Hey felicity! Of course you are still POAS. That's what you do? If it makes you happy, go with it, and you never know...one day you could see double lines! Congrats also on the weight loss. That is really quite an accomplishment.

Apparently, the retroverted uterus is just tilted back towards the rectum instead of towards the belly, and about 20% of the population have it. Driving, yes, it's true that it doesn't affect anything really, and once you're pregnant, it gets so large, that it goes the way it's supposed to. Not sure if it goes back or not, although I just read that after pregnancy, it stays stretched out and that's why people on their second child have baby bumps sooner than a first time mom. Interesting.. and it also has no effect on getting pregnant, so had I known, it wouldn't have changed anything.

Sis-Enjoy your scary (?) Halloween movies, and stop examining everything so closely. Do you really think it was tissue??

So I'm supposed to be on self administered bedrest and hubs and I watched a movie together when we got home. Well, he turned to NFL network and now HE's the one that's conked out on the couch. I had all these shows taped and was planning on being alone, chatting on the phone with my girlfriends, etc... He's ruining my fun. HA!!HA!! He had to work hard today, apparently. :rofl:
terri, since we've already been chatting on the other thread, I guess I won't repeat the same here, so you're not re-reading everything, haha! (except the last paragraph)

Sis, GL on that beta tomorrow! I will be praying that your number is awesome! And I feel like its gonna be just fine!! :thumbup:

AFM, got a call from my nurse w/ all my test results finally. Everything is normal, just as my RE suspected. The only thing we haven't gotten back is DH's karyotyping. He did his a few days later than I did, so it might be next week before we know, but I bet his is normal too. If it's not normal, then we'll go ahead with the PGD of the embryos. But if it is normal, then DH and I need to have a chat. He still wants to do the PGD, but my RE really feels like we shouldn't mess w/ them at this point since we could lose some during the thawing/re-freezing process (plus, she feels that the FET is going to be a success, no problem...not sure where she gets her confidence from). I want him to feel like his opinion matters, and these are his babies too, so I'll just have one more talk with him and go from there.
One more funny and then I'm getting off my computer.

I think my hubs is going to like me being downstairs and out of his hair for the next few days. I feel like I have a cabana boy, and that makes me happy. Hee hee. So, he said 'hey with a retroverted uterus, :dog: style is the best. I told him 'well we are not doing it any style for a while so you can chill with that!' He said 'how long?' I said 'um, 9 months!' He said 'The lady said 5 days. I was listening to that part of your discharge information!' boooooo. :haha:

And I totally forgot. The chair is gone!! Someone took it when we left for the transfer!!!
Lol I know the feeling Terri DH keeps asking how do I feel ;) ;)

Well my spotting is Lil to None now so I'm hoping w everything that my numbers are up Tom!!
Sis - how are you feeling today? Good luck at your beta!

Terri - how are YOU feeling today? :)

Erin - so happy to hear that your tests were normal. What's the difference between pgd and fet? Has your DH heard the recommendation directly from your doctor?

Moni-good luck at your scan today!

Hi to anyone I missed - hard to respond from my phone!!

Experts - check out my temp today. Any ideas why this might be? Finally getting my DHs MRI today. Won't have results until Monday though.
kfs1-Hello! That is quite a jump, but I have no idea what it is...maybe it is just a fluke. :shrug: FET is frozen embryo transfer. So...if you have leftover eggs they freeze them and then defrost them whenever you're ready and do the transfer. PGD is the preimplantation genetic diagnosis, where they test the embryos for any genetic defects, etc...prior to transfer.

I'm doing fine..just pretending to do work from home for the first part of the day, and then it's people's court, and some other shows that I taped. I love this! hee hee. I felt a small bit of discomfort yesterday, but today I think I really could proceed normally if I wanted to. I had my first bowl of cereal and almond milk in a long time. I'm trying to eat better this TWW.
Kfs1 not really sure why your temp would jump could be temp in room wool socks etc :haha:

Terri nice dip so exciting!!!

