Wish - I'm really sorry AF made an appearance. And with cramps? A witch, indeed. Glad you can focus on all the good stuff from this cycle.

Terri - I'm impressed you held out until the last 15 minutes. Sometimes that's just what sick days are for, mental health too. Glad you're going riding with someone. And yes I think the bald description would stand out a bit more. :winkwink:

Mischief - GL on your IUI! Exciting!

Katie - Aw thanks for comparing my test to others! I always have a hard time telling what's what. I have this memory, that could totally be false, of LO's 14DPO test being blaringly positive, but it's totally possible that I made that up. Funny about going commando. I'm impressed. Sorry you have to revert to underwear. No wonder your V is mad at you.

Kfs - Let us know how the Fertilaid goes. I think all guys are bad about pills/vitamins.

OK, here's my first test results from Monday's draw: hcg 380, P 35.2. I am doing the P cream, so that's probably why it's high. Pretty happy with those so far. HOH that my hcg from today doubles that. I should know Friday.
radkat by this chart your number looks awesome!!! :happydance:
Hey girls,

So, here's a recap of my appointment. She starts off by talking about the surgeries (reminder: I had my tubes cleared on Monday and the polyp removed on Wednesday). The polyp was about 1/2 inch big but she said it was in an "important spot" so it's good that we removed it. And she showed me a picture of it. :)

Then she mentioned that there seemed to be a clear film over the openings of my tubes (ummmm...what?) and it looked really strange to her, almost like they were closed. But she said that she's never done a polyp surgery so soon after a tubal so that it could possibly be from that....? I really don't know what to think about that.

So, we decided that since I'm 5 days after my period, that I would start with Clomid and move on to IUI this month but that if we are unsuccessful after a few cycles that I'll move on to IVF because of my tubes (just in case) and my hubs sperm count.

She preceded to do an ultrasound to look at my eggs and low and behold, my entire left ovary is now one giant cyst! Like massive yet there was nothing there last month. So, long story short, we can't do the Clomid/IUI until the cyst clears up so it's au naturale for another month. In all honesty, I'm OK with it, though, only because my DH will be out of school and it will be easier to schedule. Not that I want a huge cyst or anything or a "film" over my tubes. What is that about?
kfs1-A huge cyst on your left ovary?! Where did that come from??? Hopefully it'll go away by next month so you can get started on your Clomid. Did she say much about your hubs' numbers?

Sounds like it was a pretty positive meeting although that film does seem a little weird. Did you google it? hee hee. So do you like her, and think that she is willing to help?

Radkat-again, great numbers! I'm really happy for you and this bean. Yes, I will be taking a mental health day soon. Friday is looking/sounding pretty good. Although, sometimes it's not hard to sit at work and do nothing for 8 hours. HA!!HA!! It's just the one person that you don't want to talk to you will inevitably talk to you and ruin your day. That's the sucky part.
I guess everyone's sleeping in! WAKE UP AND COME PLAY!!! hee hee.
I'm in good spirits this morning. Apparently my doctor got a good night's sleep last night because he was much more pleasant today. Of course, I didn't have any pressing questions for him either, so that might have made a difference. The Orioles won 6-0 last night after a 1.5 hour rain delay, and I'm just feeling good.

The verdict is I have one big follicle on the left side with a few medium sized follies nearby. I forgot to look at the measurement but I'll ask when the nurse calls this afternoon. On the right I had one smaller one, maybe 15mm, but not much else on that side. He said to trigger tonight (after 10), and IUI on Saturday. I'm glad it's happening on Saturday because I can sit around bloated all weekend watching World Cup matches, and then Monday I'll be back to normal.

:coffee: :book: I'll be sitting here quietly in the corner. hee hee.
kfs1-A huge cyst on your left ovary?! Where did that come from??? Hopefully it'll go away by next month so you can get started on your Clomid. Did she say much about your hubs' numbers?

Sounds like it was a pretty positive meeting although that film does seem a little weird. Did you google it? hee hee. So do you like her, and think that she is willing to help?

I know, right? Where DID that come from? She didn't seem concerned, though, because there was literally nothing there last month so she thinks it will clear up pretty fast on it's own. And yes, I googled the "film" and didn't find anything. I'm just going to ignore it in my head since the left tube was still unblocked since I had the last HSG which means that the dye or whatever didn't seem to affect it then, ya know? I'm just hoping there was some residual "gunk" in there or something. And in all honesty, what can I really do about it? I can't see in there on my own so. :) She asked if my DH had been to see the urologist and I explained what had happened. She said she would obviously be closely examining his semen during IUI so she'd get a better sense of what's going on then and make the determination about IVF at that point.

