Kfs...so sorry to hear about your dog. Big big :hugs: having to say good-bye is the hard part of having a pet and it stinks!

Katie...glad you heard the heartbeat at home and I agree having a Doppler at home is a true God send and worth the money for peace of mind. I love the names Faith and Hope.

Terri..glad you enjoyed watching the game and I wanted to see what all the hype was about with these games and when I turned one on to see I must say there was plenty of we candy all over the screen! Lol. I think soccer just became my new favorite sport. Lol.

Erose....hope you're not feeling too much discomfort after the procedure. I say have a nice glass of wine if you can or great yourself to some decedent dessert. Yummy!!!

Wish...you don't complain a lot, what are you talking about? Plus if you need to vent go right ahead...no judgements here just support and encouragement.

AFM...I got the results back from my glucose test and the nurse says" your glucose results are fine but we are seeing that your blood count is significantly low, you're below 10 actually. We're going to send you to a specialist just to be on the safe side". So I call the specialist and make my appt and she tells me it's common for pregnant women to be iron deficient and they'll have to do another draw to see what I'm actually low in and depending on what they find I may have to be infused. So I asked what that was and it's a total of 5 treatments where they would hook me up to an IV to give me the necessary vitamins to build my blood back up instead of having me take pills. I'm hoping after they do the blood work they see I'm not too low and just give me pills. Between now and Monday I plan on eating alot of green leafy vegetables and eating some red meat maybe it'll boost my levels some. Lol. Also, I should have mentioned to her of my Dr.'s office didn't that I have hemoglobin C trait so maybe that can cause me to be out of whack too, who knows. But on a bright note I go for another developmental u/s on Friday and I hope they do the 3D one again, that was pretty cool. I'm just anxious to go and see how the baby is developing to ease my mind. I swear such a nervous nelly! :shrug:

Hiya to everyone else.
Katie - So glad you got to hear the heartbeat and found it on your own. What a relief. I like the idea of giving your LO a name that refers to his/her strength or however you want to define this whole ordeal you've been through. Maybe you get to add a name that means strength too. I was going to look some up for you, but there are 6 pages of names that mean strength, so I'm gonna let you do that. :)

Terri - Interesting story about your coworker. I'm glad you let him know that he came off as sexist. Sorry your in a funky mood. Hope it passes soon. :flower:

Nessaw - I'm sorry that you're frustrated with things. I would take the clomid and see what happens. Exciting about wedding planning.

ERose - Sounds like you got through the scraping. Some cramping after maybe? And once again, I'm impressed with you asking for what you want from the doctor. Cool that they were able to tell you about your follies. Sounds very promising.

Kfs - I'm so sorry about your dog. Pets are truly a part of the family. How devastating that it was unexpected as well. Be extra nice to yourself today. :hugs:

Wish - Glad you're back safe and sound and that you're Oing just in time for some BD with hubs.

Kayotic - Hi! Glad things are going well with you.

Sis - Welcome back! Nothing like an impromptu visit from family!

Smiles - That's great that your blood sugar is fine. Cocoa powder is relatively high in iron as well. Good excuse to make yourself a couple of hot chocolates with extra cocoa powder before your next test. Yum. :haha:

So I broke down and called my dr's office. My doctor said that they were fine with doing another beta, so :thumbup: to that. Going today and Friday. Won't know more until next week, but that's good too.
kfs1, I'm so sorry for your loss! Our vet keeps telling us very matter-of-factly that we're "on borrowed time" with our 12 year old babies. I'm sure he deals with it every day, but still. I know I'll be heartbroken when it's time. :hugs:

ERosePW, I'm glad your appointment went well and is over! Scraping doesn't sound all that pleasant, but I'm sure you're like me and willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES! I'm excited to hear about your IVF journey!

