Joy - how do you take your temperature orally or vaginally? that definately will affect your temperatures (whether they are actually too low). I too have heard that over 98 is a must for pregnancy... I quit temping a while ago due to the BS cysts I am dealing with and being on the pill for over 6 months now... I have a love hate relationship with temping- love the info it gave me about my cycle - hated the info it gave me about my UNSUCCESSFUL cycles.

You know what I mean...
In my first year (I am now in year 3) of trying to conceive - I ordered all the supplements for me and hubby.... we were like a pharmacy... I took Coq10 (ubinquol - the "purer" version of CoQ10), vitamin D, prenatal, b complex, DHEA, fertilaid - and the list goes on and on - I didn't take all these at the same time - although at one time I had a pill case with 21 slots so I could take 3 doses of vitamins a day... I got my husband to take Fertilaid (1 a day but the dosage says 3 a day) for a while - but I just quit buying them because he wouldn't take them enough to really help anything....
I cannot tell you with certainty that anything helped... my cycles were still rediculously short (19-23 days) with spotting constantly after ovulation... the only thing that made me have a regular cycle was clomid (no spotting - strong ovulation and 15 day LP). but only the first two cycles... after that I got these cysts that 7 months later I can't get rid of...

For some people supplements work (Sis' husband is one I think of right off) but for us - it was a waste of money for sure... I know there are some threads on here that talk about natually reducing FSH - all I can tell you is look for those... and try what you feel comfortable with...but I agree with Sis - your dr is bogus... there is always something to try - can you get a different doctor?
Terri - ENJOY your vacation and the beach, and everything that goes with that!!! and I guess your hubby too -

raining again here... I swear Noah is going to show up soon - I just hope he doesn't pick our two golden retrievers - they are the dumbest ones I have ever seen and we don't need that future for the breed!!!!