I liked her a lot better at yesterday's appointment. She seemed very positive and upbeat. She's just kind of socially awkward I think but I can deal with that if she can get me pregnant. :)

She also prescribed progesterone. So, I have to stick a pill up my hooha and then it leaks back out? Am I understanding that correctly? hahaha. oh man.

I had a vivid dream that I had a baby last night and I was breastfeeding and everything. And then the baby started talking to me, saying he wanted some real food. FREAKY.

Sorry for my long ramble. I saw on the other thread that you have one egg ready to go. How are you feeling? How was your doctor yesterday??
I liked her a lot better at yesterday's appointment. She seemed very positive and upbeat. She's just kind of socially awkward I think but I can deal with that if she can get me pregnant. :)

She also prescribed progesterone. So, I have to stick a pill up my hooha and then it leaks back out? Am I understanding that correctly? hahaha. oh man.

HA!!HA!! I should have known we were posting at the same time. Good morning, sunshine! Yeah for real on dealing with the social awkwardness in return for getting pregnant. I say it's a good trade off!

Well, Katie was taking an oral progesterone, so maybe that's what you'll get. fxfx. hee hee. Mine I had to stick in my vj, but you just do it and move on. Maybe the further north you push it the less likely it will leak out, but I can't say that I've done much research. Sometimes it leaked out and sometimes it didn't. I know I was ready to put on a thong once I found out I was not prego. I was wearing my :jo: panties for two weeks! hee hee.

I'm ready for Saturday. Oh yeah! Hubs and I had our party last night, and I didn't have to initiate it, which made me happy (no pressure to perform). After my appt. I told him that the doctor said that since we had a party last night, we should chill out until Saturday. I told him that they want to check his numbers again after a several day hold. Shew! He'll believe it, and it's somewhat true. I didn't know how I was going to have to bring up a hold time for him, so this worked out well.
Morning All :hi:

As u can see my temps are back to my low flat land temps so I'm pretty sure the high temps where due to the YI !!!!
Feeling a bit nauseous today I thi k I got too much sun and heat yesterday had a wicked headache all nite :nope:

Katie you make me :rofl: and love the ticker!!

Mischief FX for the IUI and yes I'm in Cypress on the out skirts of Htown!! ;)

Forgot to say GREAT beta Radkat!

Terri great follie FX for Sat!!

Wish sorry about AF but like u said your P seems better!!! :hugs:

KFS1 glad u had a good Dr visit Boo for the cyst and the Film :shrug:

Hi to everyone else
Sis-Hey there!! You may be right about your YI increasing your temperature but you're not out just yet. Hope you are staying inside today in the AC.

Thanks! I'm back to feeling hopeful for this round. We'll see how long it lasts. hee hee.
I really need to finish in the yard but I think I will go to the gym today and hit the yard again Tom in my swim suit so I can jump in Periodically !!! :thumbup:
Good morning ladies! I’m working on an extremely boring Acquisition 101 training at work, so naturally my mind wanders, then my mouse wanders and the next thing ya know I’m on BnB! Funny how that works. But I figured I better take the time to respond before some fire pops up at work that I have to put out….

Katie…I am just so stinkin’ happy for you! I had tears reading your story, and it wasn’t from pg hormones either! Your baby is a fighter! I know the placenta starts producing progesterone around 9 weeks… if your progesterone did start getting too low, maybe your placenta kicked in just in time? Regardless of the how and why….you are still pg lady! :happydance: I had the Panorama done and didn’t do the first tri screening or the NT scan. I figured if the Panorama came back with bad results (or even inconclusive results) I would still have time to do the CVS and NT scan at that point. Love the ticker…your baby is a prune!! :cloud9:

Terri, I love your spirit! First you ride motorcycles….then you ride motorcycles with strangers!! I couldn’t do either one. Your baby is going to have a very adventurous life! I can’t believe you are already doing another IUI cycle! I can’t keep up with all these dates…pretty soon we’ll be tracking everyone’s due date!

Wish, sorry about AF. :gun::witch:

Mischief, GL! Excited to hear how your IUI goes!

Radkat, those numbers look great! I’ll be stalking tomorrow! :coffee:

Sis, hope you are on the mend! I’m exhausted just thinking about all your pool parties!