Katie - LOL! I have a huge list of "no way" names for similar reasons, plus every year I add to it as I get to know some of my students... :p

Wish, sorry about your bad night, but if you can't complain here, where can you? I know I don't mind. I hope things get better! :hugs"

Sis, glad you're back! :)

AFM - I'm hiding from DH. My parents are coming for a visit and my husband HATES for my father to see unfinished DIY at our house. He's a little competitive I think! We've been painting and sanding and cleaning... I'm wiped out! I discovered the Kindle for iPhone app and I've been reading trashy $0.99 supernatural romance novels. He keeps finding me! :(
Mischief- that is so funny- I hope you find a good hiding place soon!

kfs- :hugs: so sorry about your dog

katie- glad to hear things are going well and that you found the heartbeat! If I get pregnant, I'm definitely getting a doppler!

neesaw- I think I would try the Clomid if I had it still laying around. But that's what I think is my next step so waiting for it now!

Sis- welcome back! Sounds like we're in the wait for ovulation together.

terri- we're watching loads of soccer (well, OH is, I'm catching some of the games). The US game was on too late here though to watch the whole thing!

AFM- I've been getting fertile signs earlier than usual, which on one hand is good because I'm away next week from Wed-Fri, but also with the football (soccer) on, OH won't BD during the week! So Monday would be ideal for me. We also just got some bad news- OH's dad had cancer a few years ago and was in recovery, but recently it came back. They did an operation, and were going to do another operation yesterday to remove his bladder, but the cancer has spread so they're not going to do it, and it's terminal. His father is 78. I'm worried about his mom too as she just lost her sister, who was her best friend as well, last year.
Smiles-Eat more cocoa! I hope your testing comes out ok and ask for the 3D picture. We want to see more pics of that baby. Don't forget to tell them not to tell you what it is. I think the ultrasound techs get really excited about this kind of stuff. HA!!HA!!
Oh, and you thought I would steer you wrong as far as the soccer guys? Have you met me? :rofl:

Fezzle-I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. That is terrible news. I hope he can make the best of his time, and doesn't feel too sick to do anything. I don't really know how people feel if they don't get treatment. I just know if they do get treatment they are weak and sick. :hugs:

Radkat-Yeah! for calling the doctor and scheduling another beta. I'm glad you called. It'll make you feel so much better. I just looked up strength names too...that list is ridiculous. Of course, there are like 10 names I like in the A's. :dohh: HA!!HA!! How am I going to do this. Audree was cool. Maude was listed. Wow. Who knew? Ok...I have to stop looking at that page.

nessaw-Oh cool..sounds like you have a lot done already. What are your wedding colors? Ours were purple (go Ravens!), and dark grey. Since we had a fall wedding, we wanted darker colors. It was beautiful. All colors turn out great for weddings. I saw a picture of all the bridesmaids wearing different colored galoshes (er...Wellies) with their bridesmaids dresses. I guess that they were in England. HA!!HA!! I am not positive but it was a really cute idea.

Mischief-I'm so jealous of your freaking chart. Mine just looks pathetic, and I'm not sure why I do this to myself. I'm on P and I'm still getting temps in the 97s? It's BS. HA! What is wrong with me? Too funny about hiding from DH and reading books on your phone. HA!!HA!! Enjoy your visit!

ERose-You are the champion. I loved your update and your doctor/nurse sound so great. That's awesome that you have 20 follies raring to go. And the timeline still works out well because you do the retrieval and then you have the weekend off to rest/recover. I think that's perfect timing! Did hubs go with you for the appt., or were you able to drive yourself? Did you take an Advil before you went in?

Hi to everyone else!! :flower: :flow:
Terri - Question about temping during the IUI process. Since the P and other things might mess with your temps and your body in general, do you think it's worth temping? Or is that more during IVF where it really doesn't matter? I just hate seeing you bummed out about your temps. Anyway, it's just a one day drop. Did you have restless sleep last night? After O, my temps always go down rather than up if I have restless sleep.

