Terri, yay for that huge temp jump right after your dip!! I'd bet anything that those little guys (or girls) started snuggling in fast. They were like, "Dang, look at this, we're in Momma's womb, been waiting for this for a while, let's dig in!":thumbup:

kfs, no, DH wasn't there when my RE gave her recommendation about not needing the PGD. That appt was just a follow-up to get next steps started, and I just happened to bring up the PGD on my own. Funny though, he seems to take things more seriously when he hears it straight from a Dr's mouth, ha. But seriously, he told me he'd almost rather risk losing 1 or 2 in the process, just so that they can pick 2 that have a higher likelihood of implanting. I think its just killing him to see me heartbroken month after month, and they can only tell so much under a microscope. We'll get DH's karyotyping results on Mon, so we'll just go from there. Let us know how your DH's MRI results turn out!

Wish, I totally agree... I've met such wonderful women on here, and I feel like I've made friends even without meeting you girls in person. Too bad we couldn't all one day have an in-person BnB reunion. How fun would that be! Btw, I have spotting every cycle too. It's a brownish spotting about 2-5 days prior to AF starting. In fact, when I got PG in Dec, it was my 1st clue that AF might not be coming... when I realized the spotting hadn't started at all. So even though it's a total PITA, that month for me the absence of it turned into an early PG sign! LOVE the pic of you and your daughter! So sweet.

Katie, thanks for your kind and encouraging words. :flower: So excited that you're finding out the gender on Wed!! :happydance:

Sis, I was thrilled to see the pic of your darker HPT! :) And just as we thought, your number continues to rise, so that's great news!!

Blues, according this website (the one I used when I checked my number), your AMH is still in normal range. And this is even for women under 35, so I'd say you're fine. :) Scroll down a bit to get to the actual chart... https://www.advancedfertility.com/amh-fertility-test.htm

Vjean, I can't believe the nurse said that to you! Wow. Who says that to a PG woman?? (your thoughts exactly!). Well, i'm sure you'll do a GREAT job of managing it and everything is going to be great. Glad you posted the latest u/s pic! What a cutie already!

Future, congrats on that scan!. :) There's def a LO in there getting excited about meeting mom and dad!

Momof3, GL on this IUI, I'm getting really excited for you! I know a girl who got PG in her first month on Femara, even without IUI, and there's one in our TTC#1 thread who got PG on her first Clomid/IUI cycle, so I have high hopes for you.:thumbup:

Smiles, another adorable u/s pic!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Rad, your story about telling your parents was sweet. I could totally see my dad tearing up too when it comes time. Hope you're enjoying vaca!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, nothing new to report. Just being patient, as AF should be here sometime early next week and I'll go in on Thurs for my baseline to get started with the FET cycle.
Hey, girls! I feel like such a turkey for being MIA, but it's been busy busy busy! I unpacked my classroom and got it all set up last week. I put all the new crayons, pencils, and glues in their caddies, organized my classroom library, hung all my decorations back up, etc. Happy times! I officially go back to work on Monday, and I am so looking forward to the distraction! I've GOT to get my head out of my uterus! ;)

I had my 3rd IUI on Thursday. 54 million! This was the least painful IUI I've had and those are the best numbers he's had, but I cried through the whole thing - I don't know why. I think I just hit my "too much" point while I was waiting, and once it started I just couldn't stop!

My husband was laid off on Friday morning. We'd been planning for it, but it was still stressful when it came down to it. I am now uninsured - yikes! I have NEVER been uninsured! Our coverage with the school district begins September 1st and we're going to try to squeak by without COBRA. We almost never get sick, and the RE is all cash lately, but it still scares me.

I'm going to go catch up on all y'all's news now! :)
I've GOT to get my head out of my uterus! ;)


This made me laugh! I so totally know the feeling, and you summed it up so well in just a few words!! Lol! Glad you're excited about school starting, you sound really happy! I am sorry you were so emotional during your IUI though. This is one tough journey, huh? We're here for ya!:hugs: it's gonna work, my dear. Sorry about DH's layoff. Does he have anything else lined up yet?
Mischief-Hey there!! Sorry about your IUI tears, but 54M is fantastic! I hope those are the last tears we hear about for a while. If you go back Monday, when do the kids go back? I am really surprised to hear that your IUIs have been painful. Mine were never painful..it was like nothing, honestly. Especially compared to that ultrasound dildo. HA!!HA!!