Kfs1, that clear film has stumped me, and I can usually google anything! Hope your cyst goes away quickly! Sorry to hear about the progesterone pill… as someone who has been there / done that… it isn’t a picnic, that’s for sure! I actually hated it and couldn’t wait until my doc took me off of it. I felt like I was peeing myself, all night, every night. I had to resort to wearing panties and a pad to bed. I normally just wear boxer type shorts to bed to ya know, let the lady bits get some air, (TMI!) so I really thought my doctor was trying to kill me. Slowly, one huge progesterone pill at a time. But looking back I guess it wasn’t THAT bad, and it does go by quickly. It just doesn’t feel that way. I also took a probiotic at the same time because I read online that it messed with some ladies, and they ended up with a yeast infection because of it. That was the last thing I wanted! And your dream….yeah, that’s freaky. :haha:

Kayotic, yay!! A baby boy!! Congrats! Do you have a name picked out? :baby:

Moni, great news on the cysts shrinking! IVF will be here before you know it!

Katie (again)… no special diet for me, but my baby does hate me. I can’t eat anything sweet or it makes me feel disgusting. Just the mere thought of a delicious chocolate fudge brownie is nasty. I can tolerate ice cream every now and then, especially if it is flavor like coffee, but my favorite Ben and Jerry’s Mint Chocolate Cookie is a no-no. The good news is that I haven’t put on too many pounds yet, but I also don’t get to eat anything delicious. The sweetest thing I get to eat on a regular basis is a fig newton, but I can only handle 2 at the most!

Erin, hope you are doing ok!

Nothing too exciting here. I don’t have any more doctor’s appointments until July, so I’m just counting down until then. The kids and I have been spending almost every evening in the pool because it is just so hot here already. If I sit inside all I want to do it nap. Outside I can sit in a lounge chair and read while DD and the Bigs play in the pool. Just enjoying the summer while it lasts and taking things one day at a time!
Hi all!

Our external examiners came today, and tomorrow is our field board meeting, which means all the end-of-year craziness at work is almost over!

katie- that yeast infection jacket story made me laugh! I did just ovulate and then get AF- I think it was an LP of only 8 days. One more thing to bring up with the Dr in a couple weeks!

kfs- the guidelines for the NHS (from what I've had both Drs I've seen tell me so far) say 2 years of trying before they can refer you to fertility treatment. This is even if you're over 35 (even though they say on the NHS website to see your Dr if you're over 35 and have been trying for 6 months). They can do things that are technically not just for fertility though like if you're having irregular cycles- which is why I've had Day 3/21 blood tests and a transvaginal u/s so far on the NHS. My Dr said the '2 years' is with no known problems though, so she said since I know have a documented issue with ovulation, she can refer me at a year instead. She's on leave right now but said she'd put her recommendation for me to be referred in her notes, so Fx the Dr I see in a couple weeks is on board with that plan too!
Kfs - I can't believe you got a huge cyst that quickly! That sucks. I hope it goes away as quickly. Sorry you can't do IUI this month, but you had a lot of great things done this month, so maybe natural will work.

Terri - Hooray for DH initiated sex. Always nice, especially since it was great timing. Very excited for your IUI coming up too.

Sis - Sorry the temps came back down, but not too low. Again, I'm jealous of your pool.

VJean - No sweets, huh? Guess you don't have to worry about GD (hopefully you don't have it) or gaining weight! Oh and I'm jealous of your pool too.

Fezzle - Glad your year is almost over! And I've wondered if people fib a bit when they go to the dr about how long they've been trying. I know I would if I had to be trying for 2 years to get help. :blush:
kfs - uhm what the ??? with the cyst?? that was not authorized or in the plan!!! :nope: but I am HOH that this 2nd intruder will be gone before the next cycle arrives!! and I am not sure about the film thing... did the dr have glasses? maybe she forgot to clean them that day?? :haha:
regardless twinnie... I know all this waiting stinks...but soon enough you will on your way to IUI and then BFP!! :hugs:

Radkat - waiting for those Beta numbers lady!!

Erose - you ok? any testing we need to know about????

fezzle - yippee for the end of the year madness ending!!! Hope you really get to enjoy your time off - have you ever had an 8 day LP before? I hope that its just your body getting used to all that medication and this next cycle will be a decent number of days and closer to normal - normal enough for a BFP cycle that is!!! :flower:

Sis - I really hope that YI is on its way out and over and done with - what kinda diet are you on? does the Vitex ever give you hot flashes? I am wonder if the big V is messing with me :)

Vjean - enjoying summer is what it is all about!!! I think lounging by the pool is wonderful!!! enjoy!!

Terri - Glad to read you are back to hopeful and that the hubby did some initiating!!! :happydance::happydance: nothing wrong with that at all... and exciting about trigger tonight and assisted BD on Saturday morning... turn the TV all the way up DH!!!!!!!!!!! (ok maybe not :rofl:)

:hi: to everyone else - much love and :dust: to you all...

