Wish-I agree with the others..your exH is unbelievable. I mean, who does that?! Sis' comment about him bursting into flames made me laugh. In a way, it's good that your friend saw him and told you, so you have no reason to suspect anymore, and you have one more reason why you're better off without him. I am still kind of in shock over the whole thing, honestly. I hope you don't email him. Don't waste your time dealing with trash. Put it out and forget about it. And..if there's a hot man, good for you, although he needs to let you know what's going on. hee hee.

AFM-My dad is still here, and he doesn't have any hot dates with lady friends, so it's not like hubs and I could have a party even if we wanted to. Booo...hiss.... Bible study is cancelled this week and I had a good lesson plan for the the 5-7 year olds. I even had arts and crafts planned, so they'll have to do it next week. Fun is still scared/intrigued by my dad. My dad wanted to take him outside while he did some yardwork, and Fun would not go near him. My dad said Fun was running all through the house trying to get away. hee hee. Long story short, Fun sits in his crate during the day with the door open when my dad is at home. :rofl: What a baby.

It's supposed to :rain: all day. Remnants of Hurricane Patricia, I suppose.
Wish-I guess all I can say is "ditto" to what everyone else said. It's one thing to suspect but another to have a kind of confirmation. Like a stab to the heart when you already thought you couldn't hurt any more. I'm on the 'let him know why' side of things. I say get it all out. Say what you have to say and move on. No need for a response from him. It's not a back and forth thing but rather you taking one last chance to let him know exactly how you feel and what is on your mind. After that, walk away with peace in mind and heart and don't look back. There is no reason to rehash it ever again because it will all be said and done. I know you have your daughters and your mom so just embrace that circle of love and know you have the same here in your online family. Sending you the biggest of :hug: ever! Like you said...just keep smiling. <3<3

Sis- If ever there were words that evoke a visual image...yours were it! :rofl: OMG I could so see him in flames at the door! ha ha ha How are you doing with morning sickness? Hope you are able to keep the good stuff down.

Fezzle- Just waiting to hear the update from you today. :flower:

Katie- LOL can you imagine if we started placing bets on AF coming?! Sheesh! That was beyond crazy and I'm so glad it's over now. How did everything go in Michigan? Is Mimi doing ok? Are the children growing by leaps and bounds? I swear it always seems they make the most progress in the Fall/Winter seasons. LOL

Terri-I can believe that Fun is scared of your dad! LOL Freedom comes from stepping through the crate door and he is having no part of it! Uh oh your dad isn't going out on dates? Maybe he is thinking about a certain lady friend in particular?? ha ha Too bad about this weeks class but at least you have a lesson plan ready to go for the next one. I love arts and crafts so you know they are gonna love it! Stay dry today O:)

AFM- Just :coffee: and waiting to see what this cycle brings. I'm looking forward to a couple of appointments next month. I have one with a new GP and then I have one with a fertility specialist that is going to review my case. At least I'm not being told I'm too old or that there is nothing that I can do. They asked for all my medical records and my charting so they can analyze everything before the meeting. I just wish I had done more testing instead of letting the one Dr get me down in the dumps and think I had to give up. I want to see what they say or if they at least have any recommendations for me. I hear that they ask you to get a whole lot of testing done too if they take your case so I'll have to prepare for that. That crap gets expensive real fast when insurance doesn't cover it.

Hope everyone is doing well! :wave: to you all
Scan was great! He or she is measuring a bit on the small side, but still in the normal range. All the anatomy they checked looked good and healthy though, as did my placenta. He or she was moving around loads so it was really fun to watch! We have the sex info in an envelope which we're planning to open this weekend- if we can resist!

I'll catch up with everyone else later- at work. booo
Congratulations Fezzle! I'm so excited for you and your husband!! :happydance::happydance: :yellow::yellow::yipee::yipee:

Now to see if you can hold out until the weekend. Glad everything is measuring as it should and that you got to see so much movement. Baby was just as excited as you!
Yay Fezzle so Glad everything went so Well idk how u do it I would be looking and searching to know!! :haha:

AFM yes I have been able to eat the past few days DH has taken me out to lunch twice this week I just have to eat very small Amounts to keep my tummy in check!! :)
Joy- So happy AF finally arrived!!! When you meet with the specialist I would ask about your chances with a mini-ivf cycle. Here is the link to one of the studies I read. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3650145/

Wish-OMFG the nerve of your husband!!! I'm an atheist and I'm disgusted that he took his mistress to church with him. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!! You deserve so much more. I just know you will find a hot man that actually deserves you. Independent women do have to look harder to find a man strong enough to handle us!

