Vjean - I had to reply to your post about GD... I had GD with my last pregnancy - I don't think mine was as severe - as I did have to test my blood four times a day and keep a journal - I also had to go to dietician - thank goodness mine didn't tell me that crap yours did!!! (who says that???)
I never had to take meds (although my friend who is 35 weeks had to start taking it last week for her GD)
I just wanted to say - a diabetic diet is all about carbs... so fruit is a no, as well as some veggies (corn, peas, green beans - even carrots are sweet) breads and pasta - nope - you will need to stick to protein and green veggies (broccoli is awesome as well as deep green leafy stuff) cheese is ok...
eat every 3 hours... bring it with you so you don't miss... drink lots of water... don't let her scare you too much... you are in control of what you eat - and if you eat something sweet - go for a walk...and just keep trying...
They can put you on medicine if you just can't do it with diet...
YOU WILL BE FINE and so will MR. Chubby Cheeks - :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Congrats FutureM - you have a little beanie in there!!! how exciting!!:happydance:

Blues - if you are in the United States your AMH isn't horrible (mine was on first test .16 and 2nd test .32) I always heard that if its over 1 you are ok...
I know its hard but hang in there until the appointment!!! :hugs:
Vjean, Sorry about the GD. Good friend of mine had it, it was a bit annoying, but she and the baby were FINE. Just like you will be. And I love Lake Tahoe! Never stayed on the south side though but it is pretty everywhere!

Blues, if this is in US measurements, then your AMH is GREAT. Anything over 1 is just fine especially if you are in your late 30s. If these are the UK units, then I don't know but I think less so...
Futuremom-that is so great that you saw cardiac action!! I don't know about the levels but yours seem so high that things have to be good. Great job!! And thank you. Three buns in the oven. Woohoo. Hee hee.

VJean-sorry the nurse/doctor kept scaring you. My sister says that very time she goes to see the doctor they say something scary, so she hates going. But, she is in the >35 group so she has to continue. That sucks about no fruit before lunch, but that's a lot of added sugar hat your baby doesn't need right now. He's not a chunk. Stop it. Hee hee. He looks cute. Have a great time at Lake Tahoe!! Fun in the sun before school starts.

Blues-this morning I got scared of my low temp. I thought 'so much for this progesterone working', but then I remembered implantation dips. Maybe I have one!! Hee hee. We'll see in a couple weeks. Now I'm all about comparing charts. I stopped doing that until today.

Katie-I can't wait until Wednesday!! Did you settle one a few names? You had a million to choose from. :coffee: Oops they told me no caffeine. :juggle: I only drink one cup of coffee a day, and I don't love it that much. I usually drink it to warm up in the mornings, so thank goodness it's summer. Maybe I can drink a decaf tea when I go back to work just to have something in my mug. Hmmm.
Well ladies sorry to keep u waiting went to Lunch w my BFF (AKA baby Momma) is what my DH calls her since she was in Vegas w us :haha:

Well HCG 258 P 41 so U/s is 8/26 unless I have any other issues b4 then :)

Vjean I think I wouldve throat punched that lady I'm so sorry u r dealing w GD I've never had it but I'm afraid w my weight I might get it this time :(

Blues I think your AMH is good mine was 1 so borderline

Terri watch cupcake wars it helps those buns bake ;)
Sis-So happy things are going up, up and up...now we just have to make it to 08/26. It'll be a busy week for all of us! And thanks for the cupcake wars tip...I'll have to tape a show or two.

Blues-Sounds like things are great with your AMH. :thumbup:
Just chiming in to say YAY for Sis! Excellent news.

Terri - super-excited for you still

Vjean - I canNOT believe your dr. for saying something like that. Listen to these ladies. You and baby will be absolutely fine!

Twinnie - I'm doing fine over here I promise. Loooove you for being concerned though.

Katie - sooo happy to hear from you. And so happy that you're doing so well!
Sis-Your numbers are fantastic!
Terri-I really think its an implantation dip. I don't remember your chart ever dipping like that before!
Wish- I meant to mention before, I am so impressed by your physical fitness! I have been doing Insanity and/or Asylum for the past year. We started couch to 5k and we are on week 6! We may sign up for a 5k run if we don't think we will die!