AFM: bleh my stomach is bothering me - but cramps are pretty much gone... keep having air conditioning issues at work... just annoying really...
HTGS: my daughter started back to Taco Bell today - no more spending money from MOM!!!! :rofl:
HTGS#2: I am meeting with a widow tomorrow who has fought the army red tape for three years and is FINALLY getting what she deserves and her husband deserved. I have to drive to Iowa but I am excited to start the paperwork with her!! \\:D/=D>
Radkat- OH wanted to but since getting birth control pills was on my records until May 2013, they would have known!
VJean-It's probably for the best that you can't eat a lot of sweets. You can have them soon enough after you have your baby. :) Two fig newtons sound good to me. Hanging out at the pool reading sounds pretty awesome too. Thanks for the compliments. It's nice riding your own bike because you don't really have to TALK to the strangers. They are just riding along. Of course, once you stop, you chit chat a little, but it's not a big deal. hee hee.

Wish-Have a safe trip to IA, and I hope you get your stomach/AC issues settled. Sorry you're feeling bad.

Radkat-Yeah, results chica! hee hee.

Fezzle-Glad your school year is just about over!! Woohoo!! And hopefully your doctor will be on the same page as your other doctor.

Storms abound, so I'm in for the night. Have a good one all!
Vjean - so glad you're doing well. Super-jealous of your pool.

Fezzle - wow. Two years! That's great that your doctor is going to refer you after just a year. I'm sooo excited for you to be able to see a specialist. That's so great. I hope you get some answers soon!

Radkat - fantastic betas! Can't wait to hear the next numbers. You have an appointment tomorrow, right? Any symptoms yet? I know it's still early...

Terri - yeah for DH I initiated BDing. Muuuuch more fun that way. :)

Wish - Twinnie!! Yeah, not sure about my docs glasses. I'm hoping she was hallucinating. Sorry that you're feeling crappy. Treat yourself tonight! And that's so great that you can deliver such great news as part of your job!! Must feel amazing.

Erose - I see you tested but your chart's still looking faaaaantastic. Hope you're doing ok.

Sis - how's your hoo-ha?

Hi everyone else!!

Ugh. So, I was looking at the calendar and I have a trip scheduled to visit my mom during my next O so it looks like I won't be able to do IUI for another 2 cycles. :( what do you girls think? Should I reschedule my trip???
kfs1-are you doing a monitored cycle with injections and stuff? If so, you may luck out with the timing. For example, my place does testing on cd3, cd10 and my trigger has been on either day 13 or 14. I think it's pretty standard for them to do that, so even though you may have longer cycles, with Clomid/Femara I guess it evens most people out. If you can reschedule your trip with mom, I would but maybe they can squeeze you in a day sooner than you like because of your trip. It can't hurt to ask!

I bet everything will work out perfectly for you this next cycle no matter what you do. You're ready for a BFP. Hee hee.
Hey, all!

I survived my IUI! I'm so glad that's over with! I'm one of those introverted weirdos who stresses excessively over unknown situations like that. Will we get there in time? Will he be able to *ahem* collect what's needed? Will I be able to sit there with a full bladder for that long? Will it hurt? Will it work??? I didn't sleep AT ALL last night! Thanks for all the tips, Terri! My doc's office was efficient, so I wasn't uncomfortable long, she's awesome and has the best bedside manner, the IUI was "easy" (I've read that you have better odds when they're not difficult), my DH's numbers were "excellent" and after he treated me to a fabric store visit on the way home. I spent the rest of the day watching Desperate Housewives on Netflix and surfing Pinterest. It was a pretty good day!

Fezzel, glad to hear work is calming down. I just wrapped up my year and have started my summer vaca. I am glad to have the time off for appointments, but honestly, the TWW goes by so much faster when I'm working! Oh well... I'm sure I'll live! :)

Terri, congrats on your party!!! ;) ;) FX for your IUI on Sat!

Sis, we're practically neighbors! ;) I hope the slightly lower temps mean your hooha is in the mend! :p Glad you're still in!!! :)

VJean, I know exactly how your feel missing those sweets! I keep telling myself it's worth it, but good grief I miss ice cream! :/
Mischief-Glad everything went well, and I think everyone's nervous about doing something new/out of the ordinary, but guess what? You did it and all was well. That's awesome that your DH had good counts. Since my IUI is on Saturday, I thought about asking hubs to come to the place with me, but I figure he'd be too uncomfortable in a sterile, white bathroom. hee hee. Do you quilt? A lot of women in my moto. group ride from fabric store to fabric store. hee hee. I'm sure many will be stopping at the shop near your house on their way to Kerrville next month. :)

AFM-Nothing to report today. I rode in to work today even though there are impending storms this afternoon. Sometimes you just gotta live on the edge. hee hee. I'll be regretting that when I get home this afternoon, I'm sure. Looking forward to two great soccer matches tonight.

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