Hi all. Sorry too much to catch up on. But hugs all round. Finally finished reports but terri am afraid schools in England don't break up til mid-end of july. Am pushing through til 18th july! Have not been on much cos got v disheartened and v upset about the lack of ov. Gave up on cd 17-still low. Now cd 28. Neg cb digi on sat. Just waiting and seeing. No real chance just want af before I want to go swimming at the weekend. Going to try and forget about ttc for next couple of months but a tiny devil on my shoulder keeps whispering to take a mini dose of clomid to try and boost the estrogen and get me back on track. What do you guys think?
terri, curious on your report re: your coworker who can't hang out with you if you are drinking. Does he have a beer in his hand? :winkwink: Btw, glad you're feeling 100% again. Takes at least a nice full day to recover from that junk, huh?? But at least you know you probably had a great O!

kfs, beta yesterday was neg, as i suspected. When the nurse called, I still hadn't started AF, but I started only a couple hours later. So onwards and upwards! I agree, no harm in trying natural for a month! You do have some nice clear tubes and a cleaned up uterus after all! :thumbup:

nessaw, sorry you only got Lows on your monitor. :nope: If you need to take a break, it's understandable. But if you're tempted to start clomid again to get O back on track, you could always call your Dr! I see nothing wrong with either choice. :) You just need to do what your heart tells you.

Katie, SOO happy your appt went so well!! Ya know, if you have a girl, you should name her Mira (pronounced Meera). Short for miracle, and nobody would ever have to konw. ;)

Hi Moni, hope your larger cyst is shrinking as we speak!!! When do you follow up with the Dr on that again? Sorry if I missed a post...

Where has Sis been hiding out?

Hi to everyone else!!!

AFM, as stated above, I finally got AF yesterday about two hours after talking to the nurse (and after the office was closed), so i called today to schedule the endo biopsy. She wanted to schedule it for tomorrow, but I said "Well, what if I'm still bleeding?" and she said its okay for spotting or a very, very light bleeding...just not a heavy bleed. I told her I had no idea what tomorrow would bring. So she scheduled it anyway, and I guess if I'm anything more than just light, I'll reschedule for Thurs. Should be light/spotting by then. I'm really hoping to start the STIMs soon. I want to stay as close to our original timeline as possible since my family comes down mid-July.
Erose *whisper* I have clomid left over from last yr!
Neesaw---First of all, whenever I type your user name, "Neesaw," my phone autocorrects it to "Beeswax." Just know if you ever see me talking to a Beeswax, it's you! I think after coming off a time if feeling disheartened, you should go with what seems to make you feel brighter. Sometimes it's saying, "Yeah, I really don't want to think about TTC for a month or two," and you go on to just focus on life. Sometimes, what makes you feel better is popping your hidden stash of Clomid pills and having keeping hope and anticipation alive. :) Like Erin said, go with what your heart tells you to do.

Erin--My step sister says if its a girl her middle name needs to be Faith or Hope, etc. I can't do Meera simply because The Jerky Boys did a crank call where they were pretending to be Hispanic and they kept saying, "Mira, Mira," in a creepy voice. And anytime I hear the word or name I think of that crank call. Lol! What is the endo biopsy for? Is that part of the IVF process? Coming up so quickly now!!!
Katie-you crack me up regarding Mira, Mira and your progesterone high. I guess it's good you're getting high from something.

Nessaw-I knew something was up. Sorry you never got a high on your monitor and even more sorry you have school until July. Yikes!! Does it start back in late September?

Quick report-I talked to my coworker and I asked him if HE was going to be drinking or if my other male coworker was going to be drinking. He said 'no. I told him I don't like to be around drinking.' Now, my coworker is from Iraq and has a pretty strong accent, but nothing too crazy. So then I said 'oh! I thought it was something about your religion and drinking and that's why I couldn't drink. I thought it was a gender thing.' He apologized and said that while he does believe the Koran, and not drinking with others, etc. he would just prefer not to be around it. We had a good laugh and I said that was fine. We had a nice time and drank lemonade and iced tea and our other coworker never showed. We may go again next week. I did tell him that he sounded sexist and he apologized. Then he told me that he used to drink every day for three years. Maybe he's in recovery, but I didn't want to get into it. He is an intern and is leaving our plant next week. I've learned a lot about Iraq and being Muslim and such. Oh, and he loves my bald head. Ha ha.
Well Hello ladies!! :hi:

