Thanks for the support everyone. I really appreciate it.

Blues-I sure hope you get some good rest soon. It's hard work growing a baby so you need all the rest you can get.

Sis-I like the name Quinn. Not very common and not crazy unusual either. Now to find the perfect yelling name combo. LOL

Kfs1- That is definitely gross! Unknown substance anywhere is not a happening deal. I swear I go and drop him off and wipe every nose before I go. I can't stand children with runny noses that aren't tended to immediately. Ugh! Just spread love not germs.

Katie- How are the children doing? And your mom as well? Day care is definitely a cootie fest but he has really taken to going to "school" and seeing his friends. LOL It's funny because I ask him what his friend's name is and he says "friend" ha ha ha Plus they have little bitty potties for them because a lot are potty training. Luckily Nicholas has been potty trained since he was 1 1/2 so it's all old news to him but the child size potty made it much more comfortable for him to use a strange bathroom. It's the little things that count huh?

Terri-At least the snow is clearing up fast. It always sucks that the side streets take forever to get cleared up though. At least you survived it ok. I saw pics of empty shelves in the store from people buying up everything they could before the storm hit. I don't think I would buy a snow blower for just a couple times a year either. I don't mind shoveling so much so maybe that's why. Do you have little doggie booties for Fun? I used to have jackets and booties for my old dog Twinkle. She was a corgi and the best dog ever.

:hi: to every one else. Hope you all are doing ok!
Joy-I never commented about you giving up or not giving up, but you know what's best, and things will either happen or they won't. I'll be around no matter what you decide though. :hugs:

No, I don't have booties for Fun. I told Kyle that I think he needs a sweater, but I certainly didn't get off my tush to go get one for him, so we ran out quickly for him to pee/poop. I didn't notice any hypothermia, and I probably saved at least 20 bucks. My coworker's dog has those little booties for his dog, but again, it's a dog. HA!!HA!!

Hi to everyone else!
I get it. Plus it doesn't snow as much in your area. We lived in a place where snow was treated with sand and salt so the booties protected her feet from salt damaging the pads of her feet. They also came in handy on super hot days when the pavement or roads were scorching so her paws didn't suffer from burns.

Well, looks like me suffering a bout of sickness a few days ago means we missed O day. smh For some unknown reason I was vomiting from 6am until after 2pm and spent the entire day/night in bed. Then of course I got the temp spike for the next couple days so no chance again this month. It is what it is I guess...
Hello Ladies! I decided to come on this morning and see what the oldies but goodies were up to!!

Joy - good looking chart this month - and yes you are the only one that can decide what you wanna do - but we are always here for you (even those who don't check in very often):haha:

Terri - good job with all that shoveling - ugh not my favorite pass time - but my dogs LOVE it - but they are golden retrievers and have lots of layers to keep from freezing!! :)

kfs - i remember the day care days and school days (gosh I am old to be writing that) kids always got sick when heading back to school or day care... the unknown substance would have grossed me out for sure!!

blues - yay on the C-section choice - definitely sounds like the way to go for you. your poor sister!! ouch!

Hi katie - update on the twins coming - I haven't watch making of a murderer but it seems to be the topic of conversation as of late!!

Sis - love the name Quinn... my nephew is Quintin - I call him Qman - although he will be 18 this year... so maybe he wants me to stop that!!and I am in southern alabama for a military school - so no snow for us - and I love the grilling and chillin!!