AFM still a Lil spotting this AM but not much so FX ...I made DH run to get a test so I can take it B4 I go to the dr I will feel better when that line is still dark like yesterday! :thumbup:
Sis - Good luck today - I am praying that line is just as dark Or darker than yesterday and your betas are climbing nice and high!!! :hugs:

Kfs - twinnie - no idea on the temp sky rocket for you??? is a little strange at this time of the cycle... did you eat hot wings? :haha:

terri - PUPO!!!!! how exciting... cereal and almond milk - makes me wish I ate breakfast at home this morning... no such luck I laid in bed too long... enjoy your days off!!! People court!!! yay... stay away from springer though... are peoples lives really like that??? pfft what am I saying???? of course they are :rofl: and I always knew that DH's have selective listening - of course he listened about :sex: timing!!! hahahaha

Erose - thank you for your kind words - I got a lump in my throat when I read them!! funny how this site gives us friends from all over - even though we have never met in person!!! I am excited for you FET and I am also in awe about your FE - so positive - that has got to help in this crazy process!!! :hug:

:hi: to the rest of you ladies - IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

AFM: 10 DPO and spotting is here to stay it seems - started back again yesterday - hell what am I saying - its always here it seems!!! :growlmad: temp started its drop today... I expected it - it never stays up to 10 DPO...just wishing it was different...

I have got to figure out this spotting business... I think (just think) I am not taking Soy or anything this next cycle... let all the supplements clear out... do lots of research and figure out what I can do naturally to STOP SPOTTING...

had another Soldier die yesterday - motorcycle accident - a lady pulled out and didn't see him...

8 days till the 5K... and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck starting to stand... :brat:

and finally - its the first day of school here - My DD2 first day of Senior year - we have a tradition of taking a first day of school picture - and I thought I would share it with my online friends... she would like to add that she just woke up!! :haha:

Have a great friday everyone!!


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Keep us updated Sis. I hope your line is just as dark today as they have been.
Terri, seems like you are having fun :) Good for you! I can see you writing a book "How to Ride Bikes and Have Fun when Doing IVF."

Sis, FX, great news that the spotting is less!

Wish, school starting already... It starts on Sep 2 here. I just paid DS's PK tuition and am now depressed after writing that check (one more year and then we can start public school... and start paying for DS#2s care).
Terri--You're pregnant! Hooray! And it sounds like that temp dip is considered a good thing. Sorry if I missed it, but when do you intend to start testing? Cracked me up about your DH correcting you on the sex date. Of course he'd hear that part of the spiel crystal clear!

Moni--After all those months of waiting, it's finally here and you're doing it! Excitedly watching your journey, as well. I'm sure you IVF ladies are on IVF threads, too, but I really like when you share your stories here, too. Saves me from having to stalk all over the place to keep up. :)

Sis--I'm still feeling positive for you. Still think it's highly possible it's a hematoma or polyp.That shiz is so much more common than you think. :hugs:

Erin--Was so sorry to hear the first IVF didn't work out, but very excited about your FET and honestly, the fact that all your test results have come back fine, it's really only a matter of time for you.

Wish--Something about that pic of you and your daughter made me all emotional. Just the sweetness of the picture and you both look so happy. Thank u for sharing! So I clearly know very little about the military, but why do you have to run about and do push-ups for a physical to work in the office? I mean it's good that your job obviously requires that you keep in shape, but good gravy! And best of luck on the 5k. It may be stressing you out, but I totally believe things that challenge us and make us nervous to do, help us to grow and be more confident people. And what a sense of accomplishment you'll feel after it's done and was successful!

Kfs--Like the other ladies said, one more cycle before IVF is no biggie....I bet you are anxious to get the ball rolling on IVF but another Iui cycle may give you more time to get your head around the IVF process and prepare for it. Okay, I going to have to lookup the Happy Gilmore golfing clip on youtube cuz I don't remember it. Poor hubby!

