Katie – Cody is adorable!!! Here’s a picture of Daniel at 8 weeks. He’s starting to be more fussy now – I thought it was supposed to go the other way? :shrug:

Sis – :hugs: GL with doctor

Driving – I’m jealous of your awesome California house too! :thumbup:

Kfs1 – :hugs:

Terri – Have fun in Mexico!!! :winkwink:

Everyone else :flower: I hope you're having some lovely summer weather! Here's a picture of Danny for you!!!


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Eeeeek! He's so cute and that smile! No they definitely get more fussy as they get older, unfortunately. But then they smile like that and you forgive them. :)

Sis--good for u telling the doctors office to piss or get off the pot. Ridiculous! By the way, you never did tell me if you actually have an ice maker?

TERRI--Yes! Hip hip hooray!!! Truly is odd when we cheer on somebody's AF!

Joy--Triple UGH!! As you know, I'm in Michigan and June is the worst month for bugs. But I can't mess around with that natural stuff. None of that works when the bugs are REALLY out. I slather myself, even my hair, with backwoods off and it works wonders. Then again, trust me when I say that my Diet Coke and home brew beer habit is going to kill me long before some deet will!

Kfs1-- so sorry about your cousins DH passing, but thank you for sharing the story because it does help all of us to remember how important it is to appreciate life. Sadly, it often times takes a huge tragedy and having to sit there and experience it to remind us of it. I have a funeral to attend this weekend, and am dreading it. Hugs to you.

Driving-- I thought you already lived in California! I always picture you in California when you post! What a fun, exciting move… Especially with the pool. Although, pools are pain in the butt to take care of so I'm hoping that you are hiring somebody to handle that for you. When I was a teenager, growing up in Arizona, we had a pool and instead of having to go out and mow the yard, my chore was to go and skim the pool...,endlessly.
With the wasps buzzing around. No THANK YOU!

Rad--Thinking of you on getting settled in as well. So glad you have a job and are going to be closer to family to raise the little ones!

Garfie--yes is that an opk or an hpt? You must update. What do you think, you have a life to attend to or something?! :)

VJean-- Its time for a kiddo pic update! Also, excuse my foggy brain but did that whole thing with the child custody and your son get sorted out?

Gosh, I know that I missing peeps I apologize. I'm still enjoying my time here with the family in Michigan. Unfortunately, my dad's parents are in the VA nursing home, so we go and try to visit them a bunch with the kids. It's so sad to go and visit and see all of these people who were once young and vibrant, restricted to wheelchairs and plodding along with mental and physical debilitations. My grandfather has really gone downhill since last year, but my grandmother seems to be doing very well despite her dementia. But I love bringing the kids with me because the people there are so excited to see them. It's so sad that most of these people don't have any visitors, and Lord knows they rarely ever see kids or babies. So they just love them. I'm happy that my daughter is that a very innocent age where she doesn't seem to pay much mind to everybody's condition. She goes around with my aunt and helps put bibs on everybody for supper and talks to anybody who talks to her even if they aren't making a lot of sense, she doesn't notice.I'm happy that my daughter is that a very innocent age where she doesn't seem to pay much mind to everybody's condition. Anyway, that's about it for me!
Okay, I don't know why my last sentence repeated twice but I can't seem to fix it!
Driving I forgot to say that Cody is much different than my daughter, because she was nowhere near sitting up or trying to crawl or do anything at this age! I want him to slow down, because as you know, once they start moving that's the end!

