twinnie!!!!!!!!!!! your sweet girl is so adorable!!!

Thank you for sharing her with us... and kuddos to you for going on your family get away!!! I bet your little one was the star of the show!!! bummer that you only have 1 more month of maternity leave - I sure do wish companies would offer longer PAID maternity leave in the US!!
katie - sorry to hear of your grandfather's passing... and we all grieve differently for sure and sometimes it is just so hard to get used to them being gone... and I bet Michigan is going to be absolutely beautiful with the fall colors...
joy - I cannot wait for your dr appt - they have to give you something to end this torture!!!

You have a great attitude for someone on a 3 month cycle!!! hang in there!!
Nessaw - how are you feeling lady?? I had to do a double take when I saw your ticker said 33 WEEKS!!!! is the nursery ready? you have names picked out??? Your little lady will be here before we know it!! how exciting!!!
Terri - I love reading your journal about the food you are making... sorry to hear about the weekend with the hubby wasn't as good as you hoped... as usual you are handling life right in stride... good for you and I am taking some pointers down for sure!!
Blues - Congrats lady!! Your scan pic looks lovely!! can't wait for the next
Sis - I am so happy this is you take home baby!!! now no more skipping meds!!!
Fezzle - Good luck with your decision on finding out the gender... I am partial to the walk in the forrest!!
AFM: CD 37! crazy reigns here... but I am just going with the flow (or lack of flow)

my body must be reeling from the surgery and stress I guess!!! I am wanting lots of chocolate so I am thinking she will show in a few days...
I am singing along with a lot of Taylor Swift break ups songs - my favorite is "mean" !!!

how pathetic is that

... I have my first lawyer appointment on Monday and I hate it

... but I know it has to be done. My husband is spending money like it grows on trees (in fact he doesn't have enough to pay his remaining bills for October) but I have to remember that is not my issue. The only thing that has my name on it is the new house - and it is already paid this month... just irritating that he is so irresponsible...
and if I remember someone asked about the new house - he is getting the house - I have moved to another town 10 miles away (my rental property) I am sad about that - I didn't even get to sit by a fire in the fireplace (my favorite thing about the new house)

oh well... being abused is not worth any fireplace ladies!!! I didn't realize how bad his treatment truly was until I started counseling... it is amazing what we put up with sometimes (or are deceived about!!)
life is good (minus the ex) the weather is beautiful and my daughter started her new job today... and I finally had enough $$ to buy a new microwave!!! we went a month without and I thought my teen was going to combust!!!

Have a great weekend ladies!!