On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

Me too.. I am glad to finally be "Trying" again, but I wish I didn't have to be trying.
are you using a digital OPK or a line one? I have heard that once the digital ones detect positive, they don't always reset themselves to be negative... if that makes sense?

I'm using the disposable line ones. That would have made a lot of sense about the digital ones though!! They finally turned negative this morning (CD 28). In total, I had 9 days of +.

I think if I were you Topanga, I would trust the temperature spike and not the OPK. Generally speaking (from my research) the only true confirmation that you have ovulated is a temperature spike. I have no idea why you would still produce LH after ovulation but you say this is common for you. Perhaps it's like HCG and miscarriages. After a woman has a miscarriage it takes a while for the HCG to leave your system. Mayber your body makes so much LH that it just takes a while for it to get out of your system after ovulation. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. :)

Can I just say- I would love to be pregnant. I'm sick of this "trying" stuff.

Thanks Red! I like the point about HCG. I've wondered the same thing myself. I hope you're right! I have another blood draw to check my progesterone tomorrow morning. I'm excited to see if this confirms ovulation. Definitely crossing my fingers!!!!

And I know... this TTC thing is for the birds. So annoying!
Amen Topanga!!!!!! I'm so over it... But I want a baby so I keep at it... Keeping praying, keep hoping, keep as positive as I possibly can... So, when it does happen my sticky bean has a nice positive place to grow..

I do know one thing... I may not have my babies in my arms yet, but I already love them with alone so strong... I can't imagine what it will be like when I do get to hold them.
Amen Topanga!!!!!! I'm so over it... But I want a baby so I keep at it... Keeping praying, keep hoping, keep as positive as I possibly can... So, when it does happen my sticky bean has a nice positive place to grow..

I do know one thing... I may not have my babies in my arms yet, but I already love them with alone so strong... I can't imagine what it will be like when I do get to hold them.

I know! Me too! It sounds silly but sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with the love I have for my future-not-yet-in-existence child. That's what keeps me going. One day I'll be able to hold said child in my arms and I think I'll finally feel complete.
I couldn't agree more red. I go to the dr again tomorrow. I'm going to push for an ultrasound. DH and I bd last night and it was painful. I'm a little concerned that something is not quite right, especially when you factor in all the weird symptoms I've had.

I've had blue veins in bb and theyhave been sore since November 30th! The stomach getting larger has only been in the last two-three weeks.

Outside of TTC news.... DH and I went to look at a house for rent tonight. It was in our price range and beautiful. Of course, as we pull up there was another lady there. Turns put she needs a place for her and her son and she is in a nasty divorce. She was crying. So, we decided to let her have it and keep on looking. We don't need a place until march 1st. Sigh.... It really was beautiful...

Of course, it made me realize all that I have...
Glad you are pushing for an US.. after everything that I have went through, all I can say is if you know something is wrong, you know its wrong. No one knows what their body is saying better than us! Hope you get resolved and can have you baby soon!

Wylder - I call mine my "hypothetical child" lol.

Looks like I am gearing up to O... got some EWCM today... boobies have been hurting... getting some cramping. I had a negative OPK this morning..b ut hoping it is positive tonight or tomorrow!
Went to another doctor today. I've decided to switch to her because she is so much better! She ordered an ultrasound of my stomach. Yeah! But... I'm going to a gyn on Wednesday morning, so I'm going to hold off and see if he does one.

Do you think I should get it anyway? I could probably get in Tuesday afternoon.

I will just be happy to get answers. My belly has often big and it is hard to zip my jeans. I look pregnant. I would say that maybe I had just gained weight, but I've only gained three pounds since October. I am an hourglass shape, so 3 lbs doesn't really show on me. I gain weight all over never in just one area.
aknqtpie- hypothetical child is much easier to type. I should use that instead

cary- I think I'd go ahead and schedule the u/s. You haven't had the best of luck getting docs doing what you want them to do so now that you have one that is willing, I'd take them up on the offer. You can always tell the gyn that you already had one scheduled.
Getting both doesnt hurt... At least having 2 opinions.
I agree with ak! Get it done while you know you have the option! And be sure to tell us the results!!!
Gahh one of my friends just announced that she's 3 months pregnant with her second baby. My friends are throwing me a birthday party next weekend. Now I'm going to have to hear all about her pregnancy and see the bump and everything at MY birthday party.

