Oh damn, Kfs... I suck.... I meant to say hugs to you too. Please forgive my flightiness (is that even a word?). I was moving way too fast as it started to rain on me by the pool as I was typing. Forgive my thoughtlessness? :hugs:

Oh, don't be silly. I know you love me erose! :)
Terri - Thanks so much for the bday wishes! I do have to work today unfortunately but it's OK. Heading out to dinner tonight with my DH so that should be fun. So happy that your bloating is gone and that you're in the TWW but I'm really feeling hopeful for you with that fantastic motility number! :happydance: My doctor seemed more concerned about the motility than the count for sure. Hope these 2 weeks go fast for you!

ttc - That's so great that your friend saw a heartbeat! :)

Rad - So happy that your numbers doubled. Yay! :happydance:

Mischief - Congrats on those crosshairs. Try not to give too much thought to the progesterone. Just take it day by day. (I know easier said than done.)

Futuremom - Glad to hear that you're back in the game and still lurking around. Fx to you this month!

erose - To answer your questions from a few days ago (I'm a slacker), I'm feeling much better. The doctor definitely thinks I O'd at some point based on my bloodwork so yeah, I imagine if I removed that high temp, that it would show in my chart. But either way, it doesn't matter since I haven't been allowed to BD for several weeks now (boooooo) so I totally missed that window. I'm sorry that you lost your thermometer. How's it going? Any signs of AF? You have an appointment today, right? When do you have to get the biopsy? Sorry so many questions. hahaha.

Smiles - That's so sad that your friend lost her son. That's great of you to get out there and support them. How are you feeling?

Wish - How are you feeling today? Hope your symptoms have lessened. You're in Arkansas, right? Be careful with all that driving, girl - sounds exhausting! How did it go the other day when you got to deliver that happy news for your work?

Sis - What's the goings on? I'm sure you've been running around as usual! :)

AFM: So, I'm 36 today ladies. Boooo. I was thinking of a conversation that I had with my DH shortly before my 35th birthday about how I was turning 35 and oh no, that's a dreaded number for TTC. To which he responded, "What do you think happens - like a switch immediately goes off in your body when you turn 35?" Haha, which is kinda true and funny I guess. Well, at least I can say I'm in a better place this year as far as being set up with an RE and having a plan. :)

Nothing much going on over here otherwise. My period should be arriving any day now. Still not allowed to BD (doctor's orders) but should be fine once this cycle goes through. Man - it's been a llllllllllllloooong time since we've BDd so I'll be looking forward to it for sure.
Hi all - I've been super tired and a little nauseous and have only had the energy to read this wonderful thread but posting takes more... Anyway, hugs to you all. Terri, keeping FX and 99% is great! Also, love the motorcycle pic :)
KFS1 - happy Bday!! At 36 you are in your prime reproductive years (and young) - so no 'boo' there!!
Radkat, nice numbers!

I don't know how I will survive until next week's u/s. I look for blood every time I go to the bathroom and spend too much time googling miscarriage...
Hi all - I've been super tired and a little nauseous and have only had the energy to read this wonderful thread but posting takes more... Anyway, hugs to you all. Terri, keeping FX and 99% is great! Also, love the motorcycle pic :)
KFS1 - happy Bday!! At 36 you are in your prime reproductive years (and young) - so no 'boo' there!!
Radkat, nice numbers!

I don't know how I will survive until next week's u/s. I look for blood every time I go to the bathroom and spend too much time googling miscarriage...

Thanks, Driving. Oh - and I know that age isn't everything. It's just that everything you read is "doom and gloom" over 35 which in reality is so stupid! All of us ladies have a real shot!

I'm sorry (but happy) that you're nauseous. Stay off of google for sure!!!! Try to keep yourself busy.
Terri, glad your bloating is gone, whew! I know that feeling. As for the CHs when doing a trigger... FF always tells me as soon as I enter the trigger, that I need to do a manual override and enter my O date. But I didn't do it. I wanted to see if FF would, and it did both times. IVF will be a totally different story for me though. Not even sure if it makes any sense to temp during that cycle.

kfs, glad you know I love ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a GREAT time at dinner tonight, and that DH gets you something lovely. :) I bet you guys certainly are looking forward to the day you can start BDing again, hehe! My biopsy is supposed to be sometime right after AF, I think. So as soon as AF arrives, I call to schedule it for a few days later. Not looking forward to that part of it. But hey, whatever it takes, right?! hehehe.