AFM: after much drama (from the ex) I am now officially divorced as of Tuesday. I am dreading all the name changing crap - especially since I just went through this less than 3 years ago. But there was no way I was keeping that last name... :growlmad: trying to delete everything related to him as fast as possible.
anyway on to the twins - they are doing GREAT!! and she found out the genders this week :blue::blue: :cloud9: yes identical twin boys!!! no comments on facebook for those that are my friends - we are having a gender reveal in March.
the names are Aiden Thomas and Anthony Lewis - the "thomas" middle name is my brothers name and I cried when she told me (my brother has no children of his own) just a very sweet decision and it means a lot to me...
I still have bittersweet moments - especially when it is obvious that i am fertile - thanks to knowledge that never goes away about my body - that it will never be me having a little baby - but I am hoping that these two little boys will help heal that wound.
She is due in July - I am hoping she goes in June because I have military duty the whole month of July - that I cannot get out of because it is directly tied to my deployment in 2017. Her doctor said she will let her try natural...which is not good for my planning!!! hehe
she is going to a specialist becauase the boys have one placenta and we want to make sure there is no Twin to twin - although its been frustrating cause her dr didn't think there was a reason to send her since they have separate sacks...:growlmad:
right now I am just praying she stays pregnant (too many years on BnB ladies and reading bad outcomes) for as many weeks as possible :happydance: and the boys make their arrival in June!! :haha:

I think of you all often! Hope your having a great weekend!! February tomorrow!!!
Wish- very exciting about the twin boys! I hope they come before you have duty- I guess since they expect twins to come a little early, they'll get plenty of care if they do!

I'm excited about Feb because then I can say 'next month' the baby is coming! Possibly 'this month' but hopefully not!
Yay on Twin :blue: wish so exciting!!! :)

We have a few middle names but DH keeps rejecting them :nope:

Lei (lee is DH middle name)
Lynx (my fav cuz it flows DH hates it)
Luca but it doesn't blend well

Or we can just scrap the l middle name and go w a T name so his initials will be Q.T. Woodring :rofl:


On another note DH says we can try again right away but to be prepared for another Boy :nope:
We r looking into adoption options but not ruling out another Try for a girl we will do some sort of sperm manipulation tho!! :shrug:
Ugh Joy, I'm sorry about the sickness and missed o day but did you DTD any prior to the sickness? Gosh I hope you are feeling better!

Wish--Hooray for baby blue times two!! I will remain hush hush. Has she even posted a pregnancy announcement on FB? How many weeks would that make her now? Those grandbabies may not entirely fill in the void that you may still have, but I suspect they will fill up a lot of it. My mom told me she feels so lucky to have my kids because she was only able to have me, and she is so close with them. 💗

I must have missed some information about a 2017 deployment?! What's going on with that?

Sorry to hear there is so much drama with the ex, but now that the divorce is final, hopefully that's the end of it. I see on Facebook that you are delving into the world of marathons again! I think it sounds like pure torture, however, I will say that went through a really screwed up breakup years ago, the thing that made me feel better was getting on the treadmill and running my anger/hurt out. And I HATE running. Was probably the only time in my life that I ever ran anywhere of my own free will. So run, swim, bike, etc. like the wind GIRL!!

Sis--You know I love the name Quinn, and my vote would be for Teagan, Tobias, and how do you pronounce Lynx? I'm just reading the full name and how they roll off the tongue. I know some people think of it in terms of when you are yelling at them when they are being naughty (totally valid!), but when I look at full names, I think about how it will sound when they walk across the stage to graduate!

Hi to all the other ladies!!
Lynx would be pronounced Links DH doesn't like it much but oh well he will deal if he wants the L middle initial!!! :haha:

DH got me a maid I feel Super Weird having someone clean my house :pop:

Adding 26week bump pic to my Journal!! :)
You know Sis, at first I wasn't sure about Lynx, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. And what I think is of utmost importance!!

Ugh. I wish I had your 2nd trimester pregnant bod over here being 1 year out from being pregnant! But not the nausea that is causing it. Not that. You look great and the bump looks healthy!

I have a cleaning service once a month and love it. I told my hubby after he got me a Roomba for Christmas that we wouldn't need to spend the money on the cleaning service anymore (because vacuuming is the biggest part of cleaning for me). Yeah, I have the robot vacuum and still haven't cut off the cleaning service. It's just too wonderful to give up. Plus, Cody is transitioned to regular milk now, so I justify it by saying the money we save in formula can continue the cleaning service! 😂
Wish- I'm glad that chapter has finally come to a close so you can move on with your life. I'm super pumped about you having twin grandbabies! I love my little grandson to death. OMG almost makes up for no baby of my own but not quite. I hope you continue to receive the blessings and happiness you deserve.