Sorry about your DH's layoff. It's never easy, even when you know it's coming. Try to be very cautious for the rest of the month until September 01. COBRA is such a ripoff. Is your school insurance good? Maybe they can pay for your next IUIs!! Anyway, glad you checked in. We missed you!
Neesaw I thinking of making a Spring 2015 baby group for 35+

The youngins are getting in my nerves I will blame it on Hormones :haha:

Let me know what u think
Mischief - great numbers for your IUI!!! FX this is your month!!!! Love your head in your uterus comment :rofl:

Terri- I can't help but get super excited over your temps lady!!!!!!! :dance:
I'm totally thinking multiples for you!!!! Yay!!!!

I'm sorry ladies on my phone so it's hard to address everyone!!! But :hi: hope you are having a great weekend!!

AFM: waiting on stupid witch..... Went to a diaper party last night for my friend who got pg with her 2nd on their first month of trying - this will be her 2nd boy...
I am happy for them.... Just wish things were that easy for us :( and every lady reading this...
Happy Sunday - church, cleaning carpets and making 5k goodie bags today!!!
Wish-thanks!! I was excited when I woke up this morning too. I guess if my temps drop a little it's to be expected because if they go much higher I'll probably catch a fever! I forgot to say sorry for AF being on her way...I hope she hurries up so you can organize your race without having to be concerned about that stupid witch.

Sis-I like how you are always making new groups. Yes, I can imagine youngins being annoying. :haha:

Have a great day all. I think I'll be spending some time outside today. It's the last week of freedom before school starts so I best make the most of it.
Mischief - good IUI! Sorry about the layoff as well - it is ridiculous really that people lose insurance when they are laid off, that it depends on your job at all... Anyway, I was once w/o insurance for a month because I was taking a month off between jobs and did not want to pay cobra (which was like $900/month). I was just really careful :)

Terri, are you taking any progresterone or anything now, or are you finally free?

Feeling pretty good here - but did a 4-mile walk yesterday and was achy in the evening. Guess I am old after all. With DS, I remember taking a 20 mile bike ride at 15 weeks and not batting an eyelash.
Good morning all! My mom is watching DS overnight so I can get extra rest, and I still can't sleep past 7am! Oh well, I'll take a nap later. Can't believe my due date is tomorrow! Fair warning, doc says since I went late with DS it's likely I'll go late again. I'm thinking next weekend will probably be Lillian's birthday. Lots of little twinges happening here and there, but nothing more has kicked into gear. DH and I gave it the ol' college try with our free night last night ;) That never worked with DS either, I eventually evicted him with castor oil 2 days before I was set to be induced!

Terri!!! Trying not to get too excited since I presume you're on P and that always makes for some beautiful charts, but you must have been on P when you got that temp dip too, right?! This is definitely your prettiest chart in a long time. I forgot you were finishing up your MBA now that summer is almost over. Better get cracking, you're not going to have much spare time with triplets on your hands!!! :haha:

Mischief, I'm sorry to hear that the layoff did happen, but if you can't have $54M in the bank, 54M in your IUI is a great runner up! I hope Murphy's Law knocks you up this month. I think you're doing the right thing skipping the Cobra since September is just around the corner. Will your new insurance have good maternity coverage?

Katie, I love the name you picked out - I'm definitely thinking boy for you, can't wait to hear!

Smiles, what a beautiful pic! I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks, but they just did what they needed to do and didn't turn on the 4-D for an extra peak. I wish I'd asked them to! I was thinking boy for you too, but not as sure now. We'll know soon enough with you too!!!

Hi to everyone else! Happy Sunday :)
Mischief I forgot to say I'm so sorry for the layoff maybe my DH can help your DH does he work in the oilfield ;)
54mil post wash is AWESOMESAUCE can't wait for u and Terri to join us on the Bump side!!