Katie - Soooo happy you had such a great appointment. Must have been so amazing to hear the heartbeat. I will definitely buy a doppler if/when my time comes for sure.

Erose - I'm so happy that the procedure wasn't TOO painful. Woohoo for 20 follies! :happydance: It sounds like you have everything scheduled perfectly for this month. So, you should start STIMS tomorrow, right? Are those injections? And yes, I totally remember you mentioning that you had a painful HSG. I had the same thing during my first HSG because my doctor was attempting to unblock it as well. Yikes - not fun.

Wish - Um, twinnie, you certainly do NOT complain all of the time and even if you did, this is the place for it. I hope everything's OK with your DH and that you got some BDing in yesterday. Anxiously awaiting your temp for today... :coffee:

Nessaw - I'm so sorry that your cycles are still screwy. I'm so happy that you're wedding planning is coming along though. You definitely got a lot done for sure! When's the big day?

Sis - MISSED you. Hope you had a nice visit with your pops.

Smiles - Start eating those veggies and meat, girl! So happy you have an ultrasound tomorrow. Pics, please. :)

Rad - Great news about the beta. Did you anything from the doctor yet about yesterday's tests?

Mischief - Yikes. You poor thing. You have to find a better hiding spot from your DH. :)

Fezzle - I'm so, so sorry about your father-in-law. I hope he's able to hang on for a while longer and that he's not in too much pain. Huge hugs to you. :hugs:

AFM - Nothing much going on here TTC wise. DH's urologist appt was yesterday but I moved it to the week after school ends. Just too much stress in our lives right now and we're trying naturally this month anyway so ... We're both hanging in there but it's definitely going to take some getting used to not having Eli (our dog) around. Just the little routine things, like walking him in the morning, coming home to an empty house, etc. :( Anyway, thanks for all of the well wishes. Love you ladies.
I on,y have a sec Dad is packing up now but I just wanted to say Terri I think u possibly Od CD12 and a drop 6dpo is a good thing so we will HOH!!!
Ur temps still are very erratic I would say VJ temping will help or at least a bbt thermometer cuz u dont have that 3rd degree so Ur jumps are LRG!! Hang in there lady:hugs:

KFS1 again so sorry about your Pup they r our kids so I know Ur pain maybe a new puppy when u r ready!!! :hugs:
morning ladies

Sis - glad you are getting to visit with your dad!!

Terri - sorry your temps are not playing along - I hope today was an implantation dip!! :hugs:

kfs - love your pic of your dog :hugs: it is so hard when they are gone!

:hi: to everyone else - I am in a hurry as I am teaching casualty stuff today :wacko:

AFM: Dh and I did get into a big argument two nights ago (1st pos OPK night) - he says I am pressuring him and he is stressed out...he can't "remember" to take his ONE PILL a day...and I told him we should bd every other day and he said I just can't do that... ??? What??
so no :sex: since Sunday am - no not even last night he went straight to sleep...
I am so sad ladies... I couldn't even bare to take my temp this morning because I just couldn't handle it if there was a temp spike... :cry:
I feel very alone, unattractive and beyond sad.... wasted cycle... I can't get pg alone...
Im sorry I hate spilling all of this on here... but I literally have no one to talk to...
well fake happiness is on - time to teach!!
Have a great day ladies!!
Wish so sorry U are going through this U know I'm in the same boat I had to just stop mentioning my temp OPKs all that stuff keep it on the DL and just try to Party to party
What he doesn't know won't hurt him and will make u feel better!! ;)

Maybe spike his cofffee in the AM :rofl:

Big :hugs: to U!!!
kfs1-I'm not that bummed out about my temperature because every chart is different, but I did look at FF chart gallery today and all the pregnancy charts just have temps going up and up to infinity, and it's rare for them to jump around. So yeah, it sucks having such a wonky chart, but I'm not stopping temping until vacation (haha), so it is what it is. I do agree with Wish. Your picture of your dog looks so cute. :hugs:

Sis-Thanks for the hugs.