Terri - Hope you have a great time watching the game - and I will be interested to hear if the Muslim man drank, but more importantly did you have fun!! what did you drink? and did US win? I am totally not watching the World Cup :blush:
edit - just saw your update - just goes to show you don't know unless you ask - and maybe he is just recovering?? good for you for having a good time without alcohol... :thumbup::thumbup:

Kfs - twinnie!!!! - I don't think there is anything wrong with going natural for a month - plus keeps you on your time line!! so go for it!!:hugs:

Katie - so glad to hear that you are listening into your little bean at home... and that everything is now evening out for you and I hope you have no more scares and smooth sailing for the next 7 1/2 months!!

Moni - I hope that shot does the trick and no more cyst and you get the green light for the next step... all this waiting... ugh... :hugs:

nessaw - here's hoping you get AF or BFP soon - either way you can decide what to do next... if you get AF then you can use your clomid!! I mean you do have it... no sense wasting it:blush:

Erose - I am glad AF finally showed up and you are now on your way... I know I am ready to hear all the details as this process proceeds!!! FX it only takes this one time!!... have they ever said why you guys aren't getting pregnant naturally? or are they calling it unexplained??

:hi: to everyone that I am missing... Hope all is well with you!!

AFM: decided to drive back home after class last night...I think I am getting too old for that!! got home after midnight and I have been tired all day!!!
Looks like my OPK's are going to be positive tonight - they have been getting stronger all day long - the one at 5 was thisclose to being positive??? another super early ovulation... not sure why this is happening - had two good cycles with ovulation a little later... but I guess I go with it... wondering if it has anything to do with that crazy pain I had on CD3... been having weird muscle spasms on my right side around my ribcage... temps seem a smidge higher than my last two cycles of pre O temps. just so weird
I am seriously perplexed about this body of mine. :shrug::shrug:
Well Hello ladies!! :hi:

AFM: decided to drive back home after class last night...I think I am getting too old for that!! got home after midnight and I have been tired all day!!!
Looks like my OPK's are going to be positive tonight - they have been getting stronger all day long - the one at 5 was thisclose to being positive??? another super early ovulation... not sure why this is happening - had two good cycles with ovulation a little later... but I guess I go with it... wondering if it has anything to do with that crazy pain I had on CD3... been having weird muscle spasms on my right side around my ribcage... temps seem a smidge higher than my last two cycles of pre O temps. just so weird
I am seriously perplexed about this body of mine. :shrug::shrug:

Good luck!
Kayotic-Yeah for making it into the second trimester! Hope you're feeling great.

Wish-Yeah, you need to charter a jet for some of these trips. hee hee. Then you can relax in style and arrive at your destination without a hair untouched and no chipped nail polish! :rofl: Ooh and have fun BD'ing. No wonder you drove home last night. HA!!HA!! You can't fool us.

Oh, and the US played yesterday and won. Today, we watched Brazil-Mexico, and it was a 0-0 tie. Brazil should be very happy that their goalie (google images-Julio Cesar if anyone wants some eye candy) is cute and awesome because they were on the defensive 3/4 of the game.

Katie-I was on my phone earlier so I couldn't type a lot, but I was thinking that your baby would have a name meaning strength. I have no idea what kinds of names those are, but just another random suggestion from a lady on the interwebs. hee hee.

