Oh my goodness ladies. It feel like I've been away forever from BNB! Been spending lots of time at family's summer cabins and as much as I love the time in the woods and lakes and living more simplistically, I was giddy as all get out to get back to town and pick up a Little Caesars pizza, take a hot shower, and gear up to watch all my recorded reality trash tv shows.
CONGRATULATIONS to Fezzle and Neesaw!!!! Yippee skippee! (Skippette in Neesaw's case). A GIRL! So lovely. Just wonderful! I felt like you were going to have a boy and I'm almost always wrong! My only advice to mothers who will have baby girls, is start sticking bows on her head as soon as she's out of the womb so that she is used to them. There are so few years that they will allow you to put big, ridiculous bows on their head and it's important that you take advantage of it. So happy for you!
And Fezzle....what a wonderful surprise to come back to and see those beautiful lines and digi!! You responded so well to your treatments I knew it was just going to be a matter of time. And I really feel like this is your sticky baby. I don't have any intuition about what you are having, either boy or girl just yet, but it will come!
Kfs1...Eeek so close now!! If my intuitions, or lack thereof, are right, I've always felt you're going to have a girl so I am guessing team blue, but love the girl name. Just sayin, get that boy name ready, too! And having both a girl and a boy, I can tell you that they are both so very wonderful, that it would be impossible for me to decide which one is more delicious. Definitely on baby watch for you now!
Sis-- i'm so sorry you've been having such disappointment with doctors over and over. What does TI mean and what is a gender wash?? You must explain! I hope the trip to Austin was a nice getaway with the hubsters and I'm still just so happy that he is on board with TTC... Because I remember well when you were really struggling with him to get on board. I'm just glad to see that he has been cooperating now and hasn't thrown in the towel! You know that I am totally pulling for you to get that little wren!
Joy-- I'm so happy that you have joined our group because you always have such encouraging words to say to everyone, especially when so many of us decide to do things..like run out into the wilderness for a couple of weeks...and not be as active on the board! I 100% understand you wanting to have another child to give your DD a sibling (and of course, your DH a child, as well.) You just keep on truckin' lady. You have a great positive spirit and have really provided a lot of happy energy to our "Oldies" board!
TERRI! Hope you had an absolutely wonderful adventure to the north! Did you come up through Michigan and go to Canada through Sault Sainte Marie or something? I'm trying to figure out your route because I believe you said you were going through Michigan. What did you do when you got up to Canada? And only 20 minutes of rain? I'm really shocked about that and you were seriously lucky! Sorry to hear that there was no Mexican vacation Bambino, but I am excited for you to get going on the next IVF and will be excited to share your journey and rooting for you along the way!
Wish-- As the other ladies have already said, my biggest concern is that the masses are not serious above and beyond anything else. Bottom line! I am so sorry to hear that your appointment with the St. Louis doctor was such a let down.

I know we were all hoping for good things to come out of that appointment for you, especially since you had wavered about even going and seeing that doctor. You have had such ups and downs through all of this and I just wish life would give you a damn break!! I realize that you are the one that has to make the decision, but I really hope that you don't give up trying. (Side note: I sent you a FB friend request)!
Sorry if I missed anyone! Hope everyone is doing well!