Wish-Sexy picture!! I'm sorry your DH has not been cooperating. Remember last time you were feeling this way, you stopped temping, stopped taking your meds, and just enjoyed life. Maybe you should try that again. I also think that you want a baby more than DH, and if he doesn't want it, maybe you just have to stop trying, but keep praying for a miracle. It's hard to do, and hard to believe that, but maybe it's time. But if he EVER says something about a baby, you have full permission to ride over him with your bike.

I think you're beautiful and attractive, and I think your DH is just a bit nuts..don't feel like you are to blame, because you are not.

I have to run too...love and :kiss: to all.
Fezzle - I'm sorry about your FIL. I hope he can enjoy his time and you get to spend some time with him remembering the good times. When my grandfather was terminal, I talked to him about his youth. He told me some stories I never heard and it was great.

Mischief - I agree with Terri, your chart looks lovely.

Terri - Boo to erratic temps. Play nice temps!

Wish - Look at the hottie on the beach! And I really was going to say that before I read your post about you feeling down. I agree that leaving DH out of the planning process so he doesn't know when you're Oing. Sounds like he gets pretty affected by the pressure to perform. Sorry for the bad timing. Not sure what to do about him taking his vitamins though. Hmmm.... Keep the bike nearby, just in case. Oh and you're not spilling, you're using this forums for what it's for - ups and downs. No worries about that. Big :hugs:
Kfs1—Glad to hear from you. And I love your profile picture. Handsome boy. I think it was a good idea to move the urologist appointment. Totally makes sense. You’re right….it’s the little day-to-day things that are the hardest to get past, like you said. Hang in there and sending big :hugs: your way.

Terri—Okay, I understand your co-worker’s point of view a little better now….I thought he was being a chauvinistic pig, but he must have a deeper reason for not wanting to be around drinking. I’m glad you asked him! So, I’m not a soccer person (or a sports person), but I’ve actually caught a little of the World Cup on TV and it really amazes me how it’s the most popular sport in the world, yet I just realized a few years ago that they bounced the ball on their heads as part of the game. I started laughing when I saw a player do that and I thought it was a comical accident until someone told me that’s one of their moves. Lol! Maude?? I’d think of Bea Arthur every time I called my kid for dinner! So, I wonder if your funks are at all related to any of the meds you’ve been on? What do you think?

Kayotic—Well look at you, Missy Motivation! Wow, you are ahead of the game if you want that nursery done before the 3rd trimester. I’m assuming your nesting instinct kicked in like it did with VJean? Both of you are nursery ninjas!

Erin—I have to admit, I got a little woozy reading about the endo biopsy (and it wasn’t just the progesterone pill I popped this morning). However, even though the thought makes me want to pass out, I think it’s really wonderful that your doctor is doing everything to make this a successful IVF. Because yeah, I’ve heard this procedure can help implantation, was it? That follie count is fantatstic! So I’m guessing you will freeze the other ones that aren’t implanted? So, do they freeze the eggs or the actual embryos? You will still get a beautiful count with 20 follies even if each one doesn’t have an egg.

Wish—You totally do not complain on here all the time! Not even close. You are very upbeat and positive. Have you been taking my progesterone pills?? I think you are going loopy yourself. :)  It’s perfectly normal to vent out the crap feelings. It’s one of the things I find the most comforting about this thread…it feels very cleansing to get those negative feelings out and know people are listening and understanding and will offer words of comfort here. So, I hope that whatever went down with you and DH will work itself out soon. It’s the worst being in an ugly spot with our SOs, but thankfully, with time, things get resolved and it’s back to normal life again.