Trying to research those AMH numbers is so confusing! Though I did find a study stating that it is a valuable predictor of when menopause will begin. According to the study I have 13 years! So that's interesting!
Terri ~ Yes, Femara on CD 3-7. Today was my first day taking a pill. I will also be getting an hcg injection when they determine it's time. The Femara I had to go to a pharmacy, but the shot thing will be handed to me at the scan and I'll be taught how to give it to myself. Not sure which one I'll be getting, as I've heard of different trigger shot names, from what I remember, and the paperwork has a list of different possible ones. :shrug: I'm glad everything has gone well with your IVF. Can't wait to hear about your BFP soon! :winkwink:

Sis ~ I'm so sorry about your scare. :hugs: Hopefully all will be ok like with Katie. :flower: Your darker test is a good sign. :flower: And your numbers are looking good.

Future mom ~ I'm glad you're getting an early u/s. Good luck! Your beta numbers are looking good to me.

Wish ~ You did those push ups and sit ups better than I ever could! You go, girl!

TTC ~ Sending you lots of easy labor vibes!

kfs ~ I hope this IUI ends up working out for you! FX! Looks like we are only one CD apart this cycle.

felicity ~ Congrats on the weight loss. :thumbup: You never know when a miracle will happen. :hugs:

VJean ~ Sorry about the GD. :hugs: I feel your pain. Had that with DD #2. And I agree, the nurse could have worded things a little better. I had never heard of that as a possibility before with GD. Do what the dietitian says, and I'm sure all will end up ok! And actually, DD #2 ended up being my SMALLEST baby (7lbs, 9 oz) despite the GD. And being on the diet, I lost weight myself. When I have birth to her, I was only 9 lbs above my pre pregnancy weight. I wasn't optimum weight, but not overweight either. I'm about average. My OB wasn't concerned about the weight loss all that much.

Katie ~ Good luck with your u/s! Open leg vibes!

Well, my CD 12 scan will end up being a CD 11 scan. They said that since my CD 12 falls on a Sunday, they'll see me on Saturday the 23rd at 7:30 am. Which is fine with me, now I won't have to leave church to go to an appointment. I was praying that everything that had to be done on certain days wouldn't fall on any Sunday's. So far, all has worked out.

I've also been praying that my girls will get really nice teachers, and today was meet the teacher day. Everything just worked out really nice for the most part, so I feel like my prayers were answered there too. DD #1 is in 7th, and she had orientation. She got the one teacher she was hoping for. (Both schools have pictures of all the teachers online, so we were scoping them out. lol) And two teachers I was hoping for. I didn't have a preference for one subject, but she's got a nice one for that. And math, she got a teacher that wasn't pictured, but he's really nice and funny. And, she got art for one of her electives, so she's really happy. She has real talent for drawing. The only problem was that she was given two 3rd period classes, and no 6th period. So, we told the office, and they said that should be an easy fix. I just hope they don't take away the one teacher she was really wanting during the fix of her schedule.

Then, it was DD #3's turn, but evidently her teacher couldn't be there today, so we will have her meet the teacher on Monday. But, out of 10 first grade teacher pics I showed her of possible teachers she'll get, she picked one that she wanted if she could pick. Didn't want ANY of the others, even as a 2nd pick. And . . . . .She got the one she wanted!

DD #2 was last today. She had 6 - 4th grade teacher pics to look at online, and liked 2-3 of them, with one of them as her top pick. She got her top pick too! I just couldn't believe it. So, we should be having a good year this year I think. :flower: I'm happy enough with it, even if we're not homeschooling. And best of all, my prayers were answered that they'd get either the teachers they wanted, or at least at the minimum some other nice teacher. First day is Tuesday.

Now, about those prayers for a baby . . . . ! Since we seem to be on an answered prayer streak, come on IUI #1! :winkwink:
Oh, and the reason I was praying for nice teachers for all my girls is that #1 had a horrible K teacher. Then, a few years later, #1 and #2 went to 4th and 1st grades at a school. The 1st grade teacher was fantastic! The 4th grade teacher was an improvement to the K teacher she had, but was still "ugh." I had some issues with her. This is the third year I've sent any of them to public school, and I wanted all to have great teachers for once. Especially DD #1 after K and 4th.
Momof3- Now what are you going to do while the girls are in school? Take up a new hobby? Get a dog to watch? Hee hee. I'm glad your girls got the teachers they wanted. Hopefully they really are nice and not too demanding.

Ttcinseattle-I can't stop thinking you're in the hospital. Eat lots of ice chips!! We're all rooting for you.