And one more note for those with newborns/going to have newborns....my daughter had reoccurring ear infections and we eventually had to get her tubes, so when I noticed that Cody had been acting unusually fussy I smelled his ear and it was stinky...Smells kind of fishy. I thought, oh no, another one who's going to have ear infections and sure enough he did. So just smell your babies ears every now and then because that will be one of the telltale signs. Cody didn't have a fever or anything like that but that fishy smell will give it away!
No Katie its in tne fridge BUT I need a seperate ice maker for All our Parties DH and I have been taking about adding one in the Butler Pantry ;)

I emailed my Old nurse I miss her to death dealing w the Hot mess I'm dealing w now we shall see what she says
I'm hoping the dr will let me do a few mediacted cycles b4 getting the Hscope cuz summer time I don't want to have to stay outta the pool!! :nope:

I'm just so frustrated cuz DH has been taking his Supps like a good boy and he even Oked me doing a IUI and then the dr just says take a BREAK :grr:
FYI they didn't even call me back all damn day so tomorrow will be CD6 kinda late to start anything Now :nope:

I have court w my BIG in the am too so FX they aren't to hard on him!! :shrug:
So once again I have no Dr they called and said due to my playlets I need to see my Dr to get that under control so I need a BREAK!!

WTH they r the ones that found my platelets high and when I asked if it was a issue they said not to worry about it but NOW I need to worry!! :nope:
Sis-Sorry you are going through so many difficulties with the house, your son and your body. Sooner or later everything HAS to get sorted out. I just hope it's sooner. I feel your frustration, babe. :hugs:

Katie-Your posts, and posts, and posts are cracking me up. I'm glad you realized Cody was getting an ear infection before it got too bad. Good tip on the smelly ears. Interesting too. Sorry to hear about your grandparents being in a nursing home. My grandmother was in one before she passed, and it was always sad going there and seeing the nurses young, happy and laughing, and the old people are sitting outside of their rooms just staring into space. I'm glad my grandmother had visitors because it seemed that not a lot of the other people did. That's so cute that your daughter is so helpful! I hope she keeps that caring spirit throughout her lifetime.

Futuremom-Little Danny seems to be thriving! Thanks for sharing the picture.

Driving/Radkat-Hope you guys are settling in nicely. Moves are tough and I'm sure especially with little babies.

Blues-What's going on, babe?? No updates from you in a while.

garfie-:hugs: I thought that was another OPK. Things are definitely strange in your body right now. And sorry to hear about your husband's nan.

I got my blood drawn this morning and it was nice seeing my favorite phlebotomist. I almost forgot that I was supposed to go in and I told her 'I almost forgot we had a hot date!' She said 'What?! I thought I'd have to go looking for you because you usually come in first thing, and when I didn't see you, I thought you forgot about me!' We hugged after I gave my blood. I told her I'd be back mid July. The countdown to Mexico is on....we leave Wed morning. Yeah!

Have a great weekend everyone.
Futuremom- Danny is so cute. Got a little sneaky smile going on :winkwink: Thanks for sharing!

Katie-Next trip I'm taking some cutter as well. Screw getting bit again! LOL love the diet coke and homebrew beer habit! When I did drink, I loved some blueberry beer. :beer: Your daughters caring spirit is such a beautiful thing. I know the elderly in the nursing home really appreciate the time you all spend there. Hope you and the family are having a good time in Michigan.

Sis- I'm sorry you are not having a good experience with this doctor. Unless your platelets got higher than they were before I don't get his back peddling now?!? Hang in there hon. :hugs:

Terri-Glad you got the good phlebotomist today! Hope you have a fantastic time in Mexico!!:wohoo::wohoo:

AFM-Just hanging out in the TWW. Hard not to be hopeful but I'm liking what I see on the chart.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :hi:
Well poop I hadn't heard back from my Lovely old nurse so I texted her yea I have her number ;)
Well she no longer works for my Old Dr nor does the good Billing lady :nope: not sure what to do NOW!!

If any one has meds laying around they don't need I will gladly pay for them taking my Fertility Into my Own hands I guess!! :shrug:
Good Monday Morning Ladies!! :hi:

Sis - Holy cow - If I had fertility meds I would send you some...but I don't have what you need... I have some clomid somewhere...but I just have this secret hope I might get to use it again... someday :shrug: I sure hope that your cycle evens out - and I hope you can find a dr to help you guys - especially with the hubby taking the supplements!! hey how did court go???