Edit: I just read your update….I very much understand the fight about DH feeling pressured AND not taking his vities. Biggest fight me and DH ever had in our marriage was over him feeling pressured to BD during the fertile period and taking all the fun out of our sex life. And me, with steam coming out of my ears and my eyes bulging out of my head like a cartoon character screaming, “If you don’t want to have a baby just tell me!!!! Because we have to have sex during a certain time to for me to get pregnant!!!” And if left to their own devices, they generally suck at taking pills. I always knew when he was out of town for work, he’d forget. It was only if I gave them to him at night where I could catch him tucked in bed and vulnerable with nowhere to escape to. I think it’s safe to say that most of us here have not always had an easy go with our DH’s through this process. Hang in there girl, you aren’t alone for sure!

Neesaw—I wish this cycle would just give you some answers one way or another. Having to wait to find out what’s going on is incredibly nerve-wracking. Are you having any lurking symptoms of AF impending? It’s hurry up and wait time for you, unfortunately, but you will know one way or another within a couple of days. And I forgot that you have your upcoming wedding until Terri mentioned it. That’s a big thing to help keep the mind occupied and something to look forward to! What’s the date?

Sis—You’re another Motivated Missy….always working on some project! So, how is the MTFR management going? Interested to find out more about how you treat that. And although your Dad may have made an unexpected trip, I find that’s when we bust our butts to get the house cleaned and put-off projects done before company arrives. It’s kind of a good thing! Is your DH going to be around for good amounts of bedding during this cycle?

Smiles—Well, you know I TOTALLY get the nervous nelly bit…..and I’m sorry to hear about your blood count. BUT thankfully, they can treat it and I think that’s a good idea to see if you can get your levels up with the veggies and meat, too. It’s superb that you have another ultrasound tomorrow to set your mind at ease…those ultrasounds are a gift from God! But since you have the doppler, too, you know baby is still hanging out doing fine in there. Post a pic of the u/s!

Radkat—Hooray for the betas!!! Wonderful news. I’m sure everything is just fine, but those betas are fabulous reassurance anyway. LOL, 6 pages of strength names! That’s very sweet of you to look! We already know if it’s a girl the baby’s name will likely be Hadley or Avery. Just don’t know the middle name yet. Boys are much harder because I’d like a name that ends in a long E sound…all of our kids (including stepchildren) have names that end with that long E. But it’s super hard to find those boys names that don’t sound girly girl. If it’s a boy, I may have to break the trend!

Mischief—That cracked me up about your list of “no-no” names and students. My family are all teachers or in education and they say the same exact thing. My aunt says she’s never met a Sarah that wasn’t a brat. Lol! But it’s true, you can’t fathom naming your child a name that makes you shudder. That’s funny that you keep hiding from your DH and his projects. My DH is a DIY’er, too, but he knows I’m not going to help him so he’s on his own. I do the house cleaning, laundry, dishes and most of the cooking, so his DIY projects are HIS alone….along with the yard and gardening work. Hells no, I’m not sealing the driveway or painting the garage. Nope!

Fezzle—Oh my goodness I’m so sorry about your father-in-law. I just really don’t understand why cancer seems to be so much more prevalent now. How is your OH coping with the news? His poor, poor mother. Oh I’m so sorry. My best friend’s grandmother was in her late 70’s when she was diagnosed with cancer that had spread and she really didn’t want to get treatment. She said she didn’t want to go through the illness of chemo and radiation, but her family pleaded with her to try and fight it so she did. And the treatment made her so sick, so quickly. They watched her just deteriorate before their eyes. Her body couldn’t handle all of it and she passed very quickly. Everyone felt so terrible that they hadn’t just let her enjoy her life for what it was while she could. I think the doctor’s said she had about 6-8 months if she didn’t go with treatment, but she was sick immediately after starting treatment and felt horrible and then passed within 2 or 3 months. So, like Terri said, although this is awful news, I truly hope your father-in-law can enjoy his life, as well as his family being able to spend time with him now. :hugs:

AFM—We will for sure find out the gender! I had all the genetic testing done and will get results next week, which includes the gender. But I told the doctor I’m not ready to find out yet, so to just keep the results private. I really want to wait until I’m out of the first trimester and I like the idea of finding out during the ultrasound when you can see the baby and then they tell you if it’s a boy or girl. That was one of the best moments of my life with my DD and I just can’t imagine having that same level of joy and suspense from reading the results off a piece of paper or over a phone call. I may actually wait until the ultrasound around 20 weeks anyway to feel more comfortable with the direction of the pregnancy.