ERose-Your place doesn't fool around. They're like 'come in, come in!' Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday will be a light day for you so you can stay on the timeline and start those stims.

nessaw-Yes, I say go with the Clomid before it expires! It can't hurt anything, and it may be the boost your body needs to get back on track. I'm all for it.
I'm so sad today. I unexpectedly had to put my dog to sleep last night. He was almost 13. His hips have been steadily declining and he fell and hurt his front paw last night so he literally could no longer stand. We tried to wait until the morning, hoping things would improve, but he was so uncomfortable and we didn't want him to suffer. He was DHs dog originally but he truly was a member of our family. :cry: The house is so quiet now.
Oh, I'm so sorry kfs1. That is so very tough to go through. My thoughts are with you guys. <3
kfs1-Oh no!! I am so sorry. He was such a good dog, too. Well, he's in heaven with many, many wonderful pets and people, and he's probably happy up there with unlimited treats. It's going to be different and sad. I'm so sorry. :hugs: :cry: :kiss: <3
Kayotic-Yeah for making it into the second trimester! Hope you're feeling great.

Thanks! I feel great right now! trying to get the nursery done before I hit the 3rd trimester, and so busy with all these babies in my house, haha <3
I havent caught up on your IVF updates but hope to go back and read through today.
Oh no, kfs, I'm SOO sorry to hear that news. I read that, and it just broke my heart. Our dog is 8 yrs old, and he is such a part of us, that I can't even comprehend the day we may have to do that... so I know how you must be feeling, and I'm so sorry. BIG hugs to you!!!

Wish, nope, they don't really have an explanation. I did get prego in December on 50mg of Clomid without IUIs or anything (after about one year of trying). Sadly, it was a CP, but I was happy to know that I could conceive. There is that possibility that my right tube was blocked for the entire first 15 months that we were TTC. Not sure if you recall, but the doc had a hard time getting the dye to go through, and I about flew off the table in pain as he pushed more, and finally unblocked it. But my RE said there's no way to know if that was really a blockage or just a spasm where the tube was rejecting the dye. So just not real sure. My RE feels strongly that we'd be prego again within a few months, but since there's no guarantee, I dont want to keep rolling the dice at my age, and I'm just emotionally drained from it all as well. So, moving on, and pretty excited! So how are your OPKs today??? I looked at your chart and noticed your temp dropped, so if you did indeed have a pos yesterday, I wonder if you're Oing today. Prior to meds, I was an early ovulater too.

Katie, hahah! Ok, now you've ruined the name for me too!! That is too funny! Isn't it crazy how something like that can totally ruin a name for you for the rest of forever, LOL. Faith and/or Hope are good too. I was thinking she'd def need something like that in her name, because she is one heck of a survivor. :) Although you could end up having a boy anyway, lol! When will you find out the gender?

Kayotic, glad you're doing great!

Terri, GO USA!

Hi everyone else!!!

AFM, I think my bleeding seems light enough to go ahead with the appointment today. It's mostly spotting, but a lot of spotting. But hey, she said "spotting or a very light bleed". I consider this a very, very light bleed I think. I asked what the biopsy is for. She said there have been higher success rates of implantation for IVF patients who have an endo biopsy... I guess scraping the endometrium (lord help me) causes some sort of repair reaction to occur, which triggers some growth hormones or cells or something, and makes the new lining that grows after that more receptive to an implanting embryo. Ok, cool. Scrape away then (lord help me again though). Also, they'll send the sample to pathology and check for something that I "think" she referred to as endometritis, which is inflammation of the endometrium. They can treat that with antibiotics if necessary. I'm really dreading this and have heard that it really hurts. Ugh. But hey, all worth it in the end!
:howdy: and Good morning Ladies!!

kfs - I am so sorry about your dog :( I too had to put my Lily down in September we had her for almost 10 years... we buried her in the back yard... I hope you can memorialize her in some way - the vet took a cast of her paw for us... it hangs in the kitchen...:flower::hugs:

Erose- Yes I remember them unblocking your tube and how painful it was for you - I sincerely hope this procedure today isn't as painful as you describe! Can't we get something that isn't painful??? :hugs::hugs: update when you can...

Katie - yes some names are off the table permanently!!! and yes I want to know - are you finding out the gender? :hugs:

Kayotic - good to hear from you lady!!! Glad pregnancy is treating you well!!! :)

Terri - yes charter jet please - although guess what? no more traveling for WORK until August!! :happydance::happydance: but I may take the girls to Charleston at the end of July... we shall see

:hi: to all you other ladies out there!!

