Nessaw-I think your bases are covered and now you're ready to wait! Fxfx.

Thanks! Futuremom-how are you feeling?
Rad - glad Penguin and you are both doing well...any pics?
Hi all! I've been busy and older son's preschool has been closed for a spring break for two weeks, so enjoying having two kids around the house... Well, ok, it is hard work and it's been tough not really being able to go outside because of the cold/snow. But next week we are all going off to Puerto Rico for a week...can't wait. I hope the little one does well in a carrier, because there are a couple of hikes that I just have to do (the rain forest, etc) where we can't take the stroller.

The baby's is doing well and growing impressively. I can't believe he is already out of his 0-3 month old clothing and he's not even 2 months yet. He was 99% in length when we measured him at the dr's last (DS is also very tall and DH is 6 4 so not super surprising). He is a quiet, smiley baby - cries only when he has a reason to. Really nice.

I have also recovered super well from the C-sec. I am still amazed how much easier the recovery was than the vaginal birth, I had always heard otherwise... I told my doc that I don't know how he managed to cut me open, take out a 9lb 4oz baby and then have me feel like I had scratch on my tummy. :) I still have 15 lbs to lose but am now working out pretty seriously.

Rad - Glad you're enjoying Penguin! I know how it feels being stuck in the house..

KFS - I know a few people who had the same thing at first, and all of them were fine!

Fezzle - The renovations sound exciting!

Terri - I can't wait to follow your IVF again :) Ok, that sounds weird. I am just super glad that you are starting again.
Driving - I'm so jealous of your PR trip. I've been craving the sunshine. No trips planned for us except for a quick weekend trip to Florida in May for a friend's wedding. Glad to hear that you're doing well.

Happy Friday everyone else!
KFS, we were actually first planning a quick trip to Florida because I needed to get out of the cold and wanted to take advantage of maternity leave... Well, it turns out that during spring break, last minute trips to Florida are tough to arrange... With a two-month old, I did not want to stay in a hotel but in a place with a kitchen, etc... And PR is only a slightly longer flight. Hope you enjoy your trip in May!
Here's a Penguin pic.

Driving - glad your recovery is going so well. Hooray for a PR trip. Enjoy!

Nessaw - Fx you caught that egg.

Terri - So exciting that you're stimming now.

Sis - Fx for implantation.:thumbup:


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Rad-even though he may not want his picture taken, I love it!! Thanks for sharing. He looks so cute. :hugs:
Fezzle--See?! I must be psychic. I just knew a kitchen remodel was in your future! Good gracious you guys are doing a ton of work on the house. Bet it's going to be beautiful! You planning on staying there a long time? I'm just guessing with putting all the work and money into it?!

NEESAW--Oh that sucks about dropping your OPK stick in the toilet! Did u curse? I would have! Well anyways, it sounds like you got your peak. Did u get as much BD in as you wanted this cycle?

Radkat--Oh dear, I know how you feel with being stuck in the house all the time, although since I'm not BF, I probably am not feeding as much as you are! I have to force myself to get out or I start to get depressed. Today I went with a friend for lunch and pedis. My feet were so janky I almost cried looking at them! Cody slept thru most of our outing...such a nice age this young when they sleep so much. And hooray for sushi!! I was so happy to get back on the sushi train, too, after Cody's birth. (Oh I just saw Penguin's pic!! How sweet is he?!! Seriously, he looks so alert and focused in for 3 weeks old!)

Sis--Holy Christmas cookies!! I did not realize you were getting a back piece! I thought you were talking about your Friday the 13th tatt and was wondering what you were shading. Lol! That is beautiful!! How did you decide on the design? It's so intricate! Did the artist design it? I only have one little tattoo of the Gemini symbol on my back that I usually forget is even there. Got it when I was 21 in Vegas. My best friend and I were drunk and angry because we were single and having a fairly lame time by ourselves on vacay, so we decided to get tattoos and make SOMETHING memorable out of our trip! That resulted in a scary looking tattoo artist named, "Cornfed" doing our pieces and us going home with our fresh tatts to parents who nearly disowned us. Ha! Aw, memories!

TERRI--Hooray for getting this party started!! Woohoo!! You are doing the testing of embryos this go-round still? Btw, do u you still have Fun with you guys?

Kfs1--Yeah don't worry too much about the placenta previa...worse case scenario is a csection but most of the time that moves. I bet you will be just fine! And then you can experience the joy of pushing another human being out of your nether-regions. Lol! 20 weeks...halfway there!!

Wish--Ah yes, that cyst! How did I forget that?! What's the update on the cyst? And what's going on with the house?

FutureMom--I say, "yes, yes, YES" to your baby buying strategy. For both kids I bought second hand or hand me downs most of the time. They use the stuff for such a short time that it felt like highway robbery to me to pay full price. However, I am cheap! I'm glad u are getting a video monitor. Didn't have for DD, but so many of my friends said it was their #1 baby purchase that I got one off ebay and LOVE IT! I actually tried it out in my daughters room to see how it worked...and even though she's 5 it was so reassuring to be able to look over at the monitor to see she was sleeping soundly and nobody had absconded with her (on nights I watched Forensic Files or Dateline Mysteries), that I bought a second camera so I could have one for both kids. You are so close to delivery now! Sounds like you are ready!!

Moni--How are you doing? How's Pregnancy been treating you? Good gracious...31 wks already? It's going to be baby watch time for you soon, too!

Driving--So good to hear from you! Glad to hear you are recovering well from the section! I have no idea what having a csection is like but I know that having a vaginal delivery is no JOKE to recover from, as you know, and I would have welcomed a csection had it been an option! Isn't it crazy how quickly the little ones grow? Sadsies! Also jealous of your PR trip. Only been one time for a quick work trip but was so much fun. Maybe start using the carrier before the trip so he gets used to it? Do you use any carrier around the house now? I couldn't survive without my Moby Wrap and Baby Bjorn just to do day-to-day stuff. One of my mom friends said it was a nice-to-have with her first and a necessity with her second and I've certainly found that to be true here!

