Garfie - Umm. Is that picture in your journal what I think it is???? Not quite sure...
Sis - Ugh. I'm so sorry for this month. Your chart was looking so great!

Grrrr. Makes me so annoyed for you. And I'm sorry about the house. Hope that you were able to get everything fixed up OK
Terri - I'm sorry about your friend. It sounds like the fundraiser was a success though. I wish her the best. Ummm - I'd be on my butt if I had a long island iced tea right now.

And yikes - the clipping of the nails is never a fun job. My SIL works with animals so she always used to clip Eli's (our late dog) for us.
Vjean - Nice to hear from you. How are the kiddos?
Nessaw - Ugh. Sorry that you were sick. Stomach bugs are the worst.
Rad - Wow. Congrats on the move. Sounds chaotic but I'm happy that you have at least a few weeks to figure everything out. Are you going to buy a house right away or rent for a while?
Katie - Cody is SOOOOO adorable. I can't believe he's 5 months already! And I love the picture of you and your kids. Too cute.
So, my cousin's husband passed away last week at the age of 53. He had prostate cancer that cleared up but then more cancer appeared in his lungs and blood. Just so unbelievably sad. He was cremated so they're having a service for him tomorrow. I just feel so sad for my cousin and for the kids.
My appt last week was uneventful. I didn't have an ultrasound and basically she said that the ultrasound is better at detecting previa so I could STILL have it which is kind of what I thought. But the MRI was able to rule out accreta so that is great news. Hopefully we'll learn more at my appt next week.