Driving, step away from google! Or at least, step away from the term miscarriage. That's the last thing you need to be doing right now. It will only put bad thoughts into your head and cause you stress that you don't need. I'm looking VERY forward to your u/s and hearing the great news that you'll be sharing with us. :thumbup:

Mischief, yay for CHs! It's funny how those CHs just seem to make us feel so much better when they pop up. ;)

Hi to everyone else! Hope you're all doing well.

AFM, I found my thermometer! Or I should say... DH found it. The only place I didn't think to look was between the mattress and the side boards of our bed. It's such a narrow area, I just didnt think about it. But DH thought to look there, and of course, he called me in there with a cocky smirk on his face and said "Who's your daddy?"

I was hoping to wake up to AF this a.m., but no such luck. I could start any time today, I guess, because I did have a major temp dive. Went in for that beta this morning, although I'm not expecting anything since HPTs have been neg all the way up to yesterday. But at least when the nurse calls, I can find out if I should dial back on the Lupron. They lower it to half the dose at some point anyway, so it would make sense to do it now, just in case it does delay AF.
I just read this on FF:

"HCG Trigger and Ovulation Detection

I had an HCG trigger a few days ago, but my chart is not showing ovulation where my doctor told me it would happen. I'm afraid my IUI was poorly timed. Help!

Don't worry! Once your cycle is being triggered medically, your chart is no longer your best way to detect ovulation. The HCG trigger can affect the chart. Your doctor can tell you exactly when you ovulated based on the trigger. Use the manual override feature to enter ovulation where your doctor indicates."

I wish I'd read that a few days ago when I was blubbering and crying!
Just popping in quick to say Happy Birthday to kfs1. 36 ain't no thang. Truly, it's not! Hope you have a wonderful dinner out, but too bad you can't have any dessert when you get home. :)

Terri--Yes! Fab motility! This is wonderful news and FX for this cycle!

Radkat--I forgot to say those beta numbers are great....I really think this is going to be your take home baby. :)

Driving--Thrilled to hear you don't feel well and yes, stay off Google. I should take my own advice on that more often but there's no concerns glaring at you with this pregnancy and I also think this could be your take home baby, too. I can't remember did you have betas done?

Smiles--That's so very sad about your friends' son. I can't imagine how people muster the strength to keep going each day in spite of a tragedy like that. You are a good friend to go do that charity walk with them.

Wish&kfs1--You're kinda starting to freak me out with the similarities between your cycles, etc.! Very very sorry to hear about your fathers' passing. Hugs to you both. <3

Mischief--Can your doctor's office tell you if you've ovulated by blood test? Someone said P, I think? I guess I thought with IUI they confirmed O, but I guess not? What a frazzling tww for you!

Erin--Did you get AF? I was real pissed to read that you were getting BFNs! I don't like how your body tricked all of us!! Jk....but excited for your IVF journey!

I have to go back and see who I missed...it sucks trying to reply on my phone! AFM, wtg to see my doctor right now for a check up. Hoping she will try to use the Doppler to hear the baby. I bought a Doppler and tried to use it at home and couldn't find the baby's heartbeat which was scary, so I'm really hoping for reassurance today. The only reason I'm not completely in a panic is because I'm feeling round ligament pains and stretching which I hope means the baby is still growing and hopefully the baby is just hiding out somewhere. And no more spotting...as of the past 3 days I've had nothing!!! I just want to hear the heartbeat today. Will update later!
Katie-Hope your appointment goes well and they can tell you where to find the heartbeat when you're at home. That would be really reassuring for you to continuously hear it. :hugs: Hope today turns out great.

Driving-Yeah, stop with google. You don't have any reason to think about miscarriage so far, have you? Think positive thoughts only!