Sis- I'm not sure about Lynx but I like Luca even thought it's not as melodic as you would like. Also I do like some of the T names you have there. Especially how the abbreviation rolls out! :rofl:

Katie- Unfortunately no there was no appropriate BDing time this month so it's all a wash. This is the thing that really pisses me off. When we are trying at the right times, then my body doesn't work right and I have a short cycle or no O at all. When my body straightens up and has a normal cycle, something else happens and we completely miss the window of opportunity. It's like I can't win for losing and it's all a freakin conspiracy to keep it from happening. Even my DH has taken to asking about O time and asking questions about CM and such. He NEVER talked about that stuff before so now that he is it just sucks that I have to tell him how defective my cycle is being. I don't want him to lose hope either but dang already...Ugh! I'm sorry for the rant but I am just so frustrated with this.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. First month of the year down and 11 more to make it our best year ever! What ever that means for each of you...GO FOR IT!!! We are all worth it! :hug:
Yes we have 4 dogs so keeping up w the pet hair is a pain but right now my baseboards r clean :) even my ceiling fans and blinds r clean I might get use to this :haha:

I guess we will figure out a middle name sooner or later ... My mom changed my name in the hospital cuz she saw it in a phone book so u never know :rofl:

Hello 5miracles Welcome :hi:
Wish - I'm happy that your divorce is final simply because now you can just move on! And great news about the twins. Congratulations - two little boys!!! Your daughter lives close to you, right? Umm - I don't think I heard anything about you being deployed. What's the deal???

Fezzle - Wow. Almost there!! How are you feeling?

Katie - What's new with you???? Oh, and what do you think of the roomba?

Terri - What's new with YOU????

Sis - I'm so jealous that you have someone to clean your house. I HATE cleaning and my house isn't even big. :)

Joy -

My entire house is getting over being sick with bad colds. I'm so over this winter for that reason. :) In other news, I made it through the first round of layoffs at my company but found out that they're moving my office to Hoboken, NJ, which for me, means a 2 hour+ commute one way. Ugh. They're allowing us to WFH 2 days a week but it still stinks. Need to figure out my next move for sure.
kfs1-Hi!! Sucks about your job moving. That's too far away for you even with a wfh perk twice a week. It's definitely time to start looking. You can't stay away from those cute baby cheeks for long!

Joy-Congrats to your team!! It wasn't the best game, but it was worth watching, and I'm happy for Peyton. Did you notice how he hugged Papa John at the end? I thought that was funny, and had to rewind it to show my friends. Good for him. I'm also glad that Von Miller won the MVP. The defense did it all-throughout the year, and during this game, so he/they deserved it. Your chart is so perfect. Makes me sick that you're out.

What's new with me? We had a Superbowl party last night. Other than that, a whole lot of nothing, really. I've been running up and down the highway trying to rent my property in PA. The house is done, I just need a tenant now. I'm training for a half marathon in March, and it's coming up fast. I went running on Sunday morning and it was 23 degrees when I started. I was warm at first, and then I started getting cold. I had to head back home because my right hand was SO cold. Hopefully next weekend I can get my miles in, but I guess when it's freezing, I'm just going to have to run later in the day when the temps warm up, even though I hate running when a lot of people and cars are out. That's the latest...just :ninja: mostly though.
Hi Everyone, Trying to catch up a little but not succeeding. I was off from July 2015. We were packing,moving,selling our house, changing jobs and stopped in 3 different states in a month. We settled into MA in November.