I&#8217;m feeling so great! The spotting is all gone and you have noooo idea the amount of relief it is to see nothing on the toilet paper but increased CM after 10 weeks of constant variations of blood. Like the doctor said, it&#8217;s gotta be the progesterone helping with that, too. And having the doppler to check for baby&#8217;s heartbeat has been such a comfort. I really wish for all of you ladies to have non-eventful pregnancies. I hope you get tons of morning sickness and fatigue and can&#8217;t touch your boobs for 3 months&#8230;all that normal crap that reassures you that you are indeed pregnant and it&#8217;s a strong little nugget. But I hope that&#8217;s the extent of it for everyone here! Much love <3 Katie
Aw, Wish, I hate that you feel this way... Your DH has got one hot lady in his life, w/ SUCH a good heart, and a great libido! And I know you guys are also best friends and have tons of fun. Most guys would kill to have ALL those qualities in one woman. You're a catch, so don't think otherwise, even for a second. And I know he thinks you're a great catch too... this TTC stuff is handled so wonky by men. My DH used to be super high-maintenance when it came to sex. There was never a moment when he was too tired (I was freakin' exhausted). And while we still have a decent sex life, it is SO NOT the same as it was before. I think it's 2 things... 1. maybe the fertile window takes the "hotness" out of it, and 2. after a year passed, that's when the pressure started to hit him. We're doing fine and all... I can just see a big difference when its for baby-making.

Perhaps you should do what the other girls said, and just not tell him when you're fertile or talk about any details. You'd probably see your sex life start to go back to normal, and you could just make sure to sneak in those BD session when YOU know you're fertile. As for the vitas, my DH is terrible about taking stuff. When we sit down for dinner, I put them on the table right beside his plate. I dont say a word, I just lay them there. I know it's pathetic, like he's a little boy. But if i can get that CoQ10 in him, I'm gonna do it however I can!:haha:
Hi guys.
Wish I had the same thing. First time with the cbfm I told him about the egg and there was performance anxiety! Never told him again! Have given up on him taking his pill independently-just hand it to him after dinner-he calls it dessert!
Fezzle am sorry about ur fil. X
Thanks for all your kind words. Yup the wedding is keeping me distracted. It's 6 months tomorrow! The colour scheme is teal. Didn't want to go for the usual xmas colours. No sign of af. Now cd31. Having pg symptoms but not sure if I'm just convincing myself. Sore boobs last 2 days constipation setting in. Just don't know. Bought a test but might hold off til the weekend. Waiting for the England game to start!!!
Mischief, that’s hilarious! Good luck hiding!

Katie, glad you found the heartbeat so easily! I love my Doppler… such a peace of mind! I can’t wait until you find out the gender and share your name choice with us. My DD is a Hadley, but we spell it “Hadleigh”. Hadleigh Jean. Jean is my middle name, my MILs middle name, my aunts middle name, DH’s grandmothers middle name…whew! You can see why we used it. We call her Haddie, or Haddie J and it just fits her! I like Avery also! Both are very pretty. Boy names are super hard! For this baby, we had a list of 15 girl names, and 3 boy names! Funny enough, the name we settled on wasn’t even on our list!

Ksf1 – I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. It’s heartbreaking when we have to say goodbye. :hugs:

Neesaw, I also vote to try the clomid, since you happen to have it… And I can’t wait to see wedding pics!

