So... I don't think I ovulated. My temps have been wacko this cycle (meds?) and I've woken up wrong for two days in a row, but still... my chart sucks. I really thought I had O pains for hours yesterday morning, but maybe that was from the IUI...? I'm pretty bummed out. What an expensive mistake. :(
Mischief - If you think you're a weirdo, then I'm one too! I would totally be worried about all of those same things. :) I'm sorry that you're not feeling positive, though. Did your office monitor your eggs and everything and did you use a trigger? How did the process work?

Terri - I know what you mean about asking your DH to come in with you. I can imagine that scenario being reeaalllly awkward. :) I even think it's awkward for him to do it at home! :) Be careful on your ride home. Yikes!

Hi everyone else! Where are you all hiding?

AFM: I woke up at 4 with excruciating pain in my abdomen. I tried to lay there for a while but the pain was really bad. I was also sweating and really clammy. So I had my DH google ovarian cyst issues and basically, it said that the cyst could be rupturing or could be twisting?? So, we headed to the ER but by the time we got there, the pain had dulled. I THINK the cyst may have ruptured. What do you guys think? Anyone experience anything like this? I didn't end up going into the ER but I'm going to call my doctor in a bit to be sure.
Did you have scans showing folllies? Don't give up just yet...my chart wasn't that fabulous last time around either until later in my cycle, and the meds do make things look really crazy. I was nervous that I ovulated early because my temp jumped. I'm not using OPKs anymore and my temp dropped again this morning, so I think I'm ok. I am just going to have to trust the doctors and hope for the best?

Also, you don't ovulate until 36 hours after trigger, so your hormones may not have adjusted to your body temperature yet. I think your temp will jump tomorrow.
Good luck, Mischief- I hope you ovulated! I know what you mean about work helping with distraction from TTC!
Back from the doctor. The cyst is still there but she thinks it twisted which is what caused all of the pain. The good news is that it's shrinking. She also got my bloods back and it turns out that what I thought was my period actually wasn't (just the BC causing it) and I actually already ovulated this month! I'm a mess - hahaha. So, just hoping things will be in line by my next cycle.
I was thinking that it might have been your cyst. Good thing you didn't actually go in to the ER and pay an exorbitant amount of $ for them to tell you that it's going to stop hurting soon. hee hee. Hope you're feeling a bit better by now.

I was just looking at your chart thinking-that's not what I remember seeing yesterday. Make sense now. Yeah, I hope things are back in line next cycle too. I wonder when you ovulated?? hee hee.
Terri, I hope you're right!!! I had my ultrasound last Thursday and the doc found a few follicles. They were smallish though and I knew they would be - there was just no chance I'd O early! I told my doc that when I ovulate it's between days 17-24, and she said I seemed to be following that same path. She calculated that I'd be ready to trigger by Tuesday, and I went in yesterday (Thursday) for the IUI. I only had that one ultrasound. My DH woke up in the mood this morning, so maybe we'll be covered in case the IUI didn't catch it. :) I don't know... She said if I don't get pregnant this time we'll increase the Clomid dose on the next cycle to try to get me to ovulate sooner. I need to trust the doctor or trust the process or something, but I just so HATE my ovaries. They're evil little b!tches.

kfs1, I'm glad your pain subsided... but how scary! I almost went to the ER last July when I *finally* ovulated for the first time in years. I thought it was my appendix - I had no idea what that unfamiliar pain could be! I'm glad your cyst is shrinking and I hope you have a normal cycle next time!

Fezzle, I'm distracting myself with housework today. Luckily (or unluckily?) there's enough work around here to keep me plenty busy! :)
I am hoping our house buying/moving will distract me through the summer!
Happy Friday afternoon ladies!! Hope you all have wonderful plans for the weekend (and doing nothing is a wonderful plan in case you were wondering!!)

kfs - we truly are twins... I was driving to work this morning around 515am.. and had HORRIBLE right ovary pains - atleast that is what I am calling it - I had to do deep breathing for 20 minutes until it subsided... all I could think is I have to drive to Iowa not ER... I am assuming I must have some kind of cyst or it popped this morning or something... but I would prefer to be twins in pregnancy not horrible stomach pains!!!!!!!!!!!!! :haha:

although in my 15 months of TTC I have never even had an ultrasound so I can't tell you what my 90 year old ovaries even look like... :rofl:
I am waiting it out...
glad to hear you ovulated this month - and that you are going to be on track for your next cycle!!