Mischief-I didn't know you were crying over your ovulation. :hugs: You are really stressed out about this whole thing. It's either going to happen or not, and like I said 'my IUI charts have been wackadoodle too, so you're not alone.' They say you ovulate 36 hours after you trigger, so that's why I put my vertical crosshair on IUI day. I'm considering not doing the manual override (like ERose suggested) and seeing if I ever get real crosshairs. Hmmm...hee hee. It's hard for me to put a coverline though because there's no dip and then consistent rise. Maybe after a few more days it will show up. I don't really care that much, though. hee hee.

ERose-Your DH always makes me laugh. I love how caring he is. He gets a crown for a day. Oh, so my hubs asked 'did you prop up after your IUI?' I said 'No. I just laid there.' HA!!HA!! He loves that propping up stuff. FX for something exciting from the nurse. You just never know.

I called the fertility place and told them I'd like to schedule an appointment to talk to the doctor about IVF. He said it takes 30 minutes with him and 15 minutes with the nurse. She said 'I can get you in on the afternoon of July 9.' I said 'Oh (disheartened voice)..I'm on vacation, is there anything sooner because I want to get started right away?' Now I have an appointment next Monday at 11. :happydance: I'm thinking about taking a half day that day. Yeah! That puts me right on track to get everything I need by the following week. I think the pharmacy does rush delivery as well, so even if I wait until the 28th or 29th, I can still get my stuff by the 3rd.

Sis-Come play. I miss you!! :serenade:

nessaw-You're out of school now, what's on tap for the summer?

Futuremom-How are you getting along now? Any symptoms to write about?

Radkat-Hope you and your bean (beanette) are doing well.
Future Mom - I'm glad everything has regulated and you're back on the TTC train. That's exciting!

ERose- Where is that witch? The one time you want her... And your thermometer story cracked me up. Good on DH for keeping looking for it.

Terri - I'm with others on the wow to 99% motility. That sounds great. Glad the IUI bloat got outta Dodge. Or Baltimore. :haha: Now that you're making all your IVF plans, maybe this will be your month. Both times that I was moving forward with test, etc, I got my BFP.

Smiles - Good for you for walking for your friends. It's shocking to see how something so awful affects those that we're close to. Support is always helpful. :flower:

Mischief - Glad you got real for sure CH, but I would go with just trust that the meds work and you don't need to worry about it. Haha, easier said than done, I know. Hang in there, sister.

Wish - How is Arkansas and the training? I'm worried about you driving all over with a car that isn't behaving. Hope all is well.

Kfs - Happy Birthday! Don't let the 36 thing bug you too much. I agree with DH's comment. Sometimes we need a little reality check after getting a little entrenched in this whole TTC thing. Sorry you have to take a BD break. Hope you can get back in the saddle soon.

Driving - Definitely step away from Google. But I understand the wait sucks. Hang in there. I'm sure everything is fine.

Katie - Glad you get to hear LO's heartbeat again. That kid is putting you through the paces, but is quite a fighter.

Sis - We miss you.

So the doctor's office left me a message that my levels have doubled "appropriately" so I "don't have anything to worry about". Of course I want more reassurance due to my mc. I feel like I'm already the weirdo who showed up when they were closed (I don't think I told that part of the story. On Friday, when I showed up, the door was locked, so I was standing outside trying to decide if I should knock, since I know that they are there until 5, just don't see any patients. So as I'm standing outside the locked door, trying to decide what to do, a nurse comes out and I explain what it up. She was nice, but a little like "we're trying to close up", so they looked up my level for me. So yeah, I'm the weirdo.:dohh:) Anyway, trying to decide if I call back and see if they'll do another round of betas this week or just try to relax and be positive for another 3 (!) weeks until I get my ultrasound. Sounds like a long time. Especially since I still don't have any symptoms. DH wants me to call and see what they say. Hmm... What would you all do?
Radkat, I hate to be an enabler since I think you should relax and just enjoy, but I know how you must feel from your previous m/c (I will likely be the same way), so I was going to mention that I think it was Katie who mentioned that you can really go into just about any lab and have a beta done. If getting one more beta would give you peace of mind, go ahead and call your RE. And if they aren't receptive to doing it for you, then pop into any lab somewhere. In fact, I think my oldest sister was too impatient to wait for her Dr appt to get her blood drawn for her FIRST beta, so she even walked into a lab somewhere, lol.
Hello all - work was crazy lst week and thenI went off the grid for the weekend so had a lot to catch up on.