As I stated I think I'm going to make a 35+ Spring babies 2015 group for us oldies on the pregancy over 35 or should I just make it in the pregnancy group page :shrug:

AFM went swimming most of the day yesterday and man it felt great think we will be doing it again today if the rain stays away and grill up some yummy Chicken :munch:
Wish I could have a frozen drink like I usually do maybe I can make a virgin one :)
Driving/ttcinseattle-Yeah, I've been taking progesterone (Endometrin) since my egg retrieval, so I am not really sure if the dip/rise are a result of that. I took prometrium (a generic pill of progesterone) my last two cycles, and look how my temps looked then...same as always-crazy. hee hee. Thanks for the kudos though. I think I have to stay on it for 11 weeks or some really long period of time. i am also taking Estrace, which is an estrogen pill, and I have a feeling I will be stopping that when I get a BFP. I googled it and it is rated X for pregnancy, so it's really strange that they have me on it now, but it also helps prepare your lining, so it's a good/bad thing apparently.

ttc-Oh....Lillian is going to be late? Phooey. hee hee. Glad you're not in any pain though..I hope the delivery is quick and somewhat painless. Are you getting an epidural?

Radkat-I think I didn't respond to you earlier. Glad your family was so excited about your pregnancy and your move. Your dad sounds too cute. I bet they cannot wait...so what's your timeline for getting to the midwest? I'm happy your visit was a great success!!

Sis-I don't know the difference between pregnancy groups and Pregnancy >35. I do remember Driving (I think) said that it was pretty lame on the PG>35, so maybe your thread would get a lot of business there! hee hee. Have fun in the pool. Get in there before the rain comes!

I went to Ft. McHenry for my outing, and they had a reenactment of a cannon getting shot across the water (towards the Key bridge). For those that don't know, our National Anthem was written almost 200 years ago at Ft. McHenry by Francis Scott Key. It's my favorite national park. Anyway, the bicentennial is coming up in September, so they are doing tons of activities, concerts, etc..today was probably just a normal day, but that cannon was SO LOUD!! hee hee. It was cool though. I left there and then went for a crab cake at a local dive restaurant. Then, I meandered home, and unfortunately, my husband was here. I'm pretty mad at him after his shenanigans last night with the neighbor, so I was hoping that he left to play golf, but I guess he's too hungover to leave the house. So...Im just holed up in my room listening to the baseball game while he thinks about why I'm mad. Grrr...He can be so immature-most of the time. I wish I had other plans for the day.
I just wrote out a huge response and it disappeared!!!

Terri - your outing sounds fab. Uh oh - what happened with DH?

Mischief - 54 million!?!? Totally awesome.

Rad - so happy that you were able to celebrate with your family. I'm sure they're beyond excited that you're moving back.

Erose - still rooting for a natural BFP for you this month. But if not, I hope that witch is in and out fast!

Twinnie - boooo for AF. When's the 5K again?

Hi Sis and everyone else!

I went out for my friend's bachelorette last night and it was such a blast. We met up at her in-laws amazing apartment and then headed out for sushi and to this karaoke place. I'm not big on karaoke but it was actually a great time and my friend was SO into it - totally hysterical. Anyway, they're all a little younger than me so it was nice to hang out with people who don't have kids for once. Got home after 3 though which I haven't done in forever so I'm POOPED today and didn't even bother temping. Curious to see if my temps are still elevated tomorrow.
On another note, do you all remember when my DH was turned down for that job? Well, the principal called him and they have another opening in his grade so he's meeting with her tomorrow. :) :)
Sis good idea. I think there was an april over 35 when I first got my bfp but it seems to have crashed and burned!
Hi all.x
Terri I know the feeling My DH had a coworker over last nite and his wife luckily she wanted to go home and go to bed by 11 cuz it was getting Hairy around here!! :nope:

U r right guys R BIG Kids DH has been arguing w me about getting a BMW since Wed I told him I don't need the stress of the car BS right now and how do we plan to pull a camper w a BMW so he finally saw the lite or the Crazy Cajun :rofl:

I have a few interested in the group
Terri ;) ;)

I just can't stand listening to those other girls talk about Mashed Potatoes for one more day :grr:
Because I'm still holed up, I'm going to have to find the mashed potato talk. You guys are cracking me up.

Kfs1-I love karaoke. Glad you had a fun time with the girls and stayed out late. That's so much fun! I did that for my bachelorette party.