Terri - FX (and toes) crossed for tomorrow!!! Ill be thinking of you!! and I understand about wanting DH to go with you... I always "help" my DH with his sample (at the hotel) ... but that's just how we did it...I am believing the numbers will be up and you will get that BFP this cycle!!

Fezzle - good luck with the house stuff and staying distracted!!

Mischief - got my FX for you!! and keep adding those donations just in case!! :haha:

:hi: to the rest of you ladies...

AFM: I am finally back from Iowa - and like i said above its been a rough day - got this right side pain out of nowhere - but its so low - it has to be ovary related...not ovulation - im just CD 3...but it does make me want to take an OPK to make sure :rofl: I hope I can stay out of the ER... I was having all kinds of stinking thinking while it was happening - ending with emergency surgery :(
no no no... I have things to do!!! :haha:

have a great weekend everyone!!
VJean...no sweets! Tragic! I was the opposite. Sweets were my friend while real food made me sick to my stomach..yuck. Oh and what was the name of the designer for your daughter's clothes again? A lady at my job was talking about some clothes she gets for her daughter and mentioned the name and I thought " hey....I think that's the one VJean likes". Lol

Terri...good luck tomorrow! FX for you this cycle. *shaking dice in my hand and blowing on them* C'mon.....Terri needs a BFP!!!!!

Katie...so I thought of you yesterday. I worked from home so I just threw on some clothes real quick to drop the kids off at school and decided " eh...I'll go commando today". Soooooo liberating!!!! lmao. I'll have to do it more often I think. :haha:

Mischief...FX you caught that eggie:hugs:

Sis...working in the yard in a swimsuit then jumping in periodically doesn't sound bad at all! I'm jealous.
Happy Friday ladies - and a happy Friday it is for me! My best friend's ultrasound was today, and heartbeat found! She must have ovulated a week and a half later than normal (which just goes to show that with PCOS nothing is normal) and just happened to BD at exactly the right moment in between DH's trips - how lucky a catch is that?! My theory is that since she had just gone off BC and onto Metformin that it took awhile for the Met to build up in her system and normalize her.

Good luck tomorrow, Terri! Hoping your DH has great improved numbers!
Hi girls!!! Just read thru all the posts and saw that many of you asked about me and/or my testing, and now I feel terrible that I'm just now checking in! Thanks girls, you're all the best! I managed to post on my other threads, but just now getting around here (call it part lazy and part flighty). Decided to skip going in for a beta today because I figure if I'm prego, it'll show up on an hpt any day now anyway. In fact, it probably would've already. The nurses didn't seem encouraged either, so honestly, I don't believe that this is my cycle, so just back to looking forward to the near future and the IVF. But I'll keep using HPTs over the weekend, and if I don't get AF by Mon morning, I'm going in for beta at 8am.

I see a lot of you doing your IUIs, getting cysts, getting back down to flatlands, waiting to O, wondering if you O'd, etc! So I need to do a proper reply to everyone tomorrow when I have some time!

Terri, your IUI is tomorrow, wuhu! GL Hun!! I'm glad you're feeling hopeful again, that's the right attitude!! I think you have a great chance, and I'm super excited for you! :thumbup:

Night ladies! Chat tomorrow! DH and I are lame tonight and going to bed early. Sad, but true. :winkwink:
Wish - Sorry about the painful belly. Glad the drive to Iowa was OK.

Terri - Tomorrow's the big day! I don't think my DH would be into the sterile office for giving his deposit either. Hope your ride home didn't get rained out and you enjoy your soccer games this weekend.

Mischief - Glad your made it through your IUI. I understand thinking about all the details. Glad it's done! You've still got time to O.

Kfs - I'm so sorry about your cyst getting twisted (that sounds awful, btw). Glad it's gone down.

Seattle - Glad everything is OK with your friend.

ERose - Sorry you're not feeling positive about this cycle, but you never know.

Hi to everyone else!

AFM - Got my results today. After calling and leaving 2 messages, I finally went to my dr's office. Anyway, my hcg doubled so I'm happy. 380 to 834. Not sure if my dr will do another beta or if it's necessary. Have a good weekend everyone!
Well... my temp isn't up yet. Feeling like IUI is probably not for me. I can't believe I went through all of that and put my husband through all of that for nothing.
ttcseattle-I'm so happy to hear about your friend hearing the heartbeat. 2014 has some strong babies!!