Radkat - great numbers. IF you want another test and are wlling to pay for it - go for it!

Erose- sorry for the BFNs - BUT you have already started IVF!!

Mischief - my temps werefuky after the trigger as well. Trust the docs and the meds...FXed for you.

KFS - Happy Birthday!! Hoping AF shows for you soon so you can get moving again!

Terri - Really?!?! on the motorcycle after the IUI - wow!! that's all I can say.

AFM - Doc called on Friday and wanted me to come in this morning and they would give me a HCG shot that they had lying around the office. So that is what I did - hey free meds right! I had some spotting yesterday, but nothing since. Not sure how the trigger today will delay AF...hopefully not too much - I was hoping to get in one completely natural cycle (no cysts) before starting IVF...
Hi Ladies!

I hope everyone's doing well and enjoying some sunshine like we have here today. I'm down to 1.5 days left of classes before exams and then summer break!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, teachers are even more excited about summer break than students. :haha:

No symptoms here yet (thanks for asking, Terri :hugs:) unless you count some spotting today (CD 18) which seems really early for implantation bleeding? But I've had some spotting occasionally since MC - could still be related to that? :shrug: Waiting....:coffee:

Radkat - since you asked our advice...I would say try to relax and enjoy! As your doctor said, your levels look great! :happydance:

GL Moni!!!

:kiss: to everyone else!
Rad - If you're that worried, I say go for it ... But stop googling miscarriages!!

Katie - Anxiously awaiting to hear about your appointment.

Moni - so, you're doing an IUI this month?

erose - any news on that beta?

Terri - woohoo on your IVF appointment (even though I'm super-excited for your IUI this month.)

Future - congrats on the end of the school year. I'm married to a teacher so I know first-hand how hard teachers work!!!
Wish/kfs1-You guys crack me up! hee hee.

Radkat-I would either not get another beta, or just go to patient first or something if they can do it there. That way you're not bothering your doctor. HA!!HA!! I am pretty sure everything is ok though. Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...

Moni-Welcome back!!! The nurse said 'continue your regularly scheduled activities.' so I did. HA! I don't know that I would do it again because those bumps in the road were unpleasant, and having my stomach poke out of my jacket from bloatedness was really not cute. Hopefully the trigger won't cause cysts. Has it been 5 months since you went on your trip? I can't remember when you went to that special place.

Futuremom-Glad school is just about over for you as well. Wouldn't it be so perfect if you got your BFP this cycle? You can chill out over the summer and shop for baby stuff the entire break. :)

AFM-I'm back to 100%. I'm going to watch the 3pm game with some coworkers this afternoon, and one guy is Muslim so he said that he can't sit with me if I'm drinking. I said 'Oh, I'll just sit at the next table.' Then i started laughing and said 'What would be the point of going to watch the soccer game together if I'm going to be sitting at the next table?' I wasn't planning on drinking anyway, but now I'm wondering if HE will be drinking. Hmmm...It's probably ok for him, but not for me. I'll report back. I like cranberry and Sprite, but a lot of times bars have cheap/watered down cranberry juice and cheap/watered down Sprite. Hopefully they'll have some kind of flavored lemonade. I will feel bad drinking water at the bar for two hours. hee hee. I don't like soda that much. Ok..that's my rambling post for the day. :coffee: Have a great one ladies! Go USA!!!
Terri - Happy you're feeling happy and not bloated! :happydance: Ugh. I'm super-nervous about that when I start the IUI process. Have a great time watching the game later! I must admit, I haven't really watched much of the world cup. See if they can make you a non-alcoholic yummy mixed drink with some other juices at the bar instead of soda.

