Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Sleeping is in short supply right now.

I had my growth scan today and she's measuring a week ahead and weighs 2.9 lbs. So she's long and skinny lolol. My dr and I decided for me to get physical therapy for the hip pain the pregnancy is creating bc that is the cause of my lack of sleep. I will receive a call from the drs scheduler to set my csection date. Im soooooo excited that I will know her birth date soon!

Fezzle-you will have a baby in no time!
Hi Everyone!

Katie- I am addicted to HGTV and all the house remodels. I hope your house flip turns out well. Roaches are no fun but it could always be worse. At least your husband has experience with these things. When we buy, we are going to have to hire contractors because that is not in our skill set here ha ha ha

Hoping-I hope that bladder infection clears up soon! Love your little train in your signature.

Terri- Congrats on running a half marathon. You are one amazing woman!!

Sis- I swear it's like you can't catch a break. Hope those BH let up for you. Good luck on your hubby getting the new job. Adoption or IVF, we are here rooting for you and a future little Wren.

Fezzle- Any update yet???

Blues-I hope you get some relief with the physical therapy STAT! LOL Sleep is in short supply it seems and I am definitely in that camp so anything to help you find relief I am all for.

KFS1-That commute is no joke! I pray you find something closer or that you are able to make a go of it with freelance work. It's hard to set out on your own with the uncertainty of a paycheck but perhaps it will end up being worth it. Maybe you could freelance a little on the side before you completely quit your job? Just a thought but either way I hope you find some relief for your situation soon.

AFM-I'm still trying to get used to the night schedule plus I've taken on an extra assignment on Saturday mornings so I'm pretty well shot as far as free time. LOL Haven't been able to check in as much as I would like but I do think of you all often and will check in as much as I can.
Thinking of all you ladies, too! Haven't had a lot of time to post. Had to make a quick, unexpected trip back to Michigan because I have another grandfather who is ready to pass. But thinking of all of you and wtg for Fezzle's birth!
Sorry for not updating! I don't know where all the time goes- mostly to feeding! Freya Dorothy arrived on 16 March, about 24 hours after they put in the pessary for induction. It all happened really quickly once things started and she had to be delivered with forceps, but I didn't mind as I got a spinal block! We struggled with breastfeeding for the first few days and she lost too much weight so we were readmitted to the hospital for a couple days, but she gained back a lot when we were there and breastfeeding is getting a lot smoother for both of us now. DH is still on PL for another week so hopefully we can just hang out at home now and enjoy being with her. We have some final touches to be done in the kitchen on Wed but that's pretty much done now too other than putting everything back in it and decorating it.
Hooray Fezzle!! So looking fwd to the pics of little Freya!!

I was able to find your pregnancy journal and read about your birth experience…I cannot believe that everyone thought you were in early labor but you were actually ready to go! Here you were thinking that this pain was early labor and you had so much longer to go, but you actually championed right through it to the end! Well done!
Hi ladies,

Miss you all!!!!

Not much new here. In the past month, Adeline has survived RSV and a 2-week long stomach illness, the poor thing. But, knock on wood, she seems to be on the mend. We had a great Easter weekend. Took my nieces down to the Natural History Museum, did some cooking and shopping, met the Easter Bunny, and spent Easter at my in-laws. Beautiful weather - bummed to be back at work. And next week, my hellish commute begins so I'm starting to do some soul-searching - trying to figure out my next move. :)

Hope everyone's doing well.
Huge congrats fezzle xx
big hi to everyone. Sorry for not posting more but am reading.x
So so sorry I've been MIA too it's been crazy busy around here and time is flying by!!

Congrats on Ur Lil girls Fezzle can't wait to see pics!

AFM we start weekly scans and well checks on Wednesday and should have a date set for a Csection soon!! :)
Hi Everyone

Fezzle can't wait to see the pictures of the new baby!

Sis-so jealous that you are so close to the end!