AFM-Girls!!! You know I only like to get excited for you and not for me but an almost one degree jump makes me want to jump. Cray-cray!!! Good thing I have two more days of laying low. Hee hee. I need to give my three (?) embies every chance to snuggle in before I go back to walking around all day at work. Oh, and I was reading a journal yesterday where a lady had two embryos transferred and she ended up with a set of identical twins and a fraternal something. What do you call that? They should be triplets still, but how strange. I wonder if the fraternal baby feels left out. Those types of family studies are very interesting to me.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone. <3 :flower:
Terri - wooooooow. What a jump!!!!!! Totally implantation for sure. Yahoooooo. When do you have to go back to work? I hope you can take a few days of next week off too just to give your body as much rest as possible! Yayayayayay! :)

Momof3 - yeah! Cycle buddies. :)
Momof3 so glad u feel better about school and the girls teachers!! My Lil guy Luke's his new school and we meet the teacher on Fri 8/19 so fx he likes her or him he's pretty easy and smart as a whip usually a class fav so I'm sure he will!! ;)

Terri where all the embies 1st class?? I know Brandy transferred 3 but 2 1st grade and a 3rd med grade and she had twins!!
She was in our testing Thread last AUgust I think so maybe b4 u started :shrug:
I think she tested BFP 4 days after 5 day transfer ;) ;)

AFM Couldn't sleep last nite I've had insomnia my P makes me go to sleep but then I wake up around 2-3Am :nope:
IDK why I need my sleep :grr:
Kfs1-I'm going back to work on Monday. Boooo. I think 3 days off were plenty. Hee hee.

Sis-they didn't give me a real classification. I was doing research the night before I. The different classes but when I asked about them, they just said 'perfect and good.' In the end, it doesn't really matter. I just realized that no one called me about any frozen embies. I'll call my doctor on Monday and see what he has to say. I don't think I can reach the lab on weekends.
Hi ladies....lots of buzz on the board.

Terri.....WHOO-HOO!!!! Super excited! 3!!!!! Can you imagine if you ended up with twins or triplets???? :happydance: you rest up and relax the next couple of days and step away from the coffee. Lol.

Sis...sorry to hear about your spotting/bleeding I know it's scary. Remember I went through it and for me since the only time I spotted ended in a miscarriage I automatically thought the worse but as the other ladies have stated spotting/bleeding is common during pregnancy with the end result being a healthy baby at the end. Glad your numbers are on the rise. Will keep you in prayer and send positive vibes your way.

VJean....that doctor is an ass, point blank! Sorry you have to deal with the GD but you and your little man will be just fine.

Erose...glad to hear from you and see you're doing well.

Kfs.... Hiiiiii

TTC....any news on Lillian? Let's hope she doesn't keep you waiting too far past your due date.

AFM....36 weeks now, all looks good with the baby. Got yelled at by my dr for gaining 4lbs in a week which only brings me to 34 lbs in total so he can suck it! I told him I haven't be eating like crazy or anything and that maybe the baby is just gonna be big. Well I went to the perinatal clinic for my now weekly visit and the dr there said it's not uncommon to gain that amount if weight during this stage in a week and that I was fine. According to the u/s and measurements the baby is 7lbs 4 oz now with 4 more weeks to go. :haha: here is the latest picture of him or her.


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Mom3--It really is such a relief when your kids get the teachers they (and you) want. Really hope that makes you feel better about not homeschooling this year, and feeling secure that they have good teachers. And best of luck for your upcoming IUI!

Terri---Whoah NELLY! That is quite a dip and quite a jump in temp. Damn! Yeah I think things are looking very promising for you. I doubt you'll make it to your 25th poas date!

Sis--Wonderful to hear everything is just fine! Don't get too freaked out if the cramping and spotting stops and starts again, cuz if it's a hematoma, it will do that. You only need to get freaked out if the cramping and the spotting don't stop and just keep increasing in intensity and flow. The good news is by your skan date, either it will have resolved itself or they will be able to see the what is causing the bleeding on the scan. Glad to hear all is well. :)

VJean--okay this is going to show my ignorance, but what causes GD? I guess I have been under the perception that women who are very overweight and eat nothing but McDonald's are the ones who get GD in pregnancy, but that is clearly not the case with you. I'm sure you will get it under control and the baby will be fine, but that really was unbelievably insensitive what the nurse or doctor said to you! And what a beautiful baby! Now you and Smiles may have convinced me to get a 4D ultrasound privately and cough of the money. Wasn't going to do it because of the nightmare with my daughters 3-D ultrasound and how depressing it was, but the 4D seems so much better!