Wish, cute pic! And very brave! :winkwink: Sorry you and DH didn’t have a great night, but please don’t feel like you can’t come on here and chat with us. We are here for you! I like Terri’s advice to you… is it possible for you keep some of this stuff on the down-low? Like if you decide to keep temping, can you do it without him knowing? I don’t mean sneak around, but maybe not have it all so out there? I know when we were TTC our DD, the pressure of all the temping, pre-seed, supplements, hours of googling “miracle cures”, etc really got to DH. The month we conceived I didn’t do any of it. We were on a “break”. I know everyone’s situation is different and you guys have your own struggles to overcome, but maybe just try and relax (easier said than done, damn clock that won’t stop ticking!), and get back to enjoying DH and being together.

Terri, love the conversation you had with your co-worker. I like learning new things from different people. For college, I went to a private Methodist university in Texas. We had to take a certain number of religious courses, and my favorite class by far was Religions of the World. You learn so much!

Fezzle, :hugs: I’m sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope you and DH are able to spend some quality time with him. I lost my dad (at 49) due to cancer. The 2 years he was sick I was overseas, so I didn’t get to see him before he passed. Take advantage of any time you can get!

Smiles, I hope you get your iron level under control. They track mine closely this pregnancy. With my baby DD, I was at 6 after delivery and ended up getting 2 blood transfusions. I highly recommend going with leafy greens and iron pills instead!

Radkat, your numbers look great, but I am glad they are letting you do another Beta. Whatever it takes to make you feel better, I say go for it!

Erin, everything is working out so well for you! I just know IVF is going to be the difference for you. July will be here before you know it!

Kayotic, glad you are doing well! I hear ya on the nursery! I’m going on vacation at 30 weeks and my nursery WILL be done by then! DH has been warned! Can’t wait to see pics! Have you decided on a theme or color scheme?
Smiles, Fxd that all you need are some pills and not a transfusion. I've had a friend need the tranfusion (not PG though), and she said it really wasn't a big deal or anything at all. But pills would just be so much easier, I know. Excited for your next u/s! I hope you get the 3D one as well! :)

Rad, I'm glad you're getting the betas that you wanted again. :thumbup: If it gives you peace of mind, it's worth it, right? I know they're gonna come back GREAT!

Mischief, I had to laugh at your comment about hiding from DH and reading your supernatural romance novels, LOL! Too funny! Well, at least DH is getting stuff done around the house!

Fezzle, Yay for fertile signs! I hope it works out that you can BD when you need to! :thumbup: So sorry about your FIL. I know that has to be so hard. :(

Terri, I drove myself to the appt. There wasn't any reason that I couldn't drive afterward. It's not under anesthesia or anything... its a super quick procedure. In and out. Kinda painful, but just had to grit my teeth for 5-10 seconds (and yes, I popped a FEW Advil beforehand, hehe!). Since DH will have more appts that he'll need to come to soon, I didn't want to pull him away from work for this one. The ER will be under anesthesia, so I will need a day off from work, and DH will be there to drive me. ET isn't under anesthesia, but DH will obviously go to that one anyway, since they'll be putting our babies into my belly. :)

kfs, yep, STIMs tomorrow, as long as I dont go to the restroom later and realize that AF wasn't done after all! I hope it's fully done. So far, so good. And yes, they are all injections. I continue the Lupron, but half the dose. And the other two are Menopur and Gonal F. I know I said it once, but I'm still so sorry about your furry baby. :( I just know how sad it is to lose a pet, and how its tough to get used to them not being in the house. It's a big adjustment, and a very sad one. Thinking about ya'.