TTC--Is she out of there yet??

Driving--Wow I can't believe you are already so far along! Hoorah for a sticky baby! Did u say you are starting to feel little movements now? I definitely started feeling them earlier with this pregnancy. pure bliss...but also gives you something else to worry about when you aren't feeling them all the time!

Neesaw & Future M-- So happy to see you ladies are still coming along nicely with your pregnancies. Love seeing those weeks ticking by for you. FM those betas looked great and you should be having a scan today? Let us know how it goes! And Neesaw, your is coming up next week too. That first scan is such a relief and I have a good feeling that both of you ladies will have happy appts.

Ok gotta reply more later cuz I gotta go!
Well I went for my Beta and my test is darker so FX FX my numbers jumped!!

Wish love the pic my BIG is a senior too !! :(

Katie when do we find out GENDER?? ;)

:hi: to everyone else Happy Friday!!

For those not following my Journal here's my test from yesterday and today!!

Wow. Noticeably darker Sis. Yay!!!

Wish - great pic!!! So sweet.
Sis - your test looks awesome this morning!!! I know the Beta will be good news - THIS IS YOUR STICKY BEAN!!!! :headspin::headspin::headspin:

Katie - the reason I have to do the physical fitness part is because I wear the uniform everyday - everyone in the Army has to pass a physical fitness test 2x a year and WEIGH IN - no matter if you sit at a desk or shoot the big guns!!! I don't really mind - it helps me stay fit... :)
yes I ask the same question as Sis - when do you find out gender?? 20 week scan right? is that next week???? :flower:

kfs - Hey twinnie - you seem quiet - is all ok???:hugs::hugs:

going to eat a fattening greasy lunch with my oldest - she is a bad influence :rofl: kidding
going to Smash Burger and then there is a frozen yogurt place next door that gives all military in uniform FREE YOGURT!!!! :saywhat::loopy:

so take that crappy uterus!!! :winkwink:
Katie-Thank you!! So good hearing from you. I assume you are back at home base, but let us know what's up with you if you really are home and can chill out for a while. My blood test is on the 27th, but I put on the testing thread that I'll test on the 25th, so I'm going to try to hold out until then unless I feel differently before then. :shrug:

Sis-Yay for darker tests and for a higher beta (I'm totally assuming). This is so amazing that you're pregnant after your trip to Vegas. What does your hubs say? Is he a proud peacock yet, or he's still nervous?

Wish-What a cute picture of you and your daughter. Happy first day of school DD2!! hee hee. And it's even better that you get free frozen yogurt and burgers with DD1. Sounds good to me! I'm jus sitting here eating blueberries and watching Interrogators. My favorite shows are either cooking competitions, murder, or game shows. So random...

Hi to everyone else!! :flower:
I'm back on the road again, but just for the weekend. So back to typing on the iphone. Boo!

Find out gender next Wednesday! I swing back and forth between thinking its a boy or girl. Can't completely settle on a "vibe." The truth is, it really doesn't matter either way, but there will be a little disappointment no matter what gender the baby is. Because there's always things to dream about and look forward to with both boys and girls. I think it's probably natural to grieve for the opposite gender, even if it's just a tiny bit and it's fleeting.

Like, if I have another girl, I will grieve not ever having a little boy (cuz did I mention I'm never doing this again?!). No mama's boy, no T-ball games, no little man for my hubby to do guy stuff with. And if I have a little boy, I'll grieve my daughter not having a little sister and I really WILL have to part with all my DD's cute baby stuff I kept cuz it won't be reused. Does that make sense?

Anyway, Sis those lines look fabulous!
Just a quick reply bc I hate typing on my phone.
Terri- omg your dip is making me so excited. It looks like an implantation dip! This is your month.
Sis- I was getting scared reading your updates but that line porn is amazing. I think your little bean is snuggling in extra tight!
Katie-i cant believe yoyr 20 weeks already! I can't wait to see you're gender scan
Wish-your daughter is beautiful. What a gorgeous child you made.

