can cause a temperature? I dunno about that, particularly since your body doesn’t tend to get them unless your are PG. It sounds mighty suspect! And I’m sorry you are having a wicked one. They are the worst. I know that you are not supposed to douche, but I’m telling you what. If I get the feeling of a start of a YI, I douche and then start the meds and I swear it helps with the itchies/burning.

Fezzle— Ugh! Another yeast infection! But outside of that, it really sounds like you got your BD in prior to the YI and O, but I’m confused because someone else said your AF started? Didn’t you just O or did I read that wrong? And I’m glad to hear that you are being referred to a RE if needed because it really does suck when you are trying to figure out everything on your own and you hope you are taking the right supplements, etc. I agree to lay off the soy for now. That stuff can either work miracles or screw up your Ovulation/Period. But you are really moving in the right direction as well to get some things figured out!

(Side Note: I have a dumb story related to yeast infections, which isn’t even relevant, but I’m going to tell it anyway. There used to be this commercial for Monistat that played on TV in the US for years. It was a blond girl walking by a bunch of storefront windows feeling like s%@# because she had a yeast infection and she just wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear because she had the itch she couldn’t scratch, etc. And when she’d walk past the storefronts, her reflection would show her in a big, comfy hoody sweatshirt and sweatpants and she’d look all forlorn, but obviously, out in the real world, she was dressed like she was going to work. And the point of the dumb commercial was when you have a yeast infection, you wish you could just curl up at home and not have to deal with the outside world. So, I had a joke with my friend at work who I told about the commercial, that whenever I was feeling lousy (usually hung-over, because this was in my single 20’s), I’d put on this warm, cuddly fleece hoody jacket that I kept at my desk. And whenever my friend would come by, if I was wearing my “yeast infection jacket”, it meant I was feeling lousy that day, and she knew I’d want to go out to lunch for some greasy comfort food. Wasn’t that a fun story?! Yeah, probably not. Moving on.....)

Momof3—Like the other ladies have said, there are things to be done that can help improve those SA results, so although I’m sure the news was quite disheartening, you can come up with a plan of action to get those numbers raised. Would IVF be an option for you?

VJean—Sooo, are you only eating raw fruits and vegetables and lean proteins?? I’m assuming delicious Funyuns are not in your diet? You’re pregnancy body is rockin’! You look so young, it’s hard to believe you have a DD in college. Seriously! Sounds like everything is going so nicely for your family with the work hours and your hubby getting to go back to school while still getting paid his salary. Don’t worry about getting everything done. Girl, you should know by now that things will get done and most of it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s just your nesting instinct going into overdrive where you feel like you’re on some strict timetable. Definitely, want to see pics of the nursery because I’m sure it’ll be adorable!

Smiles—It’s kind of weird that they had you do a screening and the Materni21? I mean, wouldn’t the Materni21 cover all the bases and there not be a need for the outdated screening test? And I really wonder what the need for the amnio is at this point?! Yeah, I wouldn’t be interested in doing that either. Can’t wait to see the professional pregnancy pics! I bet you are on the raw veggie, fruit and lean protein diet, too, AREN'T YOU??!!!!

Neesaw—No apology needed for having a pity party. I pretty much feel that everybody is entitled to a minimum of 1 per month. I hope the days that have passed have been better to your spirits. And I really hope your cycles begin to straighten out soon because that's just salt in a wound that you need to heal. :hugs:

Kfs1—I really suspect the BCP made your cycle wonky, if not the HSG. BCP has a way of doing that, especially if it’s something that you are not taking consistently. And I’m sorry that the SA scheduling got a little screwy for you guys! Now, what is your next appt. with the RE for?

TTC and Smiles&#8212;In a sad way, it makes me feel better to hear stories where you&#8217;ve been concerned only because the outcomes have been fine and I feel a bit more normal by not having a picture-perfect pregnancy. So, thank you for sharing and so very glad your pregnancies are still moving along so smoothly! TTC, good thing that baby flipped back down and hopefully she stays there. Breech baby delivery? Yikes! And I really, really hope everything turns out to be okay with your best friend. Prayers sent for her. <3

AFM&#8212;Today is my Birthday&#8212;37 years old&#8212;and it&#8217;s the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! I&#8217;ve got no big plans, but we are going out for yummy Mexican food tonight. Maybe I&#8217;ll get a fried ice cream with a candle in it to really live it up. Ha! I&#8217;m so happy to be pregnant that nothing else matters. I bought myself a doppler today as a gift to myself. Actually, I used hubby&#8217;s card and told him he&#8217;s buying it, but you know what I mean! I&#8217;m going to be hopeful again. I&#8217;m going to go forward anticipating that I will be able to hear the baby&#8217;s heartbeat at home in a few weeks. I also started the progesterone and I&#8217;m sure many of you can relate, it makes you feel odd. No complaining over here, and my doctor told me I&#8217;d feel dizzy, but it&#8217;s more like being high and loopy on pain meds? Does anyone else feel this way? It&#8217;s kind of a trip. I&#8217;d pop acid and hallucinate if it meant keeping this baby healthy! So, that&#8217;s it for me today. I&#8217;m glad I have absolutely no more news to report, and I hope it stays that way!
:rofl: Katie Never felt that way on P or I'd be taking it all month long :haha: JK
Happy Happy Bday!!!!

I took a test this Am told u I would take a test everyday since I'm taking other stuff and BFN of course!!

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