Terri-Oh poor Fun! So hilarious he rather be in his crate than hang out with your father.

Fezzle-So happy about your scan. I would never be able to hold out til the weekend for the results. I can't wait to find out!

Katie-I hope your trip is going well.

AFM-My scan went well. The baby is 20.6mm which is 8 + 5 so YEA!!! Right on target still. The heartbeat was 176. It was so strong and you could see immediately on the ultrasound. I have officially graduated from the clinic to my OB! I have my first appointment with the OB on November 2. Not sure what to expect at it but my doctor is writing a letter to the OB to summarize my procedures and the various ultrasounds.

This past week the fatigue has turned me into a narcoleptic. I literally am falling asleep everywhere in like 5 -20 minute increments. Staying awake at work is soooo hard. I had my first bought of vomiting this morning. I hope it stays mild as I wasn't nauseous throughout the day.
Great update Blues!! Yay for graduation...are you they putting you in the high risk category because of age, or they haven't said yet? I'm so happy that the baby is doing well and you are doing well (aside from a little bit of nausea). :wohoo:
Thanks Blues. Interesting read for sure. I'm not sure I would qualify because I haven't done IVF before so don't have a track record of failure and also my FSH is higher than 'slightly' elevated. It doesn't hurt to ask though! Glad you and baby are doing well. Too funny you becoming a narcoleptic! Takes a lot out of you growing a tiny human. :sleep::sleep:

Yay Sis for keeping food down! Plus hubby being so good to you and taking you out twice in a week. Can you say pampered boys and girls? LOL
Fezzle---So glad the ultrasound went well! Oooh, this weekend?! Yeeee!! I'm going to make my guess… I "feel" like you are having a boy, and I'm typically opposite, so I would say girl. Although I was wrong with kfs1. It's just that my "feeling" is usually wrong. &#128523;

Random side note... I wonder if IUI's typically produce more boys than girls? Unless I don't understand the process, I think they try to time the insemination right before ovulation? If that's the case, boy sperm swim faster than girl sperm so you would think that more boys would result out of IUI? Sis has probably researched this…Go Sis!

Blues--Hooray hooray for another good ultrasound and being moved to regular OB. I would think since you have had a good pregnancy that they would just put you on regular protocol, but every doctors office is different with how they treat ladies over 35. but as we say, extra ultrasounds and checks on the baby is never a bad thing!

Sis--You should be getting out of the nauseous stage soon right?? Were you sick like this with your boys? When do you get to find out the gender?! I still can't believe after all of this time and losses you're having a baby!

Terri--I can just picture your dad trying to get Fun outside with him and Fun giving him side-eye! So, I know your dad is there because of the infection at the rental property, but is he planning on renting it again or getting out of the landlord business and selling the property? I know so many people who rent properties and it always seems to end up in a big headache! I could never do it. I am so type A that as soon as I walked in and saw a stain on the carpet I'd flip my lid!!

Another totally random side note--I stalk the "Chinese Acupuncture" thread...and I have since I first joined the site, so I've been secretly keeping up with all of those ladies for a couple of years now. Anyway, did you know that one of those ladies is actually pregnant now but hasn't mentioned it on there? I'm not sure why she hasn't announced it but I saw her post something else on a separate thread and she's in her second trimester now!! I'm super stalker happy for her, I'm just surprised she hasn't shouted it from the rooftops.

Joy--It sounds like the clinic you're going to be working with is a step in the right direction! Sounds like they are on top of things. Woohoo!!

Wish--I agree with Joy and Terri...get it off your chest and then leave the garbage on the curb. Continual hugs to you!

Afm--Trip to Michigan went well but it was cold and rainy and I don't think we are going to do another October trip in the future. Especially since we have to take my daughter out of school now, which wasn't a consideration before, when she was in preschool. Now, in elementary school, they get all fussy about that kind of stuff! Anyway, the trip was good being able to see the family and my Mimi. Nobody in my family are big cryers… We all grieve privately… But there was a sadness that definitely permeated my Mimi. Just a forlornness. She wears Granddad's watch, carries his wallet, and wears his favorite sweatshirts. It's like she has to have things that were always on him, close to her, to feel him. Wow…I never really figured that out until I just typed it! But I can only imagine that when you're with somebody since you're 20 years old and you are now 94, it's like literally losing a part of yourself.

Enough of that sadness… Everyone have a great upcoming weekend!
Katie-ooh that's a good scoop on the acupuncture thread. Maybe she just feels bad since most on there did not get pregnant. Even though we're all strangers, we're still women with feelings and feel bad about sharing good news sometimes. I'm happy for whoever it is. I do know that one person on there was being stalked by a coworker so she had to stop posting. How crazy is that?