Afm- my doctor has moved my appt to August 26th. Of course AF is due that day. I really hope it is not bad news. I was finally able to log into labcorp. My AMH is 1.83ng. Of course I have no idea uf that us good or bad.
Hi Ladies!!

Terri, hope you are having a relaxing day and kicking back so those babies can settle in! I look forward to your testing day!

Wish, your DD is beautiful!! Good job on the fitness test! You are in WAY better shape than me! And who can pass up free frozen yougurt? Yum!!

Sis, Your lines look great! Take it easy, let your house full of men take care of you for a change! Stalking for your beta results...:coffee:

Katie, glad you checked in! Your feelings about the gender are spot on! It's amazing how fleeting those feelings are thou. All we really want in the end is a healthy baby! I had a hard time parting with my DDs clothes, until the money started rolling in! I almost furnished my whole nursery for this baby with DDs outgrown clothing!

TTC - Impatiently waiting to see pics of Baby Lillian! :happydance:

Smiles, Driving, Neesaw, FutureM, kfs1, Hope things are well with y'all!

AFM - well, I failed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test. :sad2: I was very sad to get that news, but thought no big deal, I'll eat better and test my blood sugar level a few times a day and all will be fine. :nope: Wishful thinking! I just can't get my levels under control. I think part of my problem is that I don't eat enough. I'm supposed to eat 2000 calories a day and avearge 1600. I'm just so scared to eat anything.

I had to meet with a nurse practitioner/dietician to go over what I need to do, and when she was done talking about me I asked her about the risks to my baby, besides being big. After checking out Dr. Google, a big baby is the least of my worries. So she starts telling me about how a baby needs to produce more insulin to overcome the glucose that I am sending him, and once he is born and I no longer send him tons of glucose, his sugar levels crash becuase his body is still producing large amounts of insulin. Ok, I understand that.... THEN she goes on to say (and this is a direct quote)..."And then there are some babies that just die. We don't know why." WTF????? Who says that to a pregnant mom? Yes, I understand the increase risk of stillbirth, but geez~ she could have worded it a little better! So as if I wasn't scared, angry, and stressed enough, I have THAT in the back of my mind every time I sit down to a meal! I'm only on my first week testing, so hopefully we will figure out the little tricks that help me reduce my numbers. I already learned I have to cut fruit out of my diet until at least after lunch.

In other good news... we had a 4D ultrasound this morning. I have an anterior placenta, so baby was making it very difficult to take his picture. He is already a little chunk! Check out his cheeks!

We are also going on vacation in the am~ 8 days at South Lake Tahoe! I am looking forward to reading and relaxing! I'll pop on BnB whenever I can....we have a lot of excitement coming up in the next two weeks!!


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:hi: Hi girls!!!

First of all, Congrats to Terri for having THREE buns in the oven!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I hope they stick!!!

Erose - so great to hear from you! :flower:

Wish - you inspired me to go to yoga class tonight instead of sitting on the couch with chips (Driving :hugs:)

AFM - I went for my scan today and....they showed me this little blob that was pulsing - apparently that was the "Cardiac action." So that's good, right? She said the doctor would get the full report asap and she would call me. But there must be an embryo this time, right?:shrug:

My second HCG was 159000 (first was 113483) and still waiting for #3 (today - 7 weeks). So the numbers seem high but aren't doubling...Is that bad? :wacko:
Blues, Sorry I missed your update! I must have already started posting. Hope AF holds of a day for your, or at least waits until later in the day. I am usually a "first thing in the morning" starter. :nope:

As for your levels...I can't remember, but I am sure Sis will pop on with her list of numbers! Did you already have your FSH done? I know they look at FSH and AMH together.

Future M, YOU HAVE A BABY!!! :happydance: Yep, that ittle blob and "cardiac action" is your baby! Once HCG levels hit a certain level, they stop doubling. They will actually start climbing much slower. I can't remember what the level is, but you can google it. I think your numbers look great!

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