Terri - Have a wonderful time in Mexico - that is one place I have never been!!! :shipw::shipw::drunk::wine: Have a relaxing wonderful time - I sure hope you get beach time - I love any kind of vacation with a beach... who will take care of Fun? and when you get back - botta bing - on to your next cycle!!!! :happydance::happydance:

Joy - still stalking your chart... I am hoping this is YOUR month!!! :thumbup:

futuremom - danny is such a cutie!!! thanks for sharing a pic of him!!

Katie - I always use Thermacell - you don't put it on your skin and you can carry it with you or sit it next to you and it will keep the bugs away... I LOVE IT!!! Highly recommend it - Walmart sells it or really lots of places sell them!! They even have lamps for the deck that are bit more fancy that the original green thermacell!!! anyway - that's my recommendation from the illinois mosquito farm!!! :haha:

garfie - still holding out hope for you lady!! :hugs:

yes blues ??? where are you????

I wonder if Oldermom had her twins yet?? :shrug: so happy for her!!!

kfs - :howdy: twinnie - hope all is going well with your little one...not much longer now!!! :happydance:

Driving/Rad - I feel you on the moviing - and I didn't even go across country!!! keep going one box at a time... :thumbup:

well hi to all I missed...

AFM: well you all know I have no TTC news to share with any of you... but here is a pic of the excitement of the weekend... I went to walk the dogs and when I came back to my driveway I was greeted by 10 cows - 6 adult cows and 4 babies... I was shocked - I had my dogs and I for sure did not want to get charged by momma cows ... so I called my daughter to come pick me up in her car... anyway - the farmer got her cows back...but our food plot is terribly damaged along with the yard and part of the garden... my husband's heart was broke - but Sarah and I just giggled... I mean who does this crap happen to??? yep us....


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HOLY COW... Literally !!! :rofl:

My mom got me a vertical planter so I can plant stuff and keep Luna out of my Veggies :haha: she <3 to Dig Eat Bugs and terrorize the Lizards !!

Court got Reset I thought I mentioned it they just now got the Police report yes just now when it happened on 4/26 WTH!! :nope: so we go back 7/21 Im so ready for it to be over!!

Been getting highs should have a peak in the next few days FXFX!!
Wish-HI!!! That story is pretty funny with the cows, but too bad they ruined your crops that quickly. After all your hard work! were the dogs scared? I hope you get to use your Clomid soon too.

Sis-fxfx. Sorry the court date got delayed until the end of July. I wish they would just drop it. It's kid stuff. No one has time for that!

Joy-Yeah, your chart is still looking really good. fxfx for you too.

AFM-Yes, we are going to a resort that is an hour away from Cancun. I think we take a bus/shuttle once we get off the plane. It's an all inclusive resort, so beach, pool, drinks, food. I am getting really excited now that the trip is a few days away. My hubs is like what are you packing? 'Uh..my three pairs of shorts and my four bathing suits. A toothbrush and maybe some deodorant.' HA!!HA!! I'm a light packer. I will take a sundress or two, and that's it. What's the problem? hee hee. My coworker is going to watch Fun for us.

Oh, and in other news, my dad's condo is finally finished and I think he'll be heading out tomorrow morning so I have a final dinner to cook tonight (Italian pork chops, mashers, and green beans). I'm not sure if he's going home or back to the farm where he grew up, but I'll find out tonight. He may be visiting his ladies for the next month. I'll see him at the end of July for our family reunion. And then I think he's coming back here because he has some other properties in PA. :shrug: Who knows where the rolling stone will go.
Oh and I guess I should mention been :sex: every day so FXFX we get a surprise and can tell ALL THE DRs to Piss off :haha:
Wish - OMG, I can't believe that happened to you. Definitely funny :haha: but that stinks about your garden. :growlmad:

Sis - Ugh about your son's hearing. I mean, how annoying already. I'm sure you're ready to have it over and done with. Fx this month!!! I hope you can prove those doctors wrong.

