Blues-You are so crafty! Have you always knitted, or is this a new project?
Glad things are going well.

Katie-Enjoy your visit in AZ. I wish I was someplace warmer right about now, but it's supposed to be 60 on the weekend. I'll take what I can get. I wonder if Peyton was really being sincere or trying to get a Budweiser contract. I think he's kind of a strange bird, but I like watching him play, either way.

Fezzle-Finally, the remodel is starting! They are right on time, so that's great. And since they're starting now, they're bound to be finished by the end of the month. Contractors usually work pretty quickly.

Hoping-Nice of you to stop by. Congrats.

Hi to everyone else.
GL on the scan Tomorrow Hoping!!

Katie its been HOT here during the day but it gets cHilly at nite we have been cleaning the Pool but No one dares get in it!!! :haha:
Hope u ladies have Fun in the sun :shipw:

Oh and FYI my Mom changed my whole name at the Hospital!! :shrug:

Quinn is head down and a week ahead for those not watching my Journal!!
Hi ladies! I'm writing from my phone so this will be short - I wanted to answer some question I read
I am deploying next year to a sandy place- 😁 -9 months boots on the ground is the rule - so I will be gone most of 2017.
My youngest daughter finished her application to her next college that is about two hours away - not sure how I will handle her being gone - we gotten so close since her dad died - but with her moving to school and me deploying - life is definitely changing!!!!
Now on to the twins - well she had her appointment with the high risk ob - and surprise surprise - 2 placentas and a boy and a girl!!! 😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂 it's like every visit we get something new!!! Haha - although the little boy is showing soft markers for trisomy 18 - which is concerning but not concerning enough because they are not seeing her again for 6 weeks - so hoping and praying he is healthy boy..:-)
Trying to catch up with you all!!!! :hugs:
Katie - I am in SoCal and its been beautiful here. I know you will love Arizona's weather! My mom got me a prenatal massage and I CAN"T WAIT TO USE IT!!!!

Also now you got me wanting a Roomba!

Fezzle - OMG Fezzle! You're due date is so so close!!! I will have to be sure to stalk the board so I don't miss the announcement!!

Terri - I began knitting when I was around 11 or 12. I began getting migraines and the neurologist recommended knitting because meditation failed me. He said knitting brought you to the same meditative state since I couldn't shut my mind off to meditate properly. I stopped knitting in high school because I got too busy. I picked it up again when I moved to California for grad school. It helped me deal with the stress. So since I started knitting again, I've been knitting for about 15 years.

Sis- OMG I love your scan! I haven't been offered the 3d scan. I hope I can get one soon!

Wish- I'm such a worrywort I'm going to be worrying about you the entire time you are deployed! I hope you are able to check in with us every once in while so we know you are ok! Wow so exciting boy/girl twins!
Blues - I'm so sorry about the hip pain. Sounds excruciating. Glad to hear that the shorts are helping though. I can't believe how talented you are though! Loving that cute baby dress and the blanket and shrug.

Katie - Yeah, the commute is ridiculous. I mean, not everyone will have as long of a commute since I'm already 45 minutes north of our current location but it's clear that the company does not care if we stay or go. They're not offering any kind of assistance or incentive. Still, like you said, it's something until I can figure out my next move. Resume's posted but I'm also considering going freelance. Just nervous about not having a steady paycheck! Anyway, that's so great that you're in AZ! Ahhhh - warmth. Must be glorious. :)

Hoping - Congratulations!

Fezzle - Wow. You're almost there!!! I am beyond excited for you. You're a brave one, starting kitchen renovations this close to your due date. Post some pics of the new kitchen when you can. And try to relax in the meantime! :)

Sis - Such a great pic of the babe. :)

Wish - Wow. A boy and a girl! That's so amazing. Congratulations. So crazy that you'll be overseas for most of next year but like you said, it sounds like so many things are changing in your life. I hope you're OK with being overseas though and will not be located in too bad of an area. :( You'll have to check in with us for sure.

Terri - I was just reading your journal. I hope you get that new position. Sounds like it could be a good opportunity!

Nothing much going on here ladies. Saw friends this past weekend and we realized we hadn't seen each other since October! So crazy how time flies as you get older, right? This weekend we might head down to Virginia to visit my SIL for her birthday. If not, a good friend's coming to visit so either way, hoping to have a fun weekend.
Blue honey- I'm so glad that the compression shorts are helping. I never knew they existed. Hip pain can be a monster. Did they send you for PT. With my last pregnancy I had bursitis and they sent me for PT. Even though it was late in the pregnancy it gave some relief.