Well that was a lot of blabbering from me! Here's more since I have a chance...Things are good here. Cody is a very easy baby and for that I am grateful. He sleeps well at night. Did I mention being grateful? Sometimes I look at him and can't believe he's here after all the scares during my pregnancy, thinking on more than one occasion, that I'd never see this day of him being here. He's smiling now and kind of giggles which is everything! He's 2 months old now. How that time flew by. BUT. I do want to mention that all the days aren't easy and hormones are still fluctuating and this newborn stage isn't always a breeze. I'm appreciating this time more than I did with my daughter because I realize how quickly it all passes and this is my last baby, but even so, there are tough days.

It was VERY WEIRD when I noticed that I was getting ovulation symptoms again, and AF showed up 7 weeks to the day Cody was born. There was a strange sadness about that whole cycle. I'd spent so much time tracking all those things, so closely, for so long, that to just have it come and go and not be analyzing everything was very strange. You'd think it would have been such a relief to not think about it, and I guess it was in a way, but it was also kind of sad. Kind of like when you graduate high school. Your life is immersed in it for so many years, there's excitement and sadness during your time there, and everything you're doing is working toward graduating and moving on. But then, once that time comes and you've graduated, it still takes time to adjust outside of it and you tend to wane nostalgic for those old times that were familiar. I guess it's just because I know I'm not going to have another baby so there's no going back to TTC. I hope that's not coming across as insensitive or making light of the struggles of TTC. I guess what I'm saying is that the joy of having Cody at the end of my TTC struggle is so great that it made the quest for that BFP seem so worth it. So having a cycle just come and go with no excited hope of that wonderful gift at the end seemed...well, pointless and sad. I guess I was grieving the hope that each cycle used to mean if that makes any sense?! Just looking forward to seeing more Bfps here this year...partly so I can live vicariously through others. But mostly because I want everyone to get that precious gift for themselves. <3
Katie-awwww. You are way too nice to all of us. I'm glad Cody is doing well but I'm sad/happy for you that you dont have to be on the to future train anymore. Keep reading. There are bound to be more true BFPs soon!

Yes, Fun is still with us and doing well. I thought about taking him out for a run with me this morning but it's pouring raining. I'm sure he would like it but I won't. If it stops we're going out for a quick run/walk. He's the best!
Awww Thanks Katie !!! :hugs:

I came up w the idea and each item for Each person and sent him pics of the items and the Victorain
Look and scroll I was going for... he was verify hesitant at first but now that he sees it all together he loves it and is proud of his work as he should be!! :)

He warned me about the black Grey shading it's called Blood Line it hurts like heck but looks awesome when it's healed !!

As far as the session hopefully just 1 or 2 more until I start working on my leg ;) ;) :rofl:
Hiiiiiiiii ladies!!!!!

I've been horrible at trying to keep up and also pop in and say hi. I want to get caught up before I posted individual replies to all. Wanted to let you all know I have been thinking about you and I hope everyone is okay :hugs:

Will post more later today/tomorrow.
It's so Quite in here (chirp) (chirp)!!!

AFM pretty sure I'm out still getting BFN not even a squinter if the dip was Implatation I should see something by now!! :(
Okay - I'll try to liven things up in here with a bump photo if I can figure out how to post a picture! This is from today - 38 weeks! I saw the OBGYN yesterday and she says I'm 1 cm dilated, which I was soooo excited about. :happydance: But then I found out that just means that my body has started the process. Apparently it could still be a few weeks! :shrug: Does anyone know of anything I can do to move the process along? Am already doing exercise, walking and :sex: last night :winkwink:. Had to get that in now since we won't be able to for about a month afterwards. And OH was MORE than willing to help out. :wohoo:


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    Baby Bump at 38 weeks (March 17, 2015).jpg
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I think there are a few teas u can drink red raspberry leaf and another one not sure will have to look!!

I've never had to wait for labor it's alway early for me :shrug:
Thanks for the pics Future Mom. You look so cute and so happy.

I wouldn't worry so much about hurrying your baby out. Enjoy the last few days of a childless life if you can. 17 days is a few more weeks, so maybe just do your last minute stuff and keep walking/exercising/BD'ing. hee hee.
Future - LOOOOVE that baby bump. You look amazing!!! So healthy and happy. I've only heard the same tricks - moving around and things like that so no help from me.
Love the bump pic!

Just stopping in to say hi. I'm at the beginning of the TWW, so nothing going on with me for awhile!
My temp took a dump this AM got a BFN on a FRER and a faint line on a blue dye my DH got by accident!! I don't trust it I'm having cramps so AF should show tomorrow most likely!:nope:
Okay - I'll try to liven things up in here with a bump photo if I can figure out how to post a picture! This is from today - 38 weeks! I saw the OBGYN yesterday and she says I'm 1 cm dilated, which I was soooo excited about. :happydance: But then I found out that just means that my body has started the process. Apparently it could still be a few weeks! :shrug: Does anyone know of anything I can do to move the process along? Am already doing exercise, walking and :sex: last night :winkwink:. Had to get that in now since we won't be able to for about a month afterwards. And OH was MORE than willing to help out. :wohoo:

Future mom - Super cute bump. I understand wanting to make sure you don't go overdue, but I agree with trying to enjoy your last few weeks. Red raspberry leaf tea is supposed to make your contractions more effective once labor does start. I drank it for the last few weeks. BD and walking is always a good thing. Good luck!

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