Katie, sorry I made you woozy, LOL! The last thing I need to be doing is contributing to the wooziness of a PG woman! It would be the embryos that they'll freeze. They'll go ahead and get as many of the eggs fertilized within the first 24 hrs that they're out of my body. And then the ones that make it to viable embryo stage, they'll put two back in, and freeze the others. I'll have them if the IVF is unsuccessful and I need to do a frozen transfer the next cycle (but I'm going to be positive and KNOW this will work the first time!), or I'll even have them if I decide to have a second child later on. Btw, i'm SOO happy you're feeling so much better!! It's great that you can sit back and enjoy the pregnancy more now. :happydance:

Vjean, did you already tell us what your nursery theme is going to be?

AFM, nothing new to report, except my few responses above... hoping AF really is over, and that I can start those STIMs tomorrow. Ten days of that, and then an hcg trigger, and then ER. Now my latest worry is that I'll O a bazillion eggs before they even have a chance to retrieve them. But I'll push that outta my mind... I'll trust that they know exactly what they're doing.
Wish- looking hot in your new pic! My OH feels the pressure too- it's so annoying when you've been waiting and waiting and then it seems like you might have wasted a month because they can't do one thing- especially when you feel like you're on limited months as it is!

Smiles- if you start the iron pills, you'll have dark green poop like me! I think I might try cocoa...

We went up to see OH's parents a couple weekends ago. At the time, his father seemed like he was doing well. The biggest issue is that he has to pee really often (like every 30 min), but he's not feeling 'sick' or in pain. I'm sure we'll go up again soon. I would love to hear more about OH's father's childhood and younger years- his mum's too. She went to the same school as one of the Beatles (I can't remember which one!). I think his dad was an evacuee during WW2. Since my grandma passed away in Jan, my mom has been going through all of her things and found some amazing stuff- like photos of my grandfather visiting his brother's grave from WW2, my great grandmother's citizenship documents becoming an American (she was born in Italy) and lots of old amazing photos. My mom has been putting them on a Facebook group page for the family to see, and it's been great, but it would have been better to go through them with my grandma before she died.
Wish - waaaaaaa? You're far from unattractive Twinnie! Look how gorgeous you are in that beach pic. Still, I know how frustrating BD timing can be and I'm so sorry that you fought about it this month. Ugh. I wish I had some helpful advice but no matter how many "conversations " I have with DH about timing and no matter how many times he says he understands, I still get pushback sometimes, too. I can usually sneak a few in there though. So, maybe you should take the advice of all of the other ladies and not mention it to him and just try to get him to BD for fun. I know easier said than done.

Katie - I don't blame you for waiting to find out the gender. It sounds more exciting waiting to see everything during the ultrasound for sure.

Erose - The journey begins tomorrow. Sooooo excited for you. And love that your DH is going to be there when they "put your babies in you." :) I didn't realize that they could freeze eggs in case you want to have a second baby down the road. That's seriously awesome! I often think if a second baby would even be remotely possible but I guess I should focus on the first one first, huh?:)

Fezzle - that's so amazing that your mom found such great photos and memories of your grandma. I'm sorry that you weren't able to look at them with her, too.
OMG Katie u r stronger than I .... I wanted that blood test at 10wks but never made it :(
Our tradition is 5 letter names but if I have a girl I know her name already and it's 4 letter short and sweet!!
Fezzle-Yeah, it's always amazing what you can find out AFTER someone passes away. But then I think about myself, and everyone that I know probably doesn't know SOMETHING about me. Know what I mean? Like, my high school friends know what I did in HS, but they don't know what I did in college. My college frieinds know what I did in college, but not now or in high school. hee hee. I guess this is why journaling is important. And...I need to get back to that. :)

ERose-Thanks for the heads up. I agree that egg transfer day is important for DH to be there and ER is also important because you'll need a driver. My gf said that she took the entire week off after ET. hee hee. She said 'I wasn't moving, once that baby was implanted.' HA!!HA!! I may have to follow her lead.

I'm going to Philly tomorrow for the weekend, and I'm supposed to be busy at work all day today (I came in at 6), so I don't know how much time I'll have to play today. I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you on Sunday afternoon. Oh, and I think my progesterone is kicking in.

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