Terri - Have SOOOOOOOOO much fun in Mexico. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Nothing but craziness going on here. Busy last weekend and this week, we have my SIL's bday on Tuesday, then my mom's coming up on Thursday. Her surprise 70th bday is on Saturday and then my dual-shower with my sister is on Sunday. Should be a fun (and exhausting) weekend.

Doctor's appt tomorrow. I'm hoping they'll have clear information for me about the next steps. Can't wait to see my little dude/dudette again.
Wish- That was funny with the cows but I hope you are able to repair the damage without too much trouble. The cow owners should help (I'm just sayin') Good luck and thanks for the pick of the cows :wacko:

Sis- I really hope this is your month! FX FX FX GOod luck with court. They just love dragging their feet with everything. Right to a quick and speedy trial my foot. Hope things work out in your/his favor.

Terri-I can't stress sunscreen enough. I still burned out there and I wouldn't wish that on you. My favorite at the resort was the pina colada. :wine:Virgin of course but it was still delicious. I usually go for strawberry marguerita/daquiri things but they weren't as good. My avatar here is from that trip :happydance: Hope you both have a fabulous time. Glad dad's place is all set. Time for him to visit his lady friends! LOL :dohh: Crackin me up!

KFS1= Busy busy but in a good way. Hope your mom is surprised at her party and that you get lots of goodies at your shower. Yay for picture pages at the doctors! ha ha ha I always loved the ultrasounds for letting us peek at the wee ones. :happydance:

AFM- Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I've got my FX too but not feeling too much in terms of symptoms so I'm trying to keep calm. I don't really remember symptoms the last time but that was decades ago so...not reliable memories. LOL Charting got me excited this month but I'm scared the temp will keep dropping. :shrug: We'll see...
kfs1-You are seriously getting down to the wire! I love it! Hope your appointment goes well today. Check in and let us know that all is well.

Joy-I always pack sunscreen. I can't remember if I told you guys, but when we went to Antigua for our honeymoon I had just shaved my head, so I was non-stop sunscreening. Well, the picture guy walks around taking everyone's pics, and I asked my husband if I looked ok, and he said 'Yeah.' When we went to check out the pictures, in one of them, I had a huge band of white across my brown head, and I screamed! He said 'The flash must have done that because I didn't see it!!' I kept laughing and said 'Well, we aren't going to buy that one!' :rofl: Btw, I'm still rooting for your BFP this cycle.

Sis-I hope you do get lucky this time around. Who needs those doctors!

My dad did leave this morning. :cry: He had a nice time, and I enjoyed having him here. We put Rain-X on the windshields, and he stored most of his construction stuff in the garage. He'll be back in August to work on his other property. I'll have to find some more new recipes to try out on him. hee hee. Last night he was impressed with how quickly I put dinner together. And since he's lost weight since he's been here and working hard, he got a double portion! hee hee. I'll mostly be reading from here on out. I'll be back on Sunday! <3
Thanks Terri! LOL for real at the sunscreen on your head. I hate how they leave those embarrassing pics up too like it's really necessary. You have good ones so leave the bad ones for private viewing when I come to check them out. sheesh! Not everyone needs to see I'm a dork ha ha ha
I'm really trying to hold out testing because I'm not up for disappointment. Don't know if I can hold out for another few days though. Hard not to be excited. Ugh! Just want it to happen already. FX FX FX
Have FUN Terri :coolio: :boat: :bodyb: :shipw: :coolio:

Joy FXFX 13dpo I wouldn't have waited that long no chance :haha: I'm a POASA tho

Got my PEAK today just like I though and have serious aches on my left side so hopefully it's my GOOD ovary working it's magic ;)
Going to Acupuncture today and Saturday :thumbup:
Yeah, so I went ahead and did a test. Negative *sigh* not even a hint of a line.

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