well happy Tuesday ladies!!

Sis - Flat temps might be a good thing - who knows??

If I have learned anything at all (and yes that is in debate) it is that anything can happen - I am HOH that you line will reappear shortly and this is THE cycle for you guys!! Hang on its still early!!
kfs -twinnie - you are SOOOOOOOO close... I cannot wait to find out if you are having a girl or boy!!! I am partial to girls - they are pretty awesome - but I always wanted a little boy I could dress up in a tie!!!

FX you labor is short and as painfree as possible!!! and that would be so cool if you and your sister had your babies on the same day!!!
joy - I have to say trying turned into not being fun at all for us... lots of tears when it didn't happen when it should've - but since I have been on the pill since January - the fun is starting to return... I know its not like that for everyone though!!
terri - I read about you having to wait another month... so frustrating but I know you want the absolute best possible chance for those embies to take root ... but it sure doesn't make everything easier all the time... but I am still rooting for ya!!! (always)

katie - love your posts! love your vacations!!

to you other oldie but goodies - give us an update if you haven't in a while!!

waiting for August 21st... my husband didn't realize that if I am on the pill there isn't really a chance for pregnancy...

bless his heart - he is really ignorant and we have been trying for almost 3 years !!! anyway...
well my niece is getting married and we had her bridal shower the 18th of July... she had a formal tea! I had never heard of that but ladies my mom, my daughter and me went and it was a hoot!!! Here are some pics of us...
Have a great week and if you are anywhere close to me today - stay cool!!!

to all