Really, it's not that I'm not happy for her, but the timing couldn't be worse. It's like the universe isn't happy unless it's making me feel bad, now this on my birthday party? The one night I was looking forward to getting out with friends with no baby talk?????

Just rub it in my face that I'm a year older and still not pregnant, while everyone around me gets pregnant like its nothing. It doesn't help that my due date would have been next month and we've been TTC now (including the miscarriage) for almost a full year. I really can't handle all of this.

*end self-pity rant*
Topanga - I am going through a similar situation.. at first I felt like you did, but now I am thinking there is a good chance that me and my really good friend can have babies close to the same age, which is really cool! And think, when you do get pregnant.. they are going to be so happy for you. As we will be!

AFM - Positive OPK this morning!!!! :) Think I should O by Monday. If I get my BFP this time around, I will tell them they were conceived on Superbowl Sunday lol
I hope you lovely ladies don't mind my joining. :flower: Now that the evil :witch: is here I thought it would be safe to join this group. I had thought there was a chance I would be getting my bfp first try but it was all in my head. :nope: I've never gotten pregnant in less than 5 months so I think I would like to be with other ladies who are settling in for a bit of a longer road (though I hope our bodies prove us wrong this time!!)

I made the mistake of visiting the First Tri forums the other day and I recognized so many ladies from the Miscarriage forum....many who had miscarried after me already 8 weeks into their pregnancy. I felt very let down and betrayed. Not by them, of course, but I just felt so empty and lonely and thinking "why not me??"

Good news is, it seems my cycles are pretty much to normal now. Hopefully, I get more luck this cycle. with my longer cycles I only have 2 more tries to get my bfp before my angel's due date.
Awe starry I know how you feel. It makes me sad when others who have miscarried get preggo right away and I have yet to join them. I feel like it's never going to happen for me. :(

Topanga- I can relate. Yesterday at the staff meeting another coworker announced her pregnancy. What's weird/sad is that when I found out she was only 6 weeks along the first thing I could think of was a bunch of negative thoughts like "I can't believe she'd announce it when she's probably going to miscarry!" How ridiculous is it that my view on pregnancy is now so warped that I think that people can't carry babies without miscarrying.

AK- I've been crampy and showing signs of impending ovulation as well. Looks like we'll be O buddies and then TWW buddies.
AK- I used to be that way. But in the last year, I have watched friend after friend after friend get pregnant and/or give birth. I am literally one of the only people I hang out with who is not pregnant or who doesn't have a baby (or two or three). At least one of my friends (usually multiple) has ALWAYS been pregnant during the last year. When my friend who got pregnant with me over the summer had her triplets two weeks ago, she was my last pregnant friend. I can't describe the relief that FINALLY none of my friends were pregnant. I was still sad that they had babies, but I was so RELIEVED that I finally--for the FIRST TIME since TTC--did not have any pregnant friends. It was a huge weight off my shoulders. It was the first time I didn't have to dread seeing ultrasound photos or baby bumps or upcoming babyshowers or visits to the hospital. It was like I could finally focus on me without having to deal with the constant pain that comes with ALWAYS having a close pregnant friend. When I saw my friend's triplets in the hospital, it was happy/sad, but mostly, I felt relief. I knew that that was the last baby-related thing I would have to deal with for a long time. Of course, that lasted two weeks before this newest announcement. I really am happy for her, but I needed a break. Just a couple of months without a pregnant friend really would have gone a long way to help me heal emotionally. I've never had that before.. I've ALWAYS had to deal with pregnant friends during this whole tortorous process and I thought that was finally over.

Starry and Red- I feel the same way. :-( So happy that they all got their rainbows so quickly because I know they all deserve it, but I don't understand why it can't be me too. I feel like I've suffered enough. But I feel like it's never going to happen for me either. I just can't imagine seeing a BFP and watching my stomach grow. :-( It just feels like it's never going to happen.

Listen to me moan! Sorry ladies, it's just been a really rough day. I'll be chipper in the morning!
:hugs: Topanga... I hope you feel better! Your time will come. :)
:hugs::hugs: Topanga, I really hope you get your forever rainbow soon. Then you can drive all your friends crazy with your pregnancy and baby talk.
I completely understand Topanga! I have the same thing going on here. That's why I love this site. I can be me... I can talk about anything... My worries... My symptoms... My hurts and I have a supportive group that doesn't think I'm absolutely insane!

Our time will come... All of us... I have to believe that

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