Felicity--Forgot to mention that I was just wondering where you had gone recently, so I'm so glad that you checked back in with us. Don't ever count yourself out, even when odds may seem stacked against you. Every single one of us on this thread could bring up stories of people who conceived "miraculously"!

Blues--I was wondering about you, too! It sounds like you are getting some testing done, but can you refresh my memory with where you're at with your TTC journey?

I feel like I missed someone but I can't go back on my phone and read back until I post this, so more later. :)

AFM--Girl=Hadley (middle name TBD, but will probably lean towards Grace or Faith for obvious reasons).

Boy=Cody Allan (Allan is my Grandfathers name, who has been like a second father). I looked up the meaning of the name Cody, and it came back as "helpful," and described the name as signifying a person who cares about others. That would be a fitting name, because a very accurate psychic told me I'd have a boy around this time frame and that he would be such a kind, philanthropic soul, who would really care about people and want to help mankind, sort of thing.

We'll see!
Smiles, I posted at the same time as you and what an adorable new picture of the baby! Boy or girl, either way, that's going to be a beautiful child. And psshh on the weight gain. Baby just had a growth spurt is all obviously! Although I'm really not as neurotic about the weight gain this pg, when my doctor told me I've gained 7 pounds so far and I was feeling all high and mighty....until I realized I started out this pregnancy 10 to 15 pounds overweight, and that smug smile dropped off my face pretty quickly!

Sis--Forgot to ask you what your Chinese gender chart says for this baby?
Smiles-Yay!! Your baby looks so cute! And yeah, all babies have growth spurts near the end, so your doctor can't be surprised that you gained a few pounds. And four is not even a lot! That doctor can talk to the baby's hand from the first ultrasound. HA!!HA!!

Katie-Oh yeah, Hadley...I forgot about that. And I do love Cody Allan. So kind and helpful. If you are having a boy, he will be the cutest..I love little boys who are helpful. hee hee. I'm still super eager for Wednesday. For my temperature jump, I'm just hoping it doesn't have another dramatic plunge. I wouldn't be able to take it.

So, I ate cereal, milk and blueberries for breakfast this morning and of course, I was hungry like an hour later. I told hubs that I was hungry again and could he get me some yogurt with granola. He's like 'Oh! You are eating for four. HA!!HA!!' Yikes...hopefully the cereal just worked quickly because it was the first thing I ate all day. :shrug:

I'm supposed to be meeting someone in a little bit to buy my ring bearer pillow and flower girl basket. I put them on Craigslist on Wednesday with hopes of getting a few dollars. I have them listed for $10 each. I hope this lady doesn't try to lowball me. Why do people do that? You pay the price listed unless the seller offers to change it. :nope: This will be my first venture outside. I could use some fresh air.
Hi all - I'm still on vacation so I haven't been keeping up properly. Just wanted to say yay to Terri for the transfer and things are looking fine for this little one, Sis.

Telling the families about the baby and the move was pretty fun. Everyone was really happy. My dad teared up a bit. Lots of help with planning so that's good.

Hope things are well with everyone else. I'll check in properly next week once I'm back. Have a great weekend!
Katie I don't trust the Chinese cuz they where wrong for dS1 and right I think for Ds2 but I looked it says GIRL!!! :)
Katie...every time I have a 3D/4D u/s done I think of you and laugh at the comment you made about how your DD looked like a beat up Elvis in one picture. Lol. I can see how upsetting it would be though. I only had to pay out of pocket once for the elective 3D/4D u/s though ( which cane with a ton of pictures and a DVD set to music) all the other times it's been part of my development scans at the perinatal clinic since my ob/gyn does not do scans at his office anymore due to insurance purposes. Well, he does the initial scan to verify the heartbeat and when I had bleeding they had me come in to do a quick scan to make sure everything was okay. But they don't have the cool equipment there. Lol. I was told that in addition to seeing my regular ob/gyn on a weekly basis I also have to go to the perinatal clinic once a week for scans...the cool ones. Lol.

Radkat....that's so touching about your dad :hugs: I'm sure the family is excited about you all moving closer.

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