Here's the scoop. I went to bed around 10:30 last night. Since I've been lazy all weekend I wasn't really tired. The windows were open because the weather has been really nice. Well, I hear my neighbor talking to my husband about the lawn mower issue that he had on Friday night (supposedly, it broke). So I peek out the window and I don't see anything. Next thing you know, I hear hubs grab his keys and lock the front door (he usually hangs on the porch drinking/smoking). I leave my room and there he and the neighbor are walking down the street to the bar. I was THIS close to getting out of bed and walking down there and embarrassing him in front of his friend. 'You don't leave me and my three embies in the middle of the night to go drinking!!!!!' (By the way, one of my high school acquaintances was doing that throughout his now ex-wife's entire pregnancy; well he was cheating). I didn't get up, but I just stewed in my room. He came home at 1:30 or 2:30 when the bar closed (it's been so long I forget what time they close. Ha ha) and never even tried to come in my room. When I woke up for church this morning he was passed out in the living room on the couch. Now he doesn't understand why I'm mad. Sooner or later I will have to talk to him, but I'm still fuming.
Terri - hmmmm I would be angry too... of course he doesn't want to golf... he has angry wife radar and figures golf would not help him in this situation!!! but you know - I do love your temp rise and I see that this morning it went up a smidge again... :happydance::happydance:
I am so happy for you... I will reserve my happiness for your DH until he straightens up!!!

kfs - :hi: twinnie!!! I hate it when I lose a long post!!! :growlmad::growlmad: My 5K is 0600 on 23rd of August - and your bachlorette party sounds wonderful!! I can't sing at all... and I don't drink - so I can't get drunk enough not to care!!! hahahaha
that is fabulous news about the hubby's job!!! how cool that they called him!!! can't wait to hear the scoop after his talk with the principal!!!:happydance:

Sis - I definately think you need to start your own group (seriously mashed potato's??) - but don't forget about us oldies but goodies!!!:jo: :hugs::hugs:

:hi: nessaw - can't wait to hear your update for us on Wednesday!!! Have you told your family yet or are you waiting??

TTC- how long are they going to let you go??? drink some castor oil lady!! :sick:

:howdy: to all you other cowpokes!!!??? not sure where that came from :rofl:

AFM: well the :witch: arrived... and I am in such pain from these cramps... I had tears earlier... I gulped down 4 ibuprofen and it took a long time for them to work...and it didn't even kick them completely... :cry::cry: it doesn't help I've been a moody you know what today... and since she arrived today that means last cycle was 22 days... :sad2: I just hope and pray I don't ovulate early this cycle - if I do I will miss it entirely because of this chicago trip... I could've used two more days just because of that... hoping by tuesday I kick this sadness... and gear up for another try!! :flower:
but I did get my carpets cleaned :bodyb: I am very happy about that...now it is on to making 260 5K goody bags... Have I mentioned how happy I will be when this is over on Saturday????? :haha:
love you ladies!!! hope you had a great weekend!!:hugs:
Terri, shutting down a bar and passing out on the couch - I would be p*ssed! Hope you got an apology out of him without it turning into a fight.

Wish, sorry AF is being an extra big beast this month. I hope you don't O early! It's wonderful seeing you back in the game :)

KFS, that's such great news about the possible job!!! I had a feeling that would happen. Hope it all works out.

They won't make me induce until 42 weeks. I'll be taking matters into my own hands next weekend if she doesn't appear on her own though! I'm a little afraid of Pitocin because I hear it can make labor pain worse, and I don't have any plans for an epidural. Managed au natural with DS - don't ask me to run a 5K! Don't even ask me to run 10 minutes without stopping :haha: but labor I can do.

With that in mind, if anyone has heard of any natural induction methods that work, send them my way!
Wish we told my parents as me and mum were going to pick up the wedding dress and I had to reorder bigger (fx) and paul's as we went there for a few days last week. She would've worked out why I wasn't drinking. A couple of friends know because of the timing of visits e.g. was meant to be doing wedding planning and cocktails with close girlfriends so it turned to milkshakes! No one knows at work as not been in but will tell my deputy head after the scan on wed. Tbh not bothered about making a big announcement. Did it last time after 12 weeks. Paul doesn’t really want to tell til 20wks tho he has told a couple of friends who've asked how we are. Think this time will tell people if they ask. I like the idea of keeping it to ourselves til the wedding (all being well) but that could be tricky!
Good luck with the run. Hope you don't ov early.
Ttc will keep things crossed that you start soon.x
Terri would not be impressed with that. Hope he's apologised by now.
Kfs I was thinking of karaoke for my hen do but if I'm not drinking there's no way I'd get up there!
Hi to all x

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