AFM: DH and I did not have a good night... but I feel like I am complaining all the time on here...so today I will say nothing... surprised by my temp drop this morning... maybe O today? day 8...
Kfs sorry about your dog.
Katie quite like the beeswax translation!
yup been a bit miserable here. Have realised am actually cd30. Not sure if I can be bothered to test again. Figure even if I ovd day 18 would still be a couple of days til 14dpo. The 2 cycles after mc were 28 and 27 days.
Well I'm here but only for a Min as it took me forever to skim over the posts!!! :)

Sorry I've been MIA been in the yard all weekend and my Dad called on Fathers day t say he was coming Mon so yea freak out mode!!!
He leaves in the Am so I will be back posting !! :)

KFS1 I'm so sorry about your Pup Big :hugs:

Erose GL W IVF!!

Radkat I told them I wanted a 3rd beta when I got my BFP do what make u feel right!!

Katie so glad to hear about the <3 beat I know how hard it is to go and not hear it I don't wish that on any of u guys!!!
I say girl pick out a girl name lady!! ;)

Driving stay off google and find a hobby!! :hugs:

AFM finished AF so we r BDing when we can guess I will temp later in the week!!

:hi: to anyone I missed!
ERose-My coworker had a baby in her 40s, and she said that she had the scratch procedure done. I think it does help a lot of people. I never asked her if it hurt, so I hope it doesn't hurt too bad. Good luck today!

Wish-You're not always complaining on here. Hardly! I'm sorry you didn't have a good night last night, but I'm hoping you make up tonight! It's O time, woman!

Sis-Glad you're back for good tomorrow. I was starting to get a little worried.

nessaw-:hugs: I am sure you are just SO frustrated, so get some ice cream after work today and watch a good movie. I might have to do the same. Not because I'm frustrated, but because I've just been in a funky mood the past few days. Is your wedding all planned out? Tell us about it. I love weddings (Now that I have finally had one, they are much more bearable. HA!)!!
Terri the wedding is coming together bit by bit. I go back to school start of sept so have got 6 weeks of hols to sort things out. Have got the dress, sorted the bridesmaids, venue and menu done, table decorations chosen., photographer done and hotel booked. Oh and I have my shoes! THinkk thats it. First hol job is invites. Need to sort civil ceremony and music. And am just sorting my brooch bouquet. So far so relaxed!
Terri, thats good to know about your coworker! I've been reading some about it today, and it does seem to increase chances a decent amount.

My appt went good. The biopsy was SUPER uncomfortable but it's fairly quick, so it was okay. They also did an u/s to make sure the Lupron had down-regulated me enough, so while she was doing that, I asked her "If you were to do an antral follie count right now, would you be able to tell how many eggs you might be able to get during egg retrieval?" And she was like "Sure, I can tell you right now!" It's looking good. 12 follies on my left, and 8 follies on my right, for a total of 20. On my 1st antral follie count (day3 before my first IUI), I had 16 which they said was really good. So I'm feeling real good about 20. Of course, she said they can't guarantee that they'll be able to successfully pull an egg out of all 20 of those follies, so she said to keep that in mind.

So the plan is to start STIM meds the morning after AF is over. She said my lining is still a teensy bit thicker than she'd like to see it right before starting STIMs, but once AF is done, she feels like I'll be there. Today is so light now, that I would imagine tomorrow will be my last day, so I'll probably be starting those meds on Fri. Our original timeline has changed just slightly, to where I'll be doing ER around Jul 3rd, and transfer either July 6th or 8th. :happydance:
Terri the wedding is coming together bit by bit. I go back to school start of sept so have got 6 weeks of hols to sort things out. Have got the dress, sorted the bridesmaids, venue and menu done, table decorations chosen., photographer done and hotel booked. Oh and I have my shoes! THinkk thats it. First hol job is invites. Need to sort civil ceremony and music. And am just sorting my brooch bouquet. So far so relaxed!

How exciting that you're planning your wedding. :) I'm glad its coming together, thats great! I found it to be way too much work, but most girls really enjoy it, LOL! I was glad when it was finally here and I could finally put my dress on and party, haha! Sounds like it's coming together nicely, I'm sure it will be beautiful!

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