Mischief-don't give up yet. I haven't looked on Ffoe in a while for charts like mine, but maybe the IUI charts are kind of crazy. If you look at my chart from last month it doesn't look normal either. Of course, I didn't get pregnant, but still. I think the medicine is doing things to my body that I can't really track on a chart. How much Clomid did you take? I'm on 100mg a day.

Radkat-your numbers are just increasing!! I'm happy for the good news.

Wish-sorry you had such terrible ovary pain yesterday. And I'm super glad you made it to IA and not the ER. How happy was the wife when you shared your good news?

I got caught in a few big raindrops yesterday but I didn't stop to put raingear on so it wasn't bad. Yay!! Of course, I almost got hit by a big truck that was too impatient for someone to turn left, so he tried to change lanes and oops! There I was. I swerved around him and the caravan behind me just stopped because the truck really almost hit the caravan too. People are in such a rush to go nowhere. They can't take a second to let someone turn?? Ridiculous. Ok I'm off my riding soapbox. Today will be a good day. Time to go drop off the sample.

Love you guys!! <3 :flower: :flower:
:hi: Hi Ladies! I'm still lurking around here :ninja:

Congrats to all the pregnant ladies - Katie I read your story and am so glad everything is alright! :thumbup: GL to you and everyone else for an H & H 9 months. Seems like there's been enough drama already, so let's hope for a boring 9 months. :haha:

TTC girls - I'm back in with you after :witch: FINALLY made her appearance 2 months after the miscarriage. Now I'm into the TWW...:coffee: Not sure how I'm feeling right now. OH left yesterday for a business trip but we :sex: on CD 9, 11, 13 and tried to do 15 but it was 5 in the morning before he had to catch a flight and, well, meh. Let's just say he's definitely not a morning person! :haha:

Is today the big day, Terri? GL - I hope this is your month! And mine too! And all of us - wouldn't that be awesome if we all had :bfp: at once!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Anyways - hope you all have a great day. Just wanted to check in and let you know I'm still here and still reading all your posts and hoping for the best for everyone! :thumbup:
Well as U can see Ladies temps are down so the :witch: should land soon!!!! :(

Terri GL GL GL!!!!!

Mischief I just think your Pre o temps where to high so FF is confused hang in there girl!!!

Erose I'm sorry that line didn't darken I feel bad that I gave u false hope!! :hugs:
Onto IVF and A BFP!!!!

Radkat great numbers :happydance:

FutureMom welcome back to the Cray Cray train :haha:!!! Fx u won't be on that train long!!!

Happy Saturday everyone had a long day at the gym yesterday and changed both lights in the pool only to find that it's the power going to the lights not the lights so 100 and many hrs later still no lights!!! :(
Well as U can see Ladies temps are down so the :witch: should land soon!!!! :(

Terri GL GL GL!!!!!

Mischief I just think your Pre o temps where to high so FF is confused hang in there girl!!!

Erose I'm sorry that line didn't darken I feel bad that I gave u false hope!! :hugs:
Onto IVF and A BFP!!!!

Radkat great numbers :happydance:

FutureMom welcome back to the Cray Cray train :haha:!!! Fx u won't be on that train long!!!

Happy Saturday everyone had a long day at the gym yesterday and changed both lights in the pool only to find that it's the power going to the lights not the lights so 100 and many hrs later still no lights!!! :(

Actually sis, I never had a line at all. The beta at 10dpo was a 2.37, but it must've been leftover from the trigger, because I never got any lines on my HPTs. The shadow I thought I might've seen on the IC wasn't anything at all... I ran one under tap water, and it looked the same, lol. My eyes were playing tricks on me, and I knew in my gut anyway that it wasn't a line. My RE and the nurses all said there are sometimes very small traces of hcg, and they didn't think I was prego at all. I sorta hoped I would be a late implanter though, but no such luck. Don't apologize for anything...we're all here to keep hope alive. :flower:

Sorry about the temp drop... But someone else had a temp drop right before their bfp (was that ttcinseattle?). So until the witch shows, I don't give up hope for anyone now. :)

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