Sorry your trip to MI was so sad this time and yes, it's cold there in October. Maybe Mimi can come visit you next time.

Fun definitely gives my dad the side eye. He's such a baby I can't even believe it.

Hubs, my dad and I had dinner at the casino last night. It was really good. We went to Aaron Sanchez' restaurant. He's on food network and cooks Mexican food. If definitely go back. None of us gambled, and that's fine. It wasn't that crowded for a Thursday night, but we were there pretty early so I'm sure it gets more crowded as the night goes on.

I'm working second shift today so I'm home now and resting up for my four hour work shift. Hee hee. I get to work a shortened day when I work off shift. Yay!! Have a great weekend everyone.
Wow so glad everything is going great for U Blues Congrats on Graduating!!! :)

AFM I spoke to soon on the Nausea I got sick that nite and felt Horrible yesterday been taking my meds today so I can have Papadeux for Lunch :) its our 10 Yr Anniversary Today that's why DH has been so nice this week Joy :haha:
Still no call about my results just yet ... And NO Katie I wasn't sick at all w the boys but I'm not Counting my eggs just yet !!! FXFX

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!!!
Katie-Not the best trip but still having family together was a comfort for all I'm sure. Hugs to you and the whole family.

Terri-Ahh dinner at the casino sounds good. I like watching Aaron on Chopped. I'm sure the restaurant had fabulous food. I don't gamble but I like to go for the food and the shops. Can't remember the name of the place I used to go in Foxwoods casino but they had the BEST new york style cheesecake! OMG I always had to eat one there and take one for the road. Bought a whole one once and they looked at me like I was about to go on a binge eating craze. One slice is humongous and about 4 inches high. HUGE but I love it!

Sis-Ha ha ha the return of the sickness. Get that under control because Papadeux isn't as good coming up as it is going down. Congrats on 10 years!!! That is wonderful news. Wishing you both many more years together.
Happy Anniversay Sis! What a wonderful gift you both have coming! That is really interesting that you didn't get sick with the boys and are sick now… It is a more medically-based theory that women carrying girls tend to have more morning sickness due to the increased girl hormones running through your body. But I know you know that! Never got horrible, horrible morning sickness with Kaylee, but I was absolutely more nauseous and had more food aversions with her than I did with Cody. Absolutely no doubt. I think there is a nice probability this could be a girl no matter what the gender study thing you had done said. Feeling with you, too, has been boy almost from the get-go. And you know how I go with that. Can't wait to find out!
Here's a pic of the kiddos Halloween pics. Kaylee is Frankie Stein (the daughter of Frankenstein from Monster High) and Cody is Frankenstein!:haha:


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Wish/Twinnie - No real words about your husbands actions. I mean, that is just beyond disgusting and I hope that this just reinforces for you how much better you are than him! You deserve SOO much more! And your life is already so full without him anyway. So a big FU to him! Still, I'm sending big hugs and kisses to you. Stay strong my friend.

Terri - That's too funny about Fun and your Dad. Dogs are so funny that way. My SILs dog despises their Uncle. I mean DESPISES. So bizarre.

Fezzle - Congrats on the great scan. Woohoo. :)

Blues - Congrats to you, too. Such great news. Try to get some rest.

Sis - ugh. I hope the nausea subsides soon.

Katie - LOVE those pics. Your kids are too cute! hope you're doing ok.

Hi Joy! :)

Happy Halloween everyone!
Katie- Your children are just adorable! Love the costumes. Looks like Kaylee is enjoying being a big sister.

KFS1 - Hi! Thanks for popping in. Hope you and Miss Adeline are doing well.
I volunteered at a nearby football game yesterday with the SPCA and there was a family fun festival. The kids came on buses from the YMCA and I asked one girl what she was going to be for Halloween and she said 'Frankie stein!'Thanks Katie. Otherwise, I'd be like a grandma :jo:-"Frankenstein??" Ha ha. Love the pics.

My nieces and nephew didn't know what to do, but once they figured it out, the two year old got the most candy because she kept asking for one more piece. They were Elsa, SWAT guy, Doc McStuffins and a watermelon. I'll put a picture up tomorrow.
We took our little card to the woods today and found a lovely spot where the sun was coming through and hitting a pond- plus the weather is gorgeous here today!

We closed our eyes and counted down and...

it's a girl! :pink:

We were both surprised- we both were leaning towards thinking it was a boy for some reason. Now we just keep giggling about it. DH is on the phone with his mum now, and I'm waiting for my parents to get up and online so I can tell them.

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