Hi all you other lovelies! :wave:

Nothing to report. Patiently waiting for AF to start. Hoping that it actually comes tomorrow after this crazy month, especially because I had to take BCPs for a bit there.

So, I've been thinking. Do you think it would be crazy of me to try naturally for one more month, simply to test out these fancy new tubes and clear uterus that I now have? hehehe. We still have DHs low count/motility issue but I was pregnant once before, right? Also, there's the timing of my trip down south. If I wait a month, that will be all over with and I can start with IUI after that. I don't know, though. Part of me just wants to get on with it, ya know?
kfs1-Yeah, I say try naturally and see what happens. It would be a lot cheaper, and what's one month delay? Plus if you have a trip, you don't want to pay for monitoring and medicine to find out that you're not going to be around to time things as perfect as possible. This month you probably will get pregnant because everything is all good!

Yeah, a fruity drink might be yummy. Hmmm...hee hee
Moni - so, you're doing an IUI this month?

No. Just trying to get rid of the cyst.

Has it been 5 months since you went on your trip? I can't remember when you went to that special place.

We went in February - so 5 months would be next month...thanks for reminding me! :winkwink:

KFS - no harm in waiting a month - that's was my plan.
Hi all,
I'm in the midst of progesterone high, so I'll be falling asleep in short order. Better get this in before that happens! (Maybe the oral pills have a different effect than the vagine type....which by the way, is very advantagous for all of you who take them in suppository form!).

Appt. went so, so GREAT yesterday. it definately took a little time for the doctor to find the baby's heartbeat but when she found it, I knew it right away before she could say anything. I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's the baby!" Such a difference between our long woosh-woosh heartbeat and the baby's tick-tick-tick-tick beat. Most glorious sound I've ever heard!!! Almost cried except my heart was beating too fast and I was just trying to take it all in. My doctor was genuinely happy and relieved to hear it, too. She said baby had a nice strong heartbeat at 167. She said she still doesn't believe the low progesterone level was a lab mix up (I think it was), but she's keeping me on progesterone until I hit 13 weeks. She said it's probably the reason I've stopped spotting, too. I'm taking that progesterone until the bottle runs empty, whether it's past 13 weeks or not!

So, I went home and immediately got out my own doppler, now that I knew where the baby was. Baby was much higher, closer to my belly button, than where I'd been searching (which was practically inside my lady bits because everyone said you have to search wayyyy low). And at first, all I was picking up was my own heartbeat, but the longer I left the doppler in that spot where I knew the doctor found baby at, all of a sudden, the baby's heartbeat came through and then it became the dominant sound. And I watched the doppler screen that shows the heartrate increase from my heartrate, up to baby's heartrate. I definately recommend to everyone to spend the $50 and get a doppler when it's time. Worth every penny once you can figure out how to find the baby. I'm going to be going back to Michigan for a month to visit family over the summer and that doppler is going to be my sanity saver to continue to check on the baby.

Terri--I'm so glad the uncomfortable feelings of the IUI procedure are past you and with hubby's great motility count, this is a promising cycle! I mean, sure the count may have been on the lower side, but they are moving and that still seems like a whole lotta sperm up in there that have a chance to go find the egg. And I'd have an alcoholic drink if you feel like it. His religious beliefs are his, not yours. I'd very happily sit at another table and enjoy my drink, if I were you!

Moni--So the HSG shot is to help with the cyst...or is it to help with TTC this cycle? Still excited about your upcoming IVF!

Kfs1--Agree with the other ladies....try naturally with your cleaned pipes. Totally agree. And hope your birthday dinner was wonderful!

Radkat--Yes, you can find a local lab....the kind that do employee drug testing...that do all sorts of other tests, including betas. I paid $50 each time, but for me it was worth it since I'd just come off the January m/c. I was able to pay for it with our health insurance savings account funds, too. That's probably why I didn't balk at the cost. It gave me a lot of peace of mind, but the place was very close to our house and I had the funds sitting there waiting to be used, so it was a no brainer for me. Let us know what you decide to do, although I still think things are going in a nice positive direction for you!

Umm, my DD is bugging me to use the computer, so I'll check back later! :)

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