Terri- hows the running going? Im dreading restarting my exercise routine. Im going to be so sore

Katie-i hope you are doing well after your grandfather passed.

Afm- for the past two weeks, everyone kept telling me that I looked ready to pop. Apparently they were right! I had an appointment on Monday and I am measuring 37 weeks!!!!!!! Im only 31 weeks. My dr stated she wasn't concerned yet bc I passed my GD test with flying colors and my last ultrasound a month ago showed that the baby was a week to a week and half ahead. But I do now have to see her every 2 weeks to keep track of the growth. I also have to time my Braxton hicks to make sure that it is false labor still. She also stated that I may have her early if I continue to measure so far ahead.
Oh wow Blues..that's exciting...sort of unexpected but exciting nonetheless. Definitely keep us updated. :hugs:

My race went well, and now I'm just kind of doing maintenance runs during the week. My sister and I are thinking about a marathon in the fall, but I'm unsure if she's really serious, and I'm not signing up and then having her bail on me when it would be out of state, so...that's up in the air. Other than that, just chugging along over here. Opening day was on Monday and it was a lot of fun, so still raging out as best as I can for a 40+ year old! hee hee.
Sis--Wowee so close now!! Time is just flying! Are you ready?

Fezzle--Can't wait to see pics of Freya! Hope you are settling into motherhood nicely, although it's usually a lot of sleep deprivation and sore nips (if you are still bf)! But this newborn stage goes so quickly, just try to soak in and enjoy it and take a bazillion pictures.

Blues--Whaaa??? I have never heard of someone measuring so many weeks ahead! I guess the big question is, are YOU ready?

Terri-- The following you on Facebook it looks like you are having a blast doing so many things! Is there anyone else who is a runner friend that could go with you if your sister bails? Ask WISH! The two of you can go together!

As for me, everything is same old, same old. My grandfather did pass a few days ago so I'm very glad I made the trip back to Michigan to spend time with him and for him to know I was there. He made it to his 90th birthday just a few days before he passed. Was a blessing that he went, as he has not had a great quality of life the past five years and was really bad at the end. But all is good. Hope all is good with everyone else, too!
Katie-I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Losing loved ones is so difficult. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow morning. It's a cousin of mine (my mom's first cousin), and I don't really know her that well, but I'm the east coast family representative, so I'll head up there to pay my respects and say hi to my distant family members. Thanks for always keeping up with me on FB. That picture from the photo booth was too funny, huh? HA!!HA!! I may have to contact Wish if my sister ends up bailing on me. She's a machine!
Katie so sorry to hear about Ur Gpa so glad u got to spen that special time w him tho it makes it easier... I know I still wish I got to spend more time w my Gmas!! :(

Well Quinn is measuring 37wks too I'm closed but 75% softened :shrug: my Csection is scheduled for May the 4th Be W U!! :haha:
I'm sure he will be here b4 then tho I'm having contractions at nite so if they get closer to 8mins apart I go and have a Baby!! :)

And NO WAY I'm not ready I'm ready to be able to breath again but so Not ready for him to be here :haha:

A Lil pc from the shower I put a few on my Journal!! :hi: to everyone !!
Well as of Wednesdays check up Quinn weighs 6lbs9oz and I am 1cm dilated !!! Been having pretty steady contractions today but nothing super strong I think it's the meds they gave me for my hip making my tummy hurt more than anything!! ;)

Hope everyone is doing Well!!
Sorry I've been MIA I don't know if u guys saw all the Flooding in the news but my Subdivision was all over the news we had to be taken out by Hover Craft!! Quinn is our lucky charm for sure cuz we only got water in the garage and some in the dining room!! Our neighbors lost EVERYTHING!! I guess somebody was looking out for us thy knew we coildnt handle a baby and rebuilding at the same time!! :nope:

My checkup last week showed NO Progress so we r set for Csection on May 4th I go for a scan and a checkup in the Am will Update!!!

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