Just found out two weeks ago we are expecting. Sooooo siked. We will have our first ultra sound on the 19th. ��
Hi Everyone,

I've been gone a little while. We moved out of state, changed jobs, sold our house, and made two week long stops in two different states until we settled in MA. My last post I was waiting to see if I was pregnant in 2014. That was a bfn. We have been trying since then. I'm sooooo excited, we found out 3 weeks ago that we are pregnant😊!!!!!! We are 6 weeks 1 day. I have my first ultrasound on the 19th Can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see if it's one or twins. There is a possibility and my husband said its two. He also told me I was pregnant the week before I took the test.
Congratulations Hoping!

I have been MIA because of the lack of sleep due to hip pain but finally found that compression shorts really help. So excited that I hit viability. I also finished some more crafty things for the baby. I knit a dress and shrug and also wove her a carseat blanket.


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Hi ladies,
Sorry I've been remiss in posting. For some reason it seems like all the threads are quiet lately, but for my part, it mostly has to do with fact that the nasty cold that kfs1 mentioned has been floating around our household as well. I'm just thankful nobody got the flu or a stomach bug. But this cold virus will just not go away!!

Welcome 5Miracles!! We usually tend to be more chatty but just having a lull right now. 😂

Sis, your story about your mom changing your middle name in the hospital reminded me of my friend. When her older sister was born, her mom had a name picked out for her. But as she was watching TV in the hospital, she saw a show with Cybil Shepherd in it. She asked somebody what that actress' name was because she thought she was so pretty. Well, she misunderstood what they said her name was, and thought it was pretty and decided to name her new baby girl after the actress. She named her Cypil! Lol. Let us know what you finally decide for middle name!

Kfs1--Well that stinks big-time about the job situation. However, being able to work two days from home is nice while you look for something else. I'm just sorry that you will probably have to look elsewhere. That commute is just unmanageable!! I mean, do they actually expect people to make that commute??

And yes, I still LOVE my Roomba. The $300 it cost has saved me countless hours of vacuuming and well worth the upfront expense!!!

Terri--that's funny, this is way old news but I noticed that too about him hugging Papa John! But then one of the guys at our party said that Peyton either owns stake in that franchise or something to that effect. The thing that was really corny though was when he said he was going to go have a bunch of Budweisers after the game. Such an obvious plug and I sure wouldn't have included it in my last Super Bowl/game comments. I like Peyton outside of that though. 😂

Hoping4Argyle--What wonderful news! Huge congratulations to you and I'm so glad that you came here to share the news with us "oldies"! Did u conceive naturally or with assistance? Glad to see you come back in here with such great news!

Blues--You are seriously impressing me with your skills...beautiful work, lady! I had terrible hip pain with both of my babies but chiropractic care really helped a ton. I'm not sure how women make it through pregnancy without a chiropractor! But I'm also the wimp who grabs Tylenol for hangnails, so it's all relative!

AFM--The kids and I are leaving on Friday to fly to Arizona for my Mimi's 95th birthday party. My mom is also meeting us there. We are having a ladies high-tea tea luncheon with her friends. So anyone familiar with that or living in the UK, I'm looking for you to give me some tips! Seriously. It was my Mimi's idea and my mom and I are wine drinkers so we have no idea what the heck we're doing! We've heard some talk about cucumber sandwiches. We know there is definitely tea involved. My six-year-old daughter is talking about making crowns for everybody like the queen wears. That's all we got! 😂

Anyhoo, it's in the 80-90s right now in AZ and I am so excited to get in the pool and feel sunshine on my face. Sitting here in Tennessee freezing my buns off, it was strange packing up our swimsuits, SPF and pool paraphernalia. I'm soooo ready!

Hi to everyone else and hope you are all doing well!!!💜
I've been quiet with everything else going on, especially when there are big threads to catch up on! Tomorrow is my last day of work and the kitchen renovations start Monday, so I'm hoping things will be quieter soon! But, I'm feeling ready for this baby- she's head down so it seems like she's ready and I think we have all the essentials if she comes early even though there are more things still to do. Hopefully we'll have the nursery finished by the end of the weekend and I'll share some pics if so!

Katie- you should also have some scones with cream and jam!

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