Happy Monday morning (uh am I supposed to say that??)
Sis - how you doing today love?? I see your temp drop...

hope you are doing well in Texas style!!

Joy - how was your weekend?? is it marathon BD time yet?
Terri - what you got this week? scan? blood work? throwing those BCP's in the trash yet??
kfs - TWINNIE - well any baby yet??? I cannot wait to find out boy or girl!! hopefully this week!!!!
fezzle - be sure to update on your scan today - I will be stalking your journal too!!
nessaw - over 20 weeks already with your pink bump!!! how exciting!!

to all you other lovelies...
AFM: still taking my BCP's (oh 8-9 months now) kinda afraid of how much of an emotional wreck I will become coming off these jokers!!! last day of BCP is 14th of August - surgery 21st...
but more important than that is that I have four days of work left then I am on vacation for 10 days... My youngest daughter and I are getting on an airplane Friday the 7th and flying to San Diego just the two of us... we are renting a convertible and driving up the Pacific Coast Highway.. think Thelma and Louis with no dying at the end!!!!!!!!! we are so pumped and excited!!! our first stop is LA and my daughter is wanting to take a picture at the Hollywood sign... has her outfit picked out and everything... Oh Lord help me...

I am going to enjoy our time together - college starts for her on the 24th... time marches on my friends... enjoy life - we are this side of the dirt!!!