Katie- Hope that you are feeling better and that bug is long gone. I conceived after 3 failed iuis in Indiana. Four faileds and a new fertility clinic in Massachusetts. I used gonal f.

Fezzle- So exciting that the baby is head down. You are a trooper starting renovations!

Sis4u - The scan went good. I just had mixed feelings that I wasn't expecting. I saw my 1 little baby. I was so relieved because I have a really hard time carrying twins. Then another sac showed up but it was empty. I immediately felt guilty for being relieved but after seeing the empty sac I felt a little sad. I never expected that. I'm so happy to see my little Egypt. We assume it's girl. According to my husband. He always calls it right. We won't know for another two months.

Wishing4another- Wow, b/g twins. Baby boy will do great!

I'm still trying to catch up.
I was really quick about what has transpired since my last post in July 2015. I really missed the board. We had tried for three months using iui. Two failed and we had to cancel the third due to eight eggs releasing. I was devastated do to the fact that my husband was changing jobs and the new job didn't offer fertility coverage. That job didn't work out almost immediately. We were going to lose our house. In the final hour wi lots of prayers the house sold in 3 days. A company called my husband after seeing his old resume online. Interviewed twice over the phone. He flew to MA for the interview. While we lived out of suitcases at his families house since we had to sell our house so quickly. It took almost a week to hear whether he got the job. We were on pins and needles. We were so excited so off we go to stay with my family in another state for two months until the job started. Thankfully the job started in two weeks after my husbands request. For two weeks my 5 year old was in a new school. The. When we made it to MA another new school. My twin boys were adjusting. I was fighting to get his speech therapy continued in NY, thankfully the evaluation transferred NY to MA. Finally in Ma. In Nov 2015. Insurance by Jan and to he fertility clinic. February we find out I might have an aneurysm according to an MRI. I'm a wreck. By March I'm cleared after a CT scan. Then a Kidney stone attack. My urologist puts a stent in and speaks about reconstructive surgery. By May I'm cleared and it was concluded that I don't need reconstructive surgery of my kidney and that the stent wasn't needed. My ureter collapse at time causing back up in my kidney. I must drink tons of water, take cranberry pills. Go to the bathroom back to back to make sure. Sorry TMI. I was cleared in May but I wasn't vaccinated for chicken pox which is a three month process. So that brings me to August. My fertility Dr. Seemed like he just wanted to do ivf despite my history of iuis working. He triggered me early with a small follicle. The next time he triggered me with a 14 (One of my twins was a 15 but they triggered then because the other follicle was a 18) and my lining was only 6.5 the nurse tried to tell me that was good. I was livid. New Ferility Dr by October after changing records and waiting on insurance clearance. October iui and gonal f 150 with 1 insemination (2 follicles) Bfn. November same protocol (1 follicle)Bfn. Finally December double iui due to request and my husband told me later he did an extra click with e gonal in the beginning ( 1 follicle and another found the day before trigger). Everything is worth it. I would have walked through fire if I had to. I will try to keep up from now on. I was overwhelmed for a while and down. Thanks for still being there and being so warm!!😊
Wow Hoping- Could definitely see how you would have been overwhelmed with everything but it sounds like you went through all those trials to come out in a much better space in your life. Congrats on the baby!

Sis- That 3D picture is cool. Don't stress the name too much. It will come to you.

Katie- Hope you are having an awesome time in AZ with the family. I really need to get there and visit my family too.

Terri - Heeeeyyyy!

Wish - I'll definitely be keeping you in prayer while you are deployed. So excited about the twins though! Congrats.

Fezzle-Are you done with the baby room yet? I can't wait to see pics. Plus with the kitchen renovation your house is going to be rockin'. I love watching HGTV for all the renovation shows and to get some ideas for what I want too. Hope you are doing well.

Blues- I think I may have to take up knitting since you mention starting it for migraine and stress relief. I could definitely use that as I'm not very good at meditation either. You've got some serious skills there and your daughter will be so adorable in those pieces.

AFM- Well I'm working overnights and sleep during the day so that doesn't help with checking in here and it most certainly isn't helping with the BD action. (sigh) With this switch in scheduling my chart is all over the place this month so hopefully it will settle in sometime soon and we can see where we land on actually ovulating with bding. The saga continues for now...
Here are some nursery pictures! I'll post some kitchen pictures once we get to the point where we can take some 'after' shots as right now it's all horrible before shots!


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Fezzle so jealous of the Lil birdies that was my girly room for my wren except purple of course I think we r gonna try right after Quinn but we will see how delivery goes !!! ;)

DH got a BIG job offer so maybe IVF will be feasible w the extra cash or adoption like we both want :)
DH think he's our Lucky Charm already!!
Hi Everyone! Hope everyone's week went well.😊

Joy143- Thanks for your positive words. I hope you adjust to your new schedule soon. That could be challenging but it will level off.

Fezzle- I love your nursery. Your branches and birds are really a nice touch and let's not forget the butterflies. I hope I can have a girlie nursery

Sis4U- I couldn't believe we had the same girl name. Lol. My husband picked the names if we have a girl her name is going to be Egypt Ren. He said he got it from the girl on star wars but we are just spelling it different.

AFM- First OB appointment after being released from the FD.
Nothing going on here- I'm just waiting for some sort of sign of labour to start! I have a sweep on Friday, and I assume they'll book an induction for me early next week, so hopefully not much longer to wait. The good news is the worst of the kitchen renovations are finished now!
I have a half marathon to run this Saturday. Other than that, not too much going on. Warm weather is here this week so I'm taking advantage as best as I can. My hubs and I went to see Motown the Musical at the theater last night and it was amazing. We are so fortunate to live outside of a city that has great offerings like sporting events, live theater, etc..Sunny days make me happy. Hope the rest of you are doing well. :hugs:
Not much here either I'm having BH according to my Dr we have a scan 3/23 then weeke,y scans after that!! :)

He will be here B4 we know it :0
Fezzle--Holy hot dog! I can't believe you are ready to go! Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I was thinking you wanted to try a more natural approach without pain medication for the birth? If so, I wonder how that works with induction since it's an IV drip? Just thinking about the ability to get into a tub or on a birthing ball, etc.? Or if once they get the contractions going, they remove the drip? I was induced with both kids but it didn't matter since I knew I was getting an epidural and could just lie like a sloth in the hospital bed watching TV until they told me to push! 😂

Terri--Although I still hold firm to the belief that people who run marathons have a bit of crazy in them, way to go for it. Ha! The weather is warming up here, too, and boy, does it ever help to lift your spirits. How does your husband like going to the theater? I never go anymore because my husband isn't a fan. 👎

Sis--Are you feeling the Braxton Hicks this time? It's weird, because I felt them all the time (even early on) with Kaylee, but with Cody I had one or two episodes of feeling them and that's it. Have the nauseous feeling been at bay??

AFM--Not much going on of note except we bought a house to flip. My hubby still has his job in retail, but his degree is in architecture and he used to be a general contractor in his younger days. He's really good at that kind of stuff. He built our little cabin in Michigan and this side project is right up his alley. Hope it works out! We got a good solid house for a great price in a nice neighborhood. It was just super fugly on the inside. The people who owned it for many years were from another country. A country that apparently has terrible taste in home decor! Oh. And doesn't mind living with roaches. A zillion roaches made themselves known in the kitchen once the former owners moved out. I just can't. So hubby is taking care of that now.

So that's about it for me. 😀
Katie- they start with pessaries before the drip- I think you can try 3 times with the pessaries to get things started first. I'm hoping the sweep on Friday plus a pessary will be enough! I'm not sure if I can have the pessaries as an out patient thing or if I'll need to go to the hospital though- I'm hoping I can just have one from the normal midwife and wait at home for something to happen. If you're not in active labour here, you're probably going to be stuck on a ward with a bunch of other women rather than having your own room with a tv (with limited visitor hours), so I want to stay home as long as possible.

The pessaries didn't work for one of my NCT (antenatal class) friends though and she ended up having the drip which also didn't work and then an emergency c-section, so I really don't want that to happen!
Hey ladies! Not much going on here. I've been looking for a new job since my company announced they were moving but no luck so far. So I went to tour the new facilities since it looks like I'll have to go for the time being at least. Holy cow the commute is looooong. 2 hours/15 if I'm lucky. I'll be shot those 3 days for sure.

Terri - you amaze me with how fit you are. Keep it up lady.

Fezzle - I'll keep checking in. So close!!! Glad the reno is done.

Sis - I feel like your pregnancy has flown! How are you feeling?

Katie - congrats on your reno project. That's so great that your husband is handy like that! Let us know how it goes.
Hi everyone,

Not much going on here. I'm just waiting to get out of my first trimester and be less nervous. Dealing with a bladder infection right now. Other than that not much going on.
Yes it has Flown by I'm so NOT ready :haha:

Yes Im feeling BH and they r horrible some days I've never had them b4 if my hubby gets this new job I might need Ur DH to come redo my house all tho I'm